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Nama : Vera Noperti

Npm : 2111060157
Kelas : 4C
Mata kuliah : English for biology
Dosen pengampu : Sugeng Riyadi M.pd


One day in a house that had not been inhabited for a long time there were lots of wild rats
nesting and there were various types of rats ranging from large black ones to small white ones,
then one day when it was raining a man came into the house was for shelter and when he entered
he was surprised by the sound of rats that filled the house, not long after that the rats came out to
reveal themselves instantly the man felt scared he wanted to get out of the house but there was no
choice another because it was still raining heavily outside, to divert his fear of rats and wait for
the rain to stop the man took out a cigarette butt then lit a match and started smoking.

Besides that he also turned on his cellphone to open social media so he could find out the
latest news, fortunately there were lots of signals in the house even though it was still raining
heavily, when he opened social media the man accidentally saw the news about meatballs made
from rat meat, immediately he felt disgusted and remembered when he ate the somay he bought
in front of his house and accidentally saw the rat's tail in the somay, his thoughts were suddenly
broken and distracted to his toe which ached, after looking down how shocked he was to see a rat
biting his toe then he immediately released the mouse from his toe, and unexpectedly the man
felt nauseous and immediately vomited the contents of his stomach because of the fishy smell
that came out of the rat

Out of curiosity the man went back to reading the news he saw earlier about meatballs
and he just found out that the perpetrator was a woman with the initials (ta) who came from west
sumatra or padang and was thirty years old, her motive was to sell meatballs because she had to
in order to be able to meet the needs of her two children who are still toddlers, because two years
ago her husband died therefore she became the backbone for her two children even though what
she did was a mistake that could not be tolerated because it could endanger the lives of other
people, when she was engrossed in reading her focus distracted by something jumping onto his
shoulder he immediately looked back and found a rat kissing and ready to bite his shoulder

Then the man immediately brushed off the mouse using the back of his hand in all
directions and it turned out that the mouse was thrown into the warehouse, but the mouse did not
accept it so he came out of the warehouse and entered the man's bag which happened to be not
closed, after 2 hours it finally rained died down and the man decided to go home, but when he
came out he was again surprised by the arrival of a woman who was carrying a white rat on her
head for a long time, still in the thoughts of each woman, the woman opened her voice, chatting
for a long time, finally the two decided to go home their respective homes, the rat that the
woman brought went into the man's bag which happened to be still open and not locked, which
of course the owner was not aware of.

And now in the man's bag there is already a pair of rats that are silent beside his hat,
when he arrives at the man's house he immediately takes off his shoes and immediately enters
the house while carrying a bag containing a pair of rats, and he doesn't know about it then when
he gets to the men's room immediately threw the shirt bag next to the tv which made a pair of
mice come out, then the two rats split up, some left the room and another entered the man's
clothes, more precisely the man's wardrobe, in the closet the rat messed up the clothes there until
the clothes were damaged and torn apart. After being satisfied, the mouse went out to the study
table which had writing instruments on it, then he bit the writing instruments like pens and
pencils which caused the two writing tools to break.

After being satisfied with the stationery the mouse immediately got off the table but he
was surprised to see a big black cat then he immediately hid behind the cupboard out of fear,
while the owner of the room was fast asleep on the bed without knowing the circumstances
around him, not long after the owner of the room finally got up and immediately turned on the
cell phone which was still on the charger the owner of the room was still not aware of the messy
state of his room due to the rats. Opened instagram on his cellphone, his focus immediately
shifted to a cat running after a mouse and making the mouse jump out the window

While the mouse that left the room was having fun eating the donuts that were on the
dining table, then when he was biting the donuts the mouse suddenly smelled a very tempting
cheese smell, then he immediately went down by sliding the serving hood that was blocking his
path and immediately jumped down but suddenly the rat slipped due to the oil spill causing the
chain to become slippery, even though his head hurt from slipping he still looked for the
whereabouts of his favorite food, after a few minutes the mouse finally found out that the cheese
he was looking for was in the glass cupboard which was still closed meeting, then he went up
and tried to open the cupboard door using his fingernails. After two minutes, the cupboard finally
opened and revealed cheese still wrapped in plastic.

Then after going into the cupboard he immediately unwrapped the cheese using his
molars and ate it right away until the mozzarella cheese ran out without any residue after being
satisfied eating the cheese the furry animal felt thirsty then he immediately looked for water to
drink and in the end he found water inside bowl then he immediately went down to the big bowl
and drank the water, after feeling enough the rat immediately rested while stroking the stomach
filled with lots of food and without realizing it something hit his body and it turned out that the
object was a silk which caused his body to immediately sway and cause the mouse to fall into
cardboard boxes filled with vegetables and ingredients for cooking

Because the weight of the rat was quite heavy, causing the egg in the box to break and
that made the owner of the egg, who was frying the fish, shocked, then he looked down and
immediately growled angrily because he saw that one carpet had been broken without anything
left and the other was he was shocked again when that person saw an animal that had a snout
right next to the broken egg and now that person knew the reason for the broken egg and that
made him even more angry, then he ran to get the knife back to the rat but after returning he
didn't find it there the venomous animal, but he is still looking for the whereabouts of the animal
until he finds it so he can kill it until the animal dies so it doesn't make noise in his house

Three minutes passed but the little animal was not found, finally the person decided to sit
on the sofa in front of the tv, not long after that he immediately got up from his seat because he
smelled a burnt smell, he immediately panicked and ran towards the kitchen but, unfortunately,
the fish could not be saved because it was already black, then the person immediately turned off
the stove which was still on before and he again remembered the mouse that had annoyed him a
few minutes ago even though he was annoyed the person still lifted the burnt fish using an oil
filter and immediately threw it in the trash but when opening the litter box he immediately found
the whereabouts of the small animal and then immediately took or took a broom and ran after the

Getting rid of mice can use mouse traps that are specifically made to eradicate these
animals besides that you can also use rat poison which is widely used by farmers so they can
keep their rice ready for harvest, sometimes when night falls the rats start to act to damaged and
ate rice that was ripe. Therefore, farmers who did not set mouse traps often stayed overnight on
small platforms to guard their yellow rice and it turned out that not only rats were the enemies of
the farmers, but other animals that were their enemies from the start. When the rice is planted,
the task of the farmers is not only to eradicate rats but also other animals such as birds, namely
by using rice field people who are made to resemble humans.

The rat that was being chased finally died after the rat was thrown into the gutter in front
of his house, but after two days the smell of the carcass of the rat stung until it entered the house
and the man decided to throw the carcass of the rat into the river while covering his nose, after
five hours later there were gentlemen fishing in the river, accidentally a carcass of a rat that had
been thrown away five hours ago got caught in the father's net and instantly the father shuddered
in disgust because he saw the carcass of a rotting rat and then he immediately threw the carcass

Apart from rice, the farmers also plant various kinds of vegetables, ranging from taro,
long beans, kale and many more. They are deliberately planted for cooking and sale, but often
the field rats destroy and eat them when the vegetables are ready to be harvested. Sometimes the
farmers feel sad. Because one of their sources of income was damaged by rats, but they are still
grateful and happy with what they have now because they can still enjoy the beauty and coolness
of the rice fields in the morning. Sometimes farmers wear jackets so they can protect their bodies
from the cold of the rice fields in the morning day.

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