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A Thesis Presented to the Basic Education Department

Bloomfield Academy
Wilfrido Tecson Ave., Vista Grande, BF Resort Village, Las Piñas City

In Partial Fulfillment in the Requirements of

Practical Research 1 and 2

Ama, Al Morgan B.
Corilla, Francheska Imie R.
Fernandez, Jessica G.
Uy, Andrew Benedict M.

February 2022

Grade 12 - Equality (ABM)

Research Adviser
Jesary Marc D. Arnosa

1. Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background …………………………………………………………... 3

1.1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………... 3
1.2. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………………………………………. 4
1.3. Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………………………………. 5
1.4. Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………………………….. 5
1.5. Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………………………….. 6
1.6. Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………………………….. 7
1.7. Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………………………………... 7

2. Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies ………………………………………………….. 8

4.1. Local Literature ………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
4.2. Foreign Literature ……………………………………………………………………………………
4.3. Local Studies ………………………………………………………………………………………... 11
4.4 Foreign Studies ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4.5. Synthesis ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

3. Chapter 3: Methodology ……………………………………………………………………………… 14

5.1. The Research Design ………………………………………………………………………………...
5.2. Population and Sample Frame ……………………………………………………………………… 14
5.3. The Research Instruments …………………………………………………………………………... 14
5.4. Data Gathering Procedures …………………………………………………………………………. 15
5.5. Plane for Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………... 15
5.6. Statistical Treatment of Data ………………………………………………………………………... 15

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Chapter I



Inflation is widespread in today's economy and has historically existed in all markets. When
prices for products and services increase due to many factors including scarcity, demand, and high
production costs, this is referred to as Inflation. It affects how each person behaves. Due to the possibility
that the price of the same item we bought a month ago may change from its present price, our decision to
buy a single item may differ. It is the progressive rise in product and service prices. In other words,
inflation increases our cost of living. Our capacity to purchase particular goods and services decreases
when our cost of living rises and the value of the Philippine Peso rises.

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is in charge of managing and controlling inflation in the
Philippines. Its principal objective is to control and stabilize the rate of inflation in order to protect the
quality of living of the Filipino people and maintain a healthy economy. Section 3 of Republic Act 7653,
also known as the New Central Bank Act, which was passed in 1993, states that the BSP's primary
objective is "to maintain price stability favorable to a balanced and sustainable expansion of the economy,
which will help support and sustain monetary stability and peso convertibility."

During the pandemic, the cost of many products and services increased. There was also a drop in
commerce, tourism, revenue, and government spending. More Filipinos were unable to obtain
commodities due to a lack of services and abrupt disruptions to supply lines, causing the price of items,
notably medications, to skyrocket. Lockdown measures designed to stem the spread of Covid-19 changed
consumer purchasing behavior throughout the world. The forced adjustments in demand affected prices in
ways that may be recognized by looking at various inflation indices. When the pandemic began in early
2020, consumer purchasing habits changed substantially. This was partly owing to the severe shutdown
laws imposed by governments all around the world.

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The purpose of this study is to uncover the reasoning and factors behind the sudden inflation rates
seen in sari-sari stores. Such as solving the problem of what sari-sari retailers went through during the
pandemic, how much money did they lose over the course of the outbreak, and how were they able to
continue their business even having inflation right after the epidemic. This helps us understand more
about what our topic research could be and what we can focus on more. It can also help us create a more
in-depth idea of what we can put in our research and help us find the proper idea to continue. The
interview process will also be guided by the purpose of what our research will be based on since it will
give us more to work with on the interview process.

Theoretical Framework:

Gardner Ackley, a professor, proposed the mark-up theory of inflation. Ackley, G. (2015) He
contends that demand and cost forces alone cannot cause inflation; rather, demand-pull and cost-push
actions work in concert to produce inflation. Demand-pull inflation is the inflation that emerges from
excessive aggregate demand, which further drives up prices. While raising prices promotes output, it also
drives up demand for production-related inputs. As a result, both the price and the cost go up.

