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‘Questions and Probiems* All even.umbered exercises have answers in the back of this book and solutions in the Solutions Gaide. 9.1 m Counting by Weighing PnORLENS 1, Merchants wswally sell small su, washers aad bolts by wweiphi (like jelly beans!) rather than by individually 10? mol of Jead(LD acetate, PU(CHsCO:) 46 sample af benz, Cal, wich seni tal ‘$40 mol of eubon 40, Calcalat the mamiber of malecles present in each oft following samples. ‘4.29 met ofnirogen dione 1b 429 g of nitvogea dioxide £1.95 % 10°19 mot of hydrogen flaoride 198 x 1071? g of hydrogen fhe 4.61 g of ammonia |. Calculate the muriber of moles of carbon storis pres in cach of the Following samples. a. 1271 g of ethagol, GH/OH i 3.982 g of 14-dichloeabenzene, Coil, ©, 0.4438 g of carbon suboxide, C302 d. 2910 g of methylene chiorde, CHCl, 42, Cllculae the number of moles of sulfur atoms pretend ‘ech ofthe following saauples. 201 g of sociem sofa b. 201 g of exdium sufte 2.01 g of sodium sulfide 6.201 g of sodiom thiowuifate, Na_5203 254 9 Chemicol Composition 9.5 m Percent Composition of Compounds ves 49. The mast fraction of an element presen in w compound ‘be obained by comparing the mas-of the perielar slement present in 1 mol of the compound 10 the ‘ase of the compound. 44, The mast percentage of a given clement in a compound ust alvays be (gresteiies) than 100%, PaoaueMs 45, Calculate the percent by mase of each element inthe fol= owing compounds. ‘2, methme, Cif 1. chlotumethane, CHSC «, dichleromethuse, CHCl, . trichloromethane (chloroform), CHCIs . tetrarloromethane (carbon tetrachloride), CCL, {. dichlerodifluoromethane, CCILF: fg. chiororfluoromethane, CCF, fh tetraflucromethane, CF 46, Calculate the percent by macs of esch element in the fol- owing compounds, 4. sodium sulfite . sodium sulfite . sodium sulfide ‘Calculate the percent by mass of the clement mestioned frst in the formals for each of the following cormpounds. ‘a. methane, CH bs sodium ritrate ‘c. curbon monoxide, CO 4. nitrogen dioxide & A-cetunal, CytigO cakium phosphate 1. 3-pheaylphenol, C)3Hic fh aluminum aceiste, Al(C3H303)) 48. Calculate the percent by mass of the efernent sid frst in the formulas foreach of the following. compounds. «. calcium nitride, CanNe potassium permanganate, Kin, © tin(ll) Bromide, SB, 4 slumsinwm sulfide, ALS) acetylene, CoH, ammonium phosphide, (NH)? iron(II iodide, Fel tetrppbasphorus decoxide, P4O9 49, Caleulate the percent by mass ofthe element mentioned first nthe formulas fr each of the following compounds, ‘tdipic acid, CQHjg0g ‘6 ammonium nitrate, NHyNOs +, caffeine, CgHgNsOr i. chlorine dioxide, C102 ‘6 eyclohexanol, CE, OH 1 dextose, CaO 8. eicosane, CooHla hi ethanol, CoH:OH ‘50, Calcalaic the porceat by muss of tbe elemem mentioned frat n the formals foreach of the following cormpounds ‘4 iron(LL ebloeide oxygen difluoride, OF, fe. benzene, CoH ammonium perchlore, NH/CIO, silver oxide cobal() chloride dinitrogen tetroxide 1 fhanganese( I chloride 531, For each af the following samples of ionic substances, calculate the nurber of moles and mass of the positive {ons preset in each sample. ‘425 g of ammosium ioside, NHL 16 6.31 mol of ammotiam sulfide, (NHS: , 9.71 g of barium phosphide, BasP, 4, 7.63 mol f caleum phosptste, C33(PO4l2 ‘52. For cach of the Following ionic substances, calculate the ‘eccentage of the overall melar mass.of the compownd that is represented by the neraiie dons the: compound oman, 2. calcium phosphate bi cadmiam ste ©. ioavtlfy sulfare _manganese(t) etihoride 9.6 m= Formulas of Compounds 53. What experimental evidence sbout anew compound must bbe kaown before its formala can be determined? 