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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Property Valuation Report

Residential Property
Property Address:
46 Matroosberg street Ext 16
Carletonville 2499
ERF 5196

Prepared by:
N Konstabula 216010320 KGLZ Sigcawu 218069362
SK Garane 220039003 SJC Bowes 218069774
M Jere 217019643 SM Moale 220046345
S Marholeni 218038086 OG Twala 220111351

1|P a g e Valuation Report

Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Table of contents
Property description, topography, and soil condition……………………………….5
Roofing & electrical fence…………………………………………………………..6
Exterior Fencing…………………………………………………………………….7
Concrete paving…………………………………………………………………….8
Gutters & backyard wall……………………………………………………………10
Outdoor Tap & light…………………………………………………………………11
External doors………………………………………………………………………..14-16
Living room………………………………………………………………………….18 & 19
Dining room………………………………………………………………………….20
Bedroom 1 & 2……………………………………………………………………….22-24
Bedroom 3……………………………………………………………………………25
Bathroom……………………………………………………………………………..26 & 27
Environmental attributes………………………………………………………………31
Improvements and impact on occupants……………………………………………….32
Building plans…………………………………………………………………………...37-40
Building orientations……………………………………………………………………..41
Title deed and cover sheet……………………………………………………………….46-57

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

For the this report we will mainly be making use of the following terminology to describe the
adverse conditions of the subject property:
Operational- an item/ items that does not function as intended.
Debris- an item that is destroyed or has rubbish.
Deteriorate- the item has been damaged or is not fit for its designed purpose.
Sagging- the item has moved out of shape or distorted.
Install- the installation of an item is absent or has failed.
Serviceable Defect- the performance of item is flawed at the time of the inspection.

It is also important to understand the difference between maintenance and failure for the
purpose of this report, which is briefly explained below:
Maintenance- is the work done to restore a facility or part thereof in good condition or in an
acceptable standard.
Reasons for maintenance:
(a) Increasing the life span of the building facilities
(b) Reduce breakage and failure of equipment.
(c) Keep the facility in a continuous productive/functional estate and enhances property
Failure- is a situation where premature maintenance may be required due to rapid
deterioration. It can be caused by natural phenomena (like storms, earthquakes, floods etc);
abuse and negligence to maintain pest infestation, poor designs and or workmanship or faulty
materials can also cause failure of a building.
Failure can occur in two forms.
• Physical (structural, loss of strength etc)
• Performance (reduction in function below)

3|P a g e Valuation Report

Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville


We were instructed to do a physical inspection and measurement on a residential property and

give an accurate assessment of the conditions of the property together with its building
components. Specifically, for this assignment we will use a residential property situated in
Carletonville, 46 Matroosberg Street Extension 9. This report will address the general
conditions of the property not to criticize the property, but to inform the owner about the
property’s present conditions. This is necessary to create awareness of any defects or faults in
the property itself.

The purpose of this report is to make observations and recommendations on the subject
property at the time of the inspection on both the interior and exterior of the property and to
comment on the functionality of its services, components, and its finishes as well as to indicate
the areas of concern. The subject property is a one storey structure with Carport, the property
is occupied by the owner and his family.

The inspection done on this assignment was limited to a visual inspection of the areas in the
property that were exposed for viewing. We will inspect the following areas: The building’s
exterior, interior and the site. The inspection was conducted on the 9th of April 2021 at 11:34am,
the weather on the day of inspection was partly cloudy.

It is essential to note that the property condition assessment is a combination of the opinions
and observations formulated by the group members and not of professional experts. On that
note while working on the assignment we as group members did encounter certain problems
when inspecting the subject property like internal restrictions whereby the furniture hindered
access to certain areas of the property at the time of the inspection and we also experienced
minor challenges when it came to traveling to the subject property due to transportation costs
and due to the strict regulations of social distancing but in the end, we managed to reach group
consensus about the group dynamics.

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Property description (Erf)

The subject property is a one storey house with a carport, it is a corner house which has access
to both sides of the roads on Bloukrans and Matroosberg Street. Its is a masonry brick house
with a concrete paving driveway with brick fencing.

Soil type and Foundation type

The soil conditions and stability are important to determine whether the site is suitable for a
building structure, for the subject property we discovered that the type of soil present in the
parameters of the property is gravel soil. Gravel soil is very good at supporting a foundation
because when compacted and moist it holds together very well, and gravel soil is good because
of their non-water retaining properties. The type of foundation used for the subject property
was a strip foundation, this type of foundation can withstand the structural load of the house
and it has a very long service life. (refer to the annexure)

Topography refers to the slope and level of the land whether the land is flat and plain or in
sloping (Parmar,2021). For the subject property, the topography of the site is flat, and it allows
for the settling of the property very well. The fact that the topography of the subject property
is flat it will not affect the layout of the property and it will not affect the access of sun and

The topography and the soil are very important elements as far as safety of the property is

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1. Building Improvements Exterior


Type The residential property has a concrete roof tile.