In some instances, wage growth also occurs in the absence of a rise in product surplus demand.
As a result, there is a decrease in supply at higher prices in order to make up for the rise in labor costs.
Prices would rise even more as a result of the market's goods deficit. As a result, Prof. Gardner has
offered a model of mark-up inflation that takes into account both demand and cost. Prices for goods rise
as a result of rising demand as consumers spend more money on goods.

With this theory in mind, it can serve as a guide to the study that this research is aiming for,
which is to learn about the factors that influence inflation rates in sari-sari stores. This can influence the
questions that the researchers of this study would include in the written interview to further investigate
the sari-sari store owners and why they opted to raise the cost of their items, as well as what caused that
abrupt choice to inflate these products. This theory focuses on the laws of supply and demand, which are
two elements that contribute to inflation. Therefore, the researchers believe that supply and demand can
influence inflation rates in sari-sari businesses.

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Conceptual Framework:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Supply and Demand Inflation

Mediator Variable


The conceptual model with a mediating variable is employed in this research. The mediator variable is the
one responsible for explaining the relationship between the two variables. The conceptual framework aids
the researcher's comprehension of how independent factors impact the dependent variable. Supply and
demand are the independent variables in this study. One of the primary drivers of inflation, which is our
dependent variable, is supply and demand. Our mediator variable is covid 19 since it corresponds to
supply and demand as well as inflation, which are both dependent and independent variables.

Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to find out the impact brought by the COVID-19 Pandemic to Sari-Sari Stores in
Las Piñas that led to Inflation. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following problems:

1. What is the personal profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Civil Status

2. What is the business profile of the sari-sari store in terms of:

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2.1 Starting Capital
2.2 Daily Sales
2.3 Daily Income
2.4 Hours of Operation
2.5 Days of Operation

3. What are the impacts brought by the COVID-19 Pandemic to Sari-Sari Stores in Las Pinas that led to
Inflation in terms of?
3.1 Income
3.2 Inventory
3.3 Capital
3.4 Operation

Significance of the study

The study's findings on "The Factors Affecting Inflation and its Impact on Sari-sari Stores" add to
our understanding and give aid to the following:

The subject of our research is focused on what sari-sari store owners have experienced throughout
the period of the pandemic and how it created a huge impact on the stores and how it was able to regain
its footing after the pandemic. Understanding concepts and factors that might have affected different
stalls, how they were affected and how they were able to adapt. This study is beneficial to the sari-sari
store owners since it allows them to have a scope on what they could do or what they could’ve done
differently during the pandemic, how they could keep their business going, and learning from the
mistakes they’ve made during the pandemic.

The consumers may benefit from this research since it will also attempt to create a solution for
the sudden inflation of prices in sari-sari stores by finding ways for the owners to reduce the prices of
their goods and products while still being able to turn a profit. This in turn will allow for most of the
public to be able to afford the goods.

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The government may also find this research beneficial in a way that they can use insights of the
people who got to experience the effects of inflation. This might serve as a foundation for them to
develop new strategies and measures in decreasing inflation, particularly during this pandemic.

Since this study may be expanded in a variety of ways, future researchers can utilize it as a
foundation to learn more about this issue and continue their research. This can aid them in their search for
a solution in reducing inflation to better the lives of those concerned in this issue.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on how the costs of specific commodities at sari-sari stores around the country
have unexpectedly swelled or skyrocketed, particularly during the pandemic. It intends to interview sari-
sari store owners to learn why they abruptly raised their prices, as well as the reasons and circumstances
behind the rapid inflation of pricing for their items. The research covered sari-sari stores in both private
subdivisions and commercial sections of Las Piñas City.

Assume that the researcher will not interview stores outside of the Las Piñas area. The researcher
will also not interview the store's appointed observers because the researcher will be interviewing the
owners solely. In addition, the researchers created a questionnaire for the respondent's written interview.
The research will be carried out throughout the course of the academic year 2022-2023.

Definition of Terms

In order to fully comprehend this study, the following terminology were defined:

1. Inflation - is the rate at which prices rise over a specific time period. It is usually a broad metric,
such as the general price increase or the cost of living in a country.

