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Francheska Imie R. Corilla

12 - Equality
Ms. Levate C. Zoleta

JS PROM 2022-2023

Words cannot explain how excited I was when the school announced that there
will be a promenade after such a lengthy absence due to the epidemic. My expectations
were so high because of the movies I watch in which prom is portrayed as the greatest
night of a high school student's life. I can't wait to see my classmates in their gowns and
to feel like a princess dancing with my partner during the waltz. In general, I was
overjoyed since it had been much too long since my previous prom, and I was in grade
eight at the time.

Given that this would be my final prom as a high school student, a lot of planning
had gone into it. This time, all the ladies were supposed to wear long gowns, and to be
honest, I had no clue what I wanted to wear. I quickly informed my mother about it, and
we decided on going to Divisoria so that we might have a variety of options. I knew I
had to wear the gown that fit me perfectly the moment I saw it. I had intended to inform
my prom date about it so that we could wear matching colors, but it was too late
because he had already prepared his outfit. Anyway, the entire prom-preparation week
was frantic since we had to balance rehearsals and even pieces of academics. But,
strangely, we got through it and were ready for the night we were all planning.

I woke up in the morning of prom day telling myself, “It’s prom day. IT’S PROM
DAY!” I really couldn’t explain what I felt, a mix of ecstasy and anxiety at the same ratio.
I had to go to the salon so that I could get my hair and make-up done and we had to go
back home so that I could wear my gown. My mother was the one who dropped me off
at the venue and I thought I was late since I arrived at the exact time of when the prom
was going to start. When I finally arrived at the venue, I saw the girls in these really
stunning long gowns, they did not look like students at all! I met my friends and the
compliments for one another were endless. The program started more or less at seven
or eight in the evening. There were only limited food choices but the food was good. We
watched our hilarious batch prophecy made by our class and then presented our Waltz
Dance which was really a little bit hard since the space was too small to accommodate
all of us. I knew it could have been better if some things were considered like the
dancing space in the venue, but overall I know everybody had a good laugh trying to
catch up with the dance! Next was actually the main reason why this event was held,
the Seniors had to pass down their responsibility to Juniors since they will serve as the
next examples to the lower levels in the upcoming school year. After presenting this to
the Juniors, it was time for our senior song, and I was really happy with our
performance. I felt so emotional and happy because I know all of us sang it from our
hearts and knowing we will all leave soon just breaks me. Everybody sounded so happy
when we sang it too! We are indeed all in this TOGETHER. The program ended with the
presentation of the Prom King, Queen, Prince and Princesses. I am proud to say that
Toni Carballo and Angelo Era won the title of Prom Queen and King. They both
deserved it because they both looked stunning that night, and I admire both of them for
that. But nevertheless, I know everybody that night deserved to be prom queen and king
in their own right.

Once the presentation of the waltz was done, it was time for my favorite part of
the night, the PROM DANCE FLOOR. Everybody was really enjoying all the dancing
and singing, I even saw teachers break dance in front of all of us! The slow dances
were nice too, I got to dance with my other friends. From then on, we just all continued
to enjoy and for sure it was a night I could never forget. It was magical and full of
memories. I believe this will go with us throughout our years and we will reminisce about
these times someday. I want to thank my teachers and classmates for making this event
possible and memorable too! This Junior-Senior Promenade will definitely be one of the
best moments of my life, and I am thankful to GOD for that. I could never replace these
moments for anything because the people around me that night won a very special
place in my heart. If I could rate the B.A. JS Prom night, I would give it a 8 out of 10.

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