Sparx: Sparse Argumentative Explanations For Neural Networks

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SpArX: Sparse Argumentative Explanations for Neural Networks

Hamed Ayoobi1 , Nico Potyka1 , Francesca Toni1

Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
{h.ayoobi, n.potyka, f.toni}

Abstract trons (MLPs) and symbolic reasoning approaches like quan-

arXiv:2301.09559v1 [cs.AI] 23 Jan 2023

titative argumentation frameworks (QAFs) [Potyka, 2021;

Neural networks (NNs) have various applications Ayoobi et al., 2021b; Ayoobi et al., 2021a] and weighted con-
in AI, but explaining their decision process remains ditional knowledge bases [Giordano and Dupré, 2021]. The
challenging. Existing approaches often focus on formal relationships indicate that these approaches may pave
explaining how changing individual inputs affects the way towards potentially more faithful explanations than
NNs’ outputs. However, an explanation that is con- approximate abstractions, such as decision trees.
sistent with the input-output behaviour of an NN
is not necessarily faithful to the actual mechanics In this paper, we provide explanations for MLPs leveraging
thereof. In this paper, we exploit relationships be- on their formal relationships with QAFs in [Potyka, 2021].
tween multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) and quanti- Intuitively, QAFs represent arguments and relations of attack
tative argumentation frameworks (QAFs) to create or support between them as a graph, where nodes hold ar-
argumentative explanations for the mechanics of guments and edges represent the relations. Various QAF for-
MLPs. Our SpArX method first sparsifies the MLP malisms have been studied over the years, e.g. by [Cayrol and
while maintaining as much of the original mechan- Lagasquie-Schiex, 2005; Amgoud et al., 2008; Baroni et al.,
ics as possible. It then translates the sparse MLP 2015; Rago et al., 2016; Amgoud et al., 2017; Potyka, 2018;
into an equivalent QAF to shed light on the underly- Mossakowski and Neuhaus, 2018; Potyka, 2019]. As it
ing decision process of the MLP, producing global turns out, every MLP corresponds to a QAF of a particular
and/or local explanations. We demonstrate experi- form (where arguments are equipped with a base score and
mentally that SpArX can give more faithful expla- edges with weights) under a particular semantics (ascribing
nations than existing approaches, while simultane- a “dialectical” strength to arguments), and, conversely, many
ously providing deeper insights into the actual rea- acyclic QAFs corresponds to MLPs [Potyka, 2021]. While
soning process of MLPs. this relationship suggests that QAFs are well suited to create
faithful explanations for MLPs, it is evident that just reinter-
preting an MLP as a QAF would not give us a comprehensible
1 Introduction explanation in general because the QAF has the same density
The increasing use of black-box models like neural net- as the original MLP.
works (NNs) in autonomous intelligent systems raises con- In order to create faithful and comprehensible argumenta-
cerns about their fairness, reliability and safety. In order to tive explanations, we propose a novel method based on a two-
address these concerns, the literature puts forward various step process. We first sparsify the MLP, while maintaining as
explainable AI approaches to make the mechanics of NNs much of its mechanics as possible, in the spirit of clustering.
more transparent. This literature includes model-agnostic Then, we translate the sparse MLP into a QAF, extending
approaches as in [Ribeiro et al., 2016; Lundberg and Lee, the method of [Potyka, 2021]. We call our method SpArX
2017] and approaches tailored to the structure of NNs as (standing for Sparse Argumentative eXplanations for MLPs).
in [Bach et al., 2015; Zintgraf et al., 2017]. However, In principle, in order to sparsify in the first step, we could
these approaches fail to capture the actual mechanics of just apply an existing compression method for NNs (e.g. [Yu
the NNs they aim to explain and thus it is hard to evalu- et al., 2022]). However, existing methods are not designed
ate how faithful these approaches are [Heo et al., 2019; for maintaining the mechanics of NNs. We thus make the
Sanchez-Lengeling et al., 2020; Rao et al., 2022]. following contributions:
[Wu et al., 2021] recently proposed regularizing the train-
ing procedure of NN such that they can be well approximated • We propose a novel clustering method for summarizing
by decision trees. While this is an interesting direction, eval- neurons based on their output-similarity. We compute
uating the faithfulness of the decision trees to the NN re- parameters for the clustered neurons by aggregating the
mains a challenge. Other recent work unearthed formal re- original parameters so that the output of the clustered
lationships between NNs in the form of multi-layer percep- neuron is similar to the neurons that it summarizes.
• We propose two families of aggregation functionsfor ag- explained models rather than their mechanics, as our method
gregating the parameters of neurons in a cluster: the does for MLPs. Other methods extract logical rules as expla-
first gives global explanations (explaining the global be- nations for machine learning models, including NNs, e.g. as
haviour of the MLP) and the second gives local expla- in [Guidotti et al., 2019] and [Ferreira et al., 2022], but again
