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Government of Uttarakhand QUALITY CONTROL PLAN

Urban Development Department

Uttarakahnd Urban
Sector Development Agency WATER SUPPLY,
Uttarakhand Integrated & STORM WATER
Resilient Urban Development DRAINAGE AT
Program (ADB) Project
(ADB Loan No 4148-IND)

Submitted to:
Uttarakhand Urban Sector
Development Agency (UUSDA)
Satvik Tower, 777 Main Kaulagarh Road,
Rajendra Nagar, Dehradun - 248001

JUNE, 2022 – (R1)

Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd.

in Consortium with
ATHENA Infonomics India Private Ltd
Design & Supervision Consultant

Satvik Tower, 777 Main Kaulagarh Road,

Rajendra Nagar, Dehradun - 248001.

Government of Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Urban Development,
Uttarakhand Urban sector Development Agency and Asian
Development Bank

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP)

(Asian Development Bank)



in consortium with

Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manual

JUNE 2022

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This Quality Assurance /Quality Control Manual has been prepared with the objective of putting in
place a comprehensive, consistent and common system for quality assurance and quality control during
implementation of the Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program (UIRUDP) Under
ADB funded.
The Manual covers the overall quality assurance system and the field level quality control procedures for
different types of works, based on the standard specifications adopted for the Project.
The QA/QC Manual covers tests and inspections for different materials and works. The
acceptance/rejection limits have to be assessed in relation to the particular and standard specifications as
incorporated in the construction contracts.
If there are any differences between the tests and other quality control procedures described in the Manual
and those stipulated in the Project’s contract documents and specifications, the later shall prevail.
If any quality tests or assurances are required to be performed and it is not covered in this manual, the
same shall have to be done in lines with the stipulations/provisions of relevant code of practice by BIS.
It is suggested that the Manual be kept in a ring binder so that any additions or modifications can be easily
incorporated later, if required.
In accordance with the provisions of the contract, the Contractor will be required to follow this Quality
Assurance /Quality Control Manual.

Uttarakhand Program Director

JUNE 2022 Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency
(Government of Uttarakhand),
3rd Floor, Satvik Tower, 777 Main Kaulagarh Road,
Rajendra Nagar, Dehradun - 248001

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022



APPENDIX A: Test Report Formats
APPENDIX B: Inspection Checklists
APPENDIX C: Documentation Formats
APPENDIX D: Monthly Report Formats
APPENDIX E: List of Indian Standard Specification Codes
APPENDIX F: Conversion Factors

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

AC : Asphalt Concrete
ADB : Asian Development Bank
ADRN : Approval Design Release Note
AE : Assistant Engineer
ACM : Assistant Contract Manager
BC : Bituminous Concrete
BM : Bituminous Macadam
BoQ : Bill of Quantities
CNC : Conformance / Non-Conformance Report
CS Construction Supervision
CQC : Construction Quality Control
DBM : Dense Bituminous Macadam
DE-PIU : Divisional Engineer of Program Implementation Unit
DPR : Detailed Project Report
SC : Supervision Consultant
EA : Executive Agency
EC : Executive Committee
EE : Executive Engineer
FFA : Financing Framework Agreement
GI : Galvanized Iron
GO : Government Order
GoI : Government of India
GoU Government of Uttarakhand
GSB : Granular Sub Base
GSW : Gazed Stoneware
IA : Implementing Agency
ICB : International Competitive Bidding
IDRN : Internal Design Review Note
IDTN : Internal Transmittal Note
PIU : Program Implementation Unit
DSC : Design & Supervision Consultant
PMU : Program Management Unit
IS : Indian Standard
JE : Junior Engineer
JE - PIU : Junior Engineer of Program Implementation Unit
M : Meter
M2 : Square Meters

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

M3 : Cubic Meters
MDD : Maximum Dry Density (as per Modified Proctor test)
MDDA : Mussoorie Dehradun Development Authority
MM : Millimeters
MQC : Minimum Quality Criteria
MS : Mild Steel
MSS : Mix Seal Surface
NCB : National Competitive Bidding
NIT : Notice Inviting Tender
O&M : Operation and Maintenance
OMC : Optimum Moisture Content
PAP : Project Affected Persons
PCC : Plain Cement Concrete
PD : Program Director
PFR : Periodic Financing Requests
PI : Plasticity Index
PM-PIU : Project Manager of Program Implementation Unit
PSC : Prestressed Concrete
PWD : Public Works Department
QA : Quality Assurance
QC : Quality Control
QS : Quality System
RCC : Reinforced Cement Concrete
RDA : Request for Design Approval
RIDA : Request for Internal Design Reviewer
SE : Superintending Engineer
SPT : Standard Penetration Test
SSM : Sized Stone Masonry
STP : Sewage Treatment Plant
SWM : Solid Waste Management
SCM : Sr. Contract Manager / Construction Manager
TA : Technical Assistance
TC : Technical Committee
TL : Team Leader
TLC : Town Level Committee
ToR : Terms of Reference
TRC : Tender Recommendation Committee
UDD : Urban Development Department

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

ULB : Urban Local Body

UUSDA : Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency
UIRUDP : Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program
WBM : Water Bound Macadam

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Table of Contents

Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1
Scope: ............................................................................................................................................................................4

II. CONTRACTOR’S QA-QC DUTIES ..................................................................................................... 5

III. DESIGN CONTROL ............................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Design Preparation Process ..............................................................................................................................9
3.2 Design Review Process ....................................................................................................................................10
3.3 Design Review Checklist ..................................................................................................................................10

IV. CONSTRUCTION QA/QC ................................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Testing ..............................................................................................................................................................11
4.3 Site Inspections ................................................................................................................................................13
4.4 Quality Certification and Acceptance ..............................................................................................................14


5.1. General ............................................................................................................................................................15
5.2. Materials Tested on Site ...................................................................................................................................15
Table V-2 : Procedures for Testing Materials on Site....................................................................................................16
5.4. Materials and Equipment Inspected by Third Party .........................................................................................21


6.1. Construction Sequence and Control Flow Charts ............................................................................................23
6.2. Testing of Works ..............................................................................................................................................23
6.3. Inspection Checklists........................................................................................................................................23

VII. QUALITY CONTROL OF ROAD WORKS ................................................................................... 28

7.1. Construction Sequence and Control Flow Charts ............................................................................................28
7.2. Testing of Works ..............................................................................................................................................28
7.3. Inspection Checklists........................................................................................................................................29
Table VII.1 List of Tests for Road Works .......................................................................................................................38
7.4. Guidelines for Pavement Layers ......................................................................................................................40

VIII. QUALITY CONTROL OF PIPELINE WORKS ............................................................................ 43

8.1. Construction Sequence and Control Flow Charts ............................................................................................43
8.2. Testing of Works ..............................................................................................................................................43
8.3. Inspection Checklists........................................................................................................................................43

IX. QUALITY CONTROL OF ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS ................................................... 50

X. DOCUMENT CONTROL ........................................................................................................................ 51

10.1. Design Document Control ...........................................................................................................................51
10.2. Test Report Controls ....................................................................................................................................53
10.3. Tracking of Instructions ...............................................................................................................................54
10.4. Site Order Book ...........................................................................................................................................54
10.5. Correspondence Control .............................................................................................................................55
10.6. Inspection of Site Documentation ................................................................................................................55

XI. REPORTING ......................................................................................................................................... 57

11.1. Types of Progress Reports ...........................................................................................................................57
11.2. Reporting Schedule and Distribution ...........................................................................................................57

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022
11.3. Report Formats ............................................................................................................................................58

Appendix A: TEST REPORT FORMATS ..................................................................................................... 60

Appendix B................................................................................................................................................... 103

INSPECTION CHECKLISTS ................................................................................................................... 103

Appendix B - INSPECTION CHECKLISTS ................................................................................................ 104

Appendix C................................................................................................................................................... 116

DOCUMENTATION FORMATS .............................................................................................................. 116

Appendix C - DOCUMENTATION FORMATS .......................................................................................... 117

Appendix D................................................................................................................................................... 143

MONTHLY REPORT FORMATS ............................................................................................................ 143

Appendix D – Monthly Progress Format ...................................................................................................... 144

Appendix E ................................................................................................................................................... 162

LIST OF INDIAN STANDARD SPECIFICATION CODES .............................................................. 162

Appendix E – LIST OF INDIAN STANDARD SPECIFICATION CODES .............................................. 163

Appendix F ................................................................................................................................................... 199

Conversion Factors .................................................................................................................................. 199

APPENDIX F: Conversion Factors ............................................................................................................... 200

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This Manual will serve as reference manual for the personnel working in the Project
Management Unit (PMU), Project Implementation Units (PIUs) and Design & Supervision
Consultants (DSCs) during the implementation of Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban
Development Program (UIRUDP). This Manual focuses primarily on the contract award,
supervision and quality control of construction works carried out under this Program.
This chapter of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manual presents the Program’s
background, defines quality-related terms, and gives an outline of the Manual.

