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A Research Proposal Presented to

The Senior High School Department
Dominican College of Tarlac

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject
Quantitative Research in Daily Life 2

Dayrit, John Ryu V.
Estenzo, Jecylhane Ashlee
Ladrillo, Jhudiel A.
Liwanag, Aaron Carl C.
Manuel, Jerom C.
Panlican, Adrian Leonard G.
Perey, Roana Sofia C.
Pineda, Trisya Kate C.
Salazar, Ryza Mineth C.
Soriano, Mike Jiehanz T.

May 2023



Mathematics has become important in today’s society, especially among students.

Everything people do at their day-to-day basis has some mathematics that involves with it.

For instance, simply waking up in the morning and checking the clock, doing morning

routines while managing the time that would be spent, and etc. Technically, mathematics is

a broad topic to talk about because it has many branches. In addition, these branches of

mathematics are what a student study all throughout his or her school life. From nursery to

college, there is mathematics.

In line with this, mathematics deals with logical reasoning and critical analysis because

it encounters numbers, patterns, objects, computations, and problem solving. Hence,

certain students find it difficult to learn. Also, the application of mathematics in a daily basis

have been hard to achieve in today’s society. For the reason that, learning in mathematics

became difficult to understand.

Moreover, mathematics is a subject that requires a lot of mental effort and critical

thinking it is a critical subject for students as it is a fundamental part of our daily lives and

plays a vital role in various fields. Despite its importance, many students struggle to learn

mathematics effectively, leading to difficulties in comprehending mathematical concepts and

solving mathematical problems. The difficulties faced by these learners in comprehending

mathematical concepts can range from lack of motivation and inadequate teaching methods

to weak foundational skills and individual learning styles. This is particularly evident among

grade 7 learners, where students are introduced to more advanced mathematical concepts

that require a solid understanding of mathematical principles and problem-solving skills.

(Nasrin Akhter & Nasreen Akhter, 2018)

Additionally, learning mathematics involves various processes when it comes to solving

problems. Also, prior knowledge in mathematics lays the foundations in understanding

difficult and abstract yet obvious concepts. However, students which lack prior knowledge

have difficulties getting their grades up (Acharya, 2017). Moreover, students which have no

prior knowledge regarding previous lessons would easily struggle to upcoming topics

therefore; losing their interest in understanding the concepts of the lesson. This is where

the motivation and interest among students drop when they are trying to learn about the

new lessons in mathematics or just overall fail the subjects.

Also, under the K-12 education program in the Philippines, critical thinking and

problem-solving skills is what is being applied for learners. This is to achieve the goal of

accurate and relevant skills (Rodriguez and Abocejo, 2018). However, different types of

children have different types of learning capacity; one may learn things swiftly but the

others may need gradual teaching. This applies, especially, to mathematics knowing that it

needs comprehension, thinking skills and familiarity with numbers. Not every learner can

seek or rather adjust to higher education or even any lesson upfront.

In line with this, the learning capacity of learners are multifaceted because one may

have conflicts in analyzing a problem because of the lack of intellectual skills; Intellectual

skills have different types. comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

In lacking with this, learners will have a difficult time in adapting new knowledge everyday

resulting to education failure; Education failure may lead to an unstable future.

The future of every learner is the priority of education. However, the difficulties of

learners may cease the vital process of it. It is normal for a learner have difficulties

especially with the various learning capacity. The help that they could get is getting the

recognition they need; being able to understand that some learners may need gradual

learning and cannot keep up with the lessons that are being posed. Mathematics is one of

the toughest subjects for learners caused by low comprehension and analysis skills;

numbers with problems are not as simple as average smart people say with learners who

are having difficulties with it.


Early schedule with 4 or more subjects ahead can cause information overload that may

leave learners behind and will have a hard time absorbing new lessons from time to time.

This may also cause mental fatigue; mental fatigue links with low chances of productivity in

reason of stress and frustration that may lead to them comparing their performance with

their peers. Concentration within the classroom and their personal life may also be afflicted;

as well as learners behaving differently from normal.