Roof Covering The roof covering is a concrete tile.
Conditions The condition of the roof and roof covering is well
kept and is of a satisfactory condition.
Recommendation I recommend the owner to obtain any warranties for
the roof from the contractor.
Functionality Both the roof and the roof covering do fulfil their
intended purpose to prevent ingress of heat and
moisture as well as to keep out rain into the
Electrical Fence

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Type The house made use of Electric Parameter Fencing

used for securing the property and the occupants
staying in,
Condition The condition of the wire or bobbins is not in an
acceptable standard, the is physical withering on
the wires, it is loose and need to be tightened.
Recommendation The owner needs to hire an electrical specialist to
install new lead wires or tighten the old wires.
Functionality The electrical fence is not operational as expected
due to fence faults.
Maintenance The owner can check electrical fence at least once
in every two to three months to identify faults that
have remain hidden if any, the owner will have to
call a specialist to fix the faults.
Exterior fencing

Types Masonry (brick wall). The face brick wall has

brick columns at each corner of the wall to help
stabilize the wall and supports the weight thereof.
Condition The condition of the wall is generally good. The is
no sign of excess mortar on the brickwork.
Recommendation The owner should regularly check for any faults
such as cracks on the wall to be able to act on it
Maintenance The owner should hire a contractor to maintain the
overall appearance of exterior wall and apply
water sealer to prevent water from penetrating into
the brick and cause damage. Clean the brick wall

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with water, soap and scrubbing brush will help to

get rid of the red sand that has stained the wall.
Functionality The fence is fully functional in protecting the

Concrete Paving Walkway

Type Concrete slab paving.

Condition The bevel bond pavers (50 mm) have been used on
the residential walkway and the pavers are still in
their original shade, however they are weeds in
between the block pavers, and if not addressed
they can shift the pavers over time.
Recommendation It would be wise to always sweep the walkway to
prevent the dirt and seeds into the pavers because
the seeds grow and send roots down between the
Functionality The walkway is function according to its intended
Maintenance Owners should apply sealer to pavers every 3
years so that they always look they best.

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville


Type The subject property has aluminium top hung

windows and steel casement window frames, the
casement windows open outwards.
Glazing Type Some top hung windows have a single glaze.
Conditions The conditions of the windows are generally
satisfactory. The windows are clean and well kept.
The frames of the windows open and shut
Recommendation Even though the windows are in a good condition,
the owner must still regularly check the windows
for any cracks or holes to prevent air from seeping
Functionality The windows are function properly, the is no sign
of any damage or struggle while using them.
Maintenance The owner can occasionally clean the windows
and window frames by wiping them with a damp
cloth to remove dirt and dust, for the casement
window frames, a fresh coat of paint needs to be

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reapplied from time to time to protect the steel

from the sun and rainwater.

Condition The gutters and the downpipes are in an excellent

condition, they are clean and free from debris and
the is no sign of visible rust.
Recommendation The owner should regularly check gutters for
debris, leaves or insects and scoop them out to
allow for the water to pass down the downpipes.
Functionality The gutters and the downpipes are functioning
properly by allow the flow of rainwater to pass
through the downpipes.
Maintenance The owner should always clean the gutters and
downpipes to prevent any clogs that will block the
water flow as this may cause damage. It will be
wise to maintain the gutters at least twice a year in
autumn and in summer during the heavy rainfall
Backyard brick wall

Type Brick work (masonry)

Condition The condition of the wall is not aesthetical
appealing due to signs of mortar that has not been
cleaned up on the north elevation wall and white

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paint patches left behind after construction (it is

not efflorescence). The is use of different
brickwork which makes it look untidy.
Recommendation Owner should hire a professional contractor.
Outdoor Tap

Type The subject property has an outdoor Bib tap.

Condition The condition of the tap is fair, but the
surroundings have limescale.
Recommendation The owner needs to clean the tap regularly because
the limescale will be difficult to remove as it
builds up.
Functionality The tap is fully functional, it meets its intended
purpose of supplying outdoor water.
Maintenance since the bib tap is stainless steel the owner needs
to maintenance the tap to prevent it from
limescale, must clean the parts that have limescale.
Outdoor lights

Type Fluorescent (outdoor PVC wall light)

Condition The condition of the wall light is in an excellent
condition and is well kept.

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Advantage It has good light rendering and low operational

temperature. It is overall economically friendly.
Recommendation The owner must check for debris in the fixtures to
ensure a good light rendering always.
Functionality The outdoor light does meet its intended purpose
of providing lighting/ illumination of the outside
Maintenance Owner must replace bulb when it stops working or
if the is a defect.

Type Metal Gate

Condition The condition of the gate is in a satisfactory
condition the is no signs of rust on the metal. The
gate’s colour is in an excellent condition.
Recommendation Monitor the gate for future rust on the metal.
Functionality The gate does meet its intended purpose of
allowing people and vehicles to enter and leave the
Maintenance The owner should re-paint the gate every 3 years
so that it remains aesthetically always appealing.