nations (explaining the behaviour of the MLP at a target focus on explanations that are input-output faithful rather than
point, when the MLP is applied to a specific input). on explaining the underpinning mechanics.
• We conduct several experiments demonstrating the via-
bility of our SpArX method for MLPs and its compet- 3 Preliminaries
itiveness with respect to other methods in terms of (i) Intuitively, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is a layered
conventional notions of input-output faithfulness of ex- acyclic graph that processes its input by propagating it
planations and (ii) novel notions of structural faithful- through the layers. Formally, we describe MLPs as follows.
ness, while (iii) shedding some light on the tradeoff be-
tween faithfulness and comprehensibility understood in Definition 1 (Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)). An MLP M
terms of a notion of cognitive complexity, when generat- is a tuple (V, E, B, W, ϕ), where:
ing explanations with SpArX. • (V, E) is a directed graph;
Overall, we show that formal relationships between black- • V = ]d+1
l=0 Vl consists of (ordered) layers of neurons; for
box machine learning models (such as NNs) and interpretable 0 ≤ l ≤ d + 1, Vl = {vl,i | 1 ≤ i ≤ |Vl |}: we call V0 the
symbolic reasoning approaches (such as QAFs) can pave the input layer, Vd+1 the output layer and Vl , for 1 ≤ l ≤ d,
way toward practical solutions for faithful and comprehensi- the l-th hidden layer; d is the depth of the MLP.
ble explanations showing how the models reason. Sd 
• E ⊆ l=0 Vl ×Vl+1 is a set of edges between adjacent
2 Related Work layers; if E = l=0 Vl × Vl+1 , then the MLP is called
While MLPs are most commonly used in their fully con- fully connected;
nected form, there has been increasing interest in learning • B = {b1 , . . . , bd+1 } is a set of bias vectors, where, for
sparse NNs in recent years. However, the focus is usually not 1 ≤ l ≤ d + 1, bl ∈ R|Vl | ;
on finding an easily interpretable network structure, but rather
on decreasing the risk for overfitting, memory and runtime • W = {W 0 , . . . , W d } is a set of weight matrices, where,
complexity and the associated power consumption. Exist- for 1 ≤ l ≤ d, W l ∈ R|Vl+1 |×|Vl | such that Wi,j l
= 0
ing approaches include regularization to encourage neurons whenever (vl,j , vl+1,i ) 6∈ E;
with weight 0 to be deleted [Louizos et al., 2018], prun- • ϕ : R → R is an activation function.
ing of edges [Yu et al., 2022], compression [Louizos et al.,
2017] and low rank approximation [Tai et al., 2016]. An- In order to process an input x ∈ R|V0 | , the input layer of
other related approach introduces interval NNs [Prabhakar M is initialized with x. The input is then propagated forward
and Rahimi Afzal, 2019], which summarize neurons in clus- through the MLP to generate values at each subsequent layer
ters and consider interval outputs for the clustered neurons and ultimately an output in the output layer. Formally, if the
to give lower and upper bounds on the outputs for verifica- values at layer l are xl ∈ R|Vl | , then the values xl+1 ∈ R|Vl+1 |
tion purposes. Our method is related to interval NNs in that at the next layer are defined by xl+1 = ϕ(W l xl + bl ), where
we also summarize neurons in clusters. However, as opposed the activation function ϕ is applied component-wise. We let
to [Prabhakar and Rahimi Afzal, 2019], we cluster neurons OxM : V → R denote the output function of M, assigning
based on their output. Furthermore, the output associated to every neuron its value when the input x is given. That
with a cluster is not an interval, but a numerical value like is, for v0,i ∈ V0 , we let OxM (v0,i ) = xi and, for l > 0,
in a standard MLP. To compute the output, we aggregate the we let the activation value of neuron vl,i be OxM (vl,i ) =
neurons in the cluster using different aggregation functions. ϕ(W l OxM (Vl−1 )+bl )i , where OxM (Vl−1 ) denotes the vector
Several approaches exist for obtaining argumentative ex- that is obtained from Vl−1 by applying OxM component-wise.
planations for a variety of models, e.g. as recently overviewed Every MLP can be seen as a quantitative argumentation
in [Cyras et al., 2021], including for NNs [Albini et al., 2020; framework (QAF) [Potyka, 2021]. Intuitively, QAFs are
Sukpanichnant et al., 2021], but these are based on approx- edge-weighted directed graphs, where nodes represent argu-
imations of NNs (e.g. using Layerwise Relevance Propaga- ments and, similarly to [Mossakowski and Neuhaus, 2018],
tion [Bach et al., 2015]), rather than summarizations as in our edges with negative weight represent attack and edges with
method, and their faithfulness is difficult to ascertain. positive weight represent support relations between argu-
Several existing methods, like ours, make use of sym- ments. Each argument is initialized with a base score that as-
bolic reasoning approaches for providing explanations, e.g. signs an apriori strength to the argument. The strength of ar-
as recently overviewed in [Marques-Silva and Ignatiev, guments is then updated iteratively based on the strength val-
2022]. The explanations resulting from these methods (e.g. ues of attackers and supporters until the values converge. In
abduction-based explanations [Ignatiev et al., 2019], prime acyclic graphs corresponding to MLPs, this iterative process
implicants [Shih et al., 2018], sufficient reasons [Darwiche is equivalent to the forward propagation process in the MLPs
