NCM 107 - Maternal - Child Nursing Care and The Community

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NCM 107| Maternal- Child Nursing care and the community h.

h. The Adoptive Family – Family of any types adopt children

BY:ZSIDRICK JOHN P. ALIVIO,RN,MN,LPT no matter what family structure. With legal basis and due
process of law.
Your best quote that reflects your approach… “It’s one small
step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Family Task:
- NEIL ARMSTRONG i. Physical Maintenance – A healthy family provide essential
ii. Socialization of family member – this includes being
certain that children feel part of the family and learning
appropriate ways to interact with people outside the family.
iii. Allocation of resources – this involves determining which
family needs will be meet and their order of priorities.
iv. Maintenance of order – this task includes establishing
values, rules and responsibilities.
v. Division of labor – healthy families evenly distribute flexible
workload to the family member.
vi. Placement of members into the larger society - healthy
family realize they do not have to operate alone but can
MCN care for Family and Community reach out to other family and community.
- Refers to nurses ability and responsibility to help make vii. Reproduction, recruitment and release of family
communities safer by participating in activities and members - family should open to changing circumstances
organizations with the goal of strengthening the community. viii. Maintenance of motivation and morale – healthy family
- Knowing the individual aspect of a community also helps are able to maintain a sense of unity and pride
understand why some people reach the illness level.
‣ Community: generally understood to be a group of Developmental stages and Goals for family
individuals interacting within geographic area.
‣ Family Theory; A set of perspectives from the family’s
point of view
‣ : Helps nurses address important health issues of the
childbearing and childrearing family

- A group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption
living together (USCB 2005)
- -Two or more people who live in the same household, share
a common emotional bond and perform certain interrelated
social tasks (Allender and Spradley)
Two basic family types:
- Family of Orientation- the family one is born intO
- Family of Procreation – a family that one establish


a. The Childless family- composed of two people living
together with out children.
b. The Cohabitation family- composed of couple ,perhaps
with children but remain unmarried.
c. The Nuclear family- the traditional nuclear family is
composed of two parents and the children.
d. The Single parent family- composed only with one parent
who will stand as mother/father to their children.
e. The Blended Family- a remarriage or reconstituted family.
A widowed/ divorced person with children marries
someone who also has children.
f. The LGBT family- lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
couples live together as partners for companionship,
financial security and sexual fulfillment, or form the same
structure as nuclear family.
g. The Foster Family – children whose family can no longer
care for them may be placed in a foster or substitute home
by a child protection agency.

NCM 107 | Maternal- Child Nursing Care and the Community

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