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; (interjection of surprise or
1 哎 āi dissatisfaction)
(an exclamation indicating
2 唉 ài resignation); oh well; oh; mm
cherish; reassure; take good care
3 爱护 àihù of
4 爱惜 àixī cherish; treasure; use sparingly
5 爱心 àixīn compassion
6 安慰 ānwèi to comfort; to console
7 安装 ānzhuāng install; erect; to fix; to mount
8 岸 àn bank; shore; beach; coast
9 暗 àn dark; gloomy; hidden; secret
10 熬夜 áoyè stay up very late or all night
11 把握 bǎwò grasp; hold; certainty; assurance
to put (on); arrange; to sway;
12 摆 bǎi pendulum
13 办理 bànlǐ to handle; to transact; to conduct
14 傍晚 bàngwǎn in the evening; when night falls
15 包裹 bāoguǒ wrap up; bind up; package
16 包含 bāohán contain; embody; include
17 包括 bāokuò comprise; include; consist of
thin; flimsy; weak (first two
18 薄 báo pronunciations)
treasure; precious things;
19 宝贝 bǎobèi darling; baby
20 宝贵 bǎoguì valuable; precious; value
21 保持 bǎochí to keep; maintain; to hold
conserve; preserve; to keep, to
22 保存 bǎocún save a file in a computer
23 保留 bǎoliú to reserve; hold back; retain
24 保险 bǎoxiǎn insurance; insure; safe
report for duty; to check in;
25 报到 bàodào register
26 报道 bàodào to report; news report
to report; make known; inform;
27 报告 bàogào speech; lecture
28 报社 bàoshè newspaper office
29 抱怨 bàoyuàn complain; grumble
30 背 bēi carry on one's back; to bear
31 悲观 bēiguān pessimistic
32 背景 bèijǐng background
33 被子 bèizi quilt; blanket
34 本科 běnkē undergraduate
35 本领 běnlǐng skill; ability; capability
36 本质 běnzhì essence; nature; innate character
37 比例 bǐlì proportion; scale
38 彼此 bǐcǐ each other; one another
39 必然 bìrán inevitable; certain; necessary
necessary; essential;
40 必要 bìyào indispensable
after all; overall; when all is
41 毕竟 bìjìng said and done
42 避免 bìmiǎn avoid; avert; prevent
43 编辑 biānjí to edit; compile; editor
firecracker; a long string of
44 鞭炮 biānpào small firecrackers
plain; convenient; excretion;
45 便 biàn, pián formal equivalent to 就 | cheap
46 辩论 biànlùn argue; debate; argue over
punctuation; punctuation mark;
47 标点 biāodiǎn punctuate
48 标志 biāozhì sign; mark; signal; symbol
49 表达 biǎodá to express; to voice; convey
50 表面 biǎomiàn surface; outside; face
51 表明 biǎomíng make clear; make known
(facial) expression; express
52 表情 biǎoqíng one's feelings
to show; to show off; display;
53 表现 biǎoxiàn performance
54 冰激凌 bīngjīlíng ice cream
55 病毒 bìngdú virus
56 玻璃 bōli glass; nylon; plastic
57 播放 bōfàng broadcast; transmit
58 脖子 bózi neck
59 博物馆 bówùguǎn museum
replenish; to supplement; to
60 补充 bǔchōng complement
61 不安 bù'ān uneasy; unstable; disturbed
extremely; very; terribly; my
62 不得了 bùdéliǎo god! (expression of surprise)
unceasing; uninterrupted;
63 不断 búduàn continuously
64 不见得 bújiàndé not necessarily; not likely
65 不耐烦 búnàifán impatience; impatient
66 不然 bùrán otherwise; not so
67 不如 bùrú not as good as; inferior to
unimportant; not serious; it
68 不要紧 bú yàojǐn doesn't matter
69 不足 bùzú insufficient; not enough
70 布 bù cloth; announce; to spread
71 步骤 bùzhòu step; move; measure; procedure
72 部门 bùmén department; branch; section
73 财产 cáichǎn property; fortune
interview; gather news; hunt for
74 采访 cǎifǎng and collect
carry out or adopt;
take(measures, policies,
75 采取 cǎiqǔ attitudes, etc.)
76 彩虹 cǎihóng rainbow
77 踩 cǎi step upon; to tread; to stamp
78 参考 cānkǎo reference; consult
participate (in sth.); attach
79 参与 cānyù oneself to
80 惭愧 cánkuì ashamed
81 操场 cāochǎng playground; sports field
82 操心 cāo xīn worry about
83 册 cè book; (mw for books)
84 测验 cèyàn test; exam; to test
once; (refers to something that
85 曾经 céngjīng happened previously)
86 叉子 chāzi fork; cross
disparity; gap; the difference (in
87 差距 chājù distance; amount; progress; etc.)
88 插 chā to insert; stick in; pierce
89 拆 chāi unravel; to tear; demolish
90 产品 chǎnpǐn product; goods; merchandise
91 产生 chǎnshēng to produce; emerge; to cause
92 长途 chángtú long distance
common sense; general
93 常识 chángshí knowledge
to copy; plagiarize; search and
94 抄 chāo confiscate
95 超级 chāojí super; transcending; high grade
96 朝 cháo to face; towards; dynasty
97 潮湿 cháoshī damp; moist; humid
98 吵 chǎo to quarrel; make noise
99 吵架 chǎo jià to quarrel; to squabble; bicker
100 炒 chǎo to stir-fry; saute
101 车库 chēkù garage
102 车厢 chēxiāng carriage; railroad car
103 彻底 chèdǐ thorough; complete; completely
104 沉默 chénmò silent; uncommunicative
avail oneself of; take advantage
105 趁 chèn of (an opportunity or situation)
106 称 chēng weigh; to call; be called
107 称呼 chēnghu to call; address as; name
108 称赞 chēngzàn to praise; to acclaim
109 成分 chéngfèn ingredient; composition
110 成果 chéngguǒ result; achievement; gain
accomplishment; achievement;
111 成就 chéngjiù success
112 成立 chénglì establish; to set up
adult; to grow up; become
113 成人 chéngrén full-grown
114 成熟 chéngshú mature; ripe
115 成语 chéngyǔ idiom; proverb
116 成长 chéngzhǎng to mature; grow up
117 诚恳 chéngkěn honest; sincere
undertake; assume
118 承担 chéngdān (responsibility)
119 承认 chéngrèn to admit; concede; acknowledge
120 承受 chéngshòu to bear; support; endure; sustain
121 程度 chéngdù degree; extent; level
122 程序 chéngxù procedure; sequence; program
123 吃亏 chīkuī suffer losses; get the worst of
124 池塘 chítáng pool; pond
125 迟早 chízǎo sooner or later
126 持续 chíxù continue; persist
127 尺子 chǐzi ruler (measuring instrument)
128 翅膀 chìbǎng wing
to rush; to clash; to rinse;
129 冲 chōng thoroughfare
130 充电器 chōngdiànqì battery charger
131 充分 chōngfèn full; abundant; ample
132 充满 chōngmǎn brimming with; very full
133 重复 chóngfù to repeat; to duplicate
134 宠物 chǒngwù a pet
135 抽屉 chōuti drawer
136 抽象 chōuxiàng abstract; abstraction
ugly; disgraceful (2nd Earthly
137 丑 chǒu Branch)
138 臭 chòu stench; stink
139 出版 chūbǎn publish
140 出口 chūkǒu exit; speak; export
remarkable; outstanding;
141 出色 chūsè excellent
142 出示 chūshì to show
143 出席 chūxí attend; be present; participate
144 初级 chūjí junior; primary
145 除非 chúfēi only if; unless
146 除夕 chúxī Lunar New Year's Eve
147 处理 chǔlǐ deal with; to process; sell at a
discount; to treat (by a special
148 传播 chuánbō propagate; to spread
149 传染 chuánrǎn infect; be contagious
it is said; legend; pass on (a
150 传说 chuánshuō story)
151 传统 chuántǒng tradition; traditional
152 窗帘 chuānglián window curtain
rush; break through; to temper
153 闯 chuǎng oneself (by battling difficulties)
154 创造 chuàngzào create; bring about; creativity
155 吹 chuī to blow; to blast; to puff
156 词汇 cíhuì vocabulary
157 辞职 cízhí resign from a position
158 此外 cǐwài besides; in addition; moreover
159 次要 cìyào secondary; less important
160 刺激 cìjī exciting; provoke; irritate
161 匆忙 cōngmáng hasty; hurried
162 从此 cóngcǐ from now on; since then
163 从而 cóng'ér thus; thereby; as a result
164 从前 cóngqián previously; formerly; in the past
165 从事 cóngshì go for; engage in; deal with