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Type This is a portico type of porch because it is leading

to the entrance of a building or extended as a
colonnade with a roof structure over a walkway
and supported by a pillar.

Condition The patio is in an excellent condition and it is well

Type of tiling used Porcelain ceramic tiles are used for the exterior of
the patio because they are very durable, and they
are not permeable, and they do not have a high-
water absorption rate.

Pillar/Beam A stainless-steel pillar cover is used as a support

structure to hold the patio’s roof structure. The
shiny steel pillar adds attraction to the front view
which beautifies the property as it is aesthetically

Maintenance A normal day to day maintenance is required by

moping and sweeping the tiles to maintain their
appearance and wiping the beam/pillar with a
cloth to always keep it shiny.

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Exterior Door (Patio)

Type This type of door is called a French double door,

they are a very popular choice for external doors.
This door has a steel frame (for strength and
durability) and a glass interior which allows for
sunlight to enter in the dining room.

Condition This door is in an excellent condition.

Functionality The door is fully functional, the door handles work
very well, and the door opens and closes with
Maintenance For maintenance purposes door handles and locks
must be repaired at first sight of damage, Seals and
hinges need to be evaluated for rust and loose
screws. It is advisable that the owner wipes the
door with damp cloth to remove dust and dirt and
without leaving any scratches on the door.

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

External kitchen door

Type Panel Door (The door is single hinged.)

Condition The door is generally in a bad condition. The panel
door used is not suitable to be utilised as an
external door, because the door is reacting to
seasonal weather and it is not protected against
effects caused by exposure to the weather like the
rain and the suns UV rays, so it ends up
deteriorating and eventually losing its original
colour and creates a chalky appearance. The door
handle and hinges are well kept.
Recommendation We recommend the owner to either replace the
current door with a more suitable external door
that will be able to handle the weather exposure or
take the door off the hinges, remove all the
hardware, lay it across two sawhorses, and sand it
down to the wood. This clears away any old paint,
finish, or varnish, and allows you to see if the door
has any cracks or other repair needs. When you
have the door down to the bare wood, wipe away
all wood dust, and refinish or repaint it in a dust-
free environment to avoid any debris settling into a
new coat as it dries.
Functionality The door is fully functional the were no signs of
the door losing its grip from the frame at the time
of inspection and the door opens and closes with
Maintenance Cleaning hinges and doorknob assembly only need
to be done every six to 12 months.
Routinely inspect the door for any damages, either
to the door itself, the weather stripping, or other

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components like hardware. This way, you can

repair issues sooner rather than later, ensuring
your door remains in good condition. Using things
such as varnish will help bring back the colour of
this door and it will also help as a protective layer
for dust and cracking caused by the weather (rain).

External Attractiveness

 Poor

 Fair

 Normal

 Good

 Excellent

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2. Building improvements Internal

House size: 153.00 𝑚2

Room: kitchen

Ceiling The ceiling in the kitchen is in an excellent

condition. The Subject property has a
conventional ceiling.
Floor The tiles in the kitchen are different from the
tiles used in other parts of the house, they
have made use of unglazed ceramic tiles.
The tiles had grease.
Wall The wall in the kitchen is generally normal,
they have incorporated tiling in the walls.
The tiles on the walls are clean.
Remarks The sinks: the kitchen faucet is loose the
owner needs to tightened. The handles are
installed properly on kitchen faucet.

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Tiling: clean floor tile with non-chlorine

cleaning product preferable diluted and
warm water with a non-abrasive cleaning
sponge to get rid of the stains or grease on
the floor.

Built-in Cupboards: the cupboards are in a

fair conditional the is no signs of pests in the
Aesthetical appeal The aesthetical appeal of the kitchen is good.
Room: Living room

Ceiling This is a conventional ceiling with cornice

attached on the sides of the ceiling as well as
in the center which creates a tray ceiling
design. This is the ceiling type commonly

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seen in homes. It is the standard style. It has

a simple flat surface. The conventional
ceiling is easy to decorate as seen with this
ceiling it has been decorated with additional
cornice which one would say it has created a
tray ceiling.
Lighting The lounge ceiling has downlight LED bulbs
installed. The condition of the downlights is
good. The center light has not been
connected yet (as seen in the picture), the
wires are hanging out for them to be
connected to the light and could pose as a
safety hazard if the wires are not properly
Floor The lounge has a grey ceramic tile. The tiles
are in a good condition. The grouting has
been done properly and the correct tile
cement was used. No damages are present on
the tiles and they are easy to clean.
Wall The wall of the lounge room has a gamazine
wall coating and the part where the television
is placed the is wall cladding which provides
thermal insulation and improves the
appearance of the lounge.
Remarks The switch: the lounge switch does not have
a socket switch installed.