and Hirth, 2020], and majority reasons [Audemard et al., [Potyka, 2021]. Conceptually, strength values are from some
2022]) faithfully capture the input-output behaviour of the domain D [Baroni et al., 2018]. As we focus on (real-valued)
MLPs, we will assume D ⊆ R. The exact domain depends the inverse function of the logistic function ϕl (x). Note
on the activation function, e.g. the logistic function results in also that the popular ReLU activation function ϕReLU (x) =
D = [0, 1], the hyperbolic tangent in D = [−1, 1] and ReLU max(0, x) is not invertible because all non-positive numbers
in D = [0, ∞]. Formally, we describe QAFs as follows. are mapped to 0. However, for our purpose of translating
Definition 2 (Quantitative Argumentation Framework MLPs to QAFs, we can define
(QAF)). A QAF with domain D ⊆ R is a tuple (A, E, β, w) 
−1 x, if x > 0;
that consists of ϕReLU (x) =
0, otherwise.
• a set of arguments A and a set of edges E ⊆ A × A
between arguments, In order to translate an MLP M with activation function
• a function β : A → D that assigns base scores from D ϕ and input x into a QAF QM,x , we interpret every neu-
to all arguments, and ron vl,i as an abstract argument Al,i . Edges in M with pos-
itive/negative weights are interpreted as supports/attacks, re-
• a function w : E → R that assigns weights to all edges. spectively, in QM,x . The base score of an argument A0,i as-
Edges with negative/positive weights are called at- sociated with input neuron v0,i is just the corresponding input
tack/support edges, denoted by Att/Sup, respectively. value xi . The base score of the remaining arguments Al,i is
The strength values of arguments are usually computed it- ϕ(bli ), where bli is the bias of the associated neuron vl,i .
eratively using a two-step update procedure [Mossakowski Proposition 1. Let M be an MLP with activation function ϕ
and Neuhaus, 2018]: first, an aggregation function α aggre- that is invertible or ReLU. Then, for every input x, the QAF
gates the strength values of attackers and supporters; then, QM,x satisfies OxM (vl,i ) = σ(Al,i ), where σ(Al,i ) denotes
an influence function ι adapts the base score. Examples of the final strength of Al,i in QM,x .
aggregation functions include product [Baroni et al., 2015;
Rago et al., 2016], addition [Amgoud and Ben-Naim, 2017; 5 SpArX: Explaining MLPs with QAFs
Potyka, 2018] and maximum [Mossakowski and Neuhaus,
Just translating an MLP into a QAF would not give a com-
2018] and the influence function is defined accordingly to
prehensible explanation in general because the QAF has the
guarantee that strength values fall in the domain D. In this pa-
same density as the original MLP. Thus, in order to explain
per, we focus on the aggregation and influence function from
[Potyka, 2021], to obtain QAFs simulating MLPs with a lo- an MLP, we first sparsify it, in a customizable way to support
different comprehensibility needs, and then translate it into a
gistic activation function [Potyka, 2021]. The strength values
QAF. The sparsification should maintain as much of the orig-
of arguments are computed by the following iterative proce-
(0) inal MLP as possible to give faithful explanations. To achieve
dure: for every argument a ∈ A, we let sa := β(a) be the this, roughly speaking we exploit redundancies in the MLP by
initial strength value; the strength values are then updated by replacing neurons giving similar outputs with a single neuron
the following two steps repeatedly for all a ∈ A (where the that summarizes their joint effect.
auxiliary variable αai carries the aggregate at iteration i ≥ 0): Summarizing neurons in this way is a clustering prob-
(i+1) P (i) lem. Formally, a clustering problem is defined by a set
Aggregation: αa := (b,a)∈E w((b, a)) · sb .
of inputs from an abstract space S and a distance measure
Influence: sa
(i+1) β(a)
:= ϕl ln( 1−β(a) ) + αa , where δ : S × S → R≥0 . The goal is to partition S into clus-
ϕl (z) = 1+exp(−z) is the logistic function.
1 ters C1 , . . . , CK (where S = ]K i=1 Ci ) such that the distance
between points within a cluster is ’small’ and the distance
The final strength of argument a is defined via the limit of between points in different clusters is ’large’. Finding an op-
sa , for i towards infinity. Notably, the semantics given by timal clustering is NP-complete in many cases [Gonzalez,
this notion of final strength satisfies almost all desiderata for 1982]. Thus, we cannot expect to find an efficient algorithm
QAF semantics perfectly [Potyka, 2021]. that computes an optimal clustering, but we can apply stan-
dard algorithms e.g. K-means [MacQueen, 1967] to find a
4 From General MLPs to QAFs good (but not necessarily optimal) clustering efficiently.
In our setting, S is the set Vl of neurons in any given layer
Here we generalize the connection between MLPs and QAFs 0 < l < d + 1 and the distance between two neurons can be
beyond MLPs with logistic activation functions, as follows. defined as the difference between their outputs for the inputs
Assume that ϕ : R → D is an activation function that is in a given dataset ∆ (e.g. the training dataset):
strictly monotonically increasing. Examples include logis- sX
tic, hyperbolic tangent and parametric ReLU activation func-
tions. Then ϕ is invertible and ϕ−1 : D → R is defined. We δ(vl,i , vl,j ) = (OxM (vl,i ) − OxM (vl,j ))2 . (1)
can then define the update function corresponding to an MLP x∈∆