54, What does the eipirical forma of w compound ropre- sent? How does the molecular formula differ from the empirical formal? 7 Give the empire formals tat coneepoes io wach of th fatowring occa fra. a. sodiem peroxide, NazO,, 1 terephthalic ack, Cyig(, €. phepobarial, CHM, &. 14 dichloro-2-butene, CyHeCh 56. Which of the following pairs of compounds hve the same empirical formals? a. acetylene, Coy, and benzene, Cally 1 sthme, CH, and tase, C9 « sitrogendionide, NO>. and dintragen tetroxide, NO & sipbsmyl ether, C12Hio® and phenol, CoHsOH 9.7 m Calculation of Empirical Formulas moses ‘57, A new compound has been prepared. A'0479I-g sample ‘wus analyzed and was found to contain the following ‘masses of elements: curban, 0,1929 g; hydrogen, 0.01079 1; Oxygen, 0.0856 g; chlorine, 0.1888 g. Determine the ‘enpirical formala of the new compound. 1 1.000 g of barium metal is heated in a stream of pure ‘oxygen gas, | 117 g of an oxide is produced. Calevlate the empirical formola of tae oxide: 39, A.0.5998.¢ sample of ancw compound has boen analyzed ‘nd found io coon the fllowing muses of elements: ‘arbon, 0.2322 g hydrogen, .OSH48 gr oxygen, 0.3091 g. Caleta the empirical fomula of the compound. (60. A.compaund has the following percentages by mass: har- umm, 58849; sulfur, 13.24%: oxygen, 27.49%. Deter rine the empirical formula af the compound. 4.068 of calcu metal is hewted ina, the sam plc gains 1.600 g of oxypon in forming calcium oxide. Calculate the empirical forma of ealcum oxi, (62. Anslysis af 2 certsin compound yielded the following Percentages of the elements ry mass: nitrogen, 29.16%; Ihydmgen, 8.392%: carbon, 12.50%: oxygen. 48.05%. Determine the empirical formula of the compound. (08. When 3.209 g of rine is heated in pare oxyes, the sam ple gains 0.800 g of oxygen in forming the oxide. Cal- Cala the empirical formula of zinc oxide (64. 10 cobalt meta i mixed with excess sulfur and heated soromgly. «sulfide ix produced tht contains. $5,068 cobalt by mass. Calculte the empirical formals a the sulfide. (65. When 1.916 g of titanium is strongly Ieated in a seam. Of pure oxygen, am oxide sample weighing 3.198 g re- sults Calculaie the empirical formula of the oxide. 66, If 10.00 of copper metal is healed strongly in the air, the sample gains 22 ¢ of oxygen im forming an oxide. Deseresing the empires] Cormala of this oxide, 7. A compound used im the: nuclear industry has the fol- lowing composition: uranium, 67.61%; fluorine, 32.39%. ‘Determine the empirical formula ofthe cotmpoand. Qvesitons and Prablems = 2 68, A compound bas the following percentages by mass: minum, 32.134; fluorine, 67.874%. Calculate the em ‘cal formala of the compound, A compound has the following peseeutse congo) by mass: copper, 33.48%; mitogen, 1494%; oxy 51.18%. Determine the empirical formal. of the <: Pound, 70. Whea Wihium metal is heated srocely in an wanospl of pe niroges, the product soaiais 59.78% Li 4022% N oa a muss basis, Determine the empirical ula of he compound TL. A compound has been analyzed and has been fount une the following compotion: copper, 65.75%: at phorus, 10.846; oxygen, 22.41%. Determine the ers ‘el formsla of the compound, 72. A compound was anabyzed and found tw fave the Jowing percentage composition: aluminum, 15.7%; fac, 28.11%; oxypan, 562%, Calciate the empin formule of the compound, . mercury) salt has the following compesitin by m: mercury, 80,664: sulfur. 6.436%: oxygen. 12.87%. | termine the empirical formula of the salt. 4. A compound consists of 21.60% Na. 3831% C1, 45.05% O on a mass taxis. Desermine the empitical | mia of the compound, 9.8 m Calculation of Mofecular Formulas uestions 75. How does the molecular formula of a compound i: from the empirical formula? Can a.compouna’s emp cal und molecular formulas Ce the same? Explain, 76, What information do we need tw determine the mole Ir formal af « compound if we know only the emp cal formula? proms ‘A compound with the empirical formula CHO ¥ found to have & molae mass between #9 and91 g, W {s the molecular formula of the compound? 