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Name : Sindi Diadora

Class : PBI.1
NIM : 1910205010

Evaluation of Teachers’ Difficulties in Teaching English Reading

Comprehension in Vocational High School Students

I. Introduction
This chapter discusses the background, research problem and objective of study.
I.1 Background of the study
English is an international language that was first spoken in England in the Middle
Ages and has almost become an official language in all countries in the world. English
is also used as a medium of communication to interact with people from various
countries, it will be easier for immigrants from other countries to communicate in
English. English is also plays an important role in the era of globalization in various
fields such as economics, politics, communication, culture, and education. In
Indonesia, English is the second most important foreign language to be mastered in
Indonesia. Junior high school students in Indonesia also learn English at school and it
is a compulsory subject to learn. There are four English skills that must be taught by
teachers to students, namely reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Teaching and
learning English is not easy. According to Patil (2008), teaching English is not only
transmitting knowledge to the students.
Crystal (2003) states that English is a global language. The reaction arose from
the wise thought not to lose the mother tongue and its values with the entry of
English as a global language. Since English has become a global language, English has
become a subject in schools for every student. In learning English there are four skills
that must be developed by students from elementary to high school levels, one of
which is reading skills. Reading is a communication skill in written language through
text. Arbryan et al. (2014) stated that reading is the process of deciphering written
symbols, guessing, following, and responding to text messages from an author in an
attempt to understand. Ismail et al. (2017) stated that reading is the most efficient
way to obtain information about various aspects of life, including science and
technology. By reading, people can absorb a number of information. Reading has a
very important role and is a daily necessity for everyone who wants to get any
information needed. Therefore, based on this opinion, reading skills are seen as
something that can help students to enrich their knowledge in English.
Reading comprehension is a skill or ability to understand what you read. In
reading, sometimes you have difficulty understanding what is conveyed by the
author from the text that has been compiled by him. Reading is very important
because the value of a nation can be seen from the reading interest of its people.
(Rintaningrum, 2020). This shows that the level of interest in reading in Indonesia is
still very low. The level of interest in reading in a country reflects the quality of
human resources in a country. We can improve the quality of human resources in
Indonesia, one of which is by increasing student interest in reading in Indonesia.
Then to increase students' interest in reading skills, it is necessary to use various
kinds of media to support students in learning activities, one of which is by utilizing
technology. Martin (2003) mentions when using technology in teaching reading,
students like and do well by reading websites, communicating with each other and
that laptop motivate students to work cooperatively. Vocational school or better
known as STM/SMK in Indonesia is a type of school that prioritizes its graduates to
become productive youth, not a human burden. Many of them don't go to college
because their focus is on getting a job after graduation. In this study, researchers will
conduct research at SMK Bakti Ibu 3 Palembang. These schools are located on Jl.
Gotong Royong Jl. Serasi II No.KM. 13, Sukodadi, Kec. Sukarami, Palembang City,
South Sumatra 30961. Their quality is also different, starting from student input,
education system, student character, school facilities, and final exam results.
I.2 Research Problem
The problem of this research is the difficulty of the teacher in teaching reading
comprehension because many students do not understand the content of the
reading. From this case many teachers found students who got low scores and many
students considered reading comprehension given. Based on the problem, the
researcher is interested in choosing “evaluation of teachers’ difficulties in teaching
English reading comprehension”. The researcher hopes to evaluate English teachers
and find out what the teacher’s difficulties are in teaching reading and what
strategies eachers use in teaching reading comprehension to solve this problem.

I.3 Objective of the study

In accordance with the problems above, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the
difficulties of teachers in teaching students’ reading skills and find solutions to
improve students’ reading scores and foster student interest in reading skills.

I.4 Significant of the research

1. For other Researchers
This research can provide information and references to conduct research related to
the interpretation or assessment of the difficulties or obstacles of a teacher to
improve students’ reading skills in Vocational High School.
2. For English Teachers
This research can provide new learning innovations for teachers, because with this
research the teacher can find out where obstacles are and what makes students
calm in learning English Reading. After knowing the obstacles, the teacher can
improve the way of teaching to make it more fun and easy to understand in English
Reading activities.
3. For Students
With a new teaching style that is fun and easy to understand, it can help students to
increase their interest in learning to English Reading.
4. For Researchers
This study provides knowledge for researchers about the difficulties experienced by
teachers in teaching English reading and can find new and more fun teaching
methods so that they can foster student interest in learning to read.


