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Latin America: Government Issues.

1.0: Introduction

In recent times, Latin America has witnessed one of the worst political, social and

economic times since it’s the nations got democracy. Multiple political violence and unrest have

been experienced in Argentina and the government has been struggling to contain the situation.

In Argentina however, on multiple instances, these protests have escalated and led to injuries and

fatalities on both law enforcers and protesters (Cucalon et al). The citizens seem to have lost trust

and interest in their government which has led to the situation reaching boiling point levels

recently with widespread protests and riots.

Citizens believe that the government has mishandles the nation’s economy and are thus

fed up with corruption and resource mishandling within the government (Reuters). They claim

that the government has is incompetent and therefore a change is needed. This study focuses on

the political violence that occurred during these protests, the motives and reasons behind it. The

study will examine and analyses why citizens in Latin America states especially in Argentina

have lost interest and trust in their government. In particular, the study will seek to understand
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the role of government in these protests, and the level of trust and confidence that the citizens

have in their government. This will be achieved by analyzing available evidence to offer insight

into the current state of affairs in Latin America, and the potential for future political instability

in the region. It is important to understand the unrest in Argentina in order to prevent similar

situations from occurring in Latin America and other nations.

1.1 Research Question

The research question for this study is “is Argentina’s current violent protests in 2022

causing a shift in


-----rnment policies?”. With the increasing political unrest in Argentina, it is necessary to

examine whether these protests are contributing in any way how the government handles the

nations. The government has been criticized for its poor handling of the situations, and there is a

growing feeling among the citizens that the government is not doing enough to protect the

citizens’ rights and safety (Reuters) Therefore, the research question is critical because the

answer to this question dictates the future of the nation. If the current protests are indeed causing

a shift in government policies, then nation has a bright future characterized by a more democratic

and transparent government that is more responsive to the citizens needs. However, if the current

protest is not causing a shift in the government policies, then the nation will continue to suffer

from constant violence and unrest.

1.2: Time Frame

This study has a time of July 10,2022-present. The year 2022 the Latin American region

has experienced political unrest and the government is struggling to maintain control as citizens
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lose interest and trust in their government (Parra et al ,2). This study will focus on the events of

the Argentina political crisis, specifically the period from July 10,2022 to the present. This time

frame is crucial as it captures the most recent and relevant information on the crisis, and provides

a window into the state affairs in Argentina.

2. Research Outline

This research will particularly look into the following subtopics 5 distinct subtopics and a

conclusion. Fist and foremost, it will look into the current protests in Argentina before the

upcoming elections where it will analyze the incident on the attempted assassination of a

political official, protests against the corrupt government government which have led to the

protests for support of the people (Alcoba). Secondly, economic issues such as protests linked to

the government budget cuts linked to the low wages and the lack of payments from the IMF loan

will be addressed. Thirdly, the shifting of political sides as the country supports the vice

president while the other half doesn’t, and the attempt to come together will also be addressed.

Next, the political debates surrounding the lack of funding and citizens support and corruption

within the government will be addressed. Lastly, the study will examine the current status in

Argentina with the ongoing protest and a conclusion.

2.1: Argentina protests Before Elections

The state of Argentina protests before the elections is that the country is divided between

the ruling party and the opposition and there is little room for compromise. This situation is

further worsened by the economic hardships that the nation is facing. The protest is fueled by the

high levels of inflation, inequality and unemployment with citizens blaming the current

government for being corrupt. The attempted assassination on the vice president Christina
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Fernadez de Kirchner has only served to further the inflame of the situation (Al Jazeera). In

September 2022, the citizens took to streets of the capital city- Bueno Aires, to protest for

government’s handling of the economy. The protests turned violent, with police firing tear gas

and rubber bullets at demonstrators.

