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Name: Supriya Kanse

Rollno CO3028

Assignment no. 02
Aim: Installing and configuring Google App Engine

Create account and goto dashboard-

Goto new project and give all details-

Give name and hit create-

Goto cloud shell and use following command –

-gcloud projects list : This command is use to check if project is created or not
Goto API and services from dashboard-

Enable API and services-

In cloud shell type following command-

- Gcloud config set project <project id>: this command is used to Navigate to project through its

Goto dashboard of app engine-

We can create application through GUI by clicking on ‘create application; or by CLI by entering
Use following cmd in shell-

Git clone <link>: this command Clones project from specified github link

Use following command in shell-

cd <file loc>: navigate to destination file

ls: lists all file and folder in current working directory

Use following cmd in shell-

Gcloud app deploy <yaml file>: this cmd Deploys app on app engine

On target URL of application we can see that our application is successfully deployed-
We can also see it on dashboard-

Disable app to stop charge

Check if disabled through below cmd-

Gcloud app describe- it describes status of application

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