with such activation function ϕ by using the same aggregation

After clustering, we have a partitioning P = ]dl=1 Pl of (the
function as before and using the following influence function:
hidden layers of) our MLP M, where Pl = {C1l , . . . , CK l
(i+1) (i+1)  l
Influence: sa := ϕ ϕ−1 (β(a)) + αa . Kl
is the clustering of the l-th layer, that is, Vl = ]i=1 Ci . We

Note that the previous definition of influence in Section 3, use the clustering to create a corresponding clustered MLP µ
from [Potyka, 2021], is a special case because ln( 1−x 1
) is whose neurons correspond to clusters in the original M. We
call these neurons cluster-neurons and denote them by vC ,
where C is the associated cluster. The graphical structure of
µ is as follows.
Definition 3 (Graphical Structure of Clustered MLP). Given
an MLP M and a clustering P = ]di=1 Pi of M, the graph- (b)
ical structure of the corresponding clustered MLP µ is a di-
rected graph (V µ , E µ ) such that
• V µ = ]d+1 l=0 Vl consists of (ordered) layers of cluster-
neurons such that:
1. the input layer V0µ consists of a singleton cluster-
neuron v{v0,i } for every input neuron v0,i ∈ V0 ;
2. the l-th hidden layer of µ (for 0 < l < d + 1) consists
of one cluster-neuron vC for every cluster C ∈ Pl ;
3. the output layer Vd+1 consists of a singleton
cluster-neuron v{vd+1,i } for every output neuron (a) (d)
vd+1,i ∈ Vd+1 ;
Sd µ  Figure 1: a) MLP for XOR, with cluster-neurons C1 and C2 . b)
• E µ = l=0 Vlµ × Vl+1 . Clustered MLP. c) Global explanation as a QAF. d) Word-cloud rep-
Example 1. For illustration, consider the MLP in Fig- resentation of the hidden cluster-neurons.
ure 1.a, trained to approximate the XOR function from
the dataset ∆ = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)} with tar- Definition 5 (Global Aggregation Functions). The average
get outputs 0, 1, 1, 0, respectively. The activation val- bias and edge aggregation functions are, respectively:
ues of the hidden neurons for the four input pairs are
(0, 0, 0, 0), (1.7, 0, 1.8, 0), (0, 2.3, 0, 1.5), (0, 0, 0, 0), respec- 1 X l
Aggb (C) = bi ;
tively. Applying K-means clustering with δ as in Eq. 1 and |C|
vl,i ∈C
K = 2 for the hidden layer results in two clusters C1 , C2 , X X
indicated by rectangles in the figure. 1
Agge ((C1 , C2 )) = l
Wj,i .
We define global and local explanations for MLPs by trans- |C2 |
vl,i ∈C1 vl+1,j ∈C2
lating their corresponding clustered MLPs into QAFs. The The average bias aggregation function simply averages the
clustered MLPs for global and local explanations share the biases of neurons in the cluster. Intuitively, the weight of an
same graphical structure but differ in the parameters of the edge between cluster-neurons vC1 and vC2 has to capture the
cluster-neurons, that is, (i) the biases of cluster-neurons and effects of all neurons summarized in C1 on neurons summa-
(ii) the weights for edges between cluster-neurons. We define rized in C2 . The neurons in C1 all affect every neuron in C2 ,
these parameters in terms of aggregation functions, specif- therefore their effects have to be summed up. As vC2 acts as
ically a bias aggregation function Aggb : P → R, map- a replacement of all neurons in C2 , it has to aggregate their
ping clusters to biases, and an edge aggregation function activation. We achieve this aggregation by averaging again.
Agge : P × P → R ∪ {⊥}, mapping pairs of clusters to The following example illustrates global explanations
weights if the pairs correspond to edges in µ, or ⊥ other- drawn from clustered MLPs, with the average aggregation
wise. Given any concrete such aggregation functions (as de- functions, via their understanding as QAFs.
fined later), the parameters of µ can be defined as follows.
Example 2. Figure 1.b shows the clustered MLP for our
Definition 4 (Parameters of Clustered MLP). Given an MLP XOR example from Figure 1.a. The corresponding QAF can
M = (V, E, B, W, ϕ), let (V µ , E µ ) be the graphical struc- be visualised as in Figure 1.c, where attacks are given in red
ture of the corresponding clustered MLP µ. Then, for bias and and supports in green, and the thickness of the edges reflects
edge aggregation functions Aggb and Agge , respectively, µ is their weight. To better visualize the role of each cluster-
(V µ , E µ , B µ , W µ , ϕ) with parameters B µ , W µ as follows: neuron, we can use a word-cloud representation as in Figure
• for every cluster-neuron vC ∈ V µ , the bias (in B µ ) of 1.d (showing, e.g., that x0 and x1 play a negative and positive
vC is Aggb (C); role, respectively, towards C1 , which supports the output).
The word-cloud representation gives insights into the reason-
• for every edge (vC1 , vC2 ) ∈ E µ , the weight (in W µ ) of ing of the MLP (with the learned rule (x0 ∧ x1 ) ∨ (x0 ∧ x1 )).
the edge is Agge ((C1 , C2 )).
5.2 Sparse Argumentative Local Explanations
5.1 Sparse Argumentative Global Explanations While global explanations attempt to faithfully explain the
We consider the following aggregation functions. As we ex- behaviour of the MLP on all inputs, our local explanations fo-
plain in the supplementary material (SM), they minimize the cus on the behaviour in the neighborhood of the input x from
deviation (with respect to the least-squares error) of bias and the dataset ∆, similar to LIME [Ribeiro et al., 2016]. To
weights of the cluster neuron and the neurons contained in the do so, we generate random neighbors of x to obtain a sam-
cluster. ple dataset ∆0 , and weigh them with an exponential kernel
from LIME [Ribeiro et al., 2016], assigning lower weight to with Kd+1,j = 1). Then, the local structural unfaithfulness of
a sample x0 ∈ ∆0 that is further away from the target x: µ to M with respect to input x and dataset ∆ is:
πx0 ,x = exp(−D(x0 , x)2 /σ 2 ) X X Kl
d+1 X X µ
s (µ) = πx0 ,x (OxM 2
0 (vl,i )−Ox0 (Cl,j )) .
where D is the Euclidean distance function and σ is the width x0 ∈∆ l=1 j=1 vl,i ∈Cl,j
of the exponential kernel.
We aggregate biases as before but replace the edge aggre- The global structural unfaithfulness GsM (µ) is defined
gation function with the following. analogously by removing the similarity terms πx0 ,x .
Definition 6 (Local Edge Aggregation Function). The local The lower the structured unfaithfulness of the clustered
edge aggregation function with respect to the input x is MLP µ, the more structurally faithful µ is to the original MLP.
Note that our notion of structural faithfulness is different from
Aggex (C1 , C2 ) = the notions of structural descriptive accuracy by [Albini et
X X X al., 2022]: they characterise bespoke explanations, defined
πx0 ,x µ
Wi,j OxM
0 (vl,i ) therein, of probabilistic classifiers equipped with graphical
0 0
|C 2 |.Ox0 (vC1 ) structures and cannot be used in place of our notion, tailored
x ∈∆ vl,i ∈C1 vl+1,j ∈C2
to local and global explanations
where OxM 0 (vl,i ) is the activation value of the neuron vl,i in Finally, we consider the cognitive complexity of an expla-
the original MLP and Oxµ0 (vC1 ) is the activation value of the nation based on its size, inspired by the notion of cognitive
cluster-neuron C1 in the clustered MLP. tractability in [Cyras et al., 2019]. In our case, we use the
Note that, by this definition, the edge weights are computed number of cluster-neurons/arguments as a measure.
layer by layer from input to output. Definition 9 (Cognitive Complexity). Let Kl be the number
of clusters at hidden layer l in µ (0 < l ≤ d). Then, the
6 Desirable Properties of Explanations cognitive complexity of µ is defined as
In order to evaluate SpArX, we consider three measures for Ω(µ) = Π Kl
assessing faithfulness and comprehensibility of explanations.
In this section, we assume as given an MLP M of depth d Note that there is a tradeoff between faithfulness and cogni-
and a corresponding clustered MLP µ. tive complexity in SpArX. By reducing the number of cluster-
To begin with, we consider a faithfulness measure inspired neurons, we reduce cognitive complexity. However, this also
by the notion of fidelity considered for LIME [Ribeiro et results in a higher variance in the neurons that are summa-
al., 2016], based on measuring the input-output difference be- rized in the clusters, so the faithfulness of the explanation can
tween the original model (in our case, M) and the substitute suffer. We will explore this trade-off experimentally next.
model (in our case, the clustered MLP/QAF). Finally, note that other properties of explanations by sym-
bolic approaches, notably by [Amgoud and Ben-Naim, 2022],
Definition 7 (Input-Output Unfaithfulness). The local input- are unsuitable for our mechanistic explanations as QAFs. In-
output unfaithfulness of µ to M with respect to input x and deed, these properties characterize the input-output behaviour
dataset ∆ is of classifiers, rather than their mechanics.
X X µ
LM (µ) = πx0 ,x (OxM 2
0 (v) − Ox0 (v)) .