The gamazine coat wall: the condition of

the wall is good, but one side of the is wall is
dirty. owner must install a light in the drop
ceiling as wiring is hanging out and may be

Lights: Lights must be monitored every

week to check whether they all work and if
they do not, they need to be replaced as soon
as possible. Lights are a very essential aspect
of the house. The wires for the lights must be
connected properly for safety purposes.
Lights should turn on immediately when the
light switch is turned on.
Aesthetical Appeal The aesthetical appeal of the lounge is very

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Room: Dining Room

Ceiling The ceiling in the dining room is a

conventional ceiling and the gaps are
covered with cornice and the cornice is made
of gypsum paper profiles.
Floor The tiles used in the dining room area
ceramic tiles which usually have a harder
glaze are suitable for interior floors as they
have a more textured feel and are not
slippery therefore providing the much-
needed balance or support when walking on
them. The tiles appear to have been well
installed and there are no cracks through the
fillers on the joints or any cracks on the tiles.
Wall The wall in the living room in the dining
room of this property appears to be well
taken care of and seems like it has been
recently painted with enough paint coats
hence it looks so neat and clean the wall
looks well maintained and there are no
cracks on the wall or peeling off the paint to
show that the painting was well applied, and
the necessary processes were followed.
Remarks Tiling: The tiles have been well maintained
through cleaning and they have more of a
natural feel to them and are aesthetically
pleasing to the eye.
Aesthetical appeal The dining room’s aesthetical appeal is
Sliding Door Going in and Out the Living-room

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Type Aluminium Sliding Door.

the aluminium sliding door has been placed
inside the house to serve as an entrance and
exit, into and from, the living room. The
sliding door has been inserted as part of the
partition wall.
Condition The condition of the sliding door is good.
The glass window on the sliding door is very
clean and visible for one to see into what is
inside the room and where the door is
leading to. No cracks are identified on the
sliding door. The aluminium sliding door
frame has some paint coatings on it which is
obvious that the paint job that was being
done in that area of the house was not so neat
and no careful coverings were made on the
aluminium sliding door frame. The cement
used on the edges to hold the sliding door in
place seems to need a refill.
Functionality The sliding doors functions as intended; they
slide properly without any difficulties at the
time of the inspection.
Recommendation The paint on the sliding door frames should
be removed with the correct chemicals that
remove stubborn paint stains. This is
necessary for neatness purposes and to also
restore the original colour of the aluminium
sliding doors.
Maintenance Routine maintenance is needed when it comes
to aluminium sliding doors because
sometimes the doors do not slide properly due
to certain obstructions like dust or small
pieces of dirt that could have easily landed on
the tracks due to the activity that happens in

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the house and obviously this part of the house

will experience the most activity since the
sliding door leads to the entertainment/living

The glass window on the sliding door should

be cleaned with a damp and dry cloth to
remove dirt (such as fingerprints) and dust.
Room: Bedroom 1

Ceiling The condition of the ceiling is bad due to a

hole in the ceiling.

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Floor Bedroom had a ceramic tile.

Wall The plastering on the bedroom wall has an
uneven surface texture.
Remarks Ceiling: it is advisable to remove the ceiling
and install a new one because, the impact of
the ceiling if not rectified it will become
more costly to fix.

Floor: the tiling is in a satisfactory

condition, no cracks evident.

wall: Hire a contractor to smoothen out the

uneven plaster to restore balance to even the
wall or apply an additional coat of plaster to
obtain a smooth surface.
Aesthetical Appeal The general aesthetic of the bedroom is fair.

Room: Bedroom 2

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Ceiling The room has a conventional ceiling with

cornice around the wall and within the
ceiling creating a tray ceiling which creates a
luxurious feeling from the view below.
Floor The floor type is wooden floor.
Wall The wall is in a satisfactory condition.
Built-in wardrobe The built-in wardrobe has sliding wardrobe
doors which incorporate mirror. The door of
the wardrobe was fully functional at the time
of the inspection.
Door The type of door used is a Panel door which
is framed and connected with joints in the
stile on the hinge side to allow the open and
close movement of which is still in good
Remarks Overall, the bedroom is in a good condition.
The owner needs to install proper lighting
into the ceiling to make room visually
Aesthetical Appeal The aesthetical appeal is good.

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Room: Bedroom 3

Ceiling The type of ceiling is a conventional ceiling

fund in many houses, and it is in an excellent
Floor The room has ceramic tiles, the tiling in the
room has cracks.
Wall The wall in the room is generally fair.
Built-in Wardrobe The wardrobe is immobile therefore it adds
to the value of the property and its condition
is falling apart.
Remarks Tiles: The tile in the room has cracks at the
time of inspection, this may be due to hard
impacts or too much weight.

