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.,_· ,,,_ 1,. · ·· '· • • . • : :1u1}1i1 1,1 1Jlt,ot, • • ·

l:l ' • .
KN:~~t~; ~EN BY TfIESE.ijRESENTS THAT W,~; ~1) _SMT.
DIPTI DAS, wife of late Chandra Das, by faith ·~ .Hindu~
by oecupation - Housewife, (2} SRI SAMIR DAS, son ·of late
Paran Chandra Das, by faith - Hindu, by occupation -
Service, (3) SRI SOUMEN DAS, son of late Pa.ran Chnadra
,,, 11
:t: ~

Das. by fai th - Hindn , by occupn1ion , 8c-rvlcc, 8 1. No . I to 3

a 1·e res i<iin g at 14/ A, Sil Th akur J3r-\ rl Road , unde r P.S .
B eh A.l n. K ollrn t A - 7 00 038 in t h e Distri c t 24 Pmga u n~ (8outh)
(4) SMT. RUPA SAMADDAR, wife of S ri Pararnan and a l

Srunaddar. by fai th -· Hindu, by oc~ upa.tion - Housewife,

residing a t 183B/2, Sarsuna Main Roa d, Kolka.ta - 70006 1
and (5) SRI PANCHU GOPAL DAS, so n of late Manmatha ·t
Nath Das, by faith - Hindu, by occupation - Service, resi?ing
at 14, Sil Thal<ur Bari Road, under P.S. Behala, Kolkata - 700 I' I

038 in the District South 24 Parganas, do hereby appoint,

nominate and constitute SRJ SWAPAN DUTTA, son of late
Sirish Chandra Dutta, ~::!}>! · faith, - ,Hin·g.u, · by occupation -
Business, residing at 1Q;9:~#::f !i~ur<f:3arLRoad, Kolkata - 700
038 , as our true and)ay~,faji1 , ~~~~e¥;.:to1~9t in our names and
our behalf to perform th~ f~U~~~;; ~,t.f~.d thin:g~ and deed~: ·

WHEREAS by virtue of Deed of Partition being No. 9164

dated . 18-10-1985 registered in the office of S.R. Alipore and
also by Deed of Exchange being No. 1464 dated 13-02-2013
registered in the office of A.RA. -I Kolkata, and also through
inheritance Smt. Dipti Das, Smt. Rupa Samaddar,. Sri Samir
Das, Sri Soumen Das and Sri P.E\Ilcbu .Gopal Das were jointly
. .
became owners of ALL THAT piece and parce} of land
m~asuring about 4· Cottahs 14 Sq.ft..- be the same a.' little more ·
or less comprised in Mouza - Sahapur, ~.. L. No .. 8, R.S. No.
179, Touzi No. 93, 101 1 Khatian No. 643, Dag No. 363 under
P.S. New Alipore (p reviously Behala), being Premises No.
14/ A, Sil Thakur. Bari Ro~d, in the District 24 Parganas .

/ " 'I 'li'l;Jt~t l

(hereinafter referred to as the
'1( 1 ,·:~ ~ I
1 1

t/1 '

\ 1,'f-
,· ~'\ ,:\)·~ ~;
\ ~,I\, ,· ' -,,,.. .


AND WHEREAS Said Smt. Dipti Das,· ~ri Samir Da.s & Sri

Soum en Das. Smt. Rupa ru1d Sri Panchu Gopal · ,I,,.:
Das while joint~y seized possessed and otherwise well il

sufficiently entitled to the said property duly mutp.tecl their 1':

names in the records of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation. ,,

The said property now. renumbered as Premises No. 140,

Vinoba Bhave Ro.~~, l(olkata, under Assessee No.
411191101411 having .i ts (mailing address 14 / A, Sil Thakur
Bari Ro a d).