x0 ∈∆ v∈Vd+1
7 Experiments
We conducted four sets of experiments to evaluate SpArX
The global input-output unfaithfulness of µ to M with re- with respect to (i) the trade-off between its sparsification and
spect to dataset ∆ is its ability to maintain faithfulness (Section 7.1 for global and
X X µ
Section 7.2 for local explanations), (ii) SpArX’s scalability
G M (µ) = (OxM 2
0 (v) − Ox0 (v)) . (Section 7.3), and (iii) the tradeoff between faithfulness and
x0 ∈∆ v∈Vd+1 cognitive complexity (Section 7.4). We used four datasets for
The lower the input-output unfaithfulness of the clustered classification: iris1 with 150 instances, 4 continuous fea-
MLP µ, the more faithful µ is to the original MLP. tures and 3 classes; breast cancer2 with 569 instances,
The input-output unfaithfulness measures deviations in the 30 continuous features and 2 classes; COMPAS [Jeff Lar-
input-output-behaviour of the substitute model, but, since son and Angwin, 2016] with 11,000 instances and 52 cat-
clustered MLPs maintain much of the structure of the origi- egorical features, to classify two year recid; and forest
nal MLPs, we can define a more fine-grained notion of struc- covertype3 [Blackard and Dean, 1999] with 581,012 in-
tured faithfulness by comparing the outputs of the individual stances, 54 features (10 continuous, 44 binary), and 7 classes.
neurons in the MLP to the output of the cluster-neurons sum- We used the first three datasets to evaluate the (input-output
marizing them in the clustered MLP. and structural) unfaithfulness of the global and local expla-
nations generated by SpArX. We then used the last dataset,
Definition 8 (Structural Unfaithfulness). Let Kl be the num-
ber of clusters at hidden layer l in µ (0<l≤d) and Kd+1 be the 1
number of output neurons (in µ and M). Let Kl,j be the num-
ber of neurons in the jth cluster-neuron Cl,j (0 < l ≤ d + 1,
which is considerably larger and requires deeper MLPs with Compression Datasets
varying architectures, to evaluate the scalability of SpArX. Method
Finally, we used COMPAS to assess cognitive complexity. Ratio Iris Cancer COMPAS
For the experiments with the first three datasets we used HAP 0.23 9.54 0.10
MLPs with 2 hidden layers and 50 hidden neurons each, SpArX 0.00 0.83 0.02
whereas for the experiments with the last we used 1-5 hid- HAP 0.89 61.57 0.24
den layers with 100, 200 or 500 neurons. For all experiments, 0.4
SpArX 0.00 1.04 0.03
we used the RELU activation function for the hidden neurons
and the softmax activation function for the output neurons. HAP 1.37 61.57 0.46
We give classification performances for all MLPs and aver- SpArX 0.00 1.40 0.04
age run-times for generating local explanations in the SM. HAP 3.00 116.20 1.20
When experimenting with SpArX, one needs to choose 0.8
SpArX 0.02 2.34 0.05
the number of clusters/cluster-neurons at each hidden layer:
we do so by specifying a compression ratio (for example, a Table 2: Global structural unfaithfulness of sparse MLPs generated
compression ratio of 0.5 amounts to obtaining half cluster- by HAP vs our SpArX method.
neurons than the original neurons).