A. Background

1. Objective: - The primary objective of the Program is to promote sustainable growth and
poverty reduction in Uttarakhand urban sector staring with the program towns and thereafter
in the other towns in the state. Specifically, the Program will (i) provide sustainable basic
urban infrastructure and services to all citizens of the Program towns; and
(ii) strengthen the capacities of the Program towns to plan and manage urban water supply
and sanitation system in a more effective, transparent, and sustainable manner. While the
Program will benefit the entire urban community in general, some components will focus on
upgrading the conditions of the poorest and most needy groups in the slum areas in particular.
The Program will also promote active participation of women citizens in municipal
management and Program implementation as both beneficiaries and agents.

2. Program Towns of the six urban centers in the Uttarakhand State, 2 towns (Dehradun &
Nainital) are selected for the implementation of this Program. The towns are selected based
on eight criteria viz., population, population growth rate, economic growth potential, district
headquarter, educational centre, yatra terminal, yatra route and financial capability. The
Program Towns selected/identified are Nainital and Dehradun.

3. Program Components. The Program comprises two parts:

(i) Part A - Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program (UIRUDP)
covers the improvement and expansion of the following municipal infrastructure
and services:
• Urban water supply;
• Sewerage and sanitation;
• Storm water drainage;

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

(ii) Part B - is designed for institutional development and capacity building of the
municipal service providing agencies in implementation, operation, maintenance
and management of the assets built under the program and delivering high quality
services in a sustainable manner. This generally covers
• Financial and institutional reforms;
• Procurement of works, goods and services;
• Implementation and quality control;
• Private sector participation;
• Awareness building in regard to solid waste management, environmental and
social safeguards, protection of assets and participation in program sustainability;
4. The Program is unique and complex, due to
(i) Major infrastructure development drive in the State;
(ii) The spatial locations of 2 towns (Nainital & Dehradun) in tranche -1 spread across the State.
(iii) Multiple construction or procurement contracts of different nature and participation
by various agencies.
5. In view of this complexity, it is essential and important to put in place a comprehensive,
consistent, and common system for quality assurance and control during implementation.
Preparation of this Manual is an attempt to ensure above-said objectives.

B. Definition of Quality

Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its
ability to satisfy a given need. The term 'given need', in case of Program works, can be
interpreted as the functional requirements. The quality of outputs is always agreed upon
between the supplier and the client (in sub project works, contractor and the owner), and the
quality objective must be to achieve zero defects. It can be made possible only by ensuring
the quality at all stages of Program works.

The following are some definitions pertaining to quality and approach to achieve them:
(i) Quality. Conformance to requirements.
(ii) Quality Control (QC). The operational techniques and activities (such as reviewing,
checking, inspecting, testing, etc.) that are used to fulfill requirements for quality.
(iii) Quality Assurance (QA). The planned and systematic actions necessary to provide
adequate confidence that the work will satisfy quality requirements.
(iv) Quality System (QS). A set of documented processes, which seek to provide
confidence that the Program outputs will fulfill the functional requirements. The
Quality System should encompass the organization, responsibilities, human
resources, materials, equipment, processes, inspections, testing and other parameters
of the Program. A key element of QS is the QA/QC Manual.
(v) Quality Surveillance. This normally covers two aspects:
• At the Program level, a review to ensure that the quality practices are
implemented and documented in relation to the quality system; and
• At the contract package level, inspection and testing to ensure that the works
executed meet the required quality standards.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

C. Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manual

This QA/QC Manual focuses on the implementation activities of the Program following
contract award, and primarily on supervision and quality control of construction works.
Other aspects of Program implementation are also covered but in less detail. The QA/QC
Manual is intended to be used primarily by the Program staff of the Implementing
Agencies and the Supervision Consultants.

The QA/QC Manual for the Program does not attempt to suggest technical specifications,
since these are stated in the contract documents. Its aim is to ensure that the works are
executed as per specifications, i.e. it is looked at as a means to achieve the end results.
Quality control and test results shall be interpreted as applicable for different packages, in
accordance with the contract conditions.
The subsequent Chapters of this Manual are as follows:

• Organization, Responsibilities and Authorities;

• Design Control
• Construction Quality Control – General;
• Control of Materials and Equipment Components;
• Control of General Civil and Structural Works;
• Control of Road Works;
• Control of Pipeline Works;
• Control of Electro-mechanical Works;
• Document Control; and
• Reporting.

D. Objective and Scope of Services

The objective of the assignment is,

a. Contribute to the successful planning, design, implementation and operation of

the Project through the provision of support to the Project Management Offices
(PMOs) (which shall include the PMU and PIU) and Project Implementing
Agencies (which shall include the EA, lA and the participating ULBs);
b. Strengthen the planning, engineering, operation and management, and financial
capacities of the PMOs and, in particular, the lA through institutional development
by way of on-the-job and external training; and
c. Assistance in the monitoring of environmental, social, and financial

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


The brief scope of services for this project is presented here under:

The Design & Supervision Consultant will assist PMU, UIRUDP in successful
and timely implementation of the Program. The DSC shall have one Central team
located in PMU and four field teams at each located in an identified PIU. The roles
and responsibilities of the DSC are grouped into following distinct activities:

▪ Preparatory and Detailed Engineering.

• Procurement and bid management
• Contract management including construction supervision. Quality control,
measurements and payment certification of all infrastructure works, operation and
maintenance of schemes.
• Progress monitoring and reporting
• Program safeguards system compliance
• Assist the EA and IA in design, procurement, contract management, supervision
and quality control of implementation of non-physical investments.
• Program management and monitoring including progress reporting, results
verification and assistance in risk mitigation.
• Financial management and disbursement planning.
• Policy advisory and capacity building support

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


2.1 General Responsibilities

Contractors are responsible for providing:

✓ All necessary plant, labor, equipment and construction materials to be used in the
✓ All plant, equipment, materials and labor for temporary and auxiliary works;
✓ All equipment and components to be installed or incorporated in the works;
✓ Transportation and storage facilities for all materials and equipment.
✓ Office and accommodation for PIU/DSC staff, contractors’ representatives and labor;
✓ Sanitation facilities at the site; and
✓ All necessary qualified staff and equipment for testing and quality control.
✓ Provision of quality control lab at each town under Project.

Contractors are responsible for executing and completing the works in accordance with the
specified standards and specifications, within the contractual time allowed, and within the
contract price for these works. On water supply and sewerage turnkey contracts, contractors
are also responsible for preparing final design documents and obtaining their approval.

2.2 Quality Assurance / Quality Control Duties

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

The contractor’s QA/QC duties are summarized in Table II-2. Other duties shall be
performed as stipulated in the Contract documents or directed by the Engineer (PM, PIU).

Table II-2: List of Contractor’s QA/QC Duties

Activity/Item Contractor’s QA/QC Duties

Designs for turn-key • Prepare designs using appropriate QA/QC procedures

contracts and DBO • Submit designs and drawings to PMU /DSC for review and approval
• Maintain design register at site
• Use only approved drawings for construction
Designs for item-rate • Maintain design register at site
Contracts • Uses only approved drawings for construction and ensure availability ofsame
at site.
Test laboratory • Intimate PIU / DSC the details, date of completionwith requisite
andequipment manufacturers and calibration certificates.
• Maintain the equipment in good condition and calibrate as necessarywith
proper deployment of qualified QA/QC Engineer.
• Contractor should establish Quality Control lab for each town under
Material receipts • Enter receipts in material register
• Intimate PIU / DSC in writing.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Activity/Item Contractor’s QA/QC Duties

Materials testing • Prepare mix designs as required by contract in presence of PIU / DSC submit
test results to PIU/DSC.
• Take test samples in presence of PIU/DSC when requested.
• Perform materials tests.
• Submit test reports to PIU/DSC with monthly reports.
• Maintain test log.