Now, Smt. Dipti :p ,as~ ·,f:$~jf~.$1~ir~Pas & Sri Soumen Das, Smt . .
'' : :!'~:·ji[~!i:~rz( :' ' ' -~
Rupa Samaddar and:: ~ff!t'Jl~~µ ·~ ep~t. Das jointly appoint
. . . :. !;.~'f);~~,::;!~;;t_rf,\ i. ..1,;1~ .:--.~~ ..:.... . ·\.;,; } : . . . • •

and constitute SRI,;+~~l!i:it·' ':. t~:,~~[~~~~· · ,~( _late S1nsh

Chandra Dutta ,: as , tj;i:~t: 'V':"''.fft ·· ..- ,.. ("' ) :.~~Q·Q'iey to , -act in t

their ancL:~~#ii~,

. ~ ::. -~'.·

I • •
.;.•·:. •r-, i \I ·_ '1: '. :'.::• ; . ,

~~ffi~0~~:~rqµowing ~ct~
, '• . •
and things -:- . · . ·•::,,: •.:~~: ·: }"<::' · . , '. ~ 1
:. · ·
I. To sign and execute all deeds, documents, paper& and
writings in connecti9n with the ·said Property;

,. .
2. To enter irito any agreement or agreements with the
intending .purchasers and to s.ell the said Property;

3. To p ay truces and other :outgoes with respect to the said


4. To appear· before: the Municip~ Authority or any other

local authority or any other _government departments or
statutory bodies on our behalf; . , •

l,>.: ~: .

To tran sfer , sell , a nd dispose of the said Property and Fi

receive consideration thereon and to deposit such 'I

consider a tion in our account and grant receipt thereof;

6. To sign and give notice or notices to, any tenant or

tenants an.d other occupiers with respect to my said
Property to evict, quit and vacate or to abate any
nuisance or to remedy a breach •of covenant or contract •
or for any other purpose or purposes whatsoever and to
avail of and enforqe ·ctlLremedies. that may be available
to me in respectJh_~:r,~.ef.( .,.

7. To make, sign anqji:- ·

.j;:t~tf -i :, ·.·',: ·,._\;~~tJ:~n.~,
. :OI?. oJ;>jections to
the appropJ;iat¢. ,{ :,-~1(,~d.l1};any -:lic~nse,

administration . ;-arid' ~sci:".tO appoint any advocate· to

an~ i

appear on our behalf with respect to our said property; ·

8. To accept and withdraw on our behalf any

compensation payable to us in connection with our said
' '

Property mentioned in the schedule for acquisition or

compulsory purchase requisition by .t he .government or
any competent body or authority;_·
' .
9. To sign and execute all deeds, instruments,. documents
and assurances which they will consider necessary and ·
to enter into and/ or ag~~~ · _to such covenant s and
• ,1-..,,.I

conditions .as m ay~i.\W i~~R.l,ilhzed fqr fully and effectually

conveying ou r said Prope~ty inclu ding eu-iy modification;

5. To transfer , sell , an d dispose of the s aid Property and

, I

receive con s ideration there on and to dep~sit such ·1

'(i '
'. I
I ,

con sider a tion in our account and grant receipt thereof;

6. To sign and give notice or notices to . any tenant or
tenants and other occupiers with respect to my said
Property to evict, quit and vacate or to abate any
nuisar1ce or to remedy a breach of covenant or contraet ·
or for any other purp<;>Se or purposes whatsoever and to
avail of and enforce all remedies that may be available
to me in respect thereof;

7. To make, sign and-~i/ ~ ::Ji¢:~t:ions or -opjecti.o ns ·to

the appropriate .: ::>r:;

adnun1strat1on and · als.o:·:,t o appomt any . advocate to

.• ', ,. . •:
appear on our behalf with re:spect to our said property;

8. To accept and withdraw on our behalf any

compensation payable to .:us in connection with our said
Property m entioned in the schedule for acquisition or
compulsory purchase requisition by the government or
any competent b ody or authority; ,

9. To sign and execute aU deeds, instruments, documents

and assurances wh.ich they will. consider necessary all:d ·
' .
to enter into and/ or ag,ie, ,) o ·such covenants and
• "l~l\)ttl

con d itions as m ay,, ,:l?i, f med for fully and effectu ally
conveying our said Pro including any n1odific~tion;

rectification and cancellation re'\µired to be done with

respect to our said Property;

10. To present any such conveyance or conveyances for

registration, to admit execution and receipt of
consideration before the Sub-Registrar .or Registrar or
Assurances or Registrar having authority for and to
have the said conveyances registered
' . and to do all acts, .
deeds and things which ,o ur said attorney shall consider
necessary for conveying . our said Property to ~y
purchaser (s) in all respects as we could do the same i
ourselves; l:j


12. Be it mention.~d that the instant Power of Attorney is

being gr~ted in favour of the said Atton:iey without any
consideration and no' intere.s t or ·r ight ·of the··attomey is
created on the pro.perty which is the · subject matter- of
this Power of Attorney ,and that further the said
' : ' ::, '

