Q4-Lesson 2-Quartiles of Ungrouped Data

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The Quartiles of Ungrouped Data Linear Interpolation is useful when looking for a value between

given data points. It can be considered as “filling in the gaps” of a

Directions: Read and understand each problem. Encircle the
table of data.
letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following measures divides the distribution into There are 3 operations to consider when interpolating:
two equal parts? S – Subtract the two values in the set where the quartile point lies
a. mean b. median in between.
c. mode d. range M – Multiply the result in S by the decimal part of
2. This quartile is also known as the upper quartile. Position of Q k ∨P Qk .
a. 4th quartile b. 3rd quartile
c. 2 quartile
d. 1st quartile A – Add the lower value in S and the result in M.
3. The median of a set of data is equal to which of the following Example 2. Find Q3 given the scores of 8 students in their Math
quartiles. Activity using Linear Interpolation.
a. 1st quartile b. 2nd quartile
c. 3 quartile
d. 4th quartile 1, 27, 16, 7, 31, 7, 30, 3, 21
4. When the distribution is divided into ten equal parts, each of
● Arrange: 1, 3, 7, 7, 16, 21, 27, 30, 31
the divisions is called _________.
a. decile b. quartile k
Position of Q k = ( n+1 )
c. median d. percentile 4
5. Mary scored 35 in a test which is the first quartile. This means
that ______________________. k =1 n=9
a. She surpassed 25% of her classmates.
b. She surpassed 75% of her classmates. 1 1
● Position of Q1 = (9+1) = (10) = 2.5th (bet. 2nd and 3rd
c. She got the highest score. 4 4
d. She got the lowest score.
Following are the steps in finding the Quartiles for Ungrouped (Since the result is a decimal number, interpolation is needed)
Steps in Interpolation
1. Arrange the values in ascending order. a. Subtract the 2nd data from the 3rd data
2. To find the position of the value of quartiles, use the
formula: b. Multiply the result by the decimal part obtained in
Position of Q1.
k 4 x 0.5 = 2
Position of Q k = ( n+1 ) c. Add the result to the 2nd data/ smaller data
where k = quartile points ● Therefore, Q1 = 5

n = number of data in a given set.

k =2
3. If the position of quartile is a whole number, then the 2 2
value of quartile is within the given set of data. ● Position of Q2 = (9+1) = (10) = 5th
4. If the position of quartile is not a whole number, use 4 4
linear interpolation. 2+3=5

Example 1. The owner of a cafeteria recorded the no. of Therefore, Q2 = 16

customers who come into his cafeteria each day. The results were
7, 14 10, 12, 9, 17, 8, 9, 14, 10, 11. Find the Quartiles and
Interpret. k =3
3 3
Ascending order: 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 14, 14, 17 ● Position of Q3 = (9+1) = (10) = 7.5th (bet. 7th and 8th
k 4 4
Position of Q k = ( n+1 ) data)
4 (Since the result is a decimal number, interpolation is needed)

k =1 n = 11 a. Subtract the 7th data from the 8th data

1 1 30– 27 = 3
a. Pos. of Q1 = (11 + 1) = (12) = 3rd data b. Multiply the result by the decimal part obtained in
4 4
Position of Q3.
Q1 = 9
3 x 0.5 = 1.5
Therefore, 25% of the customers who visited the cafeteria are ≤ 9
c. Add the result to the 7th data/ smaller data
k =2 27 + 1.5 = 28.5
Therefore, Q3 = 28.5
2 2
b. Pos. of Q2 = (11 + 1) = (12) = 6th data
4 4 Interquartile Range (IR) = Q3 – Q1 = 28.5 – 5 = 23.5
Q2 = 10
Therefore, 50% of the customers who visited the cafeteria are ≤

k =3
3 3
c. Pos. of Q3 = (11 + 1) = (12) = 9th data
4 4
Q3 = 14
Therefore, 75% of the customers who visited the cafeteria are ≤ Activity
I. The manager of fast-food chain wants to find out the amount
Interquartile Range (IR) = Q3 – Q1 =14 – 9 = 5 of time it takes for a customer’s order to be served. He asked
one of his staff to record the service times of 11 customers.
The record shows the following service times to the nearest

a. the median service time.

b. the lower quartile of service time.
c. the upper quartile of the service time.

II. Given the data, find the quartiles and Interquartile range:

1 4 7 8 12 21 34

III. Find the first quartile (Q1), second quartile (Q2) and the third
quartile (Q3) given the scores of 10 students in their mathematics
Activity using Linear Interpolation.

4 9 7 14 10 8 12 15 6 11

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