Rejected materials • Entry in material registers at site.

• Intimate PIU/DSC in writing the proposed date of removal from site and
confirm after removal.

Material consumption • Entry of daily consumption of materials in material registers and indicates
balance quantity.
Construction equipment • Intimate PIU/DSC the details, date of mobilization along with requisite
insurance certificate.
• Maintain equipment in good working condition
Construction • Intimate PIU/DSC in writing when construction is going to commence and
what activities are proposed to be undertaken.
• Intimate PIU/DSC in advance when critical works, such as concreting,
embankment, paving, pipeline laying and jointing, testing, etc., would be
undertaken, along with the test certificates of the materials proposed to be used
in these works. No critical activity shall start unless the material test certificates
are verified and approved bythe Engineer.
• Provide necessary QA/QC.

Daily work progress • Maintain in daily log

Testing of works in • Perform tests as per contract requirements

progress • Submit test reports to PIU/DSC.
• Maintain test log
Rejected work items • Intimate PIU/DSC in writing the proposed date of removal from site and
confirm after removal, or (if so, agreed by PIU/DSC
• Rectify defective work and invite PIU/DSC for re-inspection.

Instructions from • Enter change orders, site instructions, letters and minutes of meetings issued
Engineer by the Engineer and Consultants in the Instruction Log

Inspection of Engineer • Take instructions in Site Order Book.

• Inform PIU/DSC of compliance.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Activity/Item Contractor’s QA/QC Duties

Progress scheduling and • Prepare and maintain project schedules and undertake work inaccordance
control with approved schedule

Reporting • Prepare and submit Monthly Progress Reports

Records Maintain the following records on site:

• Material Register
• Site Order Book
• Hindrance Register (No delay will be considered at the time of final time
extension case if not entered in this register during project duly certification
by client/Consultant)
• Daily Log
• Design Register
• Test Log
• Instruction Log (to be maintained by PIU/DSC and Contractor both)
• Equipment Register
• Labor Register
• Approved Construction Drawings
• Test Reports
• Site Laboratory Record
• Permissions Issued by Departments
• Correspondence Record
• Copies of Monthly Progress Reports
• Any other records as specified in the Contract and/or as instructed bythe
Note: - In event of none maintaining of above registers/activitiesPM-
PIU can hold amount from Contractors running bills.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This chapter outlines the final design preparation and review processes under the Program and
presents basic review criteria for design. As discussed in Chapter II, the responsibilities for the
preparation of final design and drawing under the Program vary depending on the contracting
procedure, which are as follows:

✓ For water supply and sewerage components under turnkeycontracts, the final designs
are prepared and submitted by the Contractor, reviewed DBOC by the PIU and DSC
and approved by the PMU. Preliminary designs and estimates for tendering purposes
are prepared by DSC and reviewed by PMU.
✓ For all other item rate contracts (such as roads, storm water drainage, buildings, sites
and services), the designs are prepared by Contractors, reviewed by PIUs and DSC,
and approved by PMU.

The flow, handling and control of documents during design preparation and review are discussed
in Chapter X of this Manual while the requirements for the design control are outlined in the
following sub-sections.

3.1 Design Preparation Process

Designs shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Program (Keeping in
consideration that physical work can commence before 120 days which is considered for
design after award of Contract) and applicable design standards and criteria, codes,
specifications, and methodology. Final designs prepared by Contractors on turnkey contracts
shall be based on the preliminary designs prepared by Contractors (DSC).

For design calculations performed by computer, the design Engineer shall verify design inputs
and check outputs for reasonableness and compliance to requirements. Calculations prepared
by hand shall be rechecked. The Design Engineer shall check the prepared designs and
documents for completeness, correctness and legibility.

Design documents and calculations shall be reviewed by Team Leader (DSC) to ensure that
the design method is acceptable and in accordance with the contractual design criteria, codes
and standards, that the inputs are correct and the outputs reasonable.

Drawings will be prepared by computer aided design methods. Regarding design calculations,
the designer shall check drawings for completeness, correctness, legibility and conformance
to the design calculations, design standards, codes and specifications. Drawings shall be,
reviewed by a Senior Engineer.

Design documents, calculations and drawings shall be signed and dated by the Design
Engineers and the reviewing by Senior Engineer / Key Expert.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

3.2 Design Review Process

The design reviewer (PIU/ DSC) shall examine the design documents, and if there are any
comments, prepare comment sheets and mark up a copy of the documents. If
designs need to be reviewed by more than one person or agency, the primary reviewer shall
consider the comments of other reviewers, discuss them as needed, and incorporate them
into the marked-up copy of the document.

Each design document and drawing shall be reviewed for compliance with contract
requirements and specifications, applicable standards, codes and criteria. If the reviewer
questions the accuracy of calculations or dimensions established by the Designer, he/she
shall ask the Designer to verify them but shall not change them himself/herself.

3.3 Design Review Checklist

A basic design review checklist is as follows:

✓ Check document revision number and revision date (if applicable).

✓ Check that the document has been signed by the designer and reviewer.
✓ Verify the list of reference drawings and sources of special information and, as
necessary, refer to the listed documents.
✓ Check the general notes for clarity and completeness.
✓ Review contract plans, specifications, addenda and all approved change orders, and
check that the document complies with them.
✓ Check the accuracy and completeness of a representative set of calculations.
✓ Consider the aspect of constructability.
✓ Comment on the drawing, specification, addendum or other document as appropriate.
✓ Return the documents to the Contractor for review comments for necessary
correction in submission.

✓ Specific items to be checked depending on the type of facility being designed.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This chapter provides an overview of construction quality control activities, including testing and site
inspection. Materials control requirements are presented in detail in Chapter V, while specific testing
and inspection requirements for each category of works are presented in Chapters VI throughIX of
this Manual.

4.1 Introduction

Construction Quality Control (CQC) is intended to provide a comprehensive, common and

consistent framework for quality control across various Contract packages. CQC comprises
two main elements of quality control:

✓ Testing; and
✓ Inspections

Testing control covers the type of tests to be carried out, frequency of testing and stage of
testing. Inspection control covers the timing of inspections, what has to be inspected and the
procedures for inspection.

CQC should be affected at five stages:

✓ Input Materials and Equipment Components;
✓ In-process Activities;
✓ Stage Completion;
✓ Interfacing (of special importance in water supply and sewerage contract packages);
✓ Final Completion.
The Contractor is responsible to inform the PIU/DSC giving sufficient notice time so they can
witness the test.

4.2 Testing
Various site tests on materials and works are required to be carried out by the
Contractor during construction. A well-equipped and properly operating site test laboratory
is an important element of the Quality Assurance Plan. A checklist showing typical testing
equipment to be provided in the contractor’s site laboratory is presented in Table IV-1.
The Contractor shall set-up the site laboratory at the start of his sub project and informs
the PIU / DSC for conducting inspections. Laboratory equipment shall be properly calibrated,
and PIU / DSC, as necessary, should keep calibration certificates at the laboratory for their
review. Specialized tests at outside laboratories shall only be undertaken with the prior
approval of the PIU.
Tests should be performed in accordance with the contract documents, as described in
Chapters V through VIII of this Manual. The control of test reports shall be done as
stipulated in Chapter X of this Manual. All test samples should be preserved with proper
identification numbers, test log reference, test date, and other applicable information. These
samples must be stored on site by the contractor.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Table IV-1: Checklist of Site Testing Laboratory Equipment

Contract Package No: ; Name of Work: _; Contractor Name:

Testing Equipment Type of Test Yes No

(1)* (1)*
Balance (2 type) volume measuring General laboratory test
apparatus & hand tools etc.
Oven Drying and moisture content determination
Sieves, sieve shaker and hydrometer Grain size analysis and classification of soil
and aggregates
Atterberg limit apparatus Plasticity of Soil

