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1. Interactive
2. Deputy
3. Vocation – inborn talent
4. Compulsory
5. training
6. E-learning
7. Assessment
8. room
1. a
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. b

Express your point of view on the following ideas from the Audio.

What do you think about the ideas expressed in the Audio?

1. Sarcastic
2. Insistent
3. Humorous
4. Angry
5. Sad
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. a

1. they can’t use interactive boards properly though their student use technologies every day.
They’re techno freaks.
2. She thinks its not enough to have only knowledge about the subject without communication
3. It is helpful but it can’t help in each situation as the students are different and the world is
4. Vocation
5. They need to be up-to date

Buried under the hip of their problems

Indignant with
1. С
2. С
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. B
Get started – C

Ex 1

1. control
2. new
3. capability
4. learner
5. Keenness
6. PhD
7. modern
8. compassion

Ex 1

1. you couldn't be more mistaken – SD

2. I agree up to a point – no - formal
3. No way is that true – SD
4. You’re spot on! -SA
5. I couldn’t agree more! – SA
6. I do see your point, but… - no - formal
7. I’m with you 100% on that! – SA
8. I`m in two minds about that – no - formal
9. I`m not at all convinced about that! – SD
10. That’s complete nonsense! – SD
Ex 3

1. Sure
2. utterly
3. absolutely
4. good
5. complete

Ex 5

1. I agree up to a point, as classroom management helps to maintain discipline, encourage

initiative and decrease punishing in a class.
2. I can`t say I`m in complete agreement with you. Being a doctor means being responsible
for somebody`s life. If it is your vocation – your job will be really rewarding. You don’t have a
chance being a bad one.
3. I do see your point, but it is possible to teach without technologies as few decades ago.
Internet is a great distractor in a classroom!!!!
4. You’re absolutely right! The only way to understand the teaching experience is to work
with students on your own. Practice is above all!
5. I`m in 2 minds about that. Teaching is about communication skills, empathy and other
soft skills, which robot can`t be good at.

Ex 2

1. G, h
2. E, f
3. d, c
4. A, b
Based on our discussion I
Article Finnish education facts
Prior to age 7, Finnish school children can attend day care/nursery school but they do not have
formal education whilst there, Instead, they focus on creative play.
For every 45 minutes of learning, students enjoy 15 minutes of play. – it helps to concentrate
Finnish students are not measured at all for the first six years of their education.
The school day starts between 8-9am and is finished by 2pm.
Finnish Teachers are not graded.
They believe that every child has some special needs and therefore special education is for
Finnish students have the same teacher for up to 6 years of their school career.
Finnish Students have less homework than any other student on the planet.
Teachers only generally spend 4 hours a day in the classroom and have 2 hours every week for
professional development, thus reducing teacher stress.
The Finnish national curriculum is a broadly based guideline, allowing teachers to use their own
style and ideas in the classroom.
1. Teaching is made available for everybody – they put all the applicants on the same line –
so they have different intelligences and academic profiles to choose from.
2. They take all students for a special 5-6 year program instead of working with the best
applicants using a special program.

1. Revise Listening – Speaking
2. Read essay guide

1. When you successfully complete a degree course you graduate from uni
2. Mature students
3. Universities
4. Distinguished scholars and leading authorities in the field
5. Gifted kids with remarkable mental agility
6. Straight-A student


1. Mental agility
2. Formal education
3. By heart
4. Get a place
5. Set texts
6. Full marks
7. Room for improvement
8. Quick learner
9. Demonstrate their ability
10. The entry requirements
1. Played truant
2. Attention wanders
3. Shows any initiative
4. natural talent
5. marked improvement
6. win a scholarship
7. attend school
8. meet the entry requirements
9. apply to
1. Maths, Russian language, Literature, English
2. No – only signed up for a free webinar
3. I`d like to read psychology
4. I`d apply to one of English universities
5. The academic year begins in September and ends in June
6. You have to pass Russian State Exams and probably entry exams to secure a place at uni
1. A thirst for knowledge / power / recognition
2. Join a course
3. His concentration / attention / voice wavers / the person wavers between this and that
4. Proven ability / proven guilt / respect /
1. G
2. C
3. E
4. B (A)
5. F
6. D

1. League tables
2. Selective education
3. Equality of opportunity
4. Perpetuate inequalities
5. Tertiary education


1. Inequality is inherent in the system

2. Elitism is bad for the country in the long term
3. Comprehensive schooling is a basic political ideal in many countries
4. A two-tier system of schools depresses the opportunity for children from less well-off families
and favours those from better-off families.
5. Some private schools are well-endowed and this means the can have better resources
6. All parents want their children to excel at school
7. Emphasis on the 3 Rs is perceives by parents to be the key to success.
8. The government is increasing its provision for undergraduates.