Wardrobe: The wardrobe is in a poor

condition, the wardroom doors are sagging
and cannot close, the is a gap when closed.
Aesthetical appeal The aesthetical appearance of the room is

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Room: Bathroom 1

Ceiling The ceiling of the bathroom is generally

Floor The tiling in the bathroom is different for the
rest of the house

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Wall tiles The bathroom wall has a glazed tiling as it

suitable for bathrooms.
Basin The basin is well kept and appears to be
Shower The shower doors and water supply were
fully functional at the time of the inspection.
The shower is dirty, needs to be cleaned.
Bathtub The bathtub is in a fair condition.
water service The hot and cold-water service is in a
working condition at the time of inspection.
Test was carried out by running both the cold
and hot water from the taps.
Remarks Shower: In the bottom right corner of the
shower the is green mould/fungus maybe due
to damp condition.

Bathtub: The is mildew around the tub,

owner needs to look it to that.

Wall tiling in the upper part of the basin:

The is two tiles that are missing, the owner
must hire a contractor to lay the missing tiles
as this affects the aesthetical appeal of the
Aesthetical Appeal The aesthetical appeal of the bathroom is
Main Switch

Condition The main Switch is in an excellent condition, the

are no signs of wires hanging.
Remarks The main switch is right next to the kitchen door
making it easily accessible to anyone who walks
into the subject property as it is not in a protective
area, and it does not have an outer covering.

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Summary: House:
No. rooms

No. bedrooms

No. bathrooms

No. living rooms & Dining rooms


No Kitchens

3. Outbuildings

Type Aluminium Roll up garage door.

Condition The garage door appears in functional and
satisfactory condition at the time of the
inspection. The paint on the garage door still has

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its original shade and it is well kept. The rollers

are still attached to the cable system.
Material Galvanised slat material.
Recommendation We recommend the owner to occasionally
inspect the springs and rollers and look for wear
or broken parts.
Functionality The garage door is fully operational, the is no
visible signs of misalignment, damage, faulty
springs or clogging when opening the garage
Maintenance Twice a year seasonal inspection and
maintenance should be done by lubricating all
moving parts to ensure that the residential garage
door is opening and closing properly.
Concrete pave driveway
Type Bevelled edged concrete blocks which are
rectangular in shape, with a top side edge
slightly bevelled
Condition The paving appears to be levelled and well
excavated which proves that the proper process
was followed in laying the paving when it was
installed, and it shows that the ground was
treated well before installation of the bevelled
edge paving block .The paving blocks however
have weeds that are growing, and they could
have been caused by seeds deposited through the
block spacings even if perhaps the constructors
used herbicide side before placing the sand bed,
it proves to have been ineffective.
Maintenance Apply granular weed preventative between joints
as part of the paver maintenance routine or use
mortar to join the gaps.
Recommendation The weeds should be removed on a continuous
basis as they usually grow back after a certain
time, a pesticide or herbicide should be sprayed
at least once every two months or so just to
ensure the growth of weeds from the paving are
kept to a minimum, as well as to keep the insects
or termites from ruining the paving. The paving
blocks should also be repainted at least once
each year if not once in two years depending on
their condition after such a period

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Type Galvanized steel

Condition The gutter is in a bad condition and it may pose
as a health hazard because as you can see in the
picture there is rusting on the downpipe used in
the carport. Usually rusting causes corrosion and
some of the defects that comes with corrosion
are complete loss of material and the steadiness
of the structure may be compromised.
Recommendation The downpipes should be painted with a good
quality paint both inside and outside to prevent
corrosion and leaks on the joints which would
also help increase the durability of the gutter.
Functionality The rust on the downpipe does not prevent its
Maintenance The inside of the gutter can be painted at least
once every three years and the outside should be
maintained at least once a year if not once in two
years should the paint start to wear off and in
that case arrangements for getting the gutters
repainted should be made or install new ones.

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Environmental attributes

Environmental attributes play a significant role when it comes to the area and value of the
property. An individual seeking to purchase a property will first look at the surrounding
environment of the location that will offer a high quality of life. Looking at the subject
property’s environmental attributes we have identified many factors that could deliver a high
quality of life for the occupants residing in 46 Matroosberg street.
Those attributes are as follows: Firstly, there is no nearby highway or active construction sites
that may contribute to any noise pollution. Secondly, there are no trees or shrubs planted
towards the west and east of the site that could prevent afternoon heat and oxygen. The climate
in the area is pleasant throughout the year even in winter. Thirdly, in ext. 16 the population
density in the area is average, meaning that the area is not overcrowded making it very pleasant
to live in. Lastly, from our observation we noticed that the water and air quality in the area is
generally good and may contribute to habitable living conditions for the occupants. The area
also is sustainable meaning it does not disturb or affect the ecosystem in the area.
We have also identified nearby amenities that could contribute to high quality life of the
occupants like a nearby school called Wonderfontein High school which is very convenient as
since the owner has a child that schools there and a nearby recreational swimming pool. This
amenities or environmental factors contribute to the value of the property.
The view of scenery from the property is a general view, the is no view of water or the lake.
when standing inside the premises of the property however you can observe the views of the
street and buildings.