78. A compound with empisical formula CH wes found ‘experiment to have a molar mass af approximately What is the molecula formals of the sompound? 73, A compound with the empitical formula CH, was fot to have a molar mass of approximately 84 g. What is molecular formula of the compound? 256 9 chemico! Composition 80. A compound with dhe empirical formula NO was found tobave.t molar mass of 92 g. What i the motccalarfor- ral. of the compound? 1A compound having an approzimate molar mass of 165=170 g has the follow it 28.55%; nitcogen, 25.00% Detennine the expirscal and ‘molecular formulas of the compound, 82. A compound consists of 65.45% C, 5.482% H, and 29.06% O'on 2 mass basis and has a malar mass of ap- ‘raxinaately 110. Determine the molecular formula ofthe compound, Additional Problems: 5, Use the peviodie table inside the front cover ofthis text to determine the atomic mass (per molt) oF molar mass ofeach of the substances in column |, and find that mass incom 2. Coden 1 Column? (CD molybenam 4a) 33.995 (2) antanan (©) 79.9 8 (3) carbon tezrbromide ——_(¢) 95.94 g (4) mercury) oxide id) 125.84 g (C5) titaninmd) oxide (6) 1389 g ( 6) manganese(1) chloride (1 143.1 g ‘7) phospbine, PEs (e) 158.3 g 4) tinct) Nua th) 216.6 & (9) ead sult (238.3 8 19) copper oxide (331.68 ‘84, Complete the following table. Mass of Moles of Atoms in sample sample sample 500g Al = (0.00250 mol Fe = 26 X 10 stoms Cu 0.00250 g Mg 1,002 10* atoms U 85. Complete the following table. Mas of Motes of Molecules in sample sample sample 298 gN0, = —_ — to 48x 10 molecuies SiCl, 02019 g i a ClO, 21x 107 mol CHF —_ 1 lon ‘molecules C:H OH 86. Consider a hypothetical compound compased of ele- ments X. ¥, and Z with the empirical formula X25. Given that the atomic masses of X, Y, and Z wre 41.2, 57.7, and 63.9; respectively, calculate the percentage ‘composition by mass of the compound. If the molecular formula of the compound is found by molar mass detes- mination Jo be setwally X,Yadg, what i the percentage ‘of each element present? Explain your results. 87. A binary compound of magnesium and nitrogen is ana- Tyan, and 1.2791 g ofthe compound i found to contain (0.9240 g of magnesinm. When a second sample of this ‘compound is tested with water and hested, the nitrogen ‘is driven of as smmosia, leaving 2 compound that con- tains 60.31% magnesium and 39.68% oxygen by ma Calculate the empirical formas of the two-magnesiam compounds ‘$4, When 1 2.118-g sample of copper i heated in an at- ‘mosphere in which the amount of oxygen present is r- stricted, the sample gains 0.2666 g of oxygen in form ing a reddish brown onide. However, when 2.118 ¢ of ‘copper is healed in w stream of pare oxygen, the sample gains 0.5332 g of oxygen, Calculate the empirical fr- imulas of the two oxides of copper. £89, Nitrogen end oxygen combine under different conditicns to give 2 series of binary compounds: N30, NO, NO>, NO, Calc the percent by mass of nitrogen in each, 90, Calculate the number of atoms of each element present in each of the following samples. a, 237g of lead(TD nitrate by 224 g of elemental onypea ‘s 10L9 mg of elemental sufi, Sy 4, 43,7 ag of uranium’ V9) faoride 91, Calculate the missin gras ofeach or the following same les, at, 10,000.000,000 aitzoge malectles 5 249° 10" carbon dioxide molecules «. 7.0583 mol of sodium chloride 4d, 9.012: 10-* mol of 1,2tichloroethane, C3HgCly 92, Calculate the mass of carbon ia gram, the percent car ‘bon by muss, andthe number of individual carbon oes Present im each of the following samples, a. 7819 g of curbor suboride, C30; 1b. 153. 