166 粗糙 cūcāo coarse
promote (an idea or cause); to
167 促进 cùjìn advance
168 促使 cùshǐ to urge; impel; to cause; to push
169 醋 cù vinegar
170 催 cuī to press; to urge; to hurry
171 存在 cúnzài to exist; to be
172 措施 cuòshī measure; step (to be taken)
to respond; to promise; to
173 答应 dāying answer; agree
174 达到 dá dào achieve; attain; to reach
work a part time job; (regional)
175 打工 dǎgōng do manual labor; do odd jobs
come into contact with; to deal
176 打交道 dǎ jiāodao with
177 打喷嚏 dǎpēntì to sneeze
178 打听 dǎting ask about; inquire about
generous; poise; (-fang1: expert;
179 大方 dàfang scholar)
180 大厦 dàshà large building; edifice; mansion
181 大象 dàxiàng elephant
182 大型 dàxíng large-scale; wide-scale
stupid; foolish; blank;
183 呆 dāi dumbstruck; to stay
184 代表 dàibiǎo represent; to delegate
185 代替 dàitì to replace
186 贷款 dài kuǎn (bank) loan; provide a loan
187 待遇 dàiyù treatment; pay; wage; salary
188 担任 dānrèn hold the post of; serve as
189 单纯 dānchún simple; pure; merely
190 单调 dāndiào monotonous; dull
191 单独 dāndú alone
192 单位 dānwèi unit; work unit
unit; entrance number; staircase
193 单元 dānyuán (for residential buildings)
194 耽误 dānwu to delay; waste time
195 胆小鬼 dǎnxiǎoguǐ coward
196 淡 dàn diluted; weak; thin
197 当地 dāngdì local
198 当心 dāngxīn take care; watch out
to block; hinder; gear;
199 挡 dǎng equipment
200 导演 dǎoyǎn to direct; director
201 导致 dǎozhì lead to; bring about; to cause
202 岛屿 dǎoyǔ islands
203 倒霉 dǎoméi have bad luck; be out of luck
204 到达 dàodá to reach; arrive
205 道德 dàodé morals; morality; ethics
206 道理 dàolǐ reason; sense; argument
register (one's name); check in;
207 登记 dēngjì enroll
208 等待 děngdài to wait (for); expect
209 等于 děngyú (Mathematics) equal to
to drip; drop; (mw for drops of
210 滴 dī liquid)
211 的确 díquè really; indeed
212 敌人 dírén enemy
authentic; genuine; (-dào:
213 地道 dìdao tunnel)
214 地理 dìlǐ geography
215 地区 dìqū an area; a region; a district
216 地毯 dìtǎn carpet; rug
217 地位 dìwèi position; status
218 地震 dìzhèn earthquake
219 递 dì hand over; to pass; to give
dim sum; light refreshments;
220 点心 diǎnxin snacks
221 电池 diànchí battery
222 电台 diàntái transceiver; broadcasting station
223 钓 diào to fish
top; roof; carry on one's head;
prop up; to butt; (mw for
224 顶 dǐng headwear, i.e. hats)
225 动画片 dònghuàpiàn animated film
226 冻 dòng to freeze
227 洞 dòng cave; hole
228 豆腐 dòufu tofu; bean curd
to tease; amuse; to stay; to stop;
229 逗 dòu funny
230 独立 dúlì independent
231 独特 dútè unique; distinctive
232 度过 dùguò spend; to pass
to break; decide; absolutely
233 断 duàn (usually negative)
234 堆 duī pile; heap; stack; crowd
compare; to contrast;
235 对比 duìbǐ comparison
236 对待 duìdài to treat
counterpart; the other party
237 对方 duìfāng involved
238 对手 duìshǒu opponent; adversary; match
target; object; partner; boyfriend
239 对象 duìxiàng or girlfriend
to exchange; to convert
240 兑换 duìhuàn (currencies)
241 吨 dūn ton
242 蹲 dūn to crouch; to squat
pause; arrange; stamp feet;
243 顿 dùn suddenly; (mw for meals)
244 多亏 duōkuī thanks to; luckily
245 多余 duōyú unnecessary; superfluous
246 朵 duǒ (mw for flowers and clouds)
247 躲藏 duǒcáng hide oneself; take cover
248 恶劣 èliè vile; horrible
249 耳环 ěrhuán earring
publish; to issue (a statement);
250 发表 fābiǎo announce
251 发愁 fā chóu worry about sth.
developed (country, etc.);
252 发达 fādá flourishing; prosper
253 发抖 fādǒu to shiver; to shudder; tremble
to bring (skill, talent, etc.) into
254 发挥 fāhuī play; to develop (an idea)
255 发明 fāmíng invent
receipt or bill for purchase;
256 发票 fāpiào invoice
257 发言 fāyán make a speech; statement
258 罚款 fákuǎn fine; penalty (monetary)
259 法院 fǎyuàn court of law
260 翻 fān to turn over; capsize; translate
prosperous; prosperity; booming
261 繁荣 fánróng (economy)
262 反而 fǎn'ér on the contrary; instead
263 反复 fǎnfù repeatedly; over and over
264 反应 fǎnyìng react; respond; reply
265 反映 fǎnyìng reflect; reflection; report on
266 反正 fǎnzhèng anyway
267 范围 fànwéi scope; range; limits; extent
square; direction; side (Kangxi
268 方 fāng radical 70)
plan; program (for action, etc.);
269 方案 fāng'àn proposal
270 方式 fāngshì way; style; fashion; manner
271 妨碍 fáng'ài hinder; to hamper; to obstruct
272 仿佛 fǎngfú to seem as though; as if
non-; un-; not be; wrongdoing;
simply must (Kangxi radical
273 非 fēi 175)
274 肥皂 féizào soap
275 废话 fèihuà nonsense; rubbish
distinguish; split up; difference;
276 分别 fēnbié to part
be distributed (over an area); be
277 分布 fēnbù scattered
278 分配 fēnpèi distribute; assign; allocate
279 分手 fēnshǒu part company; break up
280 分析 fēnxī analyze; analysis
one after another; in succession;
281 纷纷 fēnfēn in profusion; diverse; pell-mell
282 奋斗 fèndòu strive; to struggle
283 风格 fēnggé style
284 风景 fēngjǐng scenery; landscape
285 风俗 fēngsú social custom
286 风险 fēngxiǎn risk; venture; hazard
crazy; madness; wild; extreme
popularity; insane; frenzied;
287 疯狂 fēngkuáng unbridled
288 讽刺 fěngcì satirize; ridicule; mock; irony
289 否定 fǒudìng negate; negative
290 否认 fǒurèn deny; declare to be untrue
to support with hand; to help
291 扶 fú somebody up
(formal) clothing; costume;
292 服装 fúzhuāng dress
width of cloth; size; (mw for
293 幅 fú pictures, paintings, textiles)
to coach; to tutor; give advice
294 辅导 fǔdǎo (in study)
295 妇女 fùnǚ woman; women in general
296 复制 fùzhì duplicate; reproduce
297 改革 gǎigé to reform
298 改进 gǎijìn improve; make better
299 改善 gǎishàn improve; make better
300 改正 gǎizhèng to correct; amend
301 盖 gài lid; top; cover; to build
302 概括 gàikuò summarize; generalize
303 概念 gàiniàn concept; idea
304 干脆 gāncuì straightforward; clear-cut; blunt
to dry (of paint, cement, etc.);
305 干燥 gānzào dry; dryness
306 赶紧 gǎnjǐn at once; hurriedly; lose no time
307 赶快 gǎnkuài at once; immediately
308 感激 gǎnjī appreciate; feel grateful
feel; experience; emotion;
309 感受 gǎnshòu impression
impressions; reflections;
310 感想 gǎnxiǎng thoughts
311 干活儿 gàn huór do manual labor; to work
312 钢铁 gāngtiě steel
313 高档 gāodàng top quality; first rate; high class
high-level; high-grade;
314 高级 gāojí advanced
315 搞 gǎo do; make; be engaged in
316 告别 gàobié say goodbye to; to leave; to part
317 格外 géwài especially; additionally
318 隔壁 gébì next door
individual; specific; isolated;
319 个别 gèbié very few
320 个人 gèrén individual; personal; oneself
321 个性 gèxìng individuality; personality
322 各自 gèzì each; respective; apiece
root; base; (mw for long,
323 根 gēn slender objects)
root; essence; fundamental;
324 根本 gēnběn basic; (not) at all; simply
325 工厂 gōngchǎng factory
326 工程师 gōngchéngshī engineer
327 工具 gōngjù tool; instrument; utensil
328 工人 gōngrén worker
329 工业 gōngyè industry
make public; announce;
330 公布 gōngbù publicize
331 公开 gōngkāi public; make public
332 公平 gōngpíng fair; impartial; just
333 公寓 gōngyù apartment building
(year) AD or CE; Christian era;
334 公元 gōngyuán common era