Attorney shall not hereby obtain or have power to make

any construction development work on the •any

AND GENERALLY ;~ ·~~1:J{~'~Meeds and things as may

. ·:.Ii o~: J:)CI a• · . .
be ·necessary or requ1s1te 1n connection with the grant as


(Description of said property)

ALL THAT piece and parcel _of land measuring abou! 4 Cottah
14 sq.ft. be the same a little rnc~ire 6r :i ess comprised in Mouza -
- Sahapur, J.L. No. 8, R.$r-:'.1i~f,
1.' : .'' :
Touzi No: 93, 101
.: . ; ""•·· •
appertaining to R.S. Khatian Nb'. ·643, under R.S. Dag No. 363
being Premises No. 140, Vinoba Bha've 'Road, (mailing Address :
14/ A, Sil Thakurbari Road), Kolkata - 700 038, under P.S.
(New Alipore (previously Behala), under Ward No. 119 within
the local limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (Zone - J.L.
Sarani to J.K. Paul Road) which is butted and bou1;1ded by:

On the North By property of Sri Madhab Naskar; .

On the South By Premises No.

,:; T~~.1
On the East By 12 ft wide Vinoba Bhaqe Road; .

On the West - By Premises No.

\1f;: .-}i

,. ' ,, ; ,.,

ii- .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set and subscribed our

hands on this 5":th- day of September Two Thousand and t

Thirteen . t

1. / ~~ ·. 1. l) r .p -t 1 01)..)) ·
9'-f/E> ~-N.
2. ~Po-.-S<>..vr\~,
3.:~ P y \ _ ~ .
l I

4~$~(~ ..bCJ..I)
·_.;t ~ .-~
5. ~0.:--

2. 'S. M ~ y ~ ;' •r- . sr~NA~ IIB d'.FTHEEXEcurrAms

P. l~. u. P.>. ~ 9. ~
.;g~id~ :~,
\? "'-''~ "y---c._ l <..__c/f~ Go

Ii Drafted by me

Sealdah Court

Typed by
Lipika Dey t.
v· .
;,'. l[
'.~.. ,~
~: 1 roo a .,. ~ -··

. , ·•+i

•·· _:·' \-·.· ~,1~

f_1~\.>--·~.:, .:;.:r -i: .•.. _~i; . ,_ ,·. · .. ·,:· J;.:~,r:) ;:•J<~. :
,,~ .
-~ : ~-~ ~--·~::.:.:.:::::-:~-:•.~.;,:
- - - - - - - -~ ..!." . --·--

Government of West B
, partment of Finance ( Rev ) .. enga 1 . ,
e . enue ,Du ectorate of Registration a n d Starnp Reve n ue
. _Office of th e A.R .A. - III KOLl<ATA District- Koll<ata
.Sig'natu re / L fl S h eet of Serial No. 13216 / 2013, ~eed No. (Bool< - IV , 07 19!0/201~)

· l t~rc o f till' ,wrs on ( s ) il cJinillin g lhc L: x c culion at Office ,

fl d -- - -- - - - - - -- ·- · . ··-- .. ·1
M 1,11ission l1( Exe cution nv Status Photo Finge1' Prin t Signature I

. -- -·- -- ___i
I . ; i. IHJ C,0 1,_JI 1),1 5 Se lf
\, J.1 1CSS 111 ,S II lil a ku rl1d n
:~o .1d, Ko lkat c1,
1 \1,1 11 a: -Be l1 a lc1,

1),-.; tn ct : - Sout h 7 4 - f' ;i r qil l\ il S,

WI ST BEN G.l\ L, In cfoi , P 111
/ 00 0 38 LTI
05/l 0/2013 05/ J 0/ 2 0Ll
~ ,\•.i pan l1ut t .1 Self
/\iJ< 1rcss 1 r., S il Tl1 ;1 kur l~a n
1,J. id , l,olh. ~11., , D ist ri c t:
\ \ •! :-, 1 13 1: NC/\I, l 11cJ i;1, JJ111
't lll OJS


Name of Identifier of above Person(s) Signature of l[dentifier wit!: 1) 2,·.. ;c

, I, ,: , dlli l [), ; :,

::C:.L .
J ~ .
l ', ·. S N l-1·,atterJ ec Road, Kol k ata, District:-. , WEST
' . 1\J~:.A I , ,11cii d , Pi n :- / 000 34