Furthermore, the researchers chose the grade 7 students of Dominican College of

Tarlac, Inc, as their respondents in this study. For the reason that they have witnessed how

the students struggle in learning mathematics and they also believe that this is a problem

that needs to be solved and make solutions. For the students to cope up with their


As a result, the researchers have decided to conduct this study, for the purpose of

highlighting the 7th graders problem in learning mathematics and to help them to have a

better learning and understanding in mathematics.

Statement Of The Problem

This study aims to assess the learning difficulties in mathematics of the Grade 7

students in Dominican College of Tarlac, Inc. Academic year 2023-2024. Moreover, this

study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Demographic Profile

1.1 Sex;

1.2 Age;

1.3 Grade and Section;

2. What are the common issues faced by the students in learning Mathematics?

3. What are the reasons why students encounter difficulties in learning Mathematics?

4. What programs/projects may be proposed to provide comprehensible learning for the


5. What are the implications of the results of this study? 

Scope And Delimitation

This research is only focused on the learning difficulties in mathematics of the Grade 7

learners at Dominican College of Tarlac, Inc. Aims to know what kind of mathematical

equation or problem they are struggling to solve, and other learners that are having

difficulty explaining or recognizing symbols in mathematics, and some of them are adapting

to the new set of math on their subject, and the difference with each learning capacity of

grade 7 learners.

The study will focus only on grade 7 learners in Dominican College of Tarlac, Inc. The

study will be conducted among a sample of grade 7 learners in Dominican College of Tarlac

throughout the academic year; This research will involve both the collection and analysis of

numerical data and the interpretation of data obtained through interviews. The data

collected will be analyzed using statistical methods, such as frequency distribution.

Significance Of The Study

The purpose of this study is to know the difficulties encountered by grade 7 learners in

learning Mathematics at Dominican College of Tarlac, Inc. The results of this study will

benefit the following:

Principal. If the results of this study stated that the learning difficulties of grade 7 students

is high, this study will help the principal to be informed by the problems and could provide

solutions by implementing activities and instructional materials in Mathematics.

Teachers. This study will help them in preparing appropriate strategies to be applied in

their teaching.

Students. This study will help the students by providing programs or projects that will give

the students a comprehensible learning in mathematics.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as their reference and guide on their research

work and related studies in Mathematics.

Definition Of Terms

These are terms used and are defined for a better understanding of readers; these

were defined operationally and theoretically;

Learning Difficulties. These are what students face when they are having a hard time in

learning. In addition, based from this study, it focuses on the subject mathematics,

particularly the learning difficulties that grade 7 students encounters.

Learning difficulties are a catch-all term for a variety of academic issues. It includes general

learning deficits and poor academic performance, as well as specific forms such as reading,

spelling, and arithmetic disorders in the context of disabilities.

Mathematics. The study of quality, structure, space, and change is what mathematics is

all about. By rigorous deduction from carefully selected axioms and definitions,

mathematicians look for patterns, develop novel hypotheses, and prove the veracity of their

findings. Moreover, it is a core subject and a common difficulty for learners. It is used to

educate mostly by numbers as well but also by science, space, change, problem solving,


Grade 7 students. The academic year that follows sixth grade and precedes eighth grade.

The seventh grade has students who range in age from 11 to 13 years old.

Mathematical concept. An underlying mathematical idea is known as a mathematical

concept. Basic math concepts include things like addition, multiplication, counting, and

equality. Additionally, these ideas are the cornerstones of mathematics that students always

study in math classes.

Critical Analysis. A struggle to understand the learners in mathematics; is the process of

forming an opinion by analyzing the available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments.

Critical thinking. The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully

conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating data gleaned from, or

generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide

to belief and action, is known as critical thinking.

Problem-solving skills. These are certain skills of students that they particularly use in

solving mathematical problems. Hence, these skills are the fundamental skill that a student

need to have in order for her or him to cope up in the subject mathematics.