2. Price - is the monetary worth assigned to a product or service as a consequence of a sophisticated

series of computations, study, comprehension, and risk-taking skills. A pricing strategy considers,
among other things, segmentation, ability to pay, market conditions, competitor activities, trade
margins, and input costs.

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3. Sari-sari store - is a small business that sells various types of food and other necessary home
supplies that may be stocked for a longer period of time and will not expire.

4. Income - is money received by an individual or business in exchange for work, the production of
a good or service, or the investment of capital. People often make money through wages or

5. Covid-19 - Corona Virus, also known as Covid-19 Virus, receives its name from the Latin word
corona, which meaning "crowd." Corona virus has a surface covered with crown-like spikes. The
actual source of the 2019 new coronavirus has not been determined, however the virus is thought
to have originated from an animal. Some of the indications and symptoms of coronavirus include
fever, cough, shortness of breath, and trouble breathing.

6. Pandemic - an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a large geographic region (such as
numerous nations or continents), affects a considerable proportion of the population, and has a
high fatality rate (death).

7. Capital - is a huge quantity of money, property, and machinery used to establish a business or
invested in to earn more money. It means the assets and cash in a business.

8. Inventory - refers to all of the things, goods, merchandise, and materials owned by a company
for the purpose of selling in the market for a profit.

Chapter II


This chapter includes the examined literature and studies that greatly aided the researchers in
developing the problems for the research study and, ultimately, in interpreting the data to be acquired.


Local Literature

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Understanding COVID-19 had a significant direct impact on perceptions of the Philippines' preventive
measures, according to Mishra et al (2020)

The small amount of capital is a good place to start; there is a chance that when the store is profitable, a
capable neighbor of the owner may be drawn to it and open their own store the following day. Other sari-
sari shops may exist that aren't registered in accordance with the law. The BIR actually intensifies its
efforts to search unregistered small businesses, including sari-sari stores (Tempo Online, 2017)

According to the report, sari-sari businesses are typically operated and owned by women micro
entrepreneurs or housewives in order to satisfy the family's financial requirements (Works of heart
[WOH], 2017). In fact, women head a bigger proportion of family firms than non-family enterprises. In
reality, women run 24% of family-owned firms (Pickard-Whitehead, 2017). To do this, "sari-sari"
business owners all agreed on the need of staying in touch with their clients on a regular basis. Owing to
the high level of rivalry in the "sari-sari" store industry in the Philippines, entrepreneurs found and
established the "suki" system, in which they have regular customers. Acquiring long-term clients is a
challenging endeavor that requires a high level of authentic and sincere interaction. Taking care of clients
is a stealth marketing approach that many business owners overlook. The finest social skills are
communication skills, people skills, relationship skills, and cultural awareness. In terms of human traits,
the category includes self-motivation and hard labor (Mamabolo et al., 2017).

Entrepreneurship is reportedly such a fruitful endeavor, according to the informants. They had the chance
to learn, develop their talents, and boost production by working in a microbusiness like a "sari-sari" store.
Saleem (2017) highlighted the fact that there are several factors that affect company performance. The
majority of the time, economic indicators relate to the enterprise's survival and existence, sales volume,
profit, and the total assets obtained. Productivity, individual success, development, and customer
satisfaction are examples of non-financial success metrics. For instance, Kosovo has made changes to its
economic development strategies that have been largely focused on reducing regional unemployment
rates and increasing domestic output. Infrastructure, persistent poverty, and business conditions are other
crucial aspects that are addressed for development (Haxhiu, 2015).
Growth and good performance will become their top priorities as soon as they start engaging in
entrepreneurial activities. Nonetheless, the possibility of failure and negative effects always exists (Gillis,
2015). The proliferation of microbusinesses has greatly increased employment options, particularly for

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Filipino families that are suffering. In the Philippines, retail establishments, sometimes referred to as
"Sari-sari" stores, have proliferated.

Foreign Literature

Disruptions caused by COVID-19 do not affect all firms equally. Some have been forced shut down while
others are still operating because they are deemed necessary. Certain businesses and management styles
are more vulnerable to COVID-19's existential threat than others for a number of factors relating to the
fundamental nature of the industry and management style.