' \s--,
I\. ~ ~ - = : , ,~·- '\
-~ . ,~ ••i l
•Mdfilo,1a\ ~egistfoc'i':l {;.s•5\.:! ,·:.-.(.,· • . , •
, (Sa'lt'a5~QGlei(UB
os.110 1 :rn.1.3 Office of the p,,,.R, /l, · :rn K ( HJ( ,rt rf-',
. . . Government of West Bengal . . . Revenu e
0e,Partment of Finance (Revenue) ,Direc:torate of Registration and Stc1n1p
" Office of the A.R.A. - III KOLl<ATA, District- Koll<ata
V 07190/7..01 3 )
· Signature / LTI Sheet of Serial No. 13216 / 2013, Deed No. (Bool< ~ I ,
gnatu i·e of th e Presenta nl
-- -- - - -- ,.----- -- -- - -- ~ - - - - - -- ----· -Si·-i:Jn-----
at ure wifh dla t c
------~ of the Presentant Photo Finger Print
r-1an1 . ..- - -··- ··----i-- - -- - - - -- --+-- - - - - - - - - -- -
, ,,;,,Od'' \) ut:ta

•·1 :;i1 111 a1<ur Ban Road, ~ ~ v v v- £µ~ •
' 1,, a , i11s tnct
1, •, 11 > .. , .WEST
~~1, D { ( 3

111 .NGA l , India, Pin

tl ll(L,t>
05/10/2013 05/10/20l 3
----·· . w - - - - - -- -

;1 . S1g na lure of the person(s) admitting the Executi9n at Office.

FiNo. Admission of Execution By Status Photo Finger Print Signature

L--· ·
[ J1p ti Das
,'\c h1rcss · 14/ /\, Si l lhoku r
Self .)ti/·>,•.
l ). •1 i Ro ao , 1, o lkata, ·-··.:!j,
; ,·, a11a: -Be ,,a ia, ~~;
~-,. ,·~-' D~1
l)1s tnct:-S ou\ il 24 - Parganas, •fdr..
vVL ST BEN GAL, l nclia, Pin LTI
. 700038
05/10/2013 05/10/2013

Samir Das Self

/\dd ress -14/ A, Sil Thakur
Suri Ro ad, Kolkata,
1 t1Cj na: - Behala,
Dist r ict: -South 24-Parganas,
WE ST BENGAL, India, . Pin LTl
· · /0 0038
05/10/2013 OS/ J 0/20 U

Suum en D2 s Self
!,;!dress - 1,;,. A, 511 Thakur
Ga ri Road, Ko lkata,
i tia na :-Be hal a,
01strict:-South 24-Parganas,
W[ST BENGAL, Ind ia, Pin
: · 700038
05/10/2013 05/10/2013

'i l<.L ;pa Sarnaddar Self

i\Jd ress - 183 B/2 , Sarsuna
Mair, Road, L<o lkata,
D1~.trict : · ., WE ST BENC AL ,
! nc!ia, Pin : 70006 1

05/10/2013 ·

t-.-::..zs 0
: ~- ;;,. ~
•- ; ~ , Re~lstrar"\ Ass .irnn~e · HI
· Kolkat~
i cs1"r&tGG'Jf'E-Ota> .
05/10/2013 , P~ice of the A.R.A. - III l(OLl<ATA
P<lge 1 of 2
Government Of West Bengal
Office Of the A.R.A. - Ill KOLKATA
District:-Kolkata .
Endorsement For Deed Number : IV - 07190 of 2013
(Serial No. 13216 of 2013 and Q4ery No. 1903L000021683 of 2013)

----- ~ch'11t1fied '."'-\' lndrani l Das, son of Lt . Amal Kumar Das, 94/3, s. N . 01<.1tterjee Road , KolkolcJ,
l)is t, ict -·., WEST BENGAi_, India, Pin :-700034, By Caste: Hindu, By Profession : Business.

( Sanatan Maity ) . .
.•,;'.i f~!.,i
\ ,~~t
, ..fJ~;~;l~~'
l.• , ~ 11., , ,. 1,t •

Government Of West Bengal

Office Of the A.RA. - Ill KOLKATA
Endorsement For Deed N',lmber: IV - 07190 of 2013
(Serial No. 13216 of 2013 and Qu~ry No. 1903L000021683 of 2013)
-- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -
LJn O'S / 10/2013

Ci.c!rtificate of Admissibility{Rule 43,W.B. Registration. Rules 1962)

1\Jin1 ss1ble u1 1der rull~ 2 1 o1 West Bengal Hegistralion· Rule, 1962 du ly st; 1mder sch P.d !E; 1

1\ 111cle nun-,bcr · 48(d ) of Indi an Stamp Act 1899.