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Before After

Initially the subject property was a five-bedroom house with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen,
and a dining room. Renovations have been done on the subject property to improve the property. The
site had a large open space prior improvement and the owner decided to utilise the space to add on the
initial property. As you can see from the above picture all the windows were casement windows, the
bricks used in the initial building are slightly different from the newly altered house and the was no
driveway and walkway. The previous schedules area was 93.4𝑚2 prior the additions.

The subject property now has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a new living room, dining room, two
bathrooms which one is an en-suite bathroom and its currently under construction (refer to the
annexure for the picture) and a new covered patio. As seen in the above picture new gutters,
downpipes and roof tiling were installed. A Walkway and a driveway were created to allow for people
and cars to enter the premises. The scheduled area of the new additions is 76.50𝑚2
The impact of the build’s condition on the occupants

The indoor and outdoor conditions of the subject property have an impact on the well-being of the
occupants. The are certain building conditions that we have identify that could be beneficial and that
could also be of serious concern when it comes to the well-being of the occupants. From our
observation the subject property has proper indoor ventilation and good artificial and natural lighting
that provides illumination to all areas of the house and this benefits the occupants as they can see
tasks undertaken at night and during the day. The property does not have a negative impact on the
health of the occupants whatsoever. Except for the wires hanging on the ceiling in the living room that
could potentially cause a safety hazard if not fixed and the electrical fence that is not operational, it
cannot fully live up to it function of protecting the occupants from intruders if it is not fixed. The
concrete paving that has weeds in it could shift the pavers and could create a tripping hazard for the
occupants if not rectified.
The mould in the shower may cause serious health problems for the occupants such as allergies if not
removed. The loose faucet in the kitchen may cause corrosion and contamination on the valve which
may be harmful to occupants s it will affect the domestic water supply.

32 | P a g e Valuation Report
Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

We were unable to get hold of the SG diagram in the deed’s office Pretoria because the erf
that we chose is not consolidated as a one house standing, the only available SG diagram on
their side was a general plan of ext. 16 which indicates the erf number of the property and a
park’s general plan. We were not aware that our property was not consolidated until we were
not to the deeds office to seek for help on how to obtain the S.G number.

33 | P a g e Valuation Report
Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Carletonville Ext 16 General Plan

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Aerial Map

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Schedule of Areas
Area of Stand: 1004.00 𝑚2
Ground Floor:

Existing Building: 76.50 𝑚2

Existing Carport: 19.00𝑚2
New Additions: 76.50𝑚2

Total Floor Area: 172.00𝑚2

Coverage: 17.1%

F.A.R 0.1

Building Plans

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Roof Plan

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West and East Elevation

South and North Elevation

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Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville

Building Orientation of The Subject Property

The primary goal for a best house orientation is to provide physically and psychologically
comfortable living inside the property and to give good health & happiness to the user in a
secure way.
Room Orientation Advantage /Disadvantages
Kitchen South Advantage: South facing elevation
has the advantage of getting more
solar radiation during winter than
in summer

The orientation of kitchen of the
subject property is facing south
instead of facing east. This is a
disadvantage because if the kitchen
was facing towards the east, it will
allow the UV rays to destroy the
gems that tend to multiply in
presence of moisture and food.
Living Room and Dining East Advantage:
Room East and west receives maximum
solar radiation during summer
since the living room is the most
frequently used room during the
day its best that is oriented in the
east or North.
windows East Advantage:
majority of the windows of the
subject property are facing east
which this is generally good
because it allows the Sun’s UV
rays to penetrate the house in the
Bedrooms South and West Advantage:
Rooms that are frequently used at
night such as bedrooms are best
oriented at south and west like the
subject property because they have
a hotter direction.

Bedroom 1 and 2 windows west Advantage:

West is an important orientation
because high intensity of solar
radiation is received during
evening hours, when the internal
gains are also at its peak

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Calcamuggio, J., 2011. Maintenance Tips: Gutters and Downspouts - Buildipedia. [online] Available from: <
tips-gutters-and-downspouts> (Accessed 18 April 2021).

Central Bay Roofing & Restoration | Alameda, CA Roofing Contractor. n.d. 5 Important Gutter
Maintenance Tips For The Winter Months. [online] Available from:
(Accessed 22 April 2021).

Crucial Engineering. 2019. Different Types of Aluminium Doors - Crucial Engineering Ltd.
[online] Available from: <>
(Accessed 26 April 2021).

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[online] Home Improvement Stack Exchange. Available from:
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Available from: <>
(Accessed 16 April 2021).

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Futton, F.S. and Crawford, P.H. (1971) Cement and Concrete. 4th Edition. Johannesburg:
Portland Cement Institute.

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Hauptfleisch, A., 2016. Basic construction technology. 2nd ed. Construction Economics
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Hauptfleish, A.C (2016) Basic Construction Technology Volume 1. Revised edition.