7.1 Global Faithfulness (Comparison to HAP) Datasets

Since SpArX essentially compresses an MLP to construct a Iris Cancer COMPAS
QAF, one may ask how it compares to existing compression LIME 0.3212 0.1623 0.0224
approaches.4 To assess the faithfulness of our global expla- SpArX (0.6) 0.0257 0.0055 0.0071
nations, we compared SpArX’s clustering approach to the SpArX (0.8) 0.0707 0.0156 0.0083
state-of-the-art compression method Hessian Aware Pruning
(HAP) [Yu et al., 2022], which uses relative Hessian traces Table 3: Local input-output unfaithfulness of LIME vs our SpArX
to prune insensitive parameters in NNs. We measured both method (with different compression ratios, in brackets).
input-output and structural unfaithfulness of SpArX and HAP
to the original MLP, using the result of HAP compression in
place of µ when applying Definitions 7 and 8 for comparison. Structural Faithfulness. Table 2 gives the structural global
unfaithfulness (GsM (µ) in Def. 8) for SpArX and HAP, on the
Input-Output Faithfulness. Table 1 shows the input- three chosen datasets, using different compression ratios. Our
output unfaithfulness of the global explanations (G M (µ) in method has a much lower structural unfaithfulness than HAP
Def. 7) obtained from SpArX and HAP using our three cho- by preserving activation values close to the original model.
sen datasets and different compression ratios. The unfaithful-
ness of global explanations in SpArX is lower than HAP espe- 7.2 Local Faithfulness (Comparison to LIME)
cially when the compression ratio is high. Note that this does
not mean that SpArX is a better compression method, but that In order to evaluate the local input-output unfaithfulness of
the compression method in SpArX is better for our purposes SpArX (LM (µ) in Def. 7), we compare SpArX and LIME
[Ribeiro et al., 2016]5 , which approximates a target point lo-
(that is, compressing the MLP while keeping its mechanics).
cally by an interpretable substitute model.6 Table 3 shows
the input-output unfaithfulness of the local explanations for
Compression Datasets LIME and SpArX. We used the same sampling approach as
Ratio Iris Cancer COMPAS LIME [Ribeiro et al., 2016]. We averaged the unfaithfulness
measure for all test examples. The results show that the local
HAP 0.05 0.48 0.02 explanations produced by our approach are more input-output
SpArX 0.00 0.02 0.00 faithful to the original model. Thus, basing local explanations
HAP 0.23 0.53 0.11 on keeping the MLP mechanics helps also with their input-
0.4 output faithfulness.
SpArX 0.00 0.05 0.00
HAP 0.23 0.58 0.20 7.3 Scalability
SpArX 0.00 0.10 0.00
To evaluate the scalability of SpArX, we measured its input-
HAP 0.28 1.00 0.26 output faithfulness on MLPs of increasing complexity. we
SpArX 0.00 0.21 0.00 have compared it to LIME [Ribeiro et al., 2016] using
forest covertype as a sufficiently large dataset to be
Table 1: Global input-output unfaithfulness of sparse MLPs gener- tested with various MLP architectures with different sizes.
ated by HAP vs our SpArX method. (Best results in bold) We have trained 15 MLPs with varying numbers of hidden
4 6
Whereas existing NN compression methods typically retrain af- We used ridge regression, suitable with tabular data in LIME.
ter compression, we do not, as we want to explain the original NN. We used the substitute model as µ when applying Def. 7 to LIME.
#Layers Method
100 200 500
1 LIME 0.2375 0.2919 0.3123
1 SpArX 0.0000 0.0018 0.0000
2 LIME 0.2509 0.2961 0.3638
2 SpArX 0.0019 0.0015 0.0034
3 LIME 0.3130 0.3285 0.3127
3 SpArX 0.0028 0.0026 0.0000
4 LIME 0.3395 0.3459 0.3243
4 SpArX 0.0001 0.0049 0.0000
5 LIME 0.3665 0.3178 0.3288
5 SpArX 0.0030 0.0064 0.0000

Table 4: Evaluating scalability of SpArX (forest covertype

(a) 20% compression ratio (b) 85% compression ratio
dataset): local input-output unfaithfulness of SpArX (with 80%
compression ratio) and LIME using various MLPs with different
numbers of hidden layers (#Layers) and neurons (#Neurons). Figure 2: Global explanations by SpArX of an MLP with 20% and
85% compression ratios for the COMPAS dataset.

layers (#Layers) and different numbers of hidden neurons

(#Neurons) at each hidden layer (see details in the SM). fect the output. Indeed, looking at the COMPAS dataset, more
Table 4 compares the input-output unfaithfulness of the than 99% of criminals that have these two features recommit-
local explanations of SpArX using 80% compression ratio7 ted the crime in a two years period. C2 and C3 are supporting
with LIME, all averaged over the test set. The result con- the output. C2 is only supported by the is violent recid Yes
firms that SpArX explanations are scalable to different MLP feature. This means that if a criminal has a violent recidi-
architectures with different sizes and large datasets. vism (s)he will probably recommit a crime after two years.
Checking the COMPAS dataset, this interpretation is 100%
7.4 Cognitive Complexity correct. These kinds of interpretations are beyond the shal-
low input-output explanations offered by model-agnostic ex-
The cognitive complexity of SpArX (Def. 9) is dependent on
planation methods such as LIME. C3 is supported by several
the number of clusters at each layer. A lower number of clus-
features and is attacked by one feature. Looking at this argu-
ters leads to a more interpretable explanation at the cost of
mentative global explanation one can understand the effect of
achieving lower (structural) faithfulness.
each feature as well as of each hidden neuron on the output.
Figure 2a shows a global explanation8 of an MLP for the
COMPAS dataset, with one hidden layer and 20 neurons in the
hidden layer, with 20% compression ratio and pruning edges 8 Conclusion
with low weights. Note that pruning is only done here for vi-
sualization. This explanation is hardly interpretable for a user. We introduced SpArX, a novel method for generating sparse
The classification results of the clustered MLP is 98.32%, the argumentative explanations for MLPs. In contrast to shallow
same as the original MLP. Figure 2b shows the global expla- input-output explainers like LIME, SpArX focuses on main-
nation of the same MLP but with 85% compression rate and taining structural similarity to the original MLP in order to
pruning the edges with low weights. This global explanation give faithful explanations, while allowing tailoring them to
is more comprehensible for humans since there are fewer neu- the cognitive needs of users. Our experimental results show
rons in the clustered MLP. The classification results of the that the explanations by SpArX are more (input-output) faith-
clustered MLP is 94.60%, the same as the original model. ful to the original model than LIME. We have also com-
Unlike shallow input-output explanations, we can see the role pared SpArX with a state-of-the-art NN compression tech-
of each hidden neuron in the proposed method. The output nique called HAP, showing that SpArX is more faithful to
O0 is two year recid. There are two sets of hidden cluster- the original model. Further, our explanations are more struc-
neurons, namely an attacker (C1 ) and two supporters (C2 and turally faithful to the original model by providing deeper in-
C3 ). C1 attacks the output which means the criminal will not sights into the mechanics thereof.
recommit a crime in a two-year period. Three features are Future research includes extending SpArX to other types
supporting C1 and two features are attacking it. The attacking of NNs, e.g. CNNs, as well as furthering it to cluster neu-
features also support C3 . This means that they strengthen the rons across hidden layers. It would also be interesting to
support by C3 and weaken the attack by C1 . Therefore, pri- explore whether SpArX could be extended to exploit formal
ors count 10 priors or more and is recid Yes both strongly af- relationships between NNs and other symbolic approaches,
e.g. in [Giordano and Dupré, 2021]. Further, it would be in-
For experiments with lower compression ratios see the SM. teresting to explore formalizations such as in [Liu and Lorini,
We give an example of local explanation in the SM. 2021] for characterizing uncertainty as captured by SpArX.
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Supplementary Materials:
SpArX: Sparse Argumentative Explanations for Neural Networks