335 公主 gōngzhǔ princess
336 功能 gōngnéng function; feature
337 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulate
contribute; dedicate;
338 贡献 gòngxiàn contribution
339 沟通 gōutōng link; connect; communicate
340 构成 gòuchéng to constitute; to compose
341 姑姑 gūgu paternal aunt; father's sister
342 姑娘 gūniang young woman; girl
343 古代 gǔdài ancient times
344 古典 gǔdiǎn classical
345 股票 gǔpiào shares; stock (market)
346 骨头 gǔtou bone; moral character
347 鼓舞 gǔwǔ inspire; heartening
348 鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng applaud
349 固定 gùdìng fixed; regular; stable
register; check into hospital;
350 挂号 guà hào send by registered mail
(of a child) obedient;
well-behaved; clever; perverse;
351 乖 guāi contrary to reason
352 拐弯 guǎi wān turn a corner; make a turn
353 怪不得 guài bu de no wonder; so that's why
354 关闭 guānbì close; shut
355 观察 guānchá observe; to watch; to survey
356 观点 guāndiǎn point of view; standpoint
357 观念 guānniàn notion; thought; concept
358 官 guān an official; organ; governmental
359 管子 guǎnzi tube; pipe; drinking straw
360 冠军 guànjūn champion
361 光滑 guānghuá glossy; sleek; smooth
(polite) welcome!; honor
362 光临 guānglín somebody with one's presence
bright (future); promising;
363 光明 guāngmíng illuminate
364 光盘 guāngpán CD (compact disc)
365 广场 guǎngchǎng public square; plaza
366 广大 guǎngdà vast; extensive
367 广泛 guǎngfàn extensive; wide ranging
conclude from the facts; induce;
368 归纳 guīnà sum up from the facts
369 规矩 guīju rule; custom
law (e.g. of science); regular
370 规律 guīlǜ pattern; discipline
371 规模 guīmó scale; scope; extent
372 规则 guīzé rule; law; regulation
373 柜台 guìtái counter; bar; front desk
374 滚 gǔn to roll; get lost; to boil
375 锅 guō pot; pan; boiler
376 国庆节 Guóqìng Jié National Day
377 国王 guówáng king
378 果然 guǒrán really; sure enough; as expected
379 果实 guǒshí fruit; gains; results
380 过分 guòfèn excessive; overly
381 过敏 guòmǐn be allergic; allergy
382 过期 guòqī overdue; expire
383 哈 hā exhale; sip; (sound of laughter)
384 海关 hǎiguān customs (i.e. border inspection)
385 海鲜 hǎixiān seafood
386 喊 hǎn call; cry; shout
387 行业 hángyè industry; business
388 豪华 háohuá luxurious
hospitable; to enjoy having
389 好客 hàokè guests
390 好奇 hàoqí curious
391 合法 héfǎ lawful; legitimate; legal
392 合理 hélǐ rational; reasonable
393 合同 hétong contract
394 合影 héyǐng joint photo; group photo
cooperate; collaborate; work
395 合作 hézuò together
396 何必 hébì why should; there is no need to
397 何况 hékuàng let alone; much less
398 和平 hépíng peace
399 核心 héxīn core; nucleus
400 恨 hèn to hate
401 猴子 hóuzi monkey
402 后背 hòubèi back (of the body)
403 后果 hòuguǒ consequences; aftermath
404 呼吸 hūxī breathe
405 忽然 hūrán suddenly; all of a sudden
406 忽视 hūshì neglect; ignore; to overlook
407 胡说 húshuō talk nonsense; drivel
408 胡同 hútòng lane; alley
pot; kettle; jug; (mw for bottled
409 壶 hú liquids)
410 蝴蝶 húdié butterfly
411 糊涂 hútu confused; bewildered; muddled
412 花生 huāshēng peanut
delimit; to transfer; assign | to
413 划 huà, huá row; to paddle; to scratch
414 华裔 Huáyì person of Chinese descent
415 滑 huá slippery; cunning; crafty
416 化学 huàxué chemistry
subject (of a talk or
417 话题 huàtí conversation)
cherish the memory of; think
418 怀念 huáiniàn fondly of
become pregnant; have
419 怀孕 huáiyùn conceived
420 缓解 huǎnjiě to alleviate
421 幻想 huànxiǎng delusion; fantasy; illusion
422 慌张 huāngzhāng flustered; flurried
423 黄金 huángjīn gold
424 灰 huī ash; gray (grey); dust; lime
425 灰尘 huīchén dust; dirt
426 灰心 huī xīn lose heart; be discouraged
to wave; brandish; wield; wipe
427 挥 huī away
428 恢复 huīfù reinstate; resume; recover
429 汇率 huìlǜ exchange rate
430 婚礼 hūnlǐ wedding ceremony
431 婚姻 hūnyīn marriage; matrimony; wedding
432 活跃 huóyuè active; vigorous
433 火柴 huǒchái match (for lighting fire)
partner (for an activity); friend;
434 伙伴 huǒbàn pal
435 或许 huòxǔ perhaps; maybe
436 机器 jīqì machine
437 肌肉 jīròu muscle; flesh
438 基本 jīběn basic; fundamental
439 激烈 jīliè intense; acute; sharp; fierce
440 及格 jí gé pass an exam
441 极其 jíqí extremely; exceedingly
442 急忙 jímáng hastily
emergency call; emergency
443 急诊 jízhěn treatment
444 集合 jíhé gather; assemble; to muster
445 集体 jítǐ collective; group
446 集中 jízhōng concentrate; to focus; amass
447 计算 jìsuàn to count; calculate; compute
448 记录 jìlù to record; take notes
449 记忆 jìyì memory; to remember
450 纪录 jìlù a record; to take notes
discipline; morale; laws and
451 纪律 jìlǜ regulations
452 纪念 jìniàn commemorate; remember
453 系领带 jìlǐngdài tie a neck tie
454 寂寞 jìmò lonely; lonesome
455 夹子 jiāzi clip; tongs; folder
456 家庭 jiātíng family; household
household duties; chores;
457 家务 jiāwù housework
458 家乡 jiāxiāng hometown
459 嘉宾 jiābīn honored guest
460 甲 jiǎ one; armor (1st Heavenly Stem)
461 假如 jiǎrú if; supposing; in case
suppose that; hypothesis;
462 假设 jiǎshè conjecture
463 假装 jiǎzhuāng pretend to be; feign
464 价值 jiàzhí value; worth
to drive; to pilot (a ship, an
465 驾驶 jiàshǐ airplane, etc.)
marry (a husband); take a
466 嫁 jià husband
resolute; determined;
467 坚决 jiānjué uncompromising
468 坚强 jiānqiáng strong; staunch
469 肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder
470 艰巨 jiānjù very difficult; arduous; hard
471 艰苦 jiānkǔ difficult; hard; arduous
472 兼职 jiānzhí part time
473 捡 jiǎn to pick up; collect; gather
474 剪刀 jiǎndāo scissors
475 简历 jiǎnlì resume; curriculum vitae
476 简直 jiǎnzhí simply; at all
477 建立 jiànlì establish; to construct; to set up
to build; to construct;
478 建设 jiànshè construction
a building; to construct;
479 建筑 jiànzhù architecture
480 健身 jiànshēn work out; body-building
481 键盘 jiànpán keyboard
Be particular about; fastidious;
482 讲究 jiǎngjiu stress; exquisite ; careful study
a lecture or course of lectures;
483 讲座 jiǎngzuò lecture hall
484 酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce
485 交换 jiāohuàn to exchange; to swap; to switch
socialize; social intercourse;
486 交际 jiāojì communication
487 交往 jiāowǎng to associate; to contact
to water; irrigate; to pour; to
488 浇 jiāo sprinkle
489 胶水 jiāoshuǐ (watery) glue; gum
490 角度 jiǎodù angle; point of view
491 狡猾 jiǎohuá crafty; cunning; sly
492 教材 jiàocái teaching materials
(athlete's) coach; sports coach;
493 教练 jiàoliàn instructor
lesson; teach someone or learn a
494 教训 jiàoxun lesson; a moral
495 阶段 jiēduàn stage; phase
496 结实 jiēshi sturdy; (also -shí: bear fruit)
497 接触 jiēchù come into contact with
receive (a visitor); admit (entry
498 接待 jiēdài to)
499 接近 jiējìn near; be close to
500 节省 jiéshěng save; use sparingly; frugal
501 结构 jiégòu structure; composition
502 结合 jiéhé combine; to link; to bind
503 结论 jiélùn conclusion; verdict
504 结账 jiézhàng pay the bill; settle accounts
505 戒 jiè warn against; swear off
506 戒指 jièzhi (finger) ring
507 届 jiè arrive at; period; session; (mw
for events; meetings; etc.)