Procter/modified proctor (IS heavy) Soil compaction test

density equipment
Sand replacement cylinder and core In-situ density test for field compaction
cutter control
Compression testing machine Compressive strength of cement, concrete,
brick, etc.
Cylinder and cube moulds Concrete sampling
Slump test Workability and control of water in concrete
Vicat apparatus Setting time determination of cement
Laboratory CBR equipment Determination of strength of road pavement
and layers
Dynamic cone penetration test Determination of strength of road pavement
equipment and layers
SPT equipment and hand auger Boring, sampling and soil strength test
Unconfined compression testing Determination of shear strength of cohesive
machine soil
Direct shear equipment Determination of angle of internal friction of
Consolidation test equipment Determination of settlement
/Compressibility of soil
Los Angles Abrasion test/ Impact Testing Los Angeles Abrasion test/ Impact Test
Core drilling equipment In-situ sampling
Bitumen test equipment Ductility test and
Penetration test
Measuring instruments Measurement of sizes
Leak test equipment Pipeline jointing
Marshal stability test equipment Road works. To be available at Hot Mix Plant
Metallic Contact Digital Thermocouple Checking temperature of bitumen
Leveling instruments Tolerances of roads surfaces
Any Others, Specify
Note: - * Yes or no to be tick marked (1) by PIU / DSC to indicate the equipment’s at the
site laboratory.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

In addition to tests performed on site, the contractor is responsible for specialized tests that are
performed at approved laboratories and for factory inspections and tests performed by manufacturers
or third parties during the manufacturing of various materials and equipment components, as
stipulated in the contract documents.

4.3 Site Inspections

Site inspections shall be carried out to ensure that the materials and construction activities conform to
the prescribed standards. Site inspections can be divided into day-to-day supervision and periodic
quality inspection. The suggestions in respect of these two have been elaborated herein.

4.3.1 Day-to-day Supervision

The day-to-day site supervision of all construction activities shall be carried out by Field
Engineer (PIU / DSC). This includes checking of lines, levels and layouts and on-site
checks. Progress monitoring and expediting shall also be carried out by PIU / DSC. The
supervisory team of the (PIU / DSC) shall ensure that materials that have been rejected or
for which a conformance report has not yet been issued are not used in works.

Construction equipment is a major component of quality assurance system. The equipment

requirements have been laid out in the Contract documents. It is necessary that the PIU /
DSC check the adequacy of the equipment used by the contractor for construction as per
the prescribed standards and specifications. The equipment used for construction
shall be recorded in the daily logs as per F-13.

4.3.2 Periodic Quality Inspections

The PIU/DSC shall carry out periodic quality inspections during in-process, stage
completion, interfacing and final completion, and during all critical activities as per the
following examples:

✓ Excavation;
✓ Formation of embankments;
✓ Placing of reinforcing steel;
✓ Concrete batching and pouring;
✓ Hot mix operation;
✓ Laying of pavement layers;
✓ Laying and jointing of pipes;
✓ Installation of electrical and mechanical equipment; and
✓ Testing, trial runs and commissioning of electro-mechanical equipment and plants.

The PIU / DSC shall also inspect the materials certified by manufacturers and materials and
equipment components approved by third parties upon delivery to the site. The contractor
shall give advance notice to the PIU / DSC when critical activities are proposed or major
equipment items are to be delivered. Activities undertaken when the PIU/DSC is not present
will be recorded by PIU/DSC in the site instruction book and verified by the PIU/DSC

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022
during periodic site visits.
On completion of one stage of the construction and before proceeding to the next stage (such
as from sub-base to base in road works or from steel binding to concreting for RCC works),
the PIU/DSC shall inspect and certify the quality of the works completed before granting
approval for the next stage of the works to start. The final inspection shall encompass tests
on completion and trial runs. The PIU/DSC certification of quality will be based on the
documents and the periodic site visits.

4.3.3 Squad Checks

The concept of Squad Checks has been adopted to have an external review of quality of
works executed. PIU/ DSC should conduct the squad checks jointly.A fixed time table is
not suggested for this, but the recommended return period is once in a month. The tentative
agenda for the squad checks is described as follows:

✓ Physical inspection of the works under execution and inspection of quality of

✓ Review of site documentation and contractor compliance;
✓ Sample verification of test reports and quality certificates;
✓ Review of issues, constraints and lacunae in quality system implementation;
✓ Preparing of action plans for improving the quality; and
✓ Performance appraisal of the contractors.

Formats for recording minutes of progress review meetings and for recording interim
evaluations of contractor’s performance are included in Appendix C, as Format F - 16 and
Format F - 17 respectively.

4.4 Quality Certification and Acceptance

The PIU/DSC shall be responsible to certify that the items included in the Contractor’s
Interim Payment Certificate satisfy the required quality of works and are acceptable with
regard to the specifications and standards prescribed under the contract before the progress
bill is passed for payment. PMU should signify acceptance of the PIU/DSC quality
certification by countersigning it. A format for this quality certification and acceptance is
included in Appendix C, as Format F - 18.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This chapter provides an overview of control requirements for materials and equipment components,
including site testing, manufacturers’ certification and third party inspection.

5.1. General

Control and approval of construction materials and equipment components to be incorporated in the
works shall be based on the following:
✓ Test reports for materials tested at site, such as cement, sand, water, aggregates and
bitumen; The Contractor’s qualified Quality control Engineer will perform all tests
in presence of representatives of PIU & DSC.
✓ Manufacturer’s certificates and IS mark for materials such as pipes, steel, fittings,
equipment and other manufactured items; and
✓ Third party inspection for various items as per contract documents.

5.2. Materials Tested on Site

The materials to be tested on site include cement, water, aggregates for concrete, bricks and stones,
soil for embankments, and aggregates and bituminous materials for road works. For aggregates
and soil, the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the borrow source or quarry from the PIU &
DSC before extracting material. The list of materials to be tested on site is given in Table V-1
below, test procedures are presented in Table V-2, under the referenced procedure numbers while
the test report formats are included in Appendix A.

Table V-1: List of Materials Tested on Site

Sl. No. Material Test Procedure No.
1 Cement QC-M-01
2 Sand QC-M-02
3 Water for Construction Works (can be got tested in QC-M-03
approved laboratory)
4 Bricks QC-M-04
5 Size Stone QC-M-05
6 Coarse Aggregate for Concrete Work QC-M-06
7 Soil/Earth/Sub-grade Material QC-M-07
8 Granular Sub-base (GSB) Material QC-M-08
9 Material for WBM / WMM QC-M-09
10 Metal for BM/DBM/BC/Surface Dressing/MSS/Premix Carpet QC-M-10
11 Binder for WBM QC-M-11
12 Fine Aggregate for DBM/BC QC-M-12
13 Lime QC-M-13
14 Bitumen QC-M-14
15 Borrow Material QC-M-15
16 Steel (to be procured directly from manufacturer along with
his test certificates) This shall also be got tested in local
authorized test laboratory (by SE-PIU)


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Table V-2 : Procedures for Testing Materials on Site

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/

No. Format No. Inspection
One for each source and On receipt of material
1 Normal consistency TC-M-01-01
when called for by the at site and before
Employers using as directed by
2 Fineness TC-M-01-01 Representative the Employer
Representative. Test
3 Setting time – Initial / final TC-M-01-01 certificate to be
produced to the
Compressive strength - Employer
4 TC-M-01-01
72 hrs, 168 hrs, & 672 Representative before
For sulphate resistant cement as per IS-12330 OPC 43/53 shall conform to IS 8112/ 12269 and both 56 and
90 days strength shall be tested.
On receipt at site and
1 Sieve analysis TC-M-02-01 One test for 15 m3
test certificate to be
produced to the
2 Fineness modulus TC-M-02-01 One test for 15 m3 Employers
3 Deleterious constituents TC-M-02-01 One test for 15 m3 before use.