10" molecules of carbon monoxide © 0260 mol of phenol, CsFyO ‘93. Find the item in column 2 that best explains or completes the statement or question in column 1. Column D1 ama 2) 1008 amu (3) mass of the “average” atom of an elemeat (C4) auunber of carbon atoms in 12.01 g of carbon (3) 6022 x 10 molecules (9) wual mass of all atoms in 1 mol of compound (7) smallest whole-number ratio of atoms present in a mokeule {(8) formula showing actual number of etams. present in a omecute (C9) product formed when any caeton-comtaining eom- pounel is burned in Oy (10) have the same empirical formals, but diferent rmolecwlar formulas (Column 2 (3) 60022 x 1023 (6) omic mass (©) mass of 1000 hydrogen atoms (ql) benzene, CeH, and soetylene, CoH: (©) carbon dioxide (® empties! formula. @) 166 x 10°77 g (b) molecular formula () molar mss <1 mol ‘94, Caleuiate the sumber of grams of lev thet commun the same nomber of sioms a6 1,00 g of neaa. 9S. Calculate the number of grams of anim that contain the same auraber of atorss 1s 1.00 g of sodium 96. Calculate the number of grams of mercury that costin the same number of atoms as $.00 of telhuriamn, 97. Calcalate the number of grams of tithiurn that comtain the same number of stom 2s 1.00 kg of zirconiuen. ‘98. Gliven that the molar mass of carbon tetrachloride, OC, 53.8 g calculate the mass in grams of 1 molecule af cc, 99, Calcalate the mass in grams of oxygen present in 1.000 g of each of the following compounds. a. formaldehyde, CH;O ‘barium peraide . calcium earbonmte . serine, CHOWN Additional Pratleas 2! 1100, Calculate the macs in gen of wixogen present in 5.00 ‘of cach of the following compounds a glycine, CzHyOnN rE aie aad ‘6 ealefum nitric 4, dinitrogen tetroxide: 101. A strikingly beaueful copper compound withthe comm: ‘name “blue vitriol” hss the following elemental co Position: 25.45% Cu, 12.845 8, 40365 H, 57.67% [Determine the empitical formula of the compound. 102, A magnesium sat at the following elemental carnpeo ‘ion: 16.39% Mg, 18.89% N, 64.72% O. Determine + ‘empirical formula of the salt, 103, The mass 1.66 > 10-2 g ie equivalent to! 104, Even though most elements consist af several isotop ‘we Bethe ‘must ofthe isctopes in most che ical calculations, 105, Using the average atomic martes given in Table 9.1, 6 ‘culate the number of atoms present in each of the f Towing samples. 2 160000 amu of oxygen 1b, 8139.81 amu of aitragen © 13490 ame of altinura 4, 5040 amu of hydrogen © 367,495.15 ame of sodium 106. If an average sodium aiom weighs 22.99 emu, how mn ‘sodium atoms are coniained in 1,98 X 10 ama ‘sodinm? What will 3.01 % 10 sodium atoms weigh’ 107. Using the average atomic masses given inside the rc ‘cover of this ext, caleulale how many noes of euch cement the following masses represent. 1.3 mg of chromium b 20x 10? gof sromtiam 4.84 3 108 g of boron 36 10° yg of californian 4 1.0 fon (2000 My of iran f. 204 g of barium B 628 g of cobalt JOR. Using the average atomic mansee given inside the fre cover ofthis text, calculate the mass in grams of each the following sumples. ‘2, 5.0 mol of potassium , 0.000305 mol of mercary 231X109 mol of manganese 4. 10.5 mol of phosphorus 8 49 x 104 mol of ren 125 mol of hihium 8 0.01208 mal of fioosine 9 Chenveal Composition 109. Using the merge atomi: masses: given inside the front cover of this tex, calculate the number of atoms present in cach of the following samples. a 249 g of gold 0.000259 mal of platinum ‘, 0,600239 g of platimem 4. 2.0 Ib of magnesium ©. 