Payment of Fe es:

,'. ;1;oun\ Sy Cash

, ~~ 7 ()0/··. 01105 /10/2013

1. t 1· 1ds°! : Ar:i clt::': ,E = 7 /- on 05/10/2013)

Ce ,·tificate of Market Value(WB PUVI rules ·of 2001)

~l'I 1i11ed tt 1a 1. tt1e market v;:ilue of this property which is the subject matter of th e clecd ha:, he=:,: .- .
sssc ssed at P s .- /-

C-?!l 1fi ed that the required stamp duty of this document is Rs.- 50 /- and the Stamp duty p~ id rJ:,,
ln,p: esi ve Rs - 50 /-

Presentation( Under Section 52 & Rule 22A(3) 46(1),W. B.-Registratio.n Rules,1962 }

Presented fo r registration at 12 .24 hrs on :05/"10/2013, atthe Office of the ARA - Ill KOLKA-1/-\ b~;
Sw.i pan Dutta ,Claimant. ....,_

Ad mission of Execution( Under Section 5'8,W.B.Registration Rules,1962)

txr:::cu:1 on is admrtted on 05/10/2013 by

D1pt1 Das . w1ie of Lt . Paran Chandra Das , 14/ A, Sil Thakur Bari • Road , Ko\l(ma . Tha na: E.cha1?.; ,
G1:::,1r:ct -South 2•1-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700038, By Caste Hindu. By Profoss1or
: 1<, .. se wife

'.=;,1,ni r Das . :;on of Lt. Parar. Chandra Das , 14/ A, Sil Thakur Bari Road, Kolka ta , Tl1,~;·1c.1 Bd ,, i i ·
:}smct:- Soui n 24 -Pargana s, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :.:.700038 , By Caste Hindu , By Professio ,•
Se1 ✓ ice
~~ Sournen Oas , son of Lt. Paran Chandra Das , 14/ A, Sil Thakur Bari Road . Kolkc1ta, Thr1 1,a :-Be hal~, .
Dist rict:-So1•th 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin .:-700038, By Caste Hinc1u. Sy P1 (1\f ss:()P

'I R~pa Samaddar , wife of Paramananda Samaddar , 183 8/2, Sarsuna Main Hoad, l<.oll<.ata . Di-s t1 ict.
WE ST BENGAL, India , Pin :-700061, By Caste. Hindu, By Profession-: House wife

5. Pc1nchu Gorn:i l Das , son of Ll . Manmatha Nath Das , 14, Sil Thakur Bari Road , Koll<.ata, Thana:-Behal(i
u: '. > trict:- Soulh 24-•Pargamis , WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700038, By Caste Hindu . By Professit)n
31i rvi ce

'.J ::;wapan 0 1.1 1t'<"J, son ol LI . ~-;i nr.; h Chandra Dutta , 10, Sil Thql<ur B·a1i H0c1d , f<olkat:1, Uist1 ict: . \/\/ ES _i
3!: NGAL, lr 1d1.-l F:-in •· 700038, By Caste Hindu, By Profe ssion : Busm~ss .£::f~.....-2:s:--=-
1,., ~ -..... , __

A\l.rnU01i.~\ \'.tf:\_\irn~:vi ;-,s sui°tll':U: . ~\

• c°~!n~~i1
Ma ity
. . 05/10/2013 l.4:39:00 -=~~orsernentPage 1 of 2'.
. \ .,:;~,~~;\,,•- , ,, .
\ •l,t,, i\,1 ,;, r1{f\

Government Of West Bengal

Office Of the A.R.A. - 111 KOL KAT A
,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.,:D~is~t~ri~c~t:~-K~o~lk~a~t~a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Endorsement For Deed Number : IV - 07190 of 2013
(Serial No. 13216 of 2013 and Q·u ~ry No.______________
1903L000021683 of 2013) _ ___.