4 Bulking test TC-M-02-01 One test per Source


Alkalinity and acidity as per Once per source of Before use of water
1 TC-M-03-01
IS-3025 supply and when called from that source
for by the Employers
2 Solids TC-M-03-01 Representative

One test per 50,000 On receipt at site
1 Compressive strength TC-M-04-01
bricks or part thereof /
On change of brick make
2 Physical properties TC-M-04-01

3 Water absorption test TC-M-04-01


One test per source and On receipt at site
1 Water absorption test TC-M-05-01
when called for

2 Dimension check Lab format

As directed by the
3 Type of rock Lab format

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/

No. Format No. Inspection
Aggregate Impact or Los One for each source of On receipt of material
1 Angeles Abrasion Value as supply and when called at site
per IS-2386 Part-IV for by the Employers
Soundness as per IS-2386 Representative
2 TC-M-06-02
Alkali Aggregate Reactivity
3 Lab Format
as per IS-2386 Part-IV

4 Flakiness Index TC-M-06-03

Gradation by wet sieve

5 TC-M-06-04

6 Water Absorption TC-M-05-01

When required, the Contractor shall furnish the mix design along with material properties at least 15 days
in advance.


Swelling index IS 2720 part
1. TC-M-09-01
XL Two sets for 3000 m3 or On receipt at site
Liquid limits and plasticity part thereof
2. TC-M-09-02
Deleterious material IS
3. Lab format

4. OMC & MDD Test TC-M-09-03

5. Chemical properties Lab format

Grain Size Distribution
6. Graph (by wet sieve TC-M-09-04
7. Void ratio gradation Lab format
Two sets for 3000 m2 or
8. Soaked CBR test (optional) TC-M-07-01 part thereof and as
directed by the


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/

No. Format No. Inspection
California Bearing Ratio As required On receipt at site
1 TC-M-07-01
2 Material combinations Daily log
Moisture content as per IS- 1 test per 250 m3 or Prior to compaction
3 TC-M-07-02
2270 part thereof
Fineness value BS 812 Part As required On receipt at site
4 Lab format
5 Soundness of material TC-M-06-02
6 Air voids content Lab format
Gradation by wet sieve 1 test per 200 m3 or
7 TC-M-06-04
analysis part thereof
8 Atterberg limits TC-M-09-02
9 Deleterious constituents Lab format

10 OMC and MDD TC-M-09-03

The Contractor shall furnish the GSB design mix along with material properties and test results at least 15
days before laying GSB at site.

1 Aggregate Impact Value TC-M-06-01/1 One test for 200 m3 On receipt at site
Grading by wet sieve
2 TC-M-06-04 One test for 100 m3
Flakiness Index and One test for 200 m3 of
3 TC-M-06-03
Elongation Index aggregate
Atterberg limits of binding One test for 25m3 of
4 TC-M-09-02
material (Only for WBM) binding material

Atterberg limits of portion

One test for 100 m3 of
5 of aggregate passing 425 TC-M-09-02
micron sieve.

Initially one set of 3

specimen for each
6 Water Absorption Test TC-M-05-01 source of supply and
subsequently, when
warranted by changes in
the quality of aggregate
One for each source of On receipt at site and
7 Soundness Test TC-M-06-02 supply and when called when absorption
for by the Employers value is more 2%
Density of compacted layer
8* of WMM One test for 500 m3
*(Only for WMM)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/

No. Format No. Inspection

1 Aggregate Impact Value TC-M-06-01/1 One test for 50 m3 of On receipt at site and
aggregate or part thereof before using in the hot
Flakiness Index and mixing
2 Elongation Index of TC-M-06-03
Initially one set of 3
3 Water absorption of TC-M-06-06 representative specimen for
aggregates each source of supply and
subsequently, when
warranted by changes inthe
4 Stripping value TC-M-11-01 quality of aggregate

As directed by the
Gradation by wet sieve Employers Representative
5 analysis TC-M-06-04 for individualcomponent
and for combined coarse,
aggregate and filler.
One for each source of On receipt at site and
6 Soundness Test TC-M-06-02 supply and when called when absorption
for by the Employers value is more than 2%
For DBM and BC, the contractor shall furnish the material properties and proposed job mix formula atleast 20 days in advance.


One test for 100 m3 of
1 Atterberg Limit Test TC-M-09-02 binding material On receipt at site


1 Passing 2.36 mm sieve and Daily log As directed by the Before use
retained on 75 micron Employers
sieve Representative

2 Deleterious matter Daily log Visual observation of lot

before use
1 Chemical properties as perIS: Lab format 3 final test samples for a lot On receipt at site.
6932, 1514 size up to 100 tons asper Table
3 in IS 712-
2 Physical properties as perIS: Lab format 1984.


1 Grade of bitumen as TC-M-10-01 Two samples per test subject On receipt of material at
directed/defined to all or some tests as directed site before unloading from
(Penetration Test) by the Employers thetruck
2 Ductility Test TC-M-10-02

3 Flash and Fire Point Test Lab format

4 Viscosity Test Lab format

5 Softening Test Lab format


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/

No. Format No. Inspection
(Soil to be used in Embankment / Subgrade / GSB)
No format 25 m c/c or closer Before material is
Digging of borrow area for
1 depending upon soil extracted for use in
sampling ( TBC)
strata variation construction.
TC-M-15-01 2 sets of observation Before material is
2 Sand Content
(use relevant per 3000 m3 of soil and in extracted for use in
test report each 6 observations construction.
3 Wet Sieve Analysis formats and required.
4 Plasticity Index summarize
results in TC-
5 Modified Proctor Density M-15-01)

6 Soaked CBR Test



Borrow material source must be approved before extracting material.

5.3. Materials and Equipment Certified by Manufacturer

Acceptance of certain manufactured materials and equipment components, as stipulated in the

Contract, shall be based on test certificate(s) from the manufacturer conforming to IS and on visual
inspection. These items shall bear the IS mark. PIU / DSC shall review the manufacturers’
certificates for conformance to Contract requirements before these items are delivered to the site.
Upon their delivery and before their installation or otherwise incorporation in the works PIU / DSC
shall inspect the condition of these items. Inspection criteria shall be decided jointly by PIU / DSC.
Materials and equipment subject to manufacturer’s certification are listed in Table V-3.

Table V-3: List of Materials and Equipment Certified by Manufacturer

Sl.nos Material and Equipment list Sl.nos Material and Equipment list
1 Steel/Reinforcing Steel 17 Electrical Wires/Cables

2 Paint, Primers and Protective Coatings 18 Switches & Sockets

3 Glazing 19 Distribution Boards

4 Water Proofing Compound 29 Lights, Fans and Fixtures

5 GI, CI and PVC Pipes ( To be added) for 21 Earthing Material

general civil works
6 Glazed Stoneware Pipes (GSW) 22 Insulators

7 Gratings & Plates 23 GOS


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl. nos Material and Equipment list Sl.nos Material and Equipment list
8 Manhole Covers 24 DOLO – Nimbus

9 Sanitary Fittings 25 Lightening Arrestor

Metal Works such as windows, barbed Batteries

10 wire, MS ladder, footrest, rolling shutters, 26
11 Joint Filler Material 27 Cable Termination Kit

12 Pre-fabricated Water Tanks 28 Fire Fighting Equipment

13 Traffic Signs 29 Reduction Gearboxes

14 Flow Measuring Devices – General 30 Level Indicator & Controllers

15 Foot Rests 31 Laboratory Equipment

16 Electrical Conduits 32 Electrical Poles

All other items as specified in the Contract


5.4. Materials and Equipment Inspected by Third Party

Materials and equipment to be inspected by a third party vary from package to package, as stipulated
in the contract documents. Third party inspection would normally take place at the factory during or
upon completion of manufacture. Before site delivery, PIU / DSC shall review the Third Party
Inspection certificates for conformance to requirements. Upon delivery and before installation or
incorporation in the works, PIU / DSC shall inspect the physical condition of these items and, if
necessary, test them on site. Inspection criteria should be decided jointly by the PIU / DSC. A list of
materials and equipment subject to inspection by third party is given in Table V-4.