1.90 ml. of liquid mercury (density = 13.6 phn) { 430 mol of tungsten 430g of tnaxen 110, Caleulate the mater mass for euch of the following sub- stances, 1 propane, CH >. iroo(U sulfate «. dinitrogen pentoxide 4. socrose, CratinzOnn ‘2, ammonium carbonate f. barium chloride 11, Culeulate the malar mass for each of the following sub- stances. a. adipic acid, C—O, caffeine, CyHyNaOy €. elcosane, CanHla . cyslobexancl, CyFinH ving acelaley CHAO; £, dextrose, Collins 112, Caeulate the number of wees of the indicated rabstance present in esth ofthe following samples, 8. 21.2 of ammonium sulfide i. 443 g of calcium nitrate . 4.35 g of dichlorine monoxide @. 1. Bo of fertic chloride ce. Lib kg of fente chloride 13. Caenlate the numberof moles of the indicated substance present in each of the following samples. a. 0.00056 g.of potassium cyanide bi 1.90 mg of mescaline, Cy Hiy3N . 2200 g of calcium phosphate 4. 2.6 107% mg of rubidium oxide 6.0 ag of ammonium mirate TI, Calculate the masain grams af euch of the following sam. 15.610 nal of cope sre, C280, bb 305 > 10 mo of tersfisoroethyiene CF cc. 7.89 millimol (1 millimal = 0,001 mol) of 1 4-penta- dine, Cas d. 6.30 tol of bismuth trichloride, BICls. @. 12.2 mol of suerose, CHO, 115. Calculate the mass in grams of cach of the following samples. . 3.09 mol of ammonium carbonate b. 401 x 10° mol of sodium hydrogen extbosste ‘¢. 88,02 mol of catbon dioxide 4.1.29 millimol of silver nitrate ©. 0,004 mol of chromium(ll) chloride 116, Caleulate the number of molecules present ineach of following samples, a. 345 g of CoH 304 ‘3.43 mol of Cybi0 © BO gof Cy 1.00 g of Bt, 105 millimol of AUNOs), 119. Calculate the number of moles of oxygen atoms preseat in each of the following sarnples. a 1.002 g of phenct, CeltgO b. 4.901 g of sodium peronie & 124.5 mg of raminobenaoic acid, C1028 9.821 g of aluminum nite 118. Calculate the percent by mass of each element in the fol- lowing compounds. ‘a cileium phosphate ’. cadmium suifare {100M sifare d. mangarese(l) chloride ‘©. ammonium carbonate sodium hydrogen carbonate carbon dioxide fh. silver) nitrate 119, Caleuiate the percent by mass of the clement mentioned _firstin the formutas ‘or each ofthe following compounds. ‘2 propane, CsHy ‘ potmsium chiorwe. KEI, ©. dinitrogen peatoride, NsOs 4. sectose, CiaHasOhs ammonium flaoride, NH sodium pervlorate, NeClO, 2 ammonia earbonsse, (NH,)sCOy barium chloride, Bal, 120. Caleulte the percent by mass ofthe element mentioned {rt inte formulas foreach ofthe following compoanes. 4 iroo() sotine fb sive oxide ¢. strontium chloride vinyl acetate, CyHs0y methanol, CHOH aluminum oxide & potassium chlorite 1 potasium shore 121. 4 1.25¢5-g sample of a new compound has been ans. Tynod and found to comin the following masses of cle- seni: eurbon, 0.7238 g; hydengen, 0.07088 5 nitrogen, 031407 5 oxygen, 03214 g, Calculate the empirical For- mala of the ectapound. 122. A 0.7221-g sample of a new compound hax born nna- lyzed and found tn contain the following masses of ele ments: carboa, 0.2950 g: hydgea, 0.05849 g: itrogea, (02318 &; oxygen, 0.1328 g. Calculate the empirial fr. ‘mula of the etmpound. 123, When 2,008 g of calcium is heated in pune nitrogen gas, the sample pins 0.4670 g of nitrogen. Calcalme the-em- pirical forrmula ofthe ealciam nitride formed. Additional Problems 2! 124, When 4.01 g of mercury is stongly heated in ait, the sulting oxide weighs 4.33 p. Calelate the empirical f sla of the exis. 125, When 1.00 g of metabic chromium is heated with ¢ ‘mental chlorine gas, 3-045 g of achromium chloride + results. Calealat the empisical formula of the compout 126, ‘Whe bacum mal is healed in cblorine gas, bint ‘sompound forms that consists of 65.95% Ba and 34.0! ‘C by man, Caiculae the empirical formula of the 60 pound.

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