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constitutionalism, doctrine that a government’s authority is determined by a body of laws or


Different between constitution and constitutionalism

constitution constitutionalism
Constitution is a body of rules, principles and . Constitutionalism is based on the belief that
practices controlling the distribution, regulation government should be based on established laws
and exercise of government powers and principles.
A constitution is the fundamental set of rules and constitutionalism is a political philosophy or
principles that specifies how a country should be doctrine based on the concept that the
governed, what rights citizens possess and how government’s authority is determined by the
power is distributed constitution.

constitutionalism basically refers to adherence to a

A constitution is a system of basic principles constitutional system of government.
describing the governance of a nation or state

Similarities between Constitution and Constitutionalism

Constitutionalism would not exist without a constitution, and a constitutional way of governing a
country requires limits and boundaries to the central authority;

Constitutionalism is based on the principles outlined in the constitution – or in other core legal
documents – but it is also a principle of its own. The idea of constitutionalism is opposed to the concept
of authoritarian and despotic rule and is based on the belief that the power of the government should
be limited in order to prevent abuses and excesses.

The constitution is often a written document, while the principles of constitutionalism are generally
unwritten. Both constitution and constitutionalism evolve with the promulgation of democratic ideals –
although they do not always proceed at the same speed.
Both protect and preserve individual and collective rights, preventing the central government from
abusing of its powers and infringing on the citizens’ basic freedoms; and

Both have evolved and significantly changed during the last few centuries, benefiting from the spread of
democratic ideals and becoming key features of the majority of Western countries.

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