Table V-4: List of Materials and Equipment Inspected by Third Party

Sl.nos Material and Equipment list Sl.nos Material and Equipment list
1 Flow Measuring Devices – Special 29 Steel Pipes – Lined & Coated

2 Cranes & Lifting Tackles 21 Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) Pipes

3 Electrical Cables – Special 22 NP Pipes for Sewers

4 Butterfly Valves 23 GI,CI ,HDEP and PVC pipes

5 Sluice Valves 24 AC pipes.

6 Reflux Valves 25 GSW pipes for sewers

7 Air Valves 26 DI,HDPE, CI and PVC pipes for PHED works

Control Valves All specials and fittings for Water Supply

8 27
and Waste Water Systems


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl.nos Material and Equipment list Sl.nos Material and Equipment list
9 Vertical Turbine Pumps/Other Pumps 28 In-situ Welding of Pipes

10 Vertical Motors/Other Motors 29 In-situ Lining of Pipes

11 Gauges 30 Aerators for STP

12 Electrical Starters 31 Clariflocculator

13 Power Transformers 32 Flash Mixer for WTP

14 Voltage Transformers 33 Motor Control Centre

15 Current Transformers 34 Indication-cum-Enunciation Panel

16 Bus Ducts 35 Capacitors

17 Switch Boards (HV/MV/LV) 36 Sluice Gates

18 Battery Chargers 37 Cable Trays

DC Distribution Panel All other items as specified in the contract
19 38


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This Chapter of the QA/QC Manual covers the testing of works and the inspection of workmanship
for general civil and structural works. The key elements to be inspected in these works are concreting,
stone masonry, and brickwork and finishes. The requirements for testing and control of materials for
these works are outlined in (previous) Chapter V.

6.1. Construction Sequence and Control Flow Charts

Flow charts indicating the construction sequence and control points for cement concrete and
mortar works are shown in Figure VI-1 and Figure VI-2 respectively.

6.2. Testing of Works

The works to be tested on site include excavation, cement concreting and stone and brick
masonry. All the materials proposed to be used in these works must have been tested by the
Contractor and approved by the PIU/DSC well in advance of these works.The Contractor
shall submit the concrete pouring report to the PIU / DSC as and when concreting is done,
and shall obtain the approval of the PIU / DSC when a particular stage is completed and
before proceeding to the next stage.

Tests for general civil and structural works are listed in Table VI-1, while the Test
procedures are presented in Table VI-2, under the referenced test numbers. Required
materials tests are also indicated (materials testing procedures are presented in Chapter V).
Test report formats are included in Appendix A.

6.3. Inspection Checklists

Inspection checklists for concreting, stone masonry, brick masonry work and finishes, and
building services and finishes are presented in Appendix B.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VI-1: Process Chart for Plain Cement Concreting / RCC with Stages of Inspection


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VI-2: Process Chart for Cement Mortar with Stages of Inspection


UIRUDP– QA / QC Manual 2022

Table VI-1: List of Tests for General Civil and Structural Works
Sr. Process Material Name Format No. Test Ref. No.
1 Embankment Formation Soil/Earth QC-M-07 QC-G-01
2 Excavation/Backfilling QC-G-02
3 Concreting Steel MTC*
Cement QC-M-01
Coarse Aggregates QC-M-06 QC-G-03
Sand QC-M-02
Water QC-M-03
4 Size Stone Masonry Size Stone QC-M-05
Cement QC-M-01
Sand QC-M-02
Water QC-M-03
5 Brick Masonry Bricks QC-M-04
Cement QC-M-01
Sand QC-M-02
Water QC-M-03
Note: * MTC = Manufacturer Test Certified.

Table VI-2: Procedure for Testing General Civil and Structural work

Sr. Nos Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test /
Format No. Inspection
Embankment Formation QC-G-01

Moisture content as per IS-2720 One test for each 250m3 In-process
1 TC-M-09-03 of soil

5-10 density tests for each

Field density test as per IS-2720 1000 m2 compacted area,
2 TC-M-09-03 or as
directed by Employers

3 Compaction Daily log As per required While compacting

number of passes
Excavation/Backfilling QC-G-02

Layout, slopes of excavation, As directed by the After excavation

1 Daily log
benching and over-burden Employers
Sub-soil water, shoring and
2 Daily log

3 Bottom levels and Daily log

4 Soil classification Daily log

5 Backfilling and compaction Daily log After backfilling

Concreting QC-G-03


UIRUDP– QA / QC Manual 2022

Sr.Nos Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test /

Format No. Inspection
1 Compressive strength as per TC-G-01-01 One test for 1-5 m3 of Test samples to
IS-516 concrete be taken while
pouring. Testing
Two tests for 6-15 m3
to be done as
of concrete
specified in
Three tests for 16-30 contract.
m3 of concrete
Four tests for 31-50m3
+ one set every 50 m3
of additional concrete
2 Slump test per IS-1199 TC-G-01-02 Random checks Before pouring
throughout concreting concrete
as directed by the
3 Inspection of steel Daily log Before pouring Before pouring
reinforcement placement concrete concrete
and bending, and formwork
Immediately after
4 Concrete Pour Report TC-G-01-03 When pouring is done

Mortar QC-G-04
One sample for every Test samples to
Compressive strength as per
1 TC-G-01-01 2 m3 of mortar subject be taken while
to a minimum of three before mortaring.
samples for a day’s Testing to be
2 Consistency as per IS-2250 TC-G-02-01 work done as specified
in contract.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual


This chapter of the QA/QC Manual covers the testing of works and the inspection of
workmanship for road works, including earthworks, placement of sub-base and WBM layers,
application of prime and tack coats, and placement of bituminous layers. The requirements for
testing and control of materials for road works are outlined in Chapter V.

7.1. Construction Sequence and Control Flow Charts

Flow charts indicating the construction sequence and control points for road works are shown in
Figure VII-1 to Figure VII-9.

7.2. Testing of Works

The works to be tested on site include earthworks, placement of granular sub-base and
WBM layers, application of prime and tack coats, and placement of bituminous layers. All the
materials proposed to be used in these works must have been tested by the Contractor and approved
by the PIU well in advance of the works. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the PIU and
the PIU/DSC when a particular stage is completed and before proceeding to the next stage. Surface
regularity and alignments shall be checked by levelling instrument.
Hot mix designs shall be submitted by the contractor to PIU / DSC for review and approval
well before the planned start of hot mix operations. The hot mix plant shall be inspected by PIU /
DSC and approved by PIU before commencing operations. Temperature tests on bitumen shall be
carried out at the hot mix plant before delivery to the site, and immediately before placing and after
compaction. Temperature tests shall be carried out by using metal contact digital thermocouple
based temperature measuring device. The Contractor shall provide such devices as part of his site
laboratory, and in sufficient quantity so that all required testing can be carried out as-and-when
required. The contractor shall take the temperature readings in the presence of the PIU / DSC, and
shall submit his test reports on a daily basis.
Tests for road works are listed in Table VII-1, while the Test procedures are presented in
Table VII-2, under the referenced test numbers. Required materials tests are also indicated
(materials testing procedures are presented in Chapter V). Formats for Test reports are included in
Appendix A.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual

7.3. Inspection Checklists

An inspection checklist for road works is presented in Appendix B.

Figure VII-1: Flow Chart for the Construction of Embankment and sub -grade.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VII-2: Flow Chart for the Construction of Granular Sub-Base


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VII-3: Flow Chart for the Construction of WBM Layers


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


Figure VII-4: Flow Chart for Application of Primer/Tack Coat


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VII-5: Flow Chart for Bituminous Mix Design (DBM)


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Figure VII-6: Flow Chart for Bituminous Mix Design (BC)


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VII-7: Flow Chart for Installation and Running of Hot Mix Plant


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Figure VII-8: Flow Chart for Laying Profile Corrective Course


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VII-9: Flow Chart for Construction of DBM/BC Layers


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Table VII.1 List of Tests for Road Works

Sl. Process Material Test Ref. No.