The situation is closely being monitored by the other nations in Latin America because

Argentina acts as a bellwether for the region. A Domino effect will occur whereby if the country

fails to successfully navigate its current political crisis, other nations might follow suit. The

government has embezzled public funds which has led to a great deal of frustration and anger

among the citizens who feel that their government is not catering for their best interests. The

people have lost interest and faith in their government as they have lacked support with many

feeling that the government has not being doing enough to help them, and that they are being left

behind (Parra et al ,2). This has led to a great deal of frustration and anger resulting to protests.

2.2: Economic Issues

According to the article “As Inflation in Argentina Skyrockets, Everyone Is Poorer.” by

Natalie Alcoba, the economic situation has worsened with inflation reaching highest levels ever

recorder. This has led to a decline in the living standards of citizens especially the poorest in

society who are struggling to afford basic needs. The protest is fueled by the governments failure

to mitigate the increasing inflation before it becomes unbearable to the citizens and use of

excessive force (Cucalon et al.) This has been characterized by the decline in exchange rate value

of their currency, high government debts and a drought that has increased food prices.

The government has responded by implementing austerity measures such as budget cuts

and price controls. This has had only led to a worsening of the economic situation since wage
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levels have not kept up with the inflation levels This has made citizens suffer from the already

strained economy and this has also led to protests. The IMF loan has also not been paid recently

which has left the nation in a precarious financial situation due to failure to service and pay

debts. Additionally, the IMF has declined to led the country loans dur to credit unworthiness of

the nation. However, IMF has said that if the nation reforms its policies, they are wiling to

extend a loan to the nation. The combination of high inflation rates, government budget cuts, low

wages, and no payments from the IMF loans has led to widespread protests across the nation and

the government’s response of deploying military to quell the unrest has only worsened the


2.3: Shifting Political Sides

The recent attempted assassination of the vice president Christina Fernadez de Kirchner

has only worsened the already existing political division in Argentina. (Al Jazeera). Some

citizens have accused the government for using the incident to stroke division and consolidate

power. The incident sparked mixed reactions from the citizens with some sympathizing with her

while others believed that she ought to resign and face prosecution due to corruption claims with

some viewing her as a symbol of corruption. She had been accused of mismanagement and

corruption and the opposition called for her resignation. There has been increased fear of

violence erupting between her supporters and the opponents. The assassination has served as a

highlight on the divisions and it remains to be seen whether it will lead to any changes in the


Furthermore, the division between the government and opposition gas heightened with

both sides blaming each other for inciting such violence with the government not yielding to the

opposition’s plea of an election. Some analysts argue that the attack could have been a
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conspiracy to rally supporters to the vice president in her coming contest for presidency (Feliba

et al). These divisions are likely to continue with no hope for an agreement of and incidences like

these only widen the gap. The opposition has denied and condemned the attack denying any

involvement in the assassination plot. They have accused the opposition of destabilizing the

nation which has led to political polarization. Others believe that the attack and the protests that

followed have shown solidarity across the political spectrum as it united thousands in support of

the vice president. However, whether this unity will last remain uncertain. There is a desire and

need for unity between the vice president’s supporters and those who are against her policies.

2.4: Political Debates

According to Özşahin et al, 3), corruption in any nation negatively affects the economic

growth, GDP per capita., and investments. Government officials in Argentina and other Latin

America nations have been accused of corruption and embezzlement of funds. For instance, the

president of Peru- Pedro Castillo has been battling with corruption cases since he assumed office.

Unfortunately, this occurs in amidst crippling economies. In Argentina, the vice president

Christina Fernadez de Kirchner has been accused of corruption scandals with some demanding

that she resigns. The lack of funding and support for the citizens has spiked theses protests

against the government. Citizens have lost trust and interest in the government due to corruption

scandals. This is likely to cause a shift in policies as citizens demand for changes in the

government structure.

Trust is very crucial for the success of any government policy. When citizens trust their

government, they are more compliant with policies as they know the state cares for their needs

and has the best of intentions for them (Parra et al ,2) Citizens have accused the government of

using public funds for their own personal gain, while the people are left to suffer. Political
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debates have surrounded the protests have largely centered on the government handling of

situations with critics accusing the government of using excessive force against demonstrators

and failing to address the underlying cause of the unrest. However, supporters of the government

have praised its response arguing that the measures taken are necessary in restoring order and

stability. The government needs to find ways to solve corruption scandals and support citizens

amidst the economic hard times as citizens are losing interest in the state if they are to build trust

among the citizens.