Identification, analysis, and implementation of the best solutions are all aspects of problem-

solving abilities. For example, in a group work, A worker who is good at solving problems is

both a self-starter and a cooperative team member; they are proactive in identifying the

source of a problem and collaborate with others to consider a variety of solutions before

deciding how to proceed.

Multifaceted. A multifaceted person has many abilities, or a personality with many sides

to it. It is also defined as having many aspects, or having many different parts or sides.

Chapter 2


Related Literature

Difficulties are part of the process when learning; this is considered to be essential in

understanding the topics in mathematics. Learners may experience one or more learning

difficulties, wherein an estimated 15 to 20% of learners in every school and classroom will

experience difficulties. The negative approach toward the subject of mathematics may be

the reason why most learners dislike it. This negative attitude toward the subject of

mathematics stems from the culture's dislike for mathematics. Hence, this negative attitude

contributes to the results of the learners’ performance in mathematics. The difficulties in

understanding mathematics are associated with factors that include short-term memory,

long-term memory, the memorization of operations or processes, and the ability to grasp

certain concepts. Some students also lack the confidence to ask for clarifications from their

teachers, resulting in confusion about the topic at hand (Njoroge, 2022).

The subject has been dreaded by learners and it is perceptible of how teachers go

through a downside reality; in which learners are having the most difficulty in mathematics.

By trying to solve this issue, numerous studies have been conducted for decades; as a

result, some have been able to identify the causes (Arenillo, 2013).

Mathematics is considered to be confusing due to the number of symbols and

processes present in a given problem. Oftentimes, these symbols confuse the learners and

they may even misplace them in the process of solving for the answer. Topics like algebra,

where most of the problems are focused on examining the relationships between specific

problems, are considered difficult to comprehend due to the conversion of word problems

into numbers. Geometry is also regarded as difficult to comprehend in terms of problem-

solving which involves providing proof for the shape with the use of points, lines, curves,

and surfaces. Some difficulties are also experienced with the ability to tell apart the

difference between rational and irrational numbers, which may even confuse the learner

with simple operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These

difficulties are mainly caused by a lack of prior knowledge and the inability to comprehend

the problem given. The vital part of algebra is converting word type problems into

mathematical equations, but unfortunately, it is hard for some learners to convert word

type to its calculation.  (Tatlah et al., 2017)

A positive attitude toward mathematics can help the learner continue to want to

understand the given topic. A negative attitude, however, will severely affect the learner's

ability to understand the given topic. One of these negative attitudes is anxiety, in which a

learner may experience stress, tension, or fear about their performance in mathematics.

According to Akhtar (2018), it was due to the negative interpretation of mathematics they

received from their teachers, parents, and peers that made the learner feel anxious about

the subject. Akhtar (2018) added that having poor prior knowledge in mathematics is a

determining factor in a learner’s academic achievement in the subject. Furthermore, a lack

of parental support was also considered to affect the learner's progress in mathematics,

which made the subject complicated for the learners. Mathematics is required in the daily

life of a human.

In line with this, an individual that understands the concepts and basic purpose of

mathematics can easily recall and apply different problem-solving techniques in their day-

to-day lives. Additionally, learners may be embarrassed by certain previous instances that

link with mathematics and has to do with their teachers and peers; which causes a high

anxiety level and lack of interest in the subject and loss of motivation, negative view of

mathematics, and this causes poor study habits. (Ganal & Guiab, 2014)

The most basic knowledge in mathematics can be acquired outside the boundaries of

school; such as basic calculations. However, advanced skills require precise teaching;

beginning with calculating multi-digits, decimal numbers and rational number systems

gradually being introduced. Rational numbers may be presented as fractions. Although,

most researches had focused on fractions to achievers; learners with mathematics

difficulties are not well looked enough. Acquiring competence with solving is another aspect

of demand for pedagogy (Fritz et al, 2019); Pedagogy is a teaching style which focuses on

working with the learners as they learn or in theory and in practice. 