Hamed Ayoobi1 , Nico Potyka1 , Francesca Toni1

Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
{h.ayoobi, n.potyka, f.toni}

1 Foundations Instead of trying to minimize the deviation in the activa-

arXiv:2301.09559v1 [cs.AI] 23 Jan 2023

tions of cluster neurons and neurons in the cluster directly,

Proof of Proposition 1 we minimize the deviation of the parameters (weights and
Proposition 1. Let M be an MLP with activation function ϕ biases) that cause the deviation in the activations. For the
that is invertible or ReLU. Then, for every input x, the QAF particular case that all neurons in a cluster have equal param-
QM,x satisfies OxM (vl,i ) = σ(Al,i ), where σ(Al,i ) denotes eters (and therefore equal outputs), this minimization would
the final strength of Al,i in QM,x . result in the common parameters and the deviation would be
0. Based on these considerations, we now derive the global
Proof. QM,x is acyclic by construction. For acyclic QAFs, bias and weight aggregation functions.
the iterative two-step update procedure is equivalent to For biases, given a cluster neuron vC with corresponding
a simple forward pass, where each argument is updated bias b, we want to minimize
once according to any topological ordering of the argu- X
ments [Potyka, 2019]. Given that QM,x has the graphical (b − bli )2 . (1)
structure of M, a natural topological ordering is given vl,i ∈C

by Al,i < Al0 ,i0 if l ≤ l0 and i < i0 . The update order As usual, we use the fact that the partial derivatives at a mini-
then corresponds to the standard forward propagation mum must be 0. By setting the derivative with respect to b to
procedure in MLPs. Then, the claim follows by induc- 0 and solving for b, we find that we must have
tion over the depth d of M. For the input arguments at P l
depth d = 0, we do not have any attackers or supporters. vl,i ∈C bi
b= , (2)
Therefore, the aggregation function  will just return 0 and |C|
we have σ(A0,i ) = ϕ ϕ−1 (xi ) = xi = OxM (v0,i ),
which corresponds to our bias aggregation function.
which proves the base case. For the induction step, con-
Thinking about the weights is slightly more complicated
sider an argument at depth d + 1. We have σ(Ad+1,i) =
P because the weights represent the connection strength be-
ϕ ϕ−1 (ϕ(bd+1
i )) + (Ad,i0 ,Ad+1,i )∈E Wid0 ,i · σ(Ad,i0 ) = tween two cluster neurons. When considering an edge
ϕ bd+1
i + d M
(Ad,i0 ,Ad+1,i )∈E Wi0 ,i · Ox (vd,i )
0 = (vC1 , vC2 ) in the clustered MLP, we have to take account of
the fact that every neuron v2 ∈ C2 is potentially influenced
OxM (vd+1,i ), which completes the proof. by all neurons in the previous layer. In particular, it is po-
tentially influenced by all v1 ∈ C1 . Hence, while v2 will
Motivation of Aggregation Functions potentially receive |C1 | inputs from the neurons in C1 , vC2
Our global aggregation function is motivated as follows. Ev- will receive only one input from vC1 . When comparing the
ery neuron in the original MLP M is represented by a clus- weight w of the edge (vC1 , vC2 ) with a weight Wj,i
ter in the corresponding clustered MLP µ. Ideally, we want neurons vl,i ∈ C1 and vl,j ∈ C2 , it is therefore important to
that the output of the cluster in µ is equal to the output of all divide w by |C1 | (since (vC1 , vC2 ) represents |C1 | edges, it
neurons in M. However, obviously, this is only possible if should be |C1 | times larger than the weight of the individual
all neurons in the cluster would have the same output in the edges). Hence, given a pair of clusters (C1 , C2 ) with corre-
first place. The next best thing to do is then to minimize the sponding weight w, we want to minimize
expected deviation. However, due to the layerwise dependen- X X
l w 2
cies (the activation of a neuron depends on all weights and (Wj,i − ) . (3)
|C1 |
biases in all previous layers) and non-linear activation func- vl,i ∈C1 vl+1,j ∈C2
tions, the resulting objective function does not possess a sim- Setting the derivative with respect to w to 0 yields the neces-
ple closed-form solution and the solution is not necessarily sary condition
unique. We, therefore, choose a heuristic approach to define X X w
the aggregation functions that should result in a small, but not 0 = −2 · l
(Wj,i − ). (4)
necessarily minimal deviation. |C1 |
vl,i ∈C1 vl+1,j ∈C2
Dividing both sides of the equation by 2 and rearranging #Neurons
terms yields #Layers
100 200 500
X X X X w 1 0.7009 0.7064 0.6996
Wj,i = = |C2 | · w. 2 0.6934 0.6660 0.6622
|C1 |
vl,i ∈C1 vl+1,j ∈C2 vl,i ∈C1 vl+1,j ∈C2
3 0.6699 0.6738 0.6690
(5) 4 0.6715 0.6561 0.6701
Dividing by |C2 | leads to the expression in our weight aggre- 5 0.6623 0.6873 0.6714
gation function
Table 3: Average F1-scores for trained MLPs with different numbers
1 X X of hidden layers (#Layers) and hidden neurons (#Neurons) using
w= Wj,i . (6)
|C2 | the COMPAS dataset.
vl,i ∈C1 vl+1,j ∈C2

2 Experiments #Layers
100 200 500
This section includes more detailed experimental results for
1 0.8035 0.8324 0.8795
Section 7. The code to run the experiments is part of this sub-
2 0.8622 0.9068 0.9457
mission and will be made publicly available upon acceptance.
3 0.8862 0.9272 0.9519
4 0.9025 0.9356 0.9507
Performance of Trained Models 5 0.9100 0.9400 0.9529
Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 show the average F1-scores of the trained Table 4: Average F1-scores for trained MLPs with different numbers
MLPs using 90% of the data for training the models. Only for of hidden layers (#Layers) and hidden neurons (#Neurons) using
the forest covertype dataset, increasing the number of the forest covertype dataset.
hidden layers and the number of hidden neurons in an MLP
leads to a higher F1-score.