No. Name Format No.
QC-M-07 QC-R-01
1. Embankment Formation Soil/Earth
2. Excavation QC-R-02

3. Granular Sub-base Laying Granular Sub-base QC-M-08 QC-R-03

WBM QC-M-09 QC-R-04
4. WBM Laying
Binder QC-M-11
5. Prime Coat Application Bitumen QC-M-14 QC-R-05

6. Tack Coat Application Bitumen QC-M-14 QC-R-05

Bitumen QC-M-14 QC-R-06
7. Surface Dressing
Metal QC-M-10
Bituminous Macadam Bitumen QC-M-14 QC-R-07
Laying Metal QC-M-10
Bitumen QC-M-14 QC-R-08
Metal QC-M-10
9. DBM Laying
Fine Aggregates QC-M-12
Filler (Lime) QC-M-13
Bitumen QC-M-14 QC-R-06
10. Mix Seal Surfacing Metal QC-M-10
Fine Aggregates QC-M-12
Bitumen QC-M-14 QC-R-08
Bituminous Concrete Metal QC-M-10
Laying Fine Aggregates QC-M-12
Filler (Lime) QC-M-13
On Completion of Laying of QC-R-09
12. Stage completion test

Table VII.2 Procedures for Testing Road works

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/
No. Format No. Inspection
Embankment Formation QC-R-01
1 Moisture content as per IS- TC-M-09-03 One test for each 250 In-process
2720 m3 of soil
2 Field density test as per IS- TC-M-09-03 For earthwork in
2720 embankment/cutting 5-
10 density tests for each
1000 m2 compacted
For earthwork in sub
grade/GSB and
shoulders, 10 density
tests for 500 m2
compacted area


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/

No. Format No. Inspection
3 Rolling operation Daily log As per required number While rolling
of passes
Excavation QC-R-02
Layout, slopes of excavation, As directed by the After excavation
1 Daily log Employers
benching and over-burden
Sub-soil water, shoring and
2 Daily log
3 Bottom levels and compaction Daily log

4 Soil classification Daily log

Granular Sub-Base Laying QC-R-03
One test for 500m2 of In-process
Moisture content as per IS-
1 TC-M-09-03 compacted soil (3
observations per test)
10 observations
Field density test as per IS- selected randomly for
2 TC-M-09-03
2720 every 500m2 of
compacted area
3 Rolling operation Daily log Required No. of passes While rolling

WBM Laying QC-R-04

Field Density Test by sand As directed by the
1 TC-R-06-01 In-process
replacement method Employers
Prime Coat/Tack Coat Application QC-R-05
At regular close
1 Temperature Test Daily log
Three tests for every 50
2 Rate of spreading TC-R-02-01
m length
Surface Dressing/Mix Seal Surfacing/ QC-R-06
Pre-mix Carpet
One test for every 500
1 Rate of spread of mix material TC-R-02-01 m3 of mix with 6 In-process
Bituminous Macadam Laying QC-R-07
At regular close
1 Temperature Test Daily log
2-3 observations at In-process
2 Rate of spread of mix material TC-R-02-01 every 10 m interval
during paving
DBM/BC Laying QC-R-08
1 Temperature Test Daily log At regular close
2 Rate of spread of mix material TC-R-02-01 intervals


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Sl. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/

No. Format No. Inspection
3 samples for each 400 While hot mixing
tons of mix produced
Stability of Mix/Marshal
3 TC-R-05-01 subject to a minimum of
Stability Test
2 tests per plant per

On Completion of BM / DBM / BC Layers

Stage Completion Test
1 Core test for compacted layer TC-R-07-01 One test for 250 m2 of
(bitumen content, density and compacted area On completion of
voids) stage and before
proceeding to
2 Surface regularity and control TC-R-07-02 One test for every 300
next stage
of alignment m of road length

7.4. Guidelines for Pavement Layers

Guidelines for gradation and placement of WBM layer are given in Table VII-3 and Table VII-4,
respectively; guidelines for application of prime and tack coats are given in Table VII-5; and
requirements of bituminous mixes are given in Table VII-6. (These guidelines are provided for
easy reference. The standards and specifications stipulated in the contract shall be adhered to)

Table VII-3 : Gradation for WBM Layers

Grade-II Grade-III Screening Material

(Size: 63 mm to 45 mm) (Size: 53 mm to 22.4 mm) (Size: 11.2 mm)
IS Sieve % by weight IS Sieve % by IS Sieve % by
Designation passing Designation weight Designation weight
(mm) (mm) passing (mm) passing
90 100 63 100 11.2 100
63 90-100 53 95-100 5.6 90-100
53 25-75 45 65-90 0.18 15-35
45 0-15 22.4 0-10 - -
22.4 0-5 11.2 0-5 - -

Table VII-4 Guidelines for Placement of WBM Layers

Quantity Required for 10 Sq. m Area (Compacted thickness 75mm)

Grading Size (mm) Loose Quantity (m3)
II 63-45 0.91-1.07
III 53-22.4 0.91-1.07
Screening Material for II 11.2 0.20-0.22
Screening Material for III 11.2 0.18-0.21
Binding Material (II/III) --- 0.06-0.09


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Table VII-5 Guidelines for Prime/Tack Coat Application

Particulars Standard Specified Rate (kg/m2)

Granular surface treated with primer 0.25-0.30

Granular base not primed 0.35-0.40
Normal bituminous surfaces 0.20-0.25

Table 7.6 Requirements of Bituminous Mixes

Particular DBM

Minimum stability (kN at 60o C) 9.0

Minimum flow (mm) 2
Maximum flow (mm) 4

Compaction level (Number of blows) 75 blows on each of the two faces of the specimen
Percent air voids 3-6

Percent voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) See table 7.6(a)

Percent voids filled with bitumen (VFB) 65-75

Table 7.6 (a) Minimum percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA)

Nominal Maximum Particle size (mm) Minimum VMA, percent Related to

Design Air Voids, Per cent2

3.0 4.0 5.0

9.5 14.0 15.0 16.0

12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0

19.0 12.0 13.0 14.0

25.0 11.0 12.0 13.0

37.5 10.0 11.0 12.0

Notes: 1. The nominal maximum particle size is one size larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10 %.
2. Interpolate minimum voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) for design air voids values between those

7.5. Tolerances

Requirements for surface regularity and tolerances are given below. (These requirements are for
easy reference; the standard and special technical specifications as per the contract must be


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

7.5.1. Horizontal Alignment Tolerances

The horizontal alignment with respect to the centerline of the carriageway shall have a tolerance of
+10 mm at the edges of roadway and of +25 mm lower layers.

7.5.2. Surface Levels Tolerances

Surface level tolerances are given in the following Table VII-7. Table

VII-7: Surface Level Tolerances

Tolerance in Level Compared with

Type of Surface
Longitudinal and Cross Profile
Sub-grade + 20 mm/- 25 mm

Sub-base +10 mm/- 20 mm

Base Course
(a) Machine laid +10 mm
(b) Manually laid +15 mm
Wearing Course
(a) Machine laid +6 mm
(b) Manually laid +10 mm
+5 mm
Cement concrete pavement
-6 mm*
Note: * This may not exceed -8 mm at 0-30 cm from the edges.

7.5.3. Surface Regularity of Pavement Courses

The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and a straight line parallel with or
at right angles to the centerline of the road at points shall be:
(i) For bituminous surface: 3 mm
(ii) For GSB/base courses: 8 mm

The maximum permitted number of surface irregularities measured under a 3 m long straight edge
at the middle of each traffic lane along a line parallel to the center line of the road shall be as
shown in Table VII-8.

Table VII-8: Maximum Number of Surface Irregularities*

Maximum Number of Surface Irregularities on Bituminous Road and Shoulders

Irregularity 4 mm 7 mm
Length (m) 300 75 300 75
National/State Highways 20 9 2 1
Town Roads 40 18 4 2

Note: Maximum Number of Surface Irregularities on Bituminous Road and Shoulders


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This chapter of the QA/QC Manual covers the testing of works and the inspection of workmanship
for pipeline works (i.e. water and sewer lines) and liquid retaining structures. The requirements for
testing and control of input materials are outlined in Chapter V.
8.1. Construction Sequence and Control Flow Charts

Flow charts indicating the construction sequence and control points for materials used in pipeline
work and for pipeline works are shown in Figure VIII-1 and Figure VIII-2 respectively.

For better performance of laying work following sequence to be adopt.

✓ Get approval of design and drawing of distribution and rising lines.