1. Literacy refers to the ability to read / numeracy refers to the ability to count or do basic maths.
2. A student who is doing a doctorate is postgraduate / undergraduate is a student who is doing a? first degree
3. Bullying is when a pupil uses frightening or threatening behaviour towards another child who is smaller or
less powerful in some way / excelling is a process of achieving excellent standard
4. Secondary education is the stage that follows primary education / Tertiary education is education at
university or college level
5. Selective schools choose the best students to study there / comprehensive schools are schools for students
of all abilities where education is free.
6. League tables list schools from good to bad according tot heir exam results / Guidelines are often official
advice on how something should be done.


1. Won a scholarship
2. Distraction from her studies
3. Guidelines
4. Mature students
5. Tuition fees
6. Student loan
7. The 3 Rs
8. One-to-one
Ready for advanced pp 144-145


1. E
2. G
3. A
4. F (d)
5. C
6. B

I wouldn’t know????


Not since – ни разу с тех пор

Not until – только тогда
Was I made?

Pp 146
Ex 2
1. As soon as we have settled into our armchair, we think of…. / We have no sooner settled
2. You shouldn’t kiss your children on any account if the concert has started / You should
on no account kiss
3. I do not whistle along to the music at wedding either

1. Only very rarely do we go to the cinema these days

2. Never before have I seen…
3. At no time must bags be left
4. Not until the very last page is the identity of the murderer revealed
5. Only when someone complained at reception did they realize the painting had been hung
upside down.
1. Never again would he play
2. Hardly had she sat down to watch her favourite programme when the phone rang
3. Under no circumstances will you be allowed to enter the auditorium once the play has started
4. Not only did we go to the NG but we also saw a WE musical
5. Not since Amy went to the circus as a child had she enjoyed herself

1. Only very rarely do I go out in my city

2. Under no circumstances would I start working as a school teacher
3. Never again will I attend modern performances
4. Not once in my life have I gone bungee jumping
5. Not since I was little have I felt so free
6. Not until I finished the 2 course did I realize I would never be a lawyer

GR and VOC pp 148

Ex 1.2

Enthusiasm, persuasive, energetic, determined, (efficient)

Ex 1.3

2. T

3. T

4. F (she threatened to withdraw her support in a project)

5. F (those involved in music education around the world have visited the city to see her project in

Ex 1.4

2. Making music she sees as a fundamental part of a child`s development

3. What impressed us most was the way she calmly and clearly argued her case

4. Rarely have I met anyone with such passion for their beliefs
5. A number of times the council has tried to make changes to the Music in Schools Project in order to
save money.

6. Only after Maria threatened to withdraw her support from the project did the council back down.
Cleft sentences

It is formal, it`s better to avoid it. It might be used in any cases.


1. It was at her 18th b-day party that she announced she was going to join the air force.
2. What we did was to ask a farmer to pull us out with his tractor.
3. It could be the battery that’s flat
4. What I don’t know who sent them
5. It must have been my parents who gave Wei my phone number.
6. What the research shows is a link…
7. It was his nervous laugh that made me think he was lying

2+ f – Has todays match to be postponed, it …

3+g – Had anyone been looking at Maria ….
4+d – Were taxes to be increased further, ..
5+a – Had the doctors operated sooner,…
6+h Were I president, …
7+b Were your flight to be cancelled,
8+e Had heavy snow been forecast,
1. Seldom have I heard
2. Did he realise
3. Did I realise
4. Have there been – difficult
5. Did she answer
6. Had he got – diff
7. Did she say