508 借口 jièkǒu excuse
509 金属 jīnshǔ metal
510 尽快 jǐnkuài as quickly as possible
as much as possible; to the best
of one's ability (jìn-: eat or drink
511 尽量 jǐnliàng to one's fill)
512 紧急 jǐnjí urgent; pressing
513 谨慎 jǐnshèn cautious; prudent
do one's best; to strive as much
514 尽力 jìn lì as possible
515 进步 jìnbù make progress; to advance
516 进口 jìn kǒu import; entrance; enter
517 近代 jìndài modern times; latest generation
518 经典 jīngdiǎn classics; scriptures
trade; be in business; do
519 经商 jīng shāng commerce
engage in (a business activity,
520 经营 jīngyíng etc.); run/operate (a business)
521 精力 jīnglì energy; vigor
522 精神 jīngshen vigor; spirit; mind
523 酒吧 jiǔbā bar
524 救 jiù to save (life); to assist; to rescue
525 救护车 jiùhùchē ambulance
526 舅舅 jiùjiu mother's brother; maternal uncle
unexpectedly; to one's surprise;
527 居然 jūrán go so far as to
528 桔子 júzi tangerine
529 巨大 jùdà immense; enormous; very large
530 具备 jùbèi possess; be equipped with
531 具体 jùtǐ concrete; definite; specific
532 俱乐部 jùlèbù club (group or organization)
533 据说 jùshuō it is said that; reportedly
534 捐 juān to contribute; to donate; to
subsribe to; to abandon; to
relinquish; contribution; tax
finals (of a competition); final
535 决赛 juésài match
536 决心 juéxīn determination; resolution
537 角色 juésè role; part
538 绝对 juéduì absolute; definite
539 军事 jūnshì military affairs; military matters
540 均匀 jūnyún even; well-distributed
541 卡车 kǎchē truck
542 开发 kāifā develop; to exploit (a resource)
(of flowers) to bloom; open up;
to be open-minded; lift a ban,
restriction, etc.; release;
liberalization; China's 1979
543 开放 kāifàng open policy
544 开幕式 kāimùshì opening ceremony
545 开水 kāishuǐ boiled water; boil water
546 砍 kǎn to chop; cut down
547 看不起 kàn bu qǐ look down upon; despise
548 看望 kànwàng visit; call on; see
depend on; lean on; near; to
549 靠 kào trust
(mw for hearts and small, round
things like seeds, grains, beans,
550 颗 kē etc.)
551 可见 kějiàn it can clearly be seen that; clear
552 可靠 kěkào reliable
553 可怕 kěpà terrible; awful; frightful; scary
554 克 kè gram; overcome; restrain
overcome (hardships, etc.);
555 克服 kèfú conquer
556 刻苦 kèkǔ hardworking; assiduous
557 客观 kèguān objective; impartial; unbiased
558 课程 kèchéng course; curriculum; class
559 空间 kōngjiān space
560 空闲 kòngxián leisure; free time; idle; unused
561 控制 kòngzhì to control
562 口味 kǒuwèi a person's tastes or preferences
563 夸 kuā to boast; to praise; exaggerate
exaggerate; overstate;
exaggerated; overstated;
564 夸张 kuāzhāng vaunted; hyperbole
565 会计 kuàijì accountant; accounting
566 宽 kuān wide; broad; relaxed; lenient
567 昆虫 kūnchóng insect
568 扩大 kuòdà enlarge; expand
569 辣椒 làjiāo hot pepper; chili
570 拦 lán to block; to cut off; hinder
571 烂 làn overcooked; rotten; soft; mushy
572 朗读 lǎngdú read aloud
573 劳动 láodòng work; toil; (physical) labor
574 劳驾 láo jià excuse me
ordinary people; the person on
575 老百姓 lǎobǎixìng the street; civilians
576 老板 lǎobǎn boss; proprietor; shopkeeper
577 老婆 lǎopó (informal) wife
honest; sincere; naive;
578 老实 lǎoshi simpleminded
579 老鼠 lǎoshǔ rat; mouse
580 姥姥 lǎolao maternal grandmother
581 乐观 lèguān optimism; hopeful
582 雷 léi thunder
583 类型 lèixíng type
cold; chill; indifferent;
584 冷淡 lěngdàn unconcerned
585 厘米 límǐ centimeter
to divorce; divorced from (one's
586 离婚 lí hūn spouse)
587 梨 lí pear
588 理论 lǐlùn theory
589 理由 lǐyóu a reason; grounds; argument
590 力量 lìliang power; force; strength
591 立即 lìjí immediately
immediately; at once; right
592 立刻 lìkè away
593 利润 lìrùn profit
594 利息 lìxī interest (on a loan)
595 利益 lìyì benefit; (in sb.'s) interest
596 利用 lìyòng to use; to make use of; to exploit
597 连忙 liánmáng promptly; at once
continually; in a row;
598 连续 liánxù successively
599 联合 liánhé alliance; combine; unite
romantic love; be in love; love
600 恋爱 liàn'ài affair
601 良好 liánghǎo good; favorable; well
602 粮食 liángshi grain; food; cereals
603 亮 liàng bright; light; shiny
incredible; extraordinary; great;
604 了不起 liǎobuqǐ amazing
605 列车 lièchē train (railway term)
temporary; at the time; when the
606 临时 línshí time comes
607 灵活 línghuó flexible; nimble; agile
608 铃 líng bell
609 零件 língjiàn spare parts; component
610 零食 língshí snack
611 领导 lǐngdǎo to lead; leader; leadership
612 领域 lǐngyù domain; sphere; field; area
browse; glance over; skim
613 浏览 liúlǎn through
614 流传 liúchuán to spread; circulate; hand down
615 流泪 liúlèi shed tears
616 龙 lóng dragon (Kangxi radical 212)
617 漏 lòu to leak; to funnel; to let out
land; dry land (as opposed to the
618 陆地 lùdì sea)
in turn; successively; one after
619 陆续 lùxù another
620 录取 lùqǔ recruit; enroll; matriculate
621 录音 lùyīn sound recording; to record
622 轮流 lúnliú to alternate; take turns; rotate
623 论文 lùnwén thesis; paper; treatise
624 逻辑 luóji logic
backward; to lag (in
625 落后 luòhòu technology); to fall behind
scold; curse; condemn; verbally
626 骂 mà abuse
627 麦克风 màikèfēng microphone
628 馒头 mántou steamed bun/roll
629 满足 mǎnzú satisfy; meet (the needs of)
630 毛病 máobìng fault; bad habit; shortcoming
631 矛盾 máodùn contradiction; conflict
632 冒险 màoxiǎn take a risk; take chances
633 贸易 màoyì (commercial) trade
634 眉毛 méimao eyebrow
635 媒体 méitǐ (news) media; medium
636 煤炭 méitàn coal
637 美术 měishù the fine arts; art
638 魅力 mèilì charm; glamour; enchantment
639 梦想 mèngxiǎng dream of; wishful thinking
640 秘密 mìmì a secret; confidential
641 秘书 mìshu secretary
642 密切 mìqiè close; familiar; intimate
643 蜜蜂 mìfēng bee; honeybee
644 面对 miànduì to face; confront
645 面积 miànjī (surface) area
646 面临 miànlín be faced with; be up against
647 苗条 miáotiao slim; slender
648 描写 miáoxiě to describe; to depict; to portray
649 敏感 mǐngǎn sensitive; susceptible
650 名牌 míngpái famous brand; name brand
651 名片 míngpiàn business card
famous scenic spots and ancient
652 名胜古迹 míngshènggǔjì historic sites
653 明确 míngquè clear-cut; clearly; clarify
654 明显 míngxiǎn clear; obvious
655 明星 míngxīng (movie, etc.) star; celebrity
656 命令 mìnglìng an order; a command
657 命运 mìngyùn fate; destiny
to touch; to stroke; fish out; feel
658 摸 mō out
659 模仿 mófǎng imitate; to copy
660 模糊 móhu vague; indistinct; fuzzy; foggy
661 模特 mótè (fashion) model
662 摩托车 mótuōchē motorcycle; motorbike
663 陌生 mòshēng strange; unfamiliar
664 某 mǒu a certain; some
665 木头 mùtou wood; log; timber
666 目标 mùbiāo target; goal; objective
catalog; table of contents;
directory (on computer hard
667 目录 mùlù drive)
668 目前 mùqián at present; now; for the moment
669 哪怕 nǎpà even (if/though); no matter how
670 难怪 nánguài no wonder
hard to avoid; difficult to escape
671 难免 nánmiǎn from
672 脑袋 nǎodai head; mental capability; brains
internal; interior; inside (part,
673 内部 nèibù section)
674 内科 nèikē internal medicine
675 嫩 nèn tender; inexperienced
676 能干 nénggàn capable; competent
677 能源 néngyuán energy resources; power source
(interjection expressing what?,
678 嗯 ēn huh? hmm? why? ok, etc.)