Scalability with Other Compression Ratios

100 200 500 Tables 5, 6, and 7 show the unfaithfulness comparison of the
1 0.9667 0.9667 0.9667 local explanations of SpArX with LIME using 20%, 40%,
2 0.9667 0.9667 0.9667 and 60% compression ratios for the forest covertype dataset,
3 0.9667 0.9667 0.9667 respectively.
4 0.9667 0.9667 0.9667
5 0.9667 0.9667 0.9667
Table 1: Average F1-scores for trained MLPs with different numbers
#Layers Method
of hidden layers (#Layers) and hidden neurons (#Neurons) using 100 200 500
the iris dataset. 1 LIME 0.2375 0.2919 0.3123
1 SpArX 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000
2 LIME 0.2509 0.2961 0.3638
2 SpArX 0.0018 0.0008 0.0031
#Layers 3 LIME 0.3130 0.3285 0.3127
100 200 500 3 SpArX 0.0017 0.0016 0.0000
1 0.9349 0.9177 0.9183 4 LIME 0.3395 0.3459 0.3243
2 0.9445 0.9349 0.8914 4 SpArX 0.0001 0.0044 0.0000
3 0.9082 0.9260 0.8758
4 0.8834 0.8820 0.9539 5 LIME 0.3665 0.3178 0.3288
5 0.8741 0.9013 0.9355 5 SpArX 0.0004 0.0048 0.0000

Table 2: Average F1-scores for trained MLPs with different numbers Table 5: Evaluating scalability of SpArX: local input-output un-
of hidden layers (#Layers) and hidden neurons (#Neurons) using faithfulness of SpArX (with 20% compression ratio) and LIME
the cancer dataset. using various MLP architectures with different numbers of hid-
den layers (#Layers) and neurons (#Neurons) using the forest
covertype dataset.
#Neurons #Neurons
#Layers Method #Layers Method
100 200 500 100 200 500
1 LIME 0.2375 0.2919 0.3123 1 LIME 0.1612 0.1633 0.1645
1 SpArX 0.0000 0.0006 0.0000 1 SpArX 0.0747 0.1047 0.3999
2 LIME 0.2509 0.2961 0.3638 2 LIME 0.1612 0.1633 0.1645
2 SpArX 0.0012 0.0026 0.0031 2 SpArX 0.1865 0.2269 0.8985
3 LIME 0.3130 0.3285 0.3127 3 LIME 0.1612 0.1633 0.1645
3 SpArX 0.0028 0.0021 0.0000 3 SpArX 0.2881 0.3809 1.5887
4 LIME 0.3395 0.3459 0.3243 4 LIME 0.1612 0.1633 0.1645
4 SpArX 0.0001 0.0044 0.0000 4 SpArX 0.3430 0.4368 2.5342
5 LIME 0.3665 0.3178 0.3288 5 LIME 0.1612 0.1633 0.1645
5 SpArX 0.0030 0.0045 0.0000 5 SpArX 0.3729 0.5275 3.3333

Table 6: Evaluating scalability of SpArX: local input-output un- Table 8: Average run-times in seconds (over different compression
faithfulness of SpArX (with 40% compression ratio) and LIME ratios 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%) of SpArX and LIME (in seconds) for
using various MLP architectures with different numbers of hid- generating local explanations from MLPs with different numbers of
den layers (#Layers) and neurons (#Neurons) using the forest hidden layers (#Layers) and neurons (#Neurons) for the forest
covertype dataset. covertype dataset.

An Example of Local Explanation with SpArX

Using the same MLP used in Figure 2 for the COMPAS dataset
Run-time as in the paper, the local explanations of an example, with
20% and 85% compression ratios, are shown in Figure 1. Fig-
Table 8 shows the average run-time in seconds of SpArX (us- ure 1b is more interpretable than Figure 1a since it has fewer
ing different compression ratios) and LIME for generating lo- cluster-neurons. The label for this example is 0 which means
cal explanations. These results show that on average gener- that the criminal has not recommitted the crime in a two-year
ating a deep local explanation with SpArX takes longer than period. The local explanation shows this fact by emphasising
generating a shallow (input-output) explanation with LIME. C2 as a stronger attacker than the supporter C3 . C2 says that
In this experiment, we have used an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7- since the sex of the criminal is female, she has only 1 prior,
7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz with 16GB of RAM using a win- she has no recidivism, she has custody time of 1 to 9 days
dows 10 (education) operating system. SpArX explanations and the crime was theft, she will not recommit the crime in
do not use GPU or CPU multiprocessing. a two years period. Again, this example shows that SpArX
can produce explanations for MLPs well beyond the shallow
input-output explanations that are standard in the state-of-the-
#Layers Method
100 200 500
1 LIME 0.2375 0.2919 0.3123
1 SpArX 0.0000 0.0005 0.0000
2 LIME 0.2509 0.2961 0.3638
2 SpArX 0.0017 0.0015 0.0034
3 LIME 0.3130 0.3285 0.3127
3 SpArX 0.0038 0.0026 0.0000
4 LIME 0.3395 0.3459 0.3243
4 SpArX 0.0026 0.0048 0.0000
5 LIME 0.3665 0.3178 0.3288
5 SpArX 0.0028 0.0059 0.0002

Table 7: Evaluating scalability of SpArX: local input-output un-

faithfulness of SpArX (with 60% compression ratio) and LIME (a) 20% compression ratio (b) 85% compression ratio
using various MLP architectures with different numbers of hid-
den layers (#Layers) and neurons (#Neurons) using the forest Figure 1: Local explanations by SpArX of an MLP with 20% and
covertype dataset. 85% compression ratios for the COMPAS dataset.
[Potyka, 2019] Nico Potyka. Extending Modular Semantics
for Bipolar Weighted Argumentation. In International
Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Sys-
tems (AAMAS), pages 1722–1730, 2019.

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