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L E S S O N 2 8 Q U I Z


Name _______________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Score ____________

1. What one basic decision must you make in life that will affect all your other decisions?
Trusting God and seek him

2. What does Daniel 1:8 say that Daniel did when he was faced with an important decision?
He didn't eat king's food but instead he ate the food God gave him

3. What did Daniel’s three friends have to take a stand about in Daniel 3?
The three friend have a choice to choose God or not

4. What did Daniel have to take a stand for in Daniel 6?

Anyone who praise any God or human being the next 30 days except you will be thrown into the lion's den

5. Answer the following questions about Martin Luther.

• November 10, 1483
About how many years ago was he born? ___________________________________________
• Province of Germany
In what country did he live? ______________________________________________________
• church
What did he decide to stand against? _______________________________________________
• faith
What did he decide to stand for? __________________________________________________
• God give him a chace to change
What problems did this cause for him? _____________________________________________
• How did the decisions he made affect other people? ___________________________________
They think he is right

6. What are some things that you need to take a stand against?

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