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I thank you God for everything that I’m having right in this time. I would like to utter my deep
appreciation of either the good things or bad things that I have or experiencing right now. Thank
you God for the family, friends, food, water, shelter and everything. If I would enumerate
everything that I’m grateful for ever since I was born, it will take a lot of pages. And it’s also the
same for the things that I want to say sorry for. I have a lot of things to say sorry and a lot of
people to ask of their forgiveness. I know I’m not perfect and nobody is. I’m also thankful that so
far so good. We’re all safe against anything me, my family and to everyone who’s close to me.

I’m grateful to still see a good light in life and the beauty of the world in this middle of chaos
that I’m having in my mind. I can still see a lot of good things to make me still fight on things
that keeping me out of myself. I am lucky. I don’t feel great actually but I’m hoping that I will
soon enough for me to learn everything that the world’s wanting me to. I believe that there’s
nothing permanent and it will all takes time. I’m claiming it. Soon I will travel the world and
experience all the different cultures that the worlds have. I want to see more, experience a lot
and to witness almost everything. I still want to live for my family and my sister. Despite of

May God help all of us and I believe that all things happen for a good reason at least. As for me,
I would like to explore the world not just to experience but also, to find myself. Please, help me
God for everything.

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