679 年代 niándài decade; era
680 年纪 niánjì age
read aloud; to study; to miss or
681 念 niàn think of somebody
would rather; it is the lesser of
682 宁可 nìngkě two evils to
683 牛仔裤 niúzǎikù jeans; cowboy pants
684 农村 nóngcūn rural area; countryside
685 农民 nóngmín peasant
686 农业 nóngyè agriculture; farming
687 浓 nóng concentrated; dense
688 女士 nǚshì lady; madam
689 欧洲 Ōuzhōu Europe
accidentally; occasional;
690 偶然 ǒurán fortuitous
to clap; to pat; to shoot
(pictures, a film); send (a
691 拍 pāi telegram)
dispatch; (mw for political
692 派 pài groups; schools of thought; etc.)
693 盼望 pànwàng to hope for; look forward to
694 培训 péixùn cultivate; train
695 培养 péiyǎng to train; cultivate; bring up
compensate; pay for somebody
696 赔偿 péicháng else's loss
697 佩服 pèifu admire; to respect
be harmoniously combined or
arranged; matching; fitting in
with; compatible with; to
correspond; to fit; to conform
to; rapport; to coordinate with;
to act in concern with; to
cooperate; to become man and
wife; to combine parts of a
698 配合 pèihé machine
699 盆 pén basin; (flower) pot
700 碰 pèng to touch; to bump; to encounter
criticize; to comment;
wholesale; (mw for batches,
701 批 pī lots, etc.)
702 批准 pīzhǔn approve; ratify
drape over one's shoulders; split
703 披 pī open; open
fatigue; wearily; weariness;
704 疲劳 píláo tired
ordinary person; (mw for
705 匹 pǐ horses, bolt of cloth)
(mw for pieces of things); a
slice; a flake (Kangxi radical
706 片 piàn, piān 91) | film; photo
707 片面 piànmiàn one-sided; unilateral
708 飘 piāo to float; flutter
709 拼音 pīnyīn pinyin; phonetic writing
710 频道 píndào frequency; (television) channel
711 平 píng flat; level; equal; ordinary
712 平安 píng'ān safe and sound
713 平常 píngcháng ordinary; usually; common
714 平等 píngděng equal; equality
square (as in square foot, square
715 平方 píngfāng mile, etc.)
716 平衡 pínghéng balance; balanced; equilibrium
717 平静 píngjìng calm; peaceful; tranquil; serene
718 平均 píngjūn average; to share equally
719 评价 píngjià to evaluate
lean against; evidence; proof; no
720 凭 píng matter (what/how/etc.)
721 迫切 pòqiè urgent; pressing
go bankrupt; go broke;
722 破产 pò chǎn bankruptcy
destroy; destruction; to wreck;
723 破坏 pòhuài to break
look forward to; await;
724 期待 qīdài expectation
725 期间 qījiān period of time; time
726 其余 qíyú the others; the rest; remaining
727 奇迹 qíjì miracle; miraculous; marvel
728 企业 qǐyè company; business; firm
729 启发 qǐfā enlighten; inspire
730 气氛 qìfēn atmosphere; mood; ambience
731 汽油 qìyóu gasoline; gas; petrol
732 谦虚 qiānxū modest
bamboo used for drawing lots;
733 签 qiān toothpick; to sign (one's name)
future; prospects; outlook (for
734 前途 qiántú the future)
shallow; simple; superficial;
735 浅 qiǎn light (of colors)
yawn; to lack; owe (Kangxi
736 欠 qiàn radical 76)
737 枪 qiāng gun; spear
738 强调 qiángdiào emphasize; to stress
739 强烈 qiángliè intense; strong; violent
740 墙 qiáng wall
fight over; vie for; grab; rush |
741 抢 qiǎng, qiāng bump against
742 悄悄 qiāoqiāo quietly
743 瞧 qiáo look at; see (colloquial)
744 巧妙 qiǎomiào ingenious; clever
to cut; to chop | correspond to;
745 切 qiē, qiè absolutely; ardently
beloved; Dear ... (a way of
746 亲爱 qīn'ài starting a letter lovers, intimate
friends or close relatives)
747 亲切 qīnqiè kind; amiable; cordial
748 亲自 qīnzì personally
hardworking; diligent;
749 勤奋 qínfèn industrious
blue; green; young (Kangxi
radical 174); Qinghai province
750 青 qīng (abbr.)
youth; youthfulness; fresh
751 青春 qīngchūn spring
752 青少年 qīngshàonián teenager
753 轻视 qīngshì contempt; to scorn; scornful
754 轻易 qīngyì easily; lightly; rashly
light (of food, not greasy or
strongly flavored) ; insipid;
755 清淡 qīngdàn slack (sales)
756 情景 qíngjǐng scene; sight; circumstances
emotion; sentiment; mood;
757 情绪 qíngxù morale
758 请求 qǐngqiú to request; ask
759 庆祝 qìngzhù celebrate
fan (of ball games: basketball,
760 球迷 qiúmí football, etc.)
761 趋势 qūshì trend; tendency
762 取消 qǔxiāo cancel; cancellation; abolish
763 娶 qǔ marry (a wife); take a wife
764 去世 qùshì pass away; die
circle; ring; (mw for loops,
765 圈 quān orbits, etc.)
766 权力 quánlì power; authority
767 权利 quánlì right; privilege
all-around; comprehensive;
768 全面 quánmiàn fully
769 劝 quàn advise; to urge; persuade
770 缺乏 quēfá shortage; to lack; be short of
definite; certain; fixed;
771 确定 quèdìng determine
772 确认 quèrèn confirm; confirmation; verify
crowd; group; (mw for groups,
773 群 qún flocks, or swarms)
774 燃烧 ránshāo combustion; burn; kindle
775 绕 rào to wind; to coil; move round
776 热爱 rè'ài love ardently; adore; passion
777 热烈 rèliè warm; enthusiastic
enthusiastic; zealous;
778 热心 rèxīn warmhearted
779 人才 réncái talent; talented person
780 人口 rénkǒu population; the populace
781 人类 rénlèi humanity; human race; mankind
782 人民币 rénmínbì (currency) renminbi (RMB)
783 人生 rénshēng human life
784 人事 rénshì personnel
figure; personage; character (in
785 人物 rénwù a play, story, etc.)