Eggers (2020) asserts that the majority of financial studies are focused on the effects of the crisis on small
businesses, namely the shortage of liquidity and financing sources. According to research focused on
strategy, prosperous businesses during a crisis employ a strategy that is focused on both the market and

According to Kuckertz et al. (2020), consistent rules are required in order to achieve optimal
entrepreneurial responsiveness. This emphasizes how crucial it is to take the crisis's chronological context
into account.These results add to previous research on the early effects of the coronavirus on small
businesses and show that crises can be very harmful for businesses because they undermine trust,
diminish company value, threaten business goals, put pressure on management by giving them little time
to respond, and may even result in business failure (Wilmoth, 2020).

The first estimates of early-stage repercussions on female-owned firms are especially concerning. Female
company ownership is far lower than male business ownership, and female-owned enterprises have lower
average sales, workers, and profits (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). The disproportionate reductions in the
number of female company owners in April 2020 will further exacerbate gender imbalance in business
ownership and maybe broader economic inequality. New startup enterprises have a greater likelihood of
survival during crisis periods than during boom periods, most likely due to a shortage of job possibilities.
Entrepreneurship activities could mitigate the negative effects of crises by maintaining the flow of goods
and services and restoring public confidence in other business owners and the community at large. During
crises, entrepreneurs seek out new opportunities and chart new paths for their businesses (Herbane, 2015).

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However, it is important to take into account that these women entrepreneurs bravely faced the risks and
challenges using the available resources in their environment and reaped the rewards of their efforts.
Entrepreneurs may face problems in their entrepreneurial journey, and these challenges are becoming
problematic due to the dual responsibilities at home (International Labor Organization, 2015). If good
communication, which is a component of people skills, is ignored, the competitive advantage of the firm
cannot be properly built (Ameen, Hameed, Bashir, Bashir, & Amin, 2015).


Local Studies

The Filipino government enforced a comprehensive lockdown across Luzon on March 16, 2020, known
as the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), as a preventive step to reduce the COVID-19 epidemic.
This ECQ is commonly regarded as one of the world's longest lockdowns. All kinds of internal travel,
including air and sea, were prohibited under the ECQ. People were not permitted to leave their houses
except under emergency situations. Border closures and entrance restrictions were also imposed.
Hundreds of police officers and military personnel were stationed at checkpoints to ensure that people
followed the lockdown instructions. The administration also established tight social distance through
many platforms as a preventive strategy (Duddu, 2020, CSIS, 2020) and educated the people on healthy

A quarter of the country's population and the majority of its economic activity are concentrated on Manila
and the surrounding provinces, where certain enterprises have been ordered closed and travel has once
again been limited as a result of government directives. Due to one of the world's longest and strictest
coronavirus lockdowns, which caused financial hardship for Filipino households and an existential threat
to small businesses, the Philippine economy shrank much more than anticipated in the second quarter,
entering a recession for the first time in 29 years. The "Barangay Micro Business Enterprises (BMBE)
Act of 2002," also known as RA 9178, was specifically created to hasten the economic development of
the Philippines by fostering the growth of Barangay Micro Business Businesses. The BMBEs are
designed to serve as incubators for Filipino entrepreneurs, and by reducing government regulations,
involving local government entities, and expediting the granting of benefits and incentives, they
encouraged the unorganized sector to engage in the formal economy (Figueroa, 2018).

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One way to ease the transition from an enhanced community quarantine to a barangay-level one would be
to bring essential goods closer to people, and the best way to do that would be to bring essential goods to
the barangay level, according to Asia Brewery Incorporated (2019). While a few Filipino CEOs see "no
end in sight" just yet to the economic crisis brought on by the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
pandemic, they do see enormous promise in One of our economy's smallest MSME (micro, small, and
medium enterprises) businesses is the sari-sari store. Due to its capacity limitations, it will only transport
items that are in high demand and move quickly across the barrio. Consumers wouldn't have to visit the
food store or wet market. The idea is to bring the goods to the people; however, even though government
initiatives like cash assistance, distribution of relief goods, and rolling markets have greatly aided the
population, the sari-sari store would continue to be the most effective commercial enterprise that could
persuade people to minimize their movement when purchasing the necessities they require.