One of the common problems that learners go through is being stuck with counting

by one technique in calculating; instead of having advanced strategies for easier calculation.

This may cause difficulty for counting takes a long time, it is not accurate at all times as

well and this damages the memory or learning capacity. Unfortunately, learners do not

represent numbers as sets which is a cardinal aspect; but they mentally note numbers as

an ordinal aspect which are a single number. For better understanding, it is crucial to

understand numbers as sets (Cardinal aspect) especially with basic calculations such as

addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (Fritz et al, 2019) Mathematics has been

known to enhance learners’ way of thinking, organizing logical proof, and profitably

communicating in teaching-learning way programs. Thus, it is crucial to advance the

learning system in a way that learners will properly enhance and nurture their competence

or their capabilities. (Ganal & Guiab, 2014)

In accordance with the experts, low achievers have a narrow knowledge that cannot

be applied to every situation and can only be applied to certain situations that are familiar

or known to them. Mathematical literacy can be confusing to learners who are low

achievers and this will most probably hinder their position and function among society and

economic environment (Wisniowski, 2014). In addition, Learners may have struggled in

mathematics by not studying properly and only acquired a surface knowledge of the topic;

may as well found the concepts perplexing. Learners who are anxious with mathematics are

distressed with the likelihood of doing the subject; results in their poor academic

performance due to the built fear and nervousness. Some learners may also have

developed dyscalculia (Yayla & Bangir-Alpan, 2019).


As stated by the literature provided, mathematics has been one of the perplexing

subject for learners. Such learning difficulties hinders them on fully comprehending lessons

that results to low grades or even failing the subject itself. These literatures provided are

discussions of how learners go through learning difficulties. Though they may have low

grades, it does not entirely mean that their IQ is at its lowest. Some learners are better in

words rather than numbers and problem solving.

Related Studies

A. Foreign

In 2014, Ganal & Guiab presented the difficulties of their respondents in a table;

First to see is the school’s expenses with 19.17%, meaning it is the most common problem

for their respondents. Second is the negative view in mathematics and lack of interest that

impedes their motivation in the subject with 17.92%; Followed by poor studying habits in

17.50%; Being away from loved ones (Parents, Siblings, and Relatives) comes next with

8.33%; 6th is the lack of involvement in school with 7.50%; inadequate creativity follows

with 5.83% and lastly, grammar problems comes with 5.00%. 

A teachers’ purpose is to educate their students. However, some teachers aim to

only complete the curriculum rather than guiding their students. Students in Turkey

acknowledged the belief that their teacher is only trying to finish the curriculum on time

rather than promoting the subject to be more understandable. The participants

encountered difficulties regarding mathematics being teacher-based (39.90%), content-

based (34.34%) and student-based (25.76%). In teacher based, the students exclaimed

that their teachers were not providing enough guidance wherein the teacher asks a

question and proceeds to answer it themselves. Furthermore, their lessons were rushed

from lesson to lesson before their students even mastered the different operations and

formulas. Content-based difficulties are based on the amounts of rules and formulas

needed to be memorized, wherein some students exclaimed the need to know on how to

actually apply these in real life to thoroughly understand them. Finally, student-based

difficulties are their own perspective and honest opinion of the dislike of the subject

mathematics among learners which is the reason for mathematics performance (Guner,


Learning difficulties of students may also arise from the experiences they have with

teachers as they are the figures that teach them. The teachers in this study expressed their

perspective regarding the problems encountered by their students being unable to analyze

word problems and have difficulty applying rules and formulas in a certain topic. Non-

mathematical factors of difficulties include the lack of focus, dislike for mathematics, not

applying any effort into the subject mathematics, anxiety of asking for clarifications, and

poor study habits. Furthermore, some of the teachers also stated that it may also be their

poor teaching techniques that result in their students having a bad performance in

mathematics. The aforementioned factors are the obstacles described by the teacher that

their students have problems with. It was suggested that parents also have a role in

supporting and guiding their children when they are studying in order to improve their

grades in mathematics (Febriyanti, et al., 2021).