2. What was the real problem was the hotel / It was the hotel that was the real problem
3. that she really got furious about
4. first came an electrician
5. 3 days it took them
6. what annoyed me most was the attitude of the stuff
7. Never have I seen
8. Not once did anyone apologise

1. Not only did she take pride in

2. Such was her hatred/dislike
3. There was no alternative for her but (there was the only alternative for her)
4. No sooner had I made a complaint
5. Were she ever to become
6. distinct possibility of my / me getting promoted
Inversion rules
1. We use the auxiliary verbs in Inversion, but in Fronting we don’t use
auxiliary and don’t change the word order.
2. Inversion in 2 and 3 conditionals. Had – 3 cond. were + to be/ verb – 2 cond.
Should – 1 cond.
3. Inversion in the 2 part – only after, only later, only then, not since, not until
4. Usually no commas
5. No sooner… that (Past Perfect) / Hardly, barely, scarcely … when
6. In no way – formal / no way – informal
7. So + adj / such + be + THAT
8. No sooner (as soon as) + Past or Present
Recommendation – only after, not only, but
Letter – Rarely have I met! Seldom have we taken part! Should you need any
more info…
Review – So successful has the Music been!
Advanced Grammar in Use

1. along comes
2. Up go
3. Back he went
4. In came
5. Up came (along)
6. Away she went
2 + h Should you not wish…
3 +a Were the plane ever to be built…
4+g Should the ice hockey team win ….
5+d Were I to be offered
6+i Had a car been coming
7+f Had there been a referendum
8+b Should you not to be able to afford
9 +e Were Charles Dickens to be alive

1. Europeans spend more of their income on housing today than do Americans.

2. Americans spent less of their incomes on clothing in 1970 than did
3. Europeans spend more of their incomes on transport today than do
4. Europeans spend more of their incomes on recreation than on clothing today,
as was the case in 1970.
5. Americans spent less of their incomes on food and drink than on housing in
1970, as is the case today.
6. Europeans spend more of their incomes on transport than on clothing today,
as was the case in 1970.

2. Kamal went to Oxford University, as did his sister.

3. People in poorer countries consume a far smaller proportion of the earth`s
resources, than do those in developed nations. (as / than – in which cases)
4. He is a much better teacher now, than he was 5 years ago
5. Dan is a keen golfer, as is his wife.

1. At no time was the public in any danger.

2. Only with close friends and family did he feel entirely relaxed
3. Only if the pitch is frozen will the match be cancelled
4. Little did I know that Carmen and I would be married one day
5. Barely had he entered the water when it became clear he couldn’t swim.
7. on no account are you to light (must/should) the fire if you are alone in the
8. not for one moment was there any rivalry between the 3 brothers
9. not only was I wet through (but also), I was freezing cold
10. only once had I ever climbed this high before
11. hardly had the audience taken their seats when the conductor stepped onto the
12. only in last few years has he been acknowledged to be a great author

2. such was the strength of the hurricane that few…

3. such is her dominance in the sport that she hasn’t lost a match for over 3 years
4. so similar (alike) were the twins that even …
5. so complicated was the problem that it even took a computer…
6. so boring wat the lecture that most
Such was the heat of the oncoming
Has a town of this size
Into these vehicles climbed the sick and the elderly
As did all non-essential police officers
Hardly had the evacuation been
Soon after that complaints from some residents were heard
At no time did the fires pose
And nor did most of my neighbours
So upset are some elderly residents
Had we not taken this action (cant remember)
Will the residents be allowed
My Grammar Lab Advanced
1. B
2. A,C
3. A,B
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
1. +
2. Little did we know
3. As are most of the marketing team
4. +
5. So be it
6. Put on a great display they did
7. +
8. Now is the time (time adverbs?)
9. Rarely had the early explorers encountered
11.As are those
12.Opposite this house ran the old city walls
13.Did he manage to escape
14.No doubt he didn’t realise

1. Exhausted though he was,

2. To make the p to M is…
3. Boyd`s work is…
4. That proposal the government really can’t accept
5. On the table was placed an enormous …
6. Much more challenging for… is Cresta
7. Also included in the report were …
8. Lying in the shop doorway was an elderly man
9. To get to the bottom of the mystery proved impossible
10.So severe was the damage

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