NST P 2 Activity

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In conclusion, groups are collections of individuals who come together for a common purpose or goal,

and who interact with one another in order to achieve that purpose. Groups can take many forms,
ranging from formal organizations with clear hierarchies and rules, to informal gatherings of friends or
like-minded individuals.

Groups can serve a wide range of functions, including providing support, fostering social connections,
promoting learning and development, and facilitating the accomplishment of shared goals. They can also
have both positive and negative effects on their members, depending on factors such as the group's
goals, norms, and leadership, as well as individual characteristics and experiences.

Overall, the study of groups is an important field of research within social psychology and related
disciplines, as understanding the dynamics of groups can help us to better understand human behavior
and social processes.


People form groups for a variety of reasons, such as to fulfill their social needs, achieve common goals,
increase their sense of belonging, and share resources and information. These groups can be intentional
or accidental, depending on the circumstances.

the formation of a group is driven by a desire for social interaction and connection. People are naturally
social creatures, and they tend to seek out others who share their interests and values. The specific
reasons for forming a group, and the level of structure and organization, will depend on the situation
and the goals of the individuals involved.


the most important one may be shared purpose or goal. Without a clear sense of why the group exists
and what it is trying to achieve, it can be difficult to establish effective communication and decision-
making processes or to maintain group cohesion. A shared purpose or goal also helps to create a sense
of interdependence and interaction among members, which can further strengthen the group's identity
and sense of cohesion. Ultimately, all of these characteristics work together to create a successful and
effective group.


Understanding the context of a group can be very helpful in academic group settings. To apply this
understanding, consider the purpose and goals of the group, the characteristics of the group,
communication and decision-making processes, and group identity and cohesion. By doing so, you can
work more effectively with group members and achieve greater success in group projects. Foster a
strong group identity and cohesion by building relationships with group members, engaging in team-
building activities or social events, and creating a positive group dynamic that promotes collaboration
and trust.

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