In order for students to learn, equity is much more preferred than equality, however

most teachers do not realize this as it is difficult to achieve. Mathematics is considered to

be naturally abstract with its concepts making it difficult to understand among the average

people that lack the time to understand it. To some learners that are quick to adapt, they

find mathematics as an easy going subject. Learners would prefer to understand than to

memorize as this is a more effective approach in the application of mathematics


realistically. It was found in the study that students were not given enough time to review,

lack of prior knowledge, lack of interest, and poor teaching technique that lacks the

motivation to teach were considered to be factors that limit these students to learn (Bikash

BhusalL, 2021).

Acharya (2017) stated that a positive perspective on mathematics can help improve

the performance of a learner, on the other hand, a negative impression caused by teachers,

parents and peers can cause frustrations and anxiety in mathematics. This study listed the

possible factors that may affect the learners to have difficulties in mathematics. Lack of

prior knowledge can cause difficulties in understanding the current lesson at hand and may

even struggle with upcoming topics. Lack of parent intervention with guiding their children

can cause bad performance in mathematics whereas the learners that got support had

better results. Students with no motivation to understand the lessons in mathematics are

more likely to fail the subject as it becomes a reason for them to make it even more

difficult. In order to pass mathematics, effort exerted to maintain and achieve a passable


B. Local

The brain is described to have issues regarding the processing of information. It is

described as the inability to learn as quickly as others, wherein some learning materials are

difficult to process which may be the reason that affects the learner to understand a certain

topic. Furthermore, alternative learning methods are advised to reduce the learning

difficulty of learners. This difficulty can create an impact on the learner’s overall academic

performance. The study conducted by Satira and Otero in 2020 had sixteen respondents in

which 25% of students had difficulties on graphing inverse function and graphing

exponential functions. There were also two students that had difficulties in solving rational

functions, equations and inequalities. Finally, the remaining respondents had difficulties

with evaluating functions, solving rational equations and inequalities, representing rational

functions, distinguishing exponential functions, and equations and inequalities.

The study that was conducted by Sanchez and Falle (2022) assessed the learner’s

difficulties in mathematics by giving them a 10-item question. The assessment planned on

checking the learner’s difficulties on the common factors present in the numerator and the

denominator by simplifying rational algebraic expressions. The data showed the there was

a clear difference in the difficulties of the students solving problems with simplifying

rational algebraic expressions considering that factoring problems only involve monomial

and simple binomial problems. In comparison to the latter, much more advanced and

complicated problems on algebraic expressions are considered to be difficult. As the study


was concluded, the students that were assessed were rated with a “very satisfactory” level

of academic performance.

The study conducted by Suan (2018) stated that there was a significant relationship

with mathematical performance and student factors. In particular, factors such as study

habits, attitude towards learning, and interest in the subject mathematics are considered as

predictors in affecting mathematics performance. Among the aforementioned factors,

attitude and interests in mathematics were the main reason for achieving low scores in the

subject. Reasons include, “I don’t like math subject, I have phobia in mathematics, I feel

that I don’t have intelligence in solving problems, and I feel bored with math.” These

reasons are what limit the actual capability of these students to learn and understand

mathematics. The learning difficulty in this study is student based wherein the learners’

motivation and dislike with the subject mathematics causes them to not see any

significance of the subject in regards to their life experiences.

Students in private schools and public schools are subjected to different learning

outcomes, especially in mathematics. The reading comprehension of a learner is a

determining factor in understanding word problems in mathematics. The study conducted


by Imam et al. in 2013 stated that private school students had better reading

comprehension in comparison to public schools. This further implies that the students with

more advanced learning materials and effective teaching methods of teachers in private

schools perform well. It is considered that poor reading comprehension skills directly affect

the performance of mathematics in learners. Although the findings of this study indicated

that poor performance of learners is not primarily caused by poor comprehension skills

which implies that there are more factors needed to be explored in determining the learner

difficulties in mathematics.