As a result, entrepreneurial success in the context of small businesses is a satisfying outcome of an

attempt to engage in an entrepreneurial venture, according to Cabrera and Mauricio (2017). Its evaluation
differs from one entrepreneur to the next, and their distinguishing characteristics can range from
qualitative traits like a balanced life or a sense of accomplishment to quantitative ones like economic or
financial benefits.

Foreign Studies

According to the study, the World Health Organization (World Health Organization, 2020) proclaimed
this coronavirus (COVID-19) sickness to be a pandemic on March 11, 2020. It was originally recorded on
December 31, 2019 in Wuhan (China). According to the World Health Organization (2009), following the
2009 flu epidemics, the global public health community recognized the need for standardized research
and data collection, so the WHO Expert Working Group on Special Research and Studies developed
several standard protocols for pandemic flu. As a result, the World Health Organization (2019).It is worth
noting Maestre's (2020), President of the Society for Latin Studies, contribution in an article on the virus
that has caused the pandemic, in which he explains that the neutral noun "virus" means "poison" in Latin,
so most current research is attempting to find a medicine that will kill the virus.

According to, Case of Ethiopia (2020), small businesses and their challenges during the coronavirus
pandemic in developing nations are demonstrated. The researcher attempted to interpret, analyze, and
draw reasonable conclusions about each small business challenge during the current crisis time using

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various empirical reviews, WHO and other organizations reports/assessments magazines, small business
experiences, and other related secondary data analyses. According to this study, operating a business
during the COVID-19 pandemic is extremely difficult and has a severe effect on small enterprises,
workers' lives, and the nation's economy as a whole.

Designing proper policies to assist Small businesses in finding answers to the problems that impede them
and through this difficult period requires an understanding of the obstacles of reopening. The main
obstacles that businesses faced switched from the supply side to the demand side between February and
May. The biggest problem now, especially for export businesses, is a lack of demand. Supporting
consumer-focused policies, particularly those that focus on low-income and vulnerable customers, would
therefore indirectly boost small businesses through the growth of domestic demand. Several nations have
implemented lockdown measures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, which has stopped all
manufacturing (2020).

Based on nationally representative April 2020 CPS data, the estimated impacts of COVID-19 on the
number of company owners show severe early-stage declines in small business activity. For the critical
two-month period from February to April 2020, the number of active company owners in the United
States fell from 15.0 million to 11.7 million. No previous one-, two-, or even 12-month period has ever
seen such a dramatic shift in company activity. In comparison, from the beginning to the conclusion of
the Great Recession, the number of 9 company owners declined by 730,000, or a 5% fall. In general, firm
ownership is reasonably stable throughout the business cycle (Fairlie, 2013) (Parker, 2018).

As Reuel Johnmark, Munene, and Balunywa (2016) noted, being resourceful is one aspect that impacts
the business owner to likely succeed in business, these abilities may enable entrepreneurs in difficult
times to win the game, and entrepreneurial behavior is impacted by these competences. Small firms need
to incorporate soft management skills like interpersonal skills in order to acquire a competitive edge in
their sector. Success may be attained via interpersonal abilities. Moreover, this is necessary given the
growing significance of human capital in all facets of corporate operations. Furthermore, an updated
implementation plan is necessary due to the industry's ongoing shift in the required competencies
(Holmberg-Wright & Hribar, 2016).


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The studies and literature that are relevant to this research are listed above. To summarize everything, the
continuing pandemic has been a major contributor to the increase in inflation since lingering COVID-
related supply chain disruptions have made some products harder to locate while raising consumer costs.
Chapter III


This chapter describes the research design, study respondents, the instrument used to collect data,
data collection, and statistical treatment of data so that the researchers may evaluate and understand the
study's findings.


