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Monday, 27 February 2023

Work plan for the direction department.

1. Lohith Manjegowda 

- nishing the dialogues for Maria’s portion by 10th of march. nish the shot
division for Mr. X chapter before 10th and nish Maria’s chapter before 18th.
Monitoring the rehearsals with the main actors. Visual planning with the DP.
Monitoring the logistics and the payments. Regular followup of all the

2. Sachin Dushi 

- planning the shot division with the director from morning to evening 7 then
work on the schedule with Santosh for Maria’s chapter. Regular followup of all
the departments. Master schedule preparation.

3. Santosh Maanu

- nding the remaining locations for the Maria’s chapter. Finalising the rest of
the locations. Con rming the dates with the location. Plan for the tech recce for
Maria’s chapter. Coordinating with art department for any location related
issues. Work on the sound design for the Maria’s chapter. Sit with Sachin after 7
for the schedule for Maia’s chapter. Vehicles planning and coordination.
Continuous followup with the production manager.

4. Adarsh Manoj 

- follow up on the budget daily basis, coordinating with the prosthetics, nding
the stunt co-ordinator for Maria’s chapter, preparing the contract and reminding
about the pending contracts to be done, coordinating the contract related
issues with the actors and the technicians. Finding the makeup guy.
Coordinating with the other departments for their budget release and
communicating with the director. Individual call sheets preparation for Maria’s
chapter. Updating the script breakdown.

5. Daniel Raj 

- followup on the art direction department related works, helping with Santosh in
nding the locations, plan on how the work should be done from the art
direction side to match the schedule, Followup with the production manager for
the logistical challenges that will happen during the shoot and nding the
solution. Updating the shot division to the art department, plan for managing

and handling the properties according to the schedule. Plan for when for how
much budget to be allotted for the department.

6. Ananya 

- nalising the costume designer asap, looking for the other options at the same
time, setting up the meetings with the costume designer, coordinating with the
DP and the art department for any costume related queries, coordinating with
the production manager for the union costumer and nalising. Making a
schedule for the costume related work from designing to sourcing to
measurements for Maria’s chapter as per the current schedule. Plan for when
and how much budget to be allotted for the department. Plan for the managing
and handling of the costumes according to the schedule.

7. Vinutha Nagaraj 

- preparing David and Kenny on a regular basis with utmost priority, establish a
plan for the rehearsals process for Maria’s chapter, nding if actors are still need
to be cast, updating the director on regular intervals about the changes in the
performances of the actors, preparing the actors with resources if needed any,
managing the dates and budget of all the actors, updating the actors regarding
the dates and the rehearsals, regular communication with the actors and their
preparation for the characters. Plan for the Maria’s song lyrics.

8. Athreya Shetty 

- research on all the aspects which are required for Maria’s chapter. Character
detailing of Maria. Finding resources for Maria’s character and how to implement
in the script. Arranging the material for Maria’s character on a daily basis to be
sent to Sruthi Hariharan. Updating the script as soon as changes discussed
with team. Detailing on David’s trauma and the implications on his behaviour
after the jail term to help Shourya to prepare for the character. Establishing
connections with the rehab centres especially for heroine addiction and
arranging meetings to get more info.


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