786 人员 rényuán staff; crew; personnel
787 忍不住 rěn bu zhù cannot help but; unable to bear
788 日常 rìcháng daily; everyday
789 日程 rìchéng schedule; itinerary
790 日历 rìlì calendar
791 日期 rìqī date
792 日用品 rìyòngpǐn daily necessities
793 日子 rìzi days; date; time; life
794 如何 rúhé how; what; what way
795 如今 rújīn nowadays
796 软 ruǎn soft
797 软件 ruǎnjiàn (computer) software
798 弱 ruò weak; feeble; young
799 洒 sǎ to sprinkle; to spray; to spill
800 嗓子 sǎngzi throat; voice
801 色彩 sècǎi tint; color; hue
802 杀 shā to kill; to murder
803 沙漠 shāmò desert
804 沙滩 shātān sand bar; sand beach
805 傻 shǎ foolish; fool
to dry in the sun; shine upon; to
806 晒 shài sun; bask
807 删除 shānchú to delete
808 闪电 shǎndiàn lightning
809 扇子 shànzi fan (for waving)
810 善良 shànliáng good and honest; kind-hearted
811 善于 shànyú be good at; excel at
812 伤害 shānghài injure; to harm; wound
813 商品 shāngpǐn goods; commodity; merchandise
814 商务 shāngwù business; commercial affairs
815 商业 shāngyè business; commerce; trade
816 上当 shàng dàng be fooled; be duped; be taken in
817 蛇 shé snake; serpent
hate to part with; begrudge
818 舍不得 shěbude doing something
equipment; facilities;
819 设备 shèbèi installations
820 设计 shèjì plan; design
821 设施 shèshī facilities; installation
822 射击 shèjī to shoot; to fire (a gun)
823 摄影 shè yǐng take a photograph; shoot a film
824 伸 shēn to stretch; extend
825 身材 shēncái stature; figure; build
826 身份 shēnfèn identity; status; dignity
827 深刻 shēnkè profound; deep
828 神话 shénhuà mythology; fairy tale
829 神秘 shénmì mysterious; mystical
830 升 shēng rise; hoist; promote; liter
to produce; manufacture; give
831 生产 shēngchǎn birth to a child
832 生动 shēngdòng vivid; lively
833 生长 shēngzhǎng grow; grow up
834 声调 shēngdiào tone; note
835 绳子 shéngzi cord; string; rope
836 省略 shěnglüè to omit; to leave out; abbreviate
837 胜利 shènglì victory; triumph
838 失眠 shīmián lose sleep; insomnia
839 失去 shīqù to lose (time, an opportunity,
work, etc.)
840 失业 shī yè lose one's job; unemployment
841 诗 shī poem; poetry; verse
842 狮子 shīzi lion
843 湿润 shīrùn moist; humid
844 石头 shítou stone; rock
845 时差 shíchā jetlag; time difference
846 时代 shídài age; era; period
847 时刻 shíkè moment; constantly
848 时髦 shímáo fashionable
period in time or history; period;
849 时期 shíqī time
850 时尚 shíshàng fashion; fad
851 实话 shíhuà truth
practice; put into practice; carry
852 实践 shíjiàn out
to practice; field work; work as
853 实习 shíxí an intern
854 实现 shíxiàn achieve; to implement
855 实验 shíyàn experiment; test
856 实用 shíyòng practical; pragmatic; functional
857 食物 shíwù food
858 使劲儿 shǐjìnr exert all one's strength
859 始终 shǐzhōng from beginning to end; all along
860 士兵 shìbīng soldier
861 市场 shìchǎng market
862 似的 shìde seems as if; rather like
863 事实 shìshí fact; in fact
864 事物 shìwù thing; object
865 事先 shìxiān in advance; beforehand; prior
866 试卷 shìjuàn exam paper; test paper
867 收获 shōuhuò harvest; acquisition; gain
868 收据 shōujù receipt
869 手工 shǒugōng hand-made; handicraft; manual
870 手术 shǒushù surgery; operation
871 手套 shǒutào glove; mitten
872 手续 shǒuxù formalities; procedure
873 手指 shǒuzhǐ finger
head; chief; first; (mw for
poems and songs) (Kangxi
874 首 shǒu radical 185)
875 寿命 shòumìng life span; life expectancy
sustain injuries (in an accident,
876 受伤 shòu shāng etc.); be injured
877 书架 shūjià bookshelf
878 梳子 shūzi comb; hairbrush
879 舒适 shūshì cozy; comfortable; snug
880 输入 shūrù input; enter; import
881 蔬菜 shūcài vegetables; produce
882 熟练 shúliàn practiced; proficient; skilled
883 属于 shǔyú belong to; be part of
884 鼠标 shǔ biāo mouse (computer)
885 数 shù, shǔ number | to count; to rank
886 数据 shùjù data; numbers; digital
numeral; number; amount;
887 数码 shùmǎ digital
fall down; slip and fall; tumble;
888 摔倒 shuāidǎo trip
to throw; to fling; to swing; cast
889 甩 shuǎi off
bilateral; both sides; both parties
890 双方 shuāngfāng involved
891 税 shuì tax
can't say for sure; perhaps;
892 说不定 shuōbudìng maybe
893 说服 shuō fú persuade; convince
894 丝绸 sīchóu silk
the slightest amount or degree; a
895 丝毫 sīháo very little bit
private (citizen); personal;
896 私人 sīrén individual
897 思考 sīkǎo reflect on; ponder; consider
thought; thinking; idea;
898 思想 sīxiǎng ideology
899 撕 sī to tear (something)
900 似乎 sìhū it seems; as if; seemingly
search; look for something;
901 搜索 sōusuǒ scour
dormitory; living quarters;
902 宿舍 sùshè hostel
carry on one's person; bring
903 随身 suíshēn with one
904 随时 suíshí at any time; whenever necessary
convenient; without extra
905 随手 suíshǒu trouble
906 碎 suì broken; break into pieces
907 损失 sǔnshī loss (financial); lose
908 缩短 suōduǎn shorten; cut down; curtail
place; that which; (mw for
909 所 suǒ houses, buildings)
910 锁 suǒ lock
flight of steps; sidestep; fig. way
911 台阶 táijiē out of an embarrassing situation
912 太极拳 tàijíquán Tai chi, a Chinese martial art
wife; married woman; Madame;
913 太太 tàitai Mrs.
negotiate; negotiation;
914 谈判 tánpàn conference
915 坦率 tǎnshuài frank
to scald; to burn; scalding hot;
916 烫 tàng to iron
917 逃 táo to escape; run away; flee
918 逃避 táobì to escape; evade; shirk
919 桃 táo peach
920 淘气 táoqì naughty; bad
921 讨价还价 tǎo jià huán jià bargaining; haggling over price
cover; (mw for sets of things);
922 套 tào tie together
characteristic; distinguishing
923 特色 tèsè feature
special; particular;
924 特殊 tèshū extraordinary; unusual
characteristics; distinctive
925 特征 tèzhēng features; trait
926 疼爱 téng ài love dearly; be very fond of
927 提倡 tíchàng promote; to advocate; proposal
928 提纲 tígāng outline; the key point
929 提问 tíwèn put questions to; to quiz
930 题目 tímù subject; title; topic
know from experience; learn
through experience; realize;
931 体会 tǐhuì understanding; experience
show consideration for;
932 体贴 tǐtiē thoughtful
embody; incarnate; reflect; to
933 体现 tǐxiàn manifest
experience for oneself; to
personally experience (usually a
934 体验 tǐyàn kind of life)
935 天空 tiānkōng sky; space; heavens
936 天真 tiānzhēn naïve; innocent; artless
937 调皮 tiáopí naughty; mischievous; unruly
938 调整 tiáozhěng adjustment; revision
939 挑战 tiǎozhàn challenge
940 通常 tōngcháng regular; usual; normal; ordinary
941 统一 tǒngyī unify; unite; integrate; universal
942 痛苦 tòngkǔ pain; suffering; agony
joyful; delighted; very happy;
943 痛快 tòngkuai jolly
944 偷 tōu steal; pilfer
put into operation; throw into; to
945 投入 tóurù invest
946 投资 tóu zī investment
transparent; open
947 透明 tòumíng (non-secretive)
prominent; stand out; give
948 突出 tūchū prominence to
949 土地 tǔdì land; territory; soil
950 土豆 tǔdòu potato
951 吐 tǔ, tù to spit | to vomit; throw up
952 兔子 tùzi rabbit; hare
round; ball; group; unite;
dumpling; (mw for ball-like
953 团 tuán things)
954 推辞 tuīcí to decline; turn down
955 推广 tuīguǎng popularize; to spread
956 推荐 tuījiàn recommend; recommendation