II.1 Teaching
Teaching refers to the multiple tasks carried out by the teacher for
leadinglearners to the expected learnings. It means that every teacher must set
the targets
for students and set the direction for deciding what is to be done to make
students achieve the targets. The targets that the teacher already sets up is
known as the learning target. Since the teacher is the one that must set up
everything for the teaching process, it makes the teacher has an essential role in
the teaching activity.Teaching is also described as a process to influence
students through their
perceptual and cognitive processes. Dharmaraj (2015) defined teaching as a
process that involves active participation between the teacher and the students.
It is an interactive process, primarily involving classroom talk between teachers
and pupils, and occurs certain definable activities. It proved that interaction also
takes the critical key in teaching and learning activities because teaching is a
process that involves the active participation of teachers and students. There
must be an interaction between the teachers and students while they are on a
course. If there is no interaction and participation, it means that the activity
does not fulfil teaching components.
II.2 Reading Comprehension
Cahyono (2011) states that the meaning of reading is to transfer information
between writer and reader. McNeil (1992) also explains that reasonable
understanding of the text. Reading comprehension is the ability to process text,
understand the meaning of the text and integrate it with what are reader knows.
Individual’s ability to understand texts is influenced by their skills and their
ability to process information. When word recognition is difficult, readers use
too much of their processing capacity on individual reading of each word, which
impairs their ability to understand the reading. There are a number of strategies
for improving reading comprehension and drawing conclusions, including
improving vocabulary, critical text analysis and in-depth reading exercise.
II.3 Reading Aspects
Reading is complex skill that involves a series of smaller skills. According to
Tarigan (2008:14) as an outline, there are two important aspects in reading,
1. Mechanical skills (lower order) that can be considered to be of a lower order.
Aspect that include in it are:
Recognition of letter shapes;
a. Recognition of linguistic elements (phonemes or graphemes, words, phrases,
clause patterns, sentences and others).
b. Recognition of the relationship or correspondence of spelling patterns and
sounds and letters;
2. Comprehension skills (higher order) that can be considered to be of a higher
order. These aspects include: reading speed to slow level
a. Understanding simple meanings (lexical, grammatical, theoretical)
b. Understanding the significance or meaning
c. Evaluation or assessment of content and form
d. Flexible reading speed which is easily adapted to the circumstances.
e. Types of reading.
3. Identifying references
Reference is one of the cohesive devices that connect words and sentences in
text through grammatical means (Rashid & Halim 2011). Students are expected
to comprehens what the pronouns in the sentences are used for, such as
pronouns that shows individuals, places, or situations, when identifying
4. Understanding the meaning of word
In understanding the meaning of words, the students have to find the meaning of
difficult word on the text context by comprehending the meaning of the
sentence or the text, and they will find the suitable meaning of the word.
Anjomshoa and Zamanian (2014) notice the vocabulary knowledge is another
major prerequisite and causal factor in comprehension the reading text.
II.4 Reading
Reading is an activity to see what is written and the process of understanding
the contents of the text aloud or silently. Reading is expressing an imagination of
a reader that is liked by the general public and also understood by someone who
is loved. Understanding reading according to Gorys Keraf according to Gorys
Keraf in a book entitled Indonesian Vocabulary (1996) reading is a physical and
mental process that gives meaning to visual symbols. Rosenblatt’s
understanding of reading according to Rosenblatt, reading is a traditional
process that includes steps during which the reader constructs meaning through
his interaction with the reading text. Understanding reading according to
Nurhadi according in fast and effective reading (1987) reading is the process of
oral pronounciation to get the contents contained in the reading.
III. Research Methodology
III.1 Research Design
this research will use qualitative methods to investigate a phenomenon and
answer research questions for this study. Gorman and Clayton (2005) define
evaluation studies as which involves the systematic recording of observable
phenomena or behaviors in natural setting. Evaluation means interpretation or
assessment to determine the value of something. Qualitative research involves
studies that use and collect various empirical materials such as case studies,
personal experiences, interviews, interactional, life stories, introspection, and
visual texts that describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in an
individual’s life, (Creswell,2012). In this research, the researcher focused on the
phenomenon of teacher difficulties in teaching English reading in Vocational
High School.
III.2 Setting and Participants
the setting of this research is at SMK Bakti Ibu 3, it is located in Sukodadi, Sukarami,
Palembang. Related to teaching and learning activities in English, English lessons are
taught once a week for 45 minutes for each meeting. The average number of
students for each class is 27 students. Supporting facilities for teaching and learning
English in classrooms are blackboards, markers, erasers, -+ 12 student desks, -+24
student chairs, teacher desks, and teacher chairs.
The participants from this research will be recruited from SMK Bakti Ibu 3 Palembang
by using purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling is one type of sampling
technique commonly used in scientific research.
III.3 Data Collection
For data collection in this research will use interview to get information by
interviewing the teacher and students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
difficulties of teachers in teaching English reading and to overcome these difficulties
so as to improve teacher teaching in teaching English reading. Knowing the source of
this phenomenon the case so that teachers can easily overcome the difficulties of
teaching reading to that teachers can increase students’ interest in learning to
English Reading.
III.4 Data Analysis
The researchers in data collection will use interview techniques to teachers to find
the difficulties experienced by teachers in teaching English reading. Lexy J. Moleong
(1991:135) defines that the interview has a specific conversational purpose. In this
method researchers and respondents directly (face to face) to obtain information
orally by obtaining objective data that can explain the research problem. The
teachers will be asked one by one about the difficulties experienced when teaching
reading English. Interviews were conducted face-to-face between researchers and
teachers, not through questionnaires or questionnaires so that the data obtained
were more accurate and could identify the difficulties experienced by teachers in
teaching English reading.
Crystal, D. (2003 ). English as a global language second edition . Cambridge
University Press.
Patil, Z. N. (2008). Re-thinking the objectives of teaching English in Asia.Asian EFL Journal, 10(4), 227-

Arbryan, A., Rochsantiningsih, D., & Asib A. (2014). Implementing webquests technique
and optimizing reading strategies to improve students reading comprehension. Journal Fkip
Uns, 279-286.
Rintaningrum, R. (2020). Explaining the important contribution of reading literacy to the
country's generations : Indonesian's perspectives. International journal of innovation,
creativity, change, 936-953.
Martin, M. (2003). Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics, third
ed. Pearson Education, London
Dharmaraj, W. (2015). Learning and Teaching. India: Bharatidasan University.

Cahyono. (2011). The Teaching Language Skill and English Language Components Malang. State
University of Malang Press.

McNeil, J.D. (1992). Reading Comprehension. New York: Harper Collins Publisher.

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