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Event management system is a system use for scheduling event for college. Event
management is the website of project management to the creation and development of small
and/or large-scale college events such as festivals, conferences, formal meetings, fresher
party concerts, or conventions. It involves studying the brand, identifying its target audience,
devising the event concept, and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching
the event.

In this event management system we have feature’s like live telecast of all events,
cancellation policy for event registration, sponsorship and payment protection.


We were looking for inter college event management system which can handle all the events
and activities of college. But we found that that system had some drawbacks which were like
once we registered for any event then we cannot cancel our registration , there was no such
feature like live telecast and there was not any sponsorship facilities and we had also observed
some issue related to payment securities. Hence we selected this project and decided to add this
feature and solve this problems.


The main purpose of this project is to simplify the process of handling each event by providing
a web interface for admin, teacher and students. The admin part consists of multiple modules
where admin or the authorized person need to register the college name to initiate/create the
event by adding the type of event (indoor or outdoor). System allows admin to add teachers who
will conduct the particular event activity which is allotted by the admin itself, also can view the
student registration for a particular event and lastly, viewing the results of all events held in

The teacher part has come up with handling all the event related activity assigned by the admin.
Teacher performs various task such as taking the attendance of the students who are registered
for a particular event, viewing the list of students to mark the winner of each round, generating
the results based on multiple rounds won by the student and also can view the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
standings of student’s name for the particular event. Student interface consist of viewing and
getting registered for the event of their choice, pay the event activity fees if applicable and can
view all the registered events.


Existing system of inter college event management system have used JAVASCRIPT, HTML,
CSS, TOMCAT and MYSQL for making their websites. Here we will use this languages but
with some extra and better features like live telecast for all events, webinars, seminars,
meetings. We will also work on better payment security function and we also add
sponsorship program i.e, if someone wants to advertise about their product or brand then they
can give sponsorship to the events. other system also have network traffic problem at their
server, so we will solve problem by using better server.


 Students could easily register for the event of their choice.

 Multiple teachers can use the web interface to login and perform the desired task.
 Easy results generation and view rankings.
 Easy to access the system anywhere and anytime.


 Glitch in payment mode.

 No live telecast and sponsorship facilities.
 No event registration cancellation.
 Network traffic problem on server.


 We have functionality for admin like Add Event, Add Event Themes, Add Services,
Add Program, Add Users, Event Report, Event Themes Report, Services Report,
Students Report, Event Program Report.

 For Student we have easy Student login page :-

 For Admin we have easy Administration login pag


a. Windows 10 or higher
b. Microsoft SQL Server
c. PhpMyAdmin for localhost
d. Visual Studio
e. Command prompt
f. Infinity free for domain purchasing



This system will provide extra feature and benefits to the users and admin. Using this system
all college events and other webinars, competitions, seminars and meetings will be maqaged
efficiently from anywhere at anytime. It provide error free environment to manage large
amount of data for admin.


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