For this study, the researchers employed a Qualitative Research Design. Qualitative research is a
sort of study that seeks to collect and evaluate non-numerical data in order to acquire a better knowledge
of people's social realities, including attitudes, beliefs, and motivation. A written interview is used to
collect data from respondents in order to answer the status of the topic research. It is a method of
gathering information by presenting written questions to people who are assumed to hold the needed
knowledge. A formal list of questions has been prepared. The researchers also employed the descriptive
research approach to provide the necessary information for the investigation. This method is used to
describe The Factors Affecting Inflation and its Impact on Sari-Sari Stores in Las Piñas City.


The subject of the study were the Sari-sari store owners of Talon V in Las Piñas City. From a
single barangay in Las Piñas, we came up with the total number of 5 sari-sari store owners who operated
their business during the pandemic to be our respondents.


The researchers used a written interview on gathering data from the respondents as an instrument.
A written interview is a text that is previously prepared, structured, and sent to the interviewee for them to
answer in writing. The questions and statements in the questionnaire were planned ahead of time and it

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was based on the research objectives of the study; with this, the researchers will be able to acquire precise
information from the respondents that would help them identify the diverse emotions that the students are
experiencing. The written interview was divided into two parts: the demographic profile, and a list of
questions about the Complications brought by COVID-19 Pandemic to Sari-Sari Stores in Las Piñas that
led to Inflation.


The major data collection instrument utilized by the researchers in this study was a written
interview, which was produced with the help of research consultants. Experts will check and assess the
written interview in order to enhance the study. Respondents are asked to complete the entire
questionnaire in order to collect data for the study. Part I of the questionnaire will identify the
respondents' personal profile in terms of age, gender, and civil status. It will also establish the Company
profile in terms of beginning capital, daily sales, daily revenue, operating hours, and operating days. Part
II will investigate the complications caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic to Sari-Sari Stores in Las Piñas,
which resulted in inflation in terms of income, inventory, capital, and operation.


The written interview will be distributed to responders by the researchers. After collecting all of
the questionnaires with the required information, the researchers will conduct data analysis and
interpretation for the study.


The data collected will be compiled, analyzed and interpreted by the specific problems identified in the
study. The following appropriate statistical tools will be used to answer the specific problem of the study.

The number of respondents was calculated using the Slovin’s formula below:
n = 1+ Ne2

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The first problem and second problem are statistically handled using the frequency count and the resulting
percentage using the formula shown below:
P = ———— x 100
P = percentage equivalent
f = number of respondents per bracket
n = total number of respondents

Data regarding to the Complications brought by COVID-19 Pandemic to Sari-Sari Stores in Las Piñas
that led to inflation were treated statistically by using weighted mean (WM) with the use of the formula
shown on next page:
WM = weighted mean for each category
AMW = average weighted mean for each variable
F = number of respondents N = total number of respondents
C = total number of categories

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Part I: Profile of the Respondents

DIRECTION: Please provide the needed information by checking (√) the
appropriate box that corresponds to your answer.

1. Age
( ) 21-34 years old ( ) 51-55 years old
( ) 35-40 years old ( ) 56-60 years old
( ) 41-45 years old ( ) 61 years old and above
( ) 46-50 years old

2. Sex
( ) Male ( ) Female

3. Civil Status
( ) Single ( ) Widow/Widower
( ) Married ( ) Separated/Annulled

4. Business Profile
a. Starting Capital
( ) 5,000 below ( ) 15,001-20,000
( ) 5,001-10,000 ( ) 20,001-25,000
( ) 10,001-15,000 ( ) 25,001 and above

b. Daily Sales

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( ) 100 below ( ) 601- 900
( ) 101-300 ( ) 901-1,200
( ) 301-600 ( ) 1,200 and above
c. Daily Income
( ) 100 below ( ) 601- 900
( ) 101-300 ( ) 901-1,200
( ) 301-600 ( ) 1,200 and above

d. Hours of Operation
( ) 5:00 am - 5:00 pm ( ) 5:00 am - 7:00 pm
( ) 6:00 am - 6:00 pm ( ) 6:00 am - 9: 00 pm
( ) Others, please specify

e. Days of Operation
( ) Monday - Sunday ( ) Monday, Wednesday and Friday
( ) Monday - Saturday ( ) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
( ) Others, please specify

Part II
DIRECTION: Please write your answer to the following questions below. Put your answer on the
appropriate column.

