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Planning  Intervention  Rationale  Evaluation

Objective:  Short Term Goal:  • Develop a pain relief • The benefits of pain Short Term Evaluation: 
• Weak in appearance  regimen based on the reduction can improve
•Facial grimaces After 8 hours of   client’s identified faster healing rates and After 8 hours of nursing 
nursing intervention, the aggravating and relieving ultimately giving the intervention, the outcome
• BP – 169/80  patient will feel less factors patient comfort. goals for the patient have
• T – 35.8  pain and to promote been met and the patient
• CR –83  comfort. • Practice and promote •To prevent the condition improved.
• 02 - 98  handwashing before and contamination and to keep the
Client will report after contact with any patient clean.
satisfactory pain control client. 
Nursing Diagnosis 
at a level less than 3 to
Acute pain as evidenced by • So, we tract or evaluate any
4 on a scale of 0 to 10. • Monitor client’s
reports of pain/discomfort changes and/or to monitor
Facial grimaces secondary vital signs, and
especially the blood trends in healing. 
to Arthritis.
•To prevent muscle spasms
• Change positions
because it may result to poor
frequently while
body alignment, resulting in
maintaining functional
increased discomfort.

Assessment  Planning  Intervention  Rationale  Evaluation

Objective:  Short Term Goal:  Observe and note existing Short Term
• Weak in appearance  misconceptions To provides an Evaluation: 
•Facial grimaces After 8 hours of Nursing regarding material to important starting point
Intervention, the patient be taught. in education. After 8 hours of nursing 
• BP – 169/80  will gain enough Knowledge serves to intervention, the
• T – 35.8  knowledge correct faulty ideas. outcome goals for the
• CR –83  Regarding. Proper patient have been met
eating habits and what and the patient
• 02 - 98  calm environment
foods he should avoid. Grant a calm and peaceful condition improved.
allows the patient to
Nursing Diagnosis  environment without concentrate and focus
Patient will identify risk interruption.
Knowledge deficit as factors of their disease more completely.
evidence by process and how to
Misunderstanding of Help patient in integrating
prevent worsening of the learner makes
information related to Seeks information into daily
symptoms adjustments in daily
additional information life. life that will result in
the desired change in

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