✓ Get permission for excavation of trench from PIU/DSC.
✓ Finalize alignment of line by taking trial pit in concern with representative of
✓ Mark alignment of pipe line.
✓ Provide barricading around working trench.
✓ Ensure availability of all required material, Equipment, Safety PPEs etc. before
commencement of excavation work.
✓ Cut/dismantled top surface with proper equipment to avoid damage of road more than
required width.
✓ Excavate trench in required width and depth only for the length for which pipe can lay
for that day.
✓ Lay pipe in presence of representative of PIU/DSC.
✓ Backfill trench in required layers with proper compaction and make road motor-able.
✓ Remove barricading and shift extra excavated earth and properly clean top surface of
✓ Ensure no pendency of construction of thrust block, Hydro-testing, road restoration,
Construction of valve chamber and gap closing.
8.2. Testing of Works

The works to be tested on site include bedding for pipelines, pipeline laying and jointing, and
hydrostatic, leakage and water tightness tests after completion. All the materials proposed to be used
in these works must have been tested by the Contractor and approved by the PIU/DSC well in
advance of commencing works. The contractor shall obtain the approval of the PIU/DSC when a
particular stage is completed and before proceeding to the next stage.
Tests for pipeline works and liquid retaining structures are listed in Table VIII-1. Test procedures
are presented in Table VIII-2, under the referenced test numbers. For excavation, back-filling and
re-paving works refer to Chapters VI and VII of this Manual. Required materials tests are also
indicated (materials testing procedures are presented in Chapter V). Test report formats are
included in Appendix A.
8.3. Inspection Checklists

An inspection checklist for pipeline works is included in Appendix B.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VIII-1(a): Checks for Materials Used in Pipeline Work


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VIII-1(b): Checks for Preparatory Works Before Laying Water Supply / Sewerage Pipelines


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Figure VIII-2: Process Chart for Pipeline Works with Stages of Inspection


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Table VIII.1 List of Tests for Pipeline Works and Liquid Retaining Structures

Sl. No. Activity Test Ref. No.
Name Format No.
1 Bedding for Pipeline
1.1 Earth Bedding Earth/Soil QC-M-07 QC-P-01
1.2 Gravel Bedding Gravel QC-M-08
1.3 Concrete Bedding Cement QC-M-01 QC-P-02
Sand QC-M-02
Water QC-M-03
Coarse QC-M-06
Steel MC (1)
2 Pipeline Laying and Jointing
2.1 GSW Pipe Cement QC-M-01 QC-P-03
Sand QC-M-02
Water QC-M-03
Pipes MTC (1)
2.2 RCC and CI Pipes Pipes TPI/MTC (1) QC-P-02
Gaskets TPI/MTC (1)
2.3 Coated and Lined Steel/PSC Pipes Coated and TPI (1)
lined steel/
PSC pipes
3 Manhole/Valve Chamber Cement QC-M-01 QC-P-02
Construction Sand QC-M-02 QC-P-03
Water QC-M-03
Bricks QC-M-04
Coarse QC-M-06
Cover TPI (1)
Frame/Vent MTC (1)
shaft etc.
Steel MTC (1)
4 Completion of Pipeline Laying and Stage Completion Test QC-P-04
5 Completion of Manhole/ Valve Stage Completion Test QC-P-05
Chamber Construction
6 Completion of Liquid Retaining Stage Completion Test QC-P-06
Structures (Wet Wells, Storage
Reservoirs, Pretreatment Units,
RCC Open Channels, etc.)
Note :- MTC – Manufacturer Test Certificate : TPI- Third Party Inspection


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Table VIII.2 Procedures for Testing Pipeline Works and Liquid Retaining Structures

Test Report Timing of Test/

Sl. No. Type of Test Frequency of Test
Format No. Inspection

Earth Bedding QC-P-01

1 Moisture content as per IS- TC-M-09-03 One test for each In-process
2720 250 m3 of soil

2 Field density test as per IS- TC-M-09-03 One test for each
2720 100 m2 of
compacted area

Concreting QC-P-02
1 Compressive strength as per TC-G-01-01 One test for 1-5 m3 Test samples to
IS-516 of concrete be taken while
pouring. Tests to
be done as
Two tests for 6-15 specified in the
m3 of concrete contract.

Three tests for 16-

30 m3 of concrete
Four tests for 31-50
m3 of concrete +
one set every 50 m3
of additional
concrete work.
2 Slump test per IS-1199 TC-G-01-02 Random checks Before pouring
throughout concrete
concreting period as
directed by the
3 Steel reinforcement Daily log Before pouring Before pouring
placement and bending concrete concrete

4 Concrete Pour Report TC-G-01-03 When pouring is Immediately after

done pouring

Mortar QC-P-03
1 Compressive strength as per TC-G-01-01 One sample for Test samples to
IS-2250 every 2 m3 of be taken while
mortar subject to a placing. Tests to
minimum of three be done as
2 Consistency as per IS-2250 TC-G-01-02 samples for a day’s specified in the
work contract.
Completion of Pipeline Laying and Jointing QC-P-04


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Test Report Timing of Test/

Sl. No. Type of Test Frequency of Test
Format No. Inspection
1 Hydrostatic test for NP pipes TC-P-04-01 One test for defined On completion of
stretch stage

2 Hydrostatic test for pressure TC-P-04-02 One test for defined On completion of
pipes stretch stage

Completion of Manhole/Valve Chamber QC-P-05

On completion of
1 Leakage Test TC-P-05-01 100% inspection

Completion of Liquid Retaining Structures QC-P-06

On completion of
Water tightness for One test per
1 TC-P-06-01 stage
underground structures structure

Water tightness for elevated One test per

2 TC-P-06-02
structures structure


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


This chapter of the QA/QC Manual gives an overview of the quality control requirements for
electromechanical works, such as water treatment and supply systems, sewage treatment plants,
pumping systems, and power supply and distribution systems. The requirements for testing and
control of input materials and components, including manufacturers’ certification and Third Party
Inspections, are outlined in Chapter V.
Materials and components to be incorporated into electromechanical works shall be inspected by
PIU / DSC as soon as they are delivered, to ensure that they meet the specifications and design
requirements, are in agreement with shipping documentation, and are accompanied by
manufacturer’s certifications or Third Party Inspection certificates, as applicable. Accepted materials
and equipment shall be properly stored by the Contractor until needed. If manufacturer’s installation
instructions conflict with design or contract requirements, the PMU, PIU and DSC shall be notified
immediately. Installation shall proceed only after the conflict has been resolved.
A series of inspections and tests during installation and completion of electromechanical works
shall be performed by the contractor or the equipment manufacturer and witnessed by PIU / DSC,
as follows:
(i) Preparatory Inspections. Prior to installation, the civil and structural works where
electromechanical equipment is to be installed shall be inspected to ensure conformance
with designs and equipment installation requirements;
(ii) Installation Inspections and Tests. A system of inspections and tests, as specified in the
contract or recommended by the equipment manufacturer, shall be employed throughout
movement to position and installation of equipment and systems. Inspections shall be
performed by PIU/DSC at critical points during installation. PIU/DSC shall provide the
surveillance throughout the progress of work to ensure that installation is performed in
accordance with the contract requirements, approved drawings, acceptable workmanship
standards and configuration control requirements. All field modifications and retrofit
work shall be performed under the surveillance of the PIU / DSC installation Inspector;
(iii) Installation Verification Inspections. Prior to all mechanical and electrical testing,
verification inspections shall be performed to ensure that equipment has been
satisfactorily installed;
(iv) System Tests. These tests shall be conducted as appropriate to demonstrate that the
installed systems are free from damage due to shipment and installation, and that
equipment performs in accordance with specifications;
(v) Integrated Tests. After completion of system tests, integrated tests shall be performed to
demonstrate that the system performs satisfactorily when connected to its interfacing
systems or sub-systems. Commissioning Tests will follow up these tests;
(vi) Commissioning Tests. These consist of a series of tests performed under service operating
procedures to demonstrate compatibility of the physical plant with operating procedures;
(vii) Final Inspections. Final inspections shall be performed to ensure that the completed work
is in accordance with the contract and that all previously identified discrepancies have
been resolved satisfactorily.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Document Control is intended to provide a consistent framework for transmittal, receipt, recording,
processing, filing and retrieval of documents, and to ensure commonality in formats. The most
important documents for QA/QC are final design documents, test reports and instructions. A flow
chart for control of these documents is shown in Figure X-1. Document control procedures,
including guidelines for correspondence control, are outlined in the following sub-sections.

10.1. Design Document Control

As discussed earlier (see Chapter III), final design documents (drawings, calculations, estimates,
etc.) are generated at three separate levels, depending on the contracting