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Property Valuation and Management
Module name: Module code: PVMO2A2

Lecturer details:
Student number:

Student contact details: Mobile:0746372240

Is this submission a GROUP ASSIGNMENT?
If YES, please note that each member of the group must attach their individually signed Yes No
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For all GROUP ASSIGNMENTS, please indicate the sections/pages that you contributed 9,10,13,14
Has any part of this assignment previously been submitted as part of another
module/unit? If YES, please provide details. Yes No

Committing plagiarism is to …
▪ present the ideas, words, or results of another person as your own, without giving appropriate recognition of the
▪ use the ideas or words of a person without giving appropriate credit to the person or source;
▪ use sentences, paragraphs, or parts of articles and books without quotation marks and appropriate
▪ download sentences, paragraphs, or sections of writings from the Internet and to use them without quotation marks
and proper acknowledgement;
▪ use a person’s direct words, without quotation marks, even when you credit the source;
▪ use ideas without making them properly your own, although you might still have credited the original source; and/or
▪ formulate your words so closely to the original that you could not have written them without having had the source
next to you, i.e. your paraphrase of the author’s words is too close to the original author’s use of the words, even if
you cited your source.

Collusion: Collusion is unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.

Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that intentional plagiarism or collusion has occurred, this matter will
be reported and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the student.
Student statement:
▪ I have read the UJ Plagiarism Policy posted on institutional website.
▪ I understand that plagiarism means presenting the ideas and words of someone else as my own, without appropriate
recognition of the source;
▪ I confirm that the work that I submit for assessment is my own or my group’s, except where I/we explicitly indicate
▪ I have fully acknowledged all words, ideas, and results from other sources that I have used in this assignment through
a generally accepted style of quotes, references, and bibliography; and
▪ I am aware that the university views plagiarism as a serious offence that can be punished by a disciplinary committee
▪ .

Signature: Date: 28/04/2021

53 | P a g e Valuation Report
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Module name: Module code: PVM2A01/PVM02A2
Lecturer details:
Student number:

Student contact details: Mobile:082 860 0859

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Has any part of this assignment previously been submitted as part of another
module/unit? If YES, please provide details. Yes No

Committing plagiarism is to …
▪ present the ideas, words, or results of another person as your own, without giving appropriate recognition of the
▪ use the ideas or words of a person without giving appropriate credit to the person or source;
▪ use sentences, paragraphs, or parts of articles and books without quotation marks and appropriate
▪ download sentences, paragraphs, or sections of writings from the Internet and to use them without quotation marks
and proper acknowledgement;
▪ use a person’s direct words, without quotation marks, even when you credit the source;
▪ use ideas without making them properly your own, although you might still have credited the original source; and/or
▪ formulate your words so closely to the original that you could not have written them without having had the source
next to you, i.e. your paraphrase of the author’s words is too close to the original author’s use of the words, even if
you cited your source.

Collusion: Collusion is unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.

Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that intentional plagiarism or collusion has occurred, this matter will
be reported and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the student.
Student statement:
▪ I have read the UJ Plagiarism Policy posted on institutional website.
▪ I understand that plagiarism means presenting the ideas and words of someone else as my own, without appropriate
recognition of the source;
▪ I confirm that the work that I submit for assessment is my own or my group’s, except where I/we explicitly indicate
▪ I have fully acknowledged all words, ideas, and results from other sources that I have used in this assignment through
a generally accepted style of quotes, references, and bibliography; and
▪ I am aware that the university views plagiarism as a serious offence that can be punished by a disciplinary committee.

Signature: Date: 27/04/2021

54 | P a g e Valuation Report
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Property Valuation Management 2A
Module name: Module code: PVM02A2
Dr Chioma Okoro
Lecturer details:
Office Ring 508
Tel: 011 559 4926
218 038 086
Student number:

Student contact details: Email: Mobile:078 742 6043

Is this submission a GROUP ASSIGNMENT?
If YES, please note that each member of the group must attach their individually signed Yes No
cover sheet to the assignment.
For all GROUP ASSIGNMENTS, please indicate the sections/pages that you contributed 7,8,12,20 &27
Has any part of this assignment previously been submitted as part of another
module/unit? If YES, please provide details. Yes No

Committing plagiarism is to …
▪ present the ideas, words, or results of another person as your own, without giving appropriate recognition of the
▪ use the ideas or words of a person without giving appropriate credit to the person or source;
▪ use sentences, paragraphs, or parts of articles and books without quotation marks and appropriate
▪ download sentences, paragraphs, or sections of writings from the Internet and to use them without quotation marks
and proper acknowledgement;
▪ use a person’s direct words, without quotation marks, even when you credit the source;
▪ use ideas without making them properly your own, although you might still have credited the original source; and/or
▪ formulate your words so closely to the original that you could not have written them without having had the source
next to you, i.e. your paraphrase of the author’s words is too close to the original author’s use of the words, even if
you cited your source.