The behavior of students in their classes may very well affect their performance in

regards with their cognition and emotion. In the study conducted by Repuya (2021), it was

found that to tackle the difficulties of learners, learners also relied on different study

techniques. For instance, seeking peer support, self-study and behavioral responses were

significant in learning mathematics. Developing negative behavioral responses originated

from poor pedagogy in the discussion of topics. Having the wrong understanding of the

concepts taught to students can affect the learner to achieve a low performance in

mathematics. Additionally, the learners with poor understanding about basic operations,

signs and symbols can cause learners to feel stressed. The influence of peer support can

provide assistance to learners with poor understanding of mathematics that involves a


different teaching style from prior learning. Self-study was found to be the highest

accountability in predicting the performance in mathematics wherein good study habits lead

to good performance and bad study habits can lead to poor performance.


Based from all the studies that have been stated, they presented different types

factors of learning difficulties that the students encounter. For instance, the teachers’

teaching strategies and techniques, the students lack of prior knowledge, lack of interest,

lack of understanding, and lack of guidance by their parents. By this, it shows that the

students suffer learning difficulties with different reasons which affect their education and

mainly their learning in mathematics.

Figure 1 shows the simplified and visual flow of the study. Conceptual framework is the

representation of the inputs related to study which includes the demographic profile of the

respondents which are sex, age, grade and section. The impacts that affect the academic

performance of learners such as the common issues faced by the students in learning

Mathematics and reasons why students encounter difficulties in learning Mathematics are

the difficulties; along with the programs/projects may be proposed to provide

comprehensible learning for the students.

Common issues faced by the students in learning Mathematics is the negative impacts

of learners on the mathematical performance (Young, et. Al, 2012).

Reasons why students encounter difficulties in learning Mathematics are the difficulties

and challenges faced by learners which affects the mathematical performance (Alhasora, et.

Al, n.d)

Programs/projects may be proposed to provide comprehensible learning for the

students is the well-managed approach provided to learners to have a better learning

development created by professionals and departments (Darling-Hammond, 2012)

Process which will be thoroughly discussed in methodology contains; descriptive study

which is the design, Face-to-Face questionnaires which is the instrument, statistical

treatment and finally, data analysis.


To conclude, the causes that is affecting the academic performances of grade 7

learners will hypothetically show significance and relevance to the respondents which are

the grade 7 learners, consequently an implication will be organized and will be based on the

outcome from the study.

Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers will use a descriptive research design for the study of learning

difficulties in mathematics of grade 7 learners. The researchers used this design for it aims

in describing the situation and population of the said study, and also to describe the

difficulties of the grade 7 students' experiences in their learning in mathematics. According

to Voxco (2021), descriptive research design objects in obtaining information and data to

describe a certain phenomenon, situation, and population. Also, it answers the what, when,

where, and how questions in regards to the research problem. Hence, after answering

these questions, the researchers can proceed in answering the why question. By that, the

study learning difficulties in mathematics of grade 7 learners will use a descriptive research

design all throughout the study.

Sampling, Respondents, and Locale

The participants of the study would be the grade 7 learners in Dominican College of

Tarlac, Inc. According to Bhandari (2020), a population consists of all the objects or events

of a certain type, which researchers aim to gather information or knowledge about, is

referred to as a population. Populations may have a wide or limited range. Although a

population may include only a small number of objects or events, it is frequently difficult to

collect data on each member of the population. Moreover, this approach enabled

researchers to draw dependable and statistical conclusions about the learning difficulties of

grade 7 learners in mathematics. Therefore, no sampling procedure will be used in this

study because the researchers have decided to consider the total population of the grade 7

learners to be the respondents of the study. Furthermore, this study will be conducted at

Dominican College of Tarlac, Inc, which is located in McArthur Highway, Poblacion (Sto.