o n 0S/10/2013
c~ertificate of Admissibility(Rule 43,W.B. Registration ~ules 1962)
,\u iTHssible uiid e i I ul c 2 1 o1 West Bengal Registration Rule, 1962 duly stamped und er ~.chcd ulc-: · 1·
\ 111c\e :1urnl 1•"'' 11 8\(i) c)f lnci1 an Stamp Act ·t899 .
~-:-.::yment of f t'es:

l u, ;dl~r /Vticlf-' · ,E =- 7/- on 05/10i2013)

Certificate of Market Value(WB PUVI rules of, 2001)

Certii1 ed that t11e market value of this property which is the subject matter of the deed has IJ er: , .
3ssessed at Rs - /-

Ce111 fied that the required stamp duty of this document is Rs.- 50 /- and the Stamp rJuty oa icl ,r.-
lrnµ 1es,ve Rs - 50/-

P resentatior. { Under Section 52 & Rule 22t\(3) 46(1),W.B. RegistratilDn Rules 1 196 2. j
Prt-:sented for registration at 12.24 hrs on :05/10/2013, at the Office of the A.R.A. - Ill KOLKAT,~ by
Swc1 'Jan Dutta ,Claimant.
,11. d~ission of Execution(Under Section 58,W.B.Registration Rules,1962)

~~ xe-::.ut1on is adm itted on 05/10/2013 by

C:ii)t, Das, wife of Lt . Pman Chandra Das , 14/ A, Sil Thakur Bari Road, Kolkata , Thai1 c:I :-Beha 1;,
0 1';i1 1ct-South 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700038, By Caste Hindu , By P;,_--. fe ss101,
! iouse wife

,, S,.:rrir Oas . sr1n of Lt. Paran Chandra Das , 14/ A, Sil Thakur Bari Road , l<ol 'K.alc-), Th anc1:-8e h::;1° .
D1 str ict:-Soun1 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700038, By Caste Hindu. By P,l, n;
Sei'J 1ce

:i,, Sournen Das . son of Lt . Paran Chandra Das , 14/ A, Sil Thakur Bari Hoac1, 1<..o11,, ,;~; . Tti c:11;: :- b e: ii,. _
Dis 1~ 1ct:-So1.1th 24-Pargmws , WEST BENGAL, India, Pin .~ -700038, By Caste Hindu, By P1 c fess ic "

1i . f~upa Samaddar, wife of Paran,ananda Sam.addar , 183 B/2, Sarsuna Main Rm:icl, Koll<.ata , Dist, ict ,
WE.ST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700061, By Caste .1:indu, By Profession: 'House wife

'.i. i:.1c:.iri,::hu Gopvl Oas . son of Lt. Manrnatha Nath Das, 14, Sil Thakur Bari Road, Kolkata . Th,1na: -Beh::-1i:,.
District :.South 24-Parnanas, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700038, By Caste Hindu , By Professi,m ·
I' ,j _ swc1p,m Dul.tu , son o( l..l Sirish Chandra Dutta ,, 10, Sil Thakur Bari Road , l<olkc1 t,1 , District :-.. Wt. S1
Bl:NG/'-L lrnfa1 . !)i n : 7000]8, By Caste Hindu, By Profession : Business ...~ ~ ~.,.__:: ~ -<
A.<ldiUOiht\Ret! i\~c;\i: :. ,>: - i
;, :
• '
I . . •· 5 O.CT 2C ,
\<\,t( ;1t:,

{Si:Hla\\~-. Ma .li 1
f I
_ _ _;__--=-~=------------;..;...-----p"E,;;ndorsememtPage 1 of 2
Qt;/ 1.0 / 2013 14:39:00 · · :, ·
., 11 ;..._ ,'l •-1 • .' •, ~' ~
istration under section 60' and Rule 69.

·Registered in Book - IV
CD Volume number ·t ·t
p ~ge from 985 to 999
being No 07·190 for the Yt"-~r 20·13.

{S~n~t~n [v1.iitv} ·i5-Octobe.r-2013
Office of lhe A.R.A. - Ill ~<OLKATA
Nf'~.t Beng~i
' '
SGC!/0 1'1 60 -and Ru le 69.

Reqi-stere<l in Booh - ,I
· ··l cD~Volume number ·12
l from ~26 3 t o 8i4$0
i)-?ing No 0:9 9,~0 fo t1,ft\e- ,yse:.r 20-12 .

{rvbl~ y Ch.:ikr.:iborty) · -Septe nb ,_,., "12

l Office of the D.S.R: -11 SOUTH 24-PARGANAS
ll. 'N t ~t Seng~!

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