Collusion: Collusion is unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.

Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that intentional plagiarism or collusion has occurred, this matter will
be reported and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the student.
Student statement:
▪ I have read the UJ Plagiarism Policy posted on institutional website.
▪ I understand that plagiarism means presenting the ideas and words of someone else as my own, without appropriate
recognition of the source;
▪ I confirm that the work that I submit for assessment is my own or my group’s, except where I/we explicitly indicate
▪ I have fully acknowledged all words, ideas, and results from other sources that I have used in this assignment through
a generally accepted style of quotes, references, and bibliography; and
▪ I am aware that the university views plagiarism as a serious offence that can be punished by a disciplinary committee.

Signature: S. MARHOLENI Date: 27/04/2021

55 | P a g e Valuation Report
Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville


Property Valuation Management
Module name: Module code: 211PVM02A2
Dr Chioma Okoro Office Ring 508Email:
Lecturer details:
Tel: 011 559 4926
Student number:

Student contact details: Email: Mobile: 067 166 7382

Is this submission a GROUP ASSIGNMENT?
If YES, please note that each member of the group must attach their individually signed ✓ Yes No
cover sheet to the assignment.
For all GROUP ASSIGNMENTS, please indicate the sections/pages that you contributed 9,10,13,14
Has any part of this assignment previously been submitted as part of another
module/unit? If YES, please provide details. Yes No

Committing plagiarism is to …
▪ present the ideas, words, or results of another person as your own, without giving appropriate recognition of the
▪ use the ideas or words of a person without giving appropriate credit to the person or source;
▪ use sentences, paragraphs, or parts of articles and books without quotation marks and appropriate
▪ download sentences, paragraphs, or sections of writings from the Internet and to use them without quotation marks
and proper acknowledgement;
▪ use a person’s direct words, without quotation marks, even when you credit the source;
▪ use ideas without making them properly your own, although you might still have credited the original source; and/or
▪ formulate your words so closely to the original that you could not have written them without having had the source
next to you, i.e. your paraphrase of the author’s words is too close to the original author’s use of the words, even if
you cited your source.

Collusion: Collusion is unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.

Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that intentional plagiarism or collusion has occurred, this matter will
be reported and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the student.
Student statement:
▪ I have read the UJ Plagiarism Policy posted on institutional website.
▪ I understand that plagiarism means presenting the ideas and words of someone else as my own, without appropriate
recognition of the source;
▪ I confirm that the work that I submit for assessment is my own or my group’s, except where I/we explicitly indicate
▪ I have fully acknowledged all words, ideas, and results from other sources that I have used in this assignment through
a generally accepted style of quotes, references, and bibliography; and
▪ I am aware that the university views plagiarism as a serious offence that can be punished by a disciplinary committee.

Signature: McCallister Jere Date:

28 April 2021

56 | P a g e Valuation Report
Group 9 Property Valuation Report 46 Matroosberg, Carletonville


Module name: Property Valuation and Management 2A Module code: PVM02A2

Lecturer details: Dr Chioma Okoro

Student number: 218069362
Student contact details: Email: Mobile: 0603785512
Is this submission a GROUP ASSIGNMENT?
If YES, please note that each member of the group must attach their individually signed Yes No
cover sheet to the assignment.
For all GROUP ASSIGNMENTS, please indicate the sections/pages that you contributed
to. 15,18,20,21
Has any part of this assignment previously been submitted as part of another
module/unit? If YES, please provide details. Yes No

Committing plagiarism is to …
▪ present the ideas, words, or results of another person as your own, without giving appropriate recognition of the
▪ use the ideas or words of a person without giving appropriate credit to the person or source;
▪ use sentences, paragraphs, or parts of articles and books without quotation marks and appropriate
▪ download sentences, paragraphs, or sections of writings from the Internet and to use them without quotation marks
and proper acknowledgement;
▪ use a person’s direct words, without quotation marks, even when you credit the source;
▪ use ideas without making them properly your own, although you might still have credited the original source; and/or
▪ formulate your words so closely to the original that you could not have written them without having had the source
next to you, i.e. your paraphrase of the author’s words is too close to the original author’s use of the words, even if
you cited your source.

Collusion: Collusion is unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.

Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that intentional plagiarism or collusion has occurred, this matter will
be reported and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the student.
Student statement:
▪ I have read the UJ Plagiarism Policy posted on institutional website.
▪ I understand that plagiarism means presenting the ideas and words of someone else as my own, without appropriate
recognition of the source;
▪ I confirm that the work that I submit for assessment is my own or my group’s, except where I/we explicitly indicate
▪ I have fully acknowledged all words, ideas, and results from other sources that I have used in this assignment through
a generally accepted style of quotes, references, and bibliography; and
▪ I am aware that the university views plagiarism as a serious offence that can be punished by a disciplinary committee.

Signature: Date: 24 April 2021

57 | P a g e Valuation Report

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