2.5: Current State

Since December 2019, there have been mass protests throughout Argentina with citizens

calling for government reforms with the primary demand of the protesters is for the resignation

of the government officials such as the current vice presidents (Cucalon et al). These reforms

include in the areas of the economy, government corruption, and social justice. These numerous

protests have been going on for several months with no signs of stopping with new casualties and

fatalities each day. They have made the political situation in Argentina to be extremely unstable.

Unless the government addresses the pleas of the citizens, it is unclear what the future

holds for Argentina, but the protests are likely to continue until the government meets the

demands of the people. The current state is highly tumulus and the current high levels of

corruption and cronyism within the government have only exacerbated the situation. These

conditions have been the direct cause for the protests and unless reforms are made in the

government structure to bring democratic accountability (Manzetti,180), then the future is sad for

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Particularly, the decline in economy and default loan repayments will likely fuel the

protests for a while and the poor government response will only worsen this. Reforms are

necessary because unless the government builds trust among the citizens, there will be no long-

term agreement to the issues at hand. Unless citizens have faith and trust in their government,

then they cannot work or follow policies made by with the government at all.


The numerous sources have proved that Argentina is fighting for reforms within their

governments. Democracy in Argentina and other Latin America nations has been shaken ahead

which escalates towards elections. The effects of corruption, economic hardships, and neglect of

citizens by the government have fueled these protests. It is evident that Argentina is in turmoil

and, and people are tired and need a change. However, Argentina is not the only Latin American

country facing political instability but in particular, the nation faces a difficult situation

(Reuters). The assassination attempts have caused a great deal of unrest, and the protests that

have ensued show that the people are not happy with the current state of affairs. The people are

demanding for a change and clearly the government will have to listen if it wants to keep the

nation from descending into chaos.

Findings from the study do not indicate much on the whether the violent protests are

causing any shift in government policies. However, the lack of trust and faith in the government,

which has been amplified by the recent violent protests and the immense pressure on the

government to change the policies in order to regain the trust of its people. While it is too early

to tell whether or not the government will be successful in this endeavor, the fact that they are

facing such significant challenge is indicative of a larger shift in the political landscape of Latin

America. Early this year, the government responded by altering policies such as budget and wage
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cuts but this only fueled more inflation (Al Jazeera). The question remains whether the current

protests are enough to cause a shift in government policies but there is hope and positive signs of

this to happen in the near future. The level of disinterest and trust of citizens in their government

is expected to fuel protests for a change in government policies.

Works Cited

Al Jazeera. “Argentina: Demonstrators Rally for VP after Assassination Attempt.” Politics News

| Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera, 3 Sept. 2022,



Alcoba, Natalie. “As Inflation in Argentina Skyrockets, Everyone Is Poorer.” Business and

Economy News | Al Jazeera, 27 July 2022, www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/7/26/as-


Cucalon, Ana, et al. “At Least 14 Police Injured as Supporters of Argentina's Vice President

Protest.” CNN, Cable News Network, 28 Aug. 2022,



Feliba, David, et al. “A Man Tried to Kill the Vice President. Then Came the Conspiracy

Theories.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 15 Sept. 2022,
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Reuters. In Latin America, Democracies Shaken Ahead of Key Elections.



Manzetti, Luigi. "Accountability and corruption IN Argentina during the

KIRCHNERS'era." Latin American Research Review (2014): 173-195.

Özşahin, Şerife, and Gülbahar Üçler. "The consequences of corruption on inflation in developing

countries: Evidence from panel cointegration and causality tests." Economies 5.4 (2017):


Parra Saiani, Paolo, et al. "Broken Trust. Confidence Gaps and Distrust in Latin

America." Social Indicators Research (2021): 1-13.

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