Complications brought by COVID-19 Pandemic to Sari-Sari Stores in Las Piñas that led to


1. During the pandemic, did you experience

loss of income because many
items/products have been expensive?

(Sa panahon ng pandemya, naranasan mo bang

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mawalan ng kita dahil maraming mga
item/produkto ang naging mahal? Ipaliwanag.)

2. Were you still able to purchase new

supplies even experiencing lack of income
during the pandemic? Explain.

(Nakabili ka pa ba ng mga bagong gamit kahit na

nakararanas ka ng kawalan ng kita sa panahon
ng pandemya? Ipaliwanag.)

3. Did your income during the pandemic

become lesser? Explain.

(Bumaba ba ang iyong kita sa panahon ng

pandemya? Ipaliwanag)


1. Did you experience your goods being long

to sell since the supply of products were
limited in the market during the
pandemic? Explain.

(Naranasan mo na bang matagal ibenta ang iyong

mga paninda dahil limitado ang supply ng mga
produkto sa merkado? Ipaliwanag)

2. Did you save up your inventory during the

pandemic? (ig. refrigerator etc.) Explain.

(Naipon mo ba ang iyong imbentaryo sa panahon

ng pandemya? (refrigerator at iba pa)

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3. Did you experience a shortage of products
because of the pandemic? Explain.

(Nakaranas ka ba ng kakulangan ng mga

produkto dahil sa pandemya? Ipaliwanag.)


1. Did you experience your capital

decreasing because of personal expenses?
(medicines, personal necessities, etc.)

(Naranasan mo bang bumaba ang iyong kapital

dahil sa mga personal na gastusin? (mga gamot,
personal na pangangailangan, atbp. Ipaliwanag.)

2. Did you experience losing capital

because of the low rate of sales during the
pandemic? Explain.

(Naranasan mo bang mawalan ng puhunan dahil

sa mababang rate ng benta sa panahon ng
pandemya? Ipaliwanag.)

3. Did you borrow money from lenders since

the capital decreased during the
pandemic? Explain.

(Nanghiram ka ba ng pera sa mga nagpapahiram

mula nang bumaba ang kapital noong panahon ng
pandemya? Ipaliwanag.)

Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s World-Class Workplace


1. Did the operation of the sari-sari stop for a

while because of the pandemic? Explain.

(Natigil ba sandali ang operasyon ng sari-sari

dahil sa pandemya? Ipaliwanag.)

2. Did the operation hours of the sari-sari

store become limited during the
pandemic? Explain.

(Naging limitado ba ang oras ng operasyon ng

sari-sari store sa panahon ng pandemya?

3. During the operation days, did you

experience a lot of customers borrowing
from the store during the pandemic?

(Noong mga araw ng operasyon, nakaranas ka ba

ng maraming customer na nanghiram sa tindahan
sa panahon ng pandemya? Ipaliwanag.)

Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s World-Class Workplace


Study and Journal

BaronKnowledge25579 (2017, September). Understanding the Challenges of Sari-sari store In Sinag

Barangay Highway Hills Mandaluyong City

History of Sari-sari Store Retrieved from: The Filipino Sari-Sari Store (2007, May 1)

History of Sari-sari Stores Retrieved from: Qualitative case study of micro-retail (“sari-sari”) stores in
Catanduanes island, Luzon, Philippines (2017)

Alusen, Ma. Leonora (2018, October). Marketing Practices of Selected Sari-Sari Stores in Barangay
Makiling: Basis for Community Extension Project

Foreign Review of Related Studies Retrieved from: Small Business and Their Challenges During
COVID-19 Pandemic in Developing Countries; in Case of Ethiopia (2020, October 20)

Foreign Review of Related Studies Retrieved from: THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON SMALL

Foreign Review of Related Studies Retrieved from: The Impact of COVID-19 on Small and Medium-
sized Enterprises: Evidence from Two-wave Phone Surveys in China (2020, September)

Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s World-Class Workplace


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