957 退 tuì to retreat; decline; withdraw
958 退步 tuìbù to degenerate; to regress
959 退休 tuìxiū retirement (from work); retire
askew; crooked; devious;
960 歪 wāi recline to take a rest (colloquial)
961 外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather
962 外交 wàijiāo diplomacy; foreign affairs
963 完美 wánměi perfect
964 完善 wánshàn perfect; make perfect; improve
965 完整 wánzhěng complete; intact
966 玩具 wánjù plaything; toy
967 万一 wànyī just in case; if by any chance
968 王子 wángzǐ prince; son of a king
969 网络 wǎngluò network
970 往返 wǎngfǎn go back and forth; go to and fro
971 危害 wēihài endanger; jeopardize; to harm
972 威胁 wēixié threaten; to menace
973 微笑 wēixiào smile
974 违反 wéifǎn violate (a law)
975 围巾 wéijīn scarf; shawl
revolve around; center on (an
976 围绕 wéirào issue)
977 唯一 wéiyī only; sole
maintain (of equipment); to
978 维修 wéixiū mend; repair
979 伟大 wěidà great; mighty; large
980 尾巴 wěiba tail
981 委屈 wěiqu feel wronged; nurse a grievance
982 未必 wèibì not necessarily; need not
983 未来 wèilái future
984 位于 wèiyú be located at
985 位置 wèizhi position; place; seat
986 胃 wèi stomach
987 胃口 wèikǒu appetite
988 温暖 wēnnuǎn warm
989 温柔 wēnróu gentle and soft; tender; gentle
990 文件 wénjiàn document; file
991 文具 wénjù stationery; writing supplies
992 文明 wénmíng civilization; civilized; culture
993 文学 wénxué literature
994 文字 wénzì characters; script; writing
995 闻 wén hear; to smell; news; reputation
996 吻 wěn kiss; lips
997 稳定 wěndìng stable; steady
send a greeting; send one's
998 问候 wènhòu regards to
999 卧室 wòshì bedroom
1000 握手 wò shǒu to shake hands
1001 屋子 wūzi room; house
1002 无奈 wúnài can't help but; have no choice
1003 无数 wúshù countless; innumerable
1004 无所谓 wúsuǒwèi doesn't matter; be indifferent
1005 武术 wǔshù martial arts
1006 勿 wù not; do not
1007 物理 wùlǐ physics; physical
1008 物质 wùzhì matter; substance; material
1009 雾 wù fog; mist
1010 吸取 xīqǔ absorb; assimilate
1011 吸收 xīshōu absorb; ingest
1012 戏剧 xìjù drama; play; theater
be; relate to; system; fasten;
department; faculty; connect | to
1013 系 xì, jì tie
1014 系统 xìtǒng system
1015 细节 xìjié details; particulars
1016 瞎 xiā blind
1017 下载 xiàzǎi to download
1018 吓 xià frighten; to scare; intimidate
1019 夏令营 xiàlìngyíng summer camp
1020 鲜艳 xiānyàn bright-colored
1021 显得 xiǎnde appear; seem; to look
1022 显然 xiǎnrán clear; evidently; obviously
1023 显示 xiǎnshì display, illustrate, to show
1024 县 xiàn county; district
1025 现代 xiàndài modern times; modern age
1026 现实 xiànshí reality; actuality; practical
1027 现象 xiànxiàng appearance; phenomenon
1028 限制 xiànzhì restrictions; to limit; to bound
1029 相处 xiāngchǔ get along; interact
equivalent to; appropriate;
1030 相当 xiāngdāng considerably; quite
1031 相对 xiāngduì opposite; relatively; to resist
correlation; interrelated;
1032 相关 xiāngguān dependence
1033 相似 xiāngsì similar; resemble; like
1034 香肠 xiāngcháng sausage
1035 享受 xiǎngshòu enjoy
to miss; remember with longing;
1036 想念 xiǎngniàn long to see again
1037 想象 xiǎngxiàng imagine; visualize
nape (of the neck); sum (of
1038 项 xiàng money); mw item
1039 项链 xiàngliàn necklace
1040 项目 xiàngmù program; item; project
1041 象棋 xiàngqí chess; Chinese chess
1042 象征 xiàngzhēng symbol; symbolize; signify
1043 消费 xiāofèi consumption; spending
1044 消化 xiāohuà to digest
1045 消极 xiāojí passive; negative; demoralized
1046 消失 xiāoshī disappear; fade away; dissolve
1047 销售 xiāoshòu to sell; to market; sales
1048 小麦 xiǎomài wheat
1049 小气 xiǎoqì stingy; petty
1050 孝顺 xiàoshùn filial piety
1051 效率 xiàolǜ efficiency
to rest; to go to bed; to take a
1052 歇 xiē break
1053 斜 xié slanting; tilted
writing; composition; written
1054 写作 xiězuò works
1055 血 xuè blood (Kangxi radical 143)
psychology; psychological;
1056 心理 xīnlǐ mental
1057 心脏 xīnzàng heart
1058 欣赏 xīnshǎng appreciate; enjoy; admire
1059 信号 xìnhào signal
1060 信任 xìnrèn to trust; have confidence in
1061 行动 xíngdòng to move; get around; action
1062 行人 xíngrén pedestrian
1063 行为 xíngwéi action; behavior; conduct
1064 形成 xíngchéng take shape; form
1065 形容 xíngróng describe; appearance; look
1066 形式 xíngshì form; shape; situation
1067 形势 xíngshì circumstances; situation; terrain
1068 形象 xíngxiàng image; form; figure
1069 形状 xíngzhuàng form; figure; shape
1070 幸亏 xìngkuī fortunately; luckily
1071 幸运 xìngyùn luck; fortune
1072 性质 xìngzhì nature; characteristic; quality
brothers; younger brother;
1073 兄弟 xiōngdì brethren
1074 胸 xiōng chest; bosom; heart
1075 休闲 xiūxián recreation; leisure
1076 修改 xiūgǎi amend; modify; revise; alter
1077 虚心 xūxīn modest; open-minded
1078 叙述 xùshù retell; narrate
1079 宣布 xuānbù announce; declare; proclaim
propaganda; to propagate; to
1080 宣传 xuānchuán give publicity to
educational background; school
1081 学历 xuélì record
1082 学术 xuéshù learning; science; academic
1083 学问 xuéwen learning; knowledge
1084 寻找 xúnzhǎo seek; look for; quest
1085 询问 xúnwèn inquire about
to train; to drill; to exercise;
1086 训练 xùnliàn training
1087 迅速 xùnsù fast; quick; rapid
1088 押金 yājīn security deposit; down payment
1089 牙齿 yáchǐ tooth
1090 延长 yáncháng extend; prolong; lengthen
1091 严肃 yánsù solemn; serious; earnest
1092 演讲 yǎnjiǎng give a lecture; make a speech
1093 宴会 yànhuì banquet; feast; dinner party
1094 阳台 yángtái balcony
1095 痒 yǎng to itch; itchy
1096 样式 yàngshì type; style; form
1097 腰 yāo waist; lower back; pocket
1098 摇 yáo to shake; to rock
1099 咬 yǎo to bite; to nip
1100 要不 yàobù otherwise; or else; how about
1101 业务 yèwù business; profession
1102 业余 yèyú spare time; amateur
1103 夜 yè night; darkness
1104 一辈子 yíbèizi (for) a lifetime; all one's life
in case (something happens);
once (sth. has happened ...
1105 一旦 yídàn then); in one day
same; uniformly; all; without
1106 一律 yílǜ exception
1107 一再 yízài repeatedly; again and again
unanimous; identical (views or
1108 一致 yízhì opinions); consistent
1109 依然 yīrán still; as before
1110 移动 yídòng to move
1111 移民 yímín immigrate; emigrate; migrate
1112 遗憾 yíhàn regret; pity; sorry
1113 疑问 yíwèn doubt; question; to query
two; twist (2nd Heavenly Stem)
1114 乙 yǐ (Kangxi radical 5)
1115 以及 yǐjí as well as; too; (formal) and
1116 以来 yǐlái since (a previous event)
one hundred million
1117 亿 yì (100,000,000)
1118 义务 yìwù duty; obligation; volunteer duty
1119 议论 yìlùn discuss; to comment; talk about
1120 意外 yìwài unexpected; accident; mishap
1121 意义 yìyì meaning; significance
1122 因而 yīn'ér therefore; as a result; thus
1123 因素 yīnsù element; factor
1124 银 yín silver (the element)
1125 印刷 yìnshuā print
1126 英俊 yīngjùn handsome
1127 英雄 yīngxióng hero
1128 迎接 yíngjiē meet; greet; to welcome
nutrition; nourishment;
1129 营养 yíngyǎng sustenance
1130 营业 yíngyè do business; to trade
1131 影子 yǐngzi shadow; reflection
to cope with; deal with; handle;
do sth. perfunctorily; do sth.
