Analizing Images For Language and Literature 2

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Please watch the presentation we discussed yesterday and watch the video with a summary

of the war. you will find it in the folder WILFRED OWEN in your files
Next, choose three photos related to WW1 from the internet and create a speech of around
three minutes. This mini presentation will be shared with the rest of the members of your
class next time.

This image shows an officer leading a group of soldiers with helmets and weapons. Behind
the officer, there is a soldier climbing out while the rest follow crouching down in a trench.
This portrays the bravery of these soldiers as they were facing a terrible situation and risking
their lives to represent their countries, they would go out ready to face what would come. It
generates admiration towards these soldiers but it also shows the devastating aspects of
war. While they were there, there was a constant threat so soldiers had to be ready for
anything. Trenches played a significant part in world war 1, it was a place where soldiers
lived in awful conditions while they anxiously waited for what would happen next. These
trenches created a false sense of safety as they didn’t really protect them. There is also a
wire fence and an explosion, which demonstrates the violence of war and how close they
were to danger. In World War 1, multiple young men enlisted without really knowing what it
was like, they were unaware of the traumatizing experiences they would live and never
This image displays a soldier wearing his military uniform and resting his arm on his gun, he
is looking down at a wooden cross. He appears to be on a hill with the ocean behind him.
The soldier is probably grieving the death of a loved one, which was most likely another
soldier. It exhibits the number of deaths that were caused because of this war and how
soldiers often had to endure these situations. It was a time when many young men died in
the hands of others who they didn't know, nor had anything against, but were ordered to do
so. The soldier is alone which shows how they had to deal with these situations without any
support, they had to process it and go back to war as if nothing had happened. The image
conveys a sense of grief and sadness that reminds us of the importance of peace.
This last image is propaganda. It illustrates a man that is surfing in the ocean. It has a text
that says “It is nice in the surf but what about the men in the trenches go and help”. The text
has some parts written in red, in order to bring attention to it and show the urgency and
importance of the matter. This propaganda aims to get men to enlist to fight in World War 1.
In order to do so, it makes people feel guilty for not joining and choosing to stay at home. It
says “It is nice in the surf” to make them feel as if they are lazy for not joining in contrast to
the people who are going to war. These were people who would stay in the trenches, living
in terrible conditions, and risking their lives for their country. Also, the use of capital letters
when it says “the men” implies that men should go to war and fight for their country. This
propaganda persuades men to enlist by making them feel guilty about not helping and
making them believe that it is selfish to stay.
This image shows an officer leading a group of soldiers with helmets and weapons. Behind
the officer, there is a soldier climbing out while the rest follow crouching down in a trench.
This portrays the bravery of these soldiers as they were facing a terrible situation and risking
their lives to represent their countries, they would go out ready to face what would come. It
generates admiration towards these soldiers but it also shows the devastating aspects of
war. While they were there, there was a constant threat so soldiers had to be ready for
anything. Trenches played a significant part in world war 1, it was a place where soldiers
lived in awful conditions while they anxiously waited for what would happen next. These
trenches created a false sense of safety as they didn’t really protect them. There is also a
wire fence and an explosion, which demonstrates the violence of war and how close they
were to danger. In World War 1, multiple young men enlisted without really knowing what it
was like, they were unaware of the traumatizing experiences they would live and never

This image displays a soldier wearing his military uniform and resting his arm on his gun, he
is looking down at a wooden cross. He appears to be on a hill with the ocean behind him.
The soldier is probably grieving the death of a loved one, which was most likely another
soldier. It exhibits the number of deaths that were caused because of this war and how
soldiers often had to endure these situations. It was a time when many young men died in
the hands of others who they didn't know, nor had anything against, but were ordered to do
so. The soldier is alone which shows how they had to deal with these situations without any
support, they had to process it and go back to war as if nothing had happened. The image
conveys a sense of grief and sadness that reminds us of the importance of peace.

This last image is propaganda. It illustrates a man that is surfing in the ocean. It has a text
that says “It is nice in the surf but what about the men in the trenches go and help”. The text
has some parts written in red, in order to bring attention to it and show the urgency and
importance of the matter. This propaganda aims to get men to enlist to fight in World War 1.
In order to do so, it makes people feel guilty for not joining and choosing to stay at home. It
says “It is nice in the surf” to make them feel as if they are lazy for not joining in contrast to
the people who are going to war. These were people who would stay in the trenches, living
in terrible conditions, and risking their lives for their country. Also, the use of capital letters
when it says “the men” implies that men should go to war and fight for their country. This
propaganda persuades men to enlist by making them feel guilty about not helping and
making them believe that it is selfish to stay.
World War I was a very devastating period where many died and it left countries destroyed. I
chose this first image to represent this period as it shows trenches, which were a very
significant part of the experience in this war. In this image, soldiers can be seen crouched
down with their weapons. This shows how soldiers had to stay in the trenches, ready for any
attack. In the trenches soldiers had to live in very bad conditions, always worried about what
may happen next. In this image, an explosion can also be seen in the background. This
represents one of the many that used to happen, war meant they were always under attack
and soldiers came very close to death constantly. This image is a very powerful one as it
represents the sad reality of what it was like for soldiers. Many of them died but the ones
who survived were left with traumatizing experiences that would be with them for the rest of
their lives. This reality is even sadder as we know that young men were manipulated into
enrolling to go to war even when they didn’t know what it would imply.

This second image is also very powerful because of the message it conveys. There is a
soldier and a cross. This soldier is looking down, grieving someone else's death and paying
respect to them. This image represents how the war took many people's life away. Soldiers
constantly had their friends and family pass away and they still had to fight in a war that was
causing more deaths. It shows how inhumane it was to be killing others you didn’t even
know or had anything against and have that done to the people you know and care about.
This image shows the soldier deserted from other people or things which also shows how
lonely they were at that time and had to deal with everything on their own.

This last image is propaganda. It shows a man that is surfing in the ocean and a text. The
aim of this propaganda is for men to enrol as soldiers to go to war. The text has some parts
in red which is a colour that calls your attention and that means it is something important and
urgent. The parts in red say “but” and “go and help” which shows how important the matter is
and that they should join. This propaganda achieves its aim by manipulating people into
feeling lazy for not joining and relaxing while others are at war living in very bad conditions. It
influences people into joining by making them feel like they are selfish for not going.

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