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Planning  Intervention  Rationale  Evaluation

Objective: Long Term Goal:   Put on the correct  To prevent the nurse from Long Term
-Lethargy PPE getting the disease. Evaluation: 
-Uncooperative After 8 hours of
-Patient is always comprehensive  find out the patient's  Isolation may be partially After 8 hours of
silent when asked nursing perspective of the self-imposed because the nursing 
-irritable intervention. situation, and spend patient fears the reaction intervention, the
Identify supportive time talking to the or rejection of others. outcome goals for
Subjective: individual patient both during the patient have
“I have no value; Educate and and between care  The patient may been met and the
just ignore me. I might patients about the activities. experience physical patient condition
as well be alone disease. isolation due to their improved.
because I am a  Be superior, enabling current medical condition
prostitute, a shame to verbalization. as well as some social
my family, along with isolation following the
the fact that I have  Identify the support diagnosis of AIDS.
HIV.” networks that the
patient has access to,  When the patient has
Nursing Diagnosis such as the presence support from SO, their
Social isolation related of and/or feelings of loneliness and
to inadequate personal relationships with rejection lessen. Due to
support system as direct and extended fear and ignorance (AIDS
evidence by expressed relatives. panic), a parent may not
feeling of absence of receive the necessary or
support.  Clearly explain the typical assistance for
procedures and coping with a life-
policies of the threatening illness and the
isolation unit to the related grieving.
 Gloves, gowns, and masks
are not always necessary
with a life-threatening
Assessment  Planning  Intervention  Rationale  Evaluation

Objective:  Long Term Goal:   Monitor the Long Term

• Weak in client’s vital signs.  Obtain baseline vital Evaluation: 
appearance  After 8 hours of signs to determine
•Facial grimaces Nursing Intervention, whether symptoms of After 8 hours of
the client will maintain hypovolemic shock are nursing 
• BP – 169/80  fluid volume at a present. Continue to intervention, the
• T – 35.8  functional level, assess blood pressure outcome goals for
• CR –83  possibly evidenced by every 5 to 15 minutes. the patient have
 Assess abdomen
adequate urinary output been met and the
• 02 - 98  for tenderness or
and stable vital signs.  A thorough abdominal patient condition
Subjective: rigidity- if present,
The client will display examination to identify improved.
"There is a painless measure abdomen
homeostasis as uterine tenderness can
vaginal bleeding and it has at the umbilicus
evidenced by the be useful in
a bright red color.”
absence of bleeding. differentiating other
Patient will identify risk  Monitor the fetal
Nursing Diagnosis  heart rate and causative factors for
factors of their disease vaginal bleeding.
Risk for Deficient Fluid process and how to uterine
Volume related to prevent worsening of contractions
Placenta previa as continuously.  Fetal hypoxia may
evidence by Excessive occur if a large
vaginal bleeding disruption of the
Damaged uterine blood placental surface
vessels. reduces the transfer of
oxygen and nutrients.

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