1132 应付 yìngfu after a fashion; make do
1133 应用 yìngyòng to apply; to use; application
1134 硬 yìng hard; stiff; obstinately
1135 硬件 yìngjiàn hardware
1136 拥抱 yōngbào embrace; to hug
1137 拥挤 yōngjǐ to crowd; to push; to squeeze
1138 勇气 yǒngqì courage; valor
diligent; industrious;
1139 用功 yòng gōng hardworking
1140 用途 yòngtú use; application; purpose
1141 优惠 yōuhuì preferential; favorable
1142 优美 yōuměi graceful; fine; elegant
advantage; superiority;
1143 优势 yōushì dominant position
1144 悠久 yōujiǔ established; long; longstanding
1145 犹豫 yóuyù hesitate; hesitant; undecided
1146 油炸 yóuzhá deep fry
1147 游览 yóulǎn go sight-seeing; tour
1148 有利 yǒulì advantageous; beneficial
1149 幼儿园 yòu'éryuán kindergarten; nursery school
1150 娱乐 yúlè entertain; amuse; entertainment
1151 与其 yǔqí rather than; better than
1152 语气 yǔqì tone; manner of speaking; mood
1153 玉米 yùmǐ corn; maize
1154 预报 yùbào to predict; forecast
place an order; book ahead;
1155 预订 yùdìng subscribe for
prevent; take precautions
1156 预防 yùfáng against
1157 元旦 yuándàn New Year's Day
1158 员工 yuángōng employee; staff; personnel
1159 原料 yuánliào raw material; ingredients
1160 原则 yuánzé principle; doctrine
round; circular; formal unit of
1161 圆 yuán Chinese currency
1162 愿望 yuànwàng desire; wish; aspiration
1163 乐器 yuèqì musical instrument
1164 晕 yūn dizzy; to fain
1165 运气 yùnqi luck
1166 运输 yùnshū transport; transportation
1167 运用 yùnyòng to use; apply
1168 灾害 zāihài disaster; calamity
1169 再三 zàisān over and over again; repeatedly
care about; be determined by; to
1170 在乎 zàihu mind
lie in; be in; rest with; depend
1171 在于 zàiyú on
1172 赞成 zànchéng approve; endorse
1173 赞美 zànměi admire; applause; to praise
terrible; too bad; how terrible;
1174 糟糕 zāogāo what bad luck; what a mess
1175 造成 zàochéng to cause; make; bring out
standard; regulation; however;
1176 则 zé in that case
1177 责备 zébèi to blame; criticize (sb.); accuse
to pick (flowers, fruit, etc.); to
1178 摘 zhāi pluck; to take; to borrow
1179 窄 zhǎi narrow; petty; hard-up
1180 粘贴 zhāntiē to paste
spread out; unfold; carry out; in
1181 展开 zhǎn kāi full swing
put on display; to exhibit;
1182 展览 zhǎnlǎn exhibition
1183 占 zhàn occupy; seize; to constitute
1184 战争 zhànzhēng war; conflict
1185 长辈 zhǎngbèi an elder; an elder generation
to rise (of prices, rivers); to go
1186 涨 zhǎng, zhàng up | to swell; to bloat
1187 掌握 zhǎngwò to grasp; to master; to control
1188 账户 zhànghù bank account
receive (guests); entertain;
1189 招待 zhāodài reception
1190 着火 zháohuǒ catch fire; ignite
1191 着凉 zháo liáng catch a cold
convene (a conference or
1192 召开 zhàokāi meeting); call together
1193 照常 zhàocháng as usual; normal
1194 哲学 zhéxué philosophy
in connection with; directed
1195 针对 zhēnduì towards
1196 珍惜 zhēnxī to treasure; cherish; to value
1197 真实 zhēnshí true; real; authentic
1198 诊断 zhěnduàn diagnosis; diagnose
short period; disposition of
1199 阵 zhèn troops; wave
1200 振动 zhèndòng vibrate; vibration
argue; to dispute; contend;
1201 争论 zhēnglùn argument
1202 争取 zhēngqǔ fight for; compete for; strive
1203 征求 zhēngqiú solicit; seek; ask for; to request
1204 睁 zhēng to open (eyes)
1205 整个 zhěnggè whole; entire; total
1206 整齐 zhěngqí tidy; neat; in good order
1207 整体 zhěngtǐ whole; entirety
straight; currently; correct; just
1208 正 zhèng (right); pure; precisely
paperwork; credentials; papers;
1209 证件 zhèngjiàn certificates
1210 证据 zhèngjù evidence; proof; testimony
1211 政府 zhèngfǔ government
1212 政治 zhèngzhì politics
1213 挣 zhèng, zhēng to earn | to struggle
branch; support; put up; (mw for
long; narrow objects) (Kangxi
1214 支 zhī radical 65)
1215 支票 zhīpiào (bank) check
1216 执照 zhízhào a license; a permit
1217 直 zhí straight; vertical; frank; directly;
1218 指导 zhǐdǎo to guide; give directions
to command; to conduct;
1219 指挥 zhǐhuī commander
1220 至今 zhì jīn up to now; so far
1221 至于 zhìyú as for; go so far as to
1222 志愿者 zhìyuànzhě volunteer
formulate; lay down (a plan or
1223 制定 zhìdìng policy); to draft
1224 制度 zhìdù system; institution
1225 制造 zhìzào manufacture; make
1226 制作 zhìzuò make; manufacture
to treat; to cure; medical
1227 治疗 zhìliáo treatment
1228 秩序 zhìxù order; sequence
1229 智慧 zhìhuì wisdom; knowledge
1230 中介 zhōngjiè agent; act as an intermediary
1231 中心 zhōngxīn center; heart; core
1232 中旬 zhōngxún middle third of a month
1233 种类 zhǒnglèi kind; category; class
1234 重大 zhòngdà great; important; major
1235 重量 zhòngliàng weight
1236 周到 zhōudào thoughtful; considerate;
1237 猪 zhū pig
1238 竹子 zhúzi bamboo
1239 逐步 zhúbù step by step; gradually
1240 逐渐 zhújiàn gradually; by degrees
1241 主持 zhǔchí preside over; manage; to direct
1242 主动 zhǔdòng to take initiative; voluntary
1243 主观 zhǔguān subjective
1244 主人 zhǔrén master; host; owner
1245 主任 zhǔrèn director; head; chief
1246 主题 zhǔtí theme; subject; topic
1247 主席 zhǔxí chairperson; president
1248 主张 zhǔzhāng to advocate; viewpoint; position
1249 煮 zhǔ to boil; to cook
1250 注册 zhùcè register; registration; enroll
1251 祝福 zhùfú blessings; wish well
to carry in your hand holding
1252 抓 zhuā strongly; catch; arrest
to grasp firmly; to pay close or
special attention to; to rush in;
1253 抓紧 zhuā jǐn to make the most of
1254 专家 zhuānjiā expert; specialist
be absorbed; concentrate;
1255 专心 zhuānxīn attentive
1256 转变 zhuǎnbiàn to change; to transform
pass on; to communicate; to
1257 转告 zhuǎngào transmit
to load; dress up; pretend;
1258 装 zhuāng clothing; to install
1259 装饰 zhuāngshì decorate
1260 装修 zhuāngxiū renovate; to fit up
1261 状况 zhuàngkuàng condition; state; situation
1262 状态 zhuàngtài state of affairs; condition; state
1263 撞 zhuàng to hit; collide; run into
1264 追 zhuī pursue; chase
1265 追求 zhuīqiú pursue; seek
request information; consultant;
1266 咨询 zīxún advisory
1267 姿势 zīshì posture; position; pose
1268 资格 zīgé qualifications; seniority
1269 资金 zījīn funds; funding
data; material; resources;
1270 资料 zīliào information
1271 资源 zīyuán natural resource; resource
1272 紫 zǐ purple
1273 自从 zìcóng since; ever since
1274 自动 zìdòng automatic
1275 自豪 zìháo (feel a sense of) pride
conscious; be aware of;
1276 自觉 zìjué self-motivated
1277 自私 zìsī selfish
1278 自由 zìyóu freedom; free; liberty
1279 自愿 zìyuàn voluntary
1280 字母 zìmǔ letter (of the alphabet)
1281 字幕 zìmù subtitles; captions
1282 综合 zōnghé synthesized; composite;
1283 总裁 zǒngcái director-general; president
altogether; in sum; in all; in
1284 总共 zǒnggòng total
1285 总理 zǒnglǐ premier; prime minister
at long last; finally; on the
1286 总算 zǒngsuàn whole
1287 总统 zǒngtǒng president (of a country)
in a word; in short; in brief /
1288 总之 zǒngzhī anyway; anyhow
1289 阻止 zǔzhǐ prevent; to block
1290 组 zǔ compose; team up; group
to form; part; element;
1291 组成 zǔchéng constitute
1292 组合 zǔhé assemble; combination
1293 组织 zǔzhī organize; organization
1294 最初 zuìchū first; primary; initial
1295 醉 zuì intoxicated; become drunk
1296 尊敬 zūnjìng respect; revere
observe; abide by; comply with;
keep (commandments); to
1297 遵守 zūnshǒu respect (an agreement)
1298 作品 zuòpǐn works (of literature and art)
1299 作为 zuòwéi regard as; act as; action; deed
1300 作文 zuò wén write an essay; essay

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