Rosario) 2315 Capas, Tarlac. The researchers determined that this locale was appropriate

for this study because of the current curriculum the school applies on the students

particularly the grade 7 learners who study mathematics. Also, in this study the researchers

will gather data and information who possess the following criteria:

1. The respondents must be grade 7 learners.

2. The respondents must be officially enrolled as a grade 7 student at Dominican College of


3. The respondents should be taking the subject mathematics.

4. The respondents must agree to participate voluntarily in conducting this study.

Research Instrument

This study will be making use of an adopted-10 item questionnaire. The questionnaires

will be answered by the respondents through a face-to-face setting. All the respondents will

be answering the same questions. To increase the validity of the answers, the researchers

will be able to get a more definite answer from the learning difficulties in mathematics of

grade 7 learners in Dominican College of Tarlac through the degree of level in which they

agree or disagree by the difficulties they face.

Data Gathering Procedure

A step-by-step procedure will be followed in order for the researchers to fulfill the data

gathering. First, they will conduct an informed consent to be approved by the principal of

the senior high school department, the principal of the junior high school department, and

the research facilitator of the researchers, which will be used in conducting the data

gathering in the academic year 2023-2024. Once everything is approved and settled, data

gathering will proceed; informed consent will be presented to the respondents, and after

they agree to answer the survey, the survey questionnaires will be distributed to 7th

graders. Additionally, researchers were well taught regarding the ethical considerations

which will be present all throughout the research progress. 


Ethical Consideration

The researchers will take all necessary precautions to ensure the security and

credibility of this study for the benefit of everyone, especially the respondents' personal

information. Since maintaining the respondents' anonymity and confidentiality is one of the

study's specific goals, no personally identifiable information will be gathered. Additionally,

the researchers will respect the rights of the respondents by giving them the option to

agree or disagree to participate in the study. Any improper behavior and all problems

affecting the respondents will be the responsibility of the researchers, who will also be held

accountable. The integrity and honesty of all the data that will be gathered and reported

will also be upheld by the researchers.

Statistical Treatment

In conducting this study, the researchers will utilize different formulas especially since

it is quantitative research, and by that, the study of “learning difficulties in mathematics of

grade 7 learners at Dominican College of Tarlac” will use 2 formulas for the statistical

treatment of data. These formulas are, frequency distribution, and measurement of central

tendency; in which utilizes a 5-point Likert scale survey which was developed by Gafoor and

Kurukkan (2015). The Likert scale is a close-ended questionnaire which is used to measure

the opinion and attitudes of the respondents’ depending if they agree or disagree with the

topic of the given question. The Likert scale may also measure different variations of

agreement such as frequency, quality, importance, and likelihood, etc. (McLeod, 2019).

Scale Verbal Description Legend

1 Strongly Agree 1.00 – 1.79

2 Agree 1.80 – 2.59

3 Neutral 2.60 – 3.39

4 Disagree 3.40 – 4.19

5 Strongly Disagree 4.20 – 5.00

(Pajarillo-Aquino, 2019)

Moreover, each of these formulas will have a distinct role in computing, analyzing, and

summarizing data of this study, mainly on the respondents that are part of the research.

Nonetheless, frequency distribution will be used on describing the demographic profile of

the respondents. In order to solve the frequency distribution, divide the frequency by the

total number of results and multiply by 100. (Statistics Canada, 2021).

Frequency distribution is computed as follows:

% = (f/n) X 100


% = percentage

F = frequency

n = the total number

Then, measurement of central tendency will be used on computing the mean of the

obtained data from the 10-item survey questionnaire that will be distributed to the

respondents. To calculate the measurement of central tendency, the sum of all values will

be divided by the number of values in the subsequent data that will be provided. (Bhandari,


Measurement of central tendency is computed as follows:

x̄= Σx/n


x̄ = mean of x value

Σx = sum of all the x values

n = number of x values

Furthermore, these formulas are just assumed by the researchers to be use in the next

chapter of this study in the school year 2023-2024, basically it depends on the findings and

results of the data on what formulas will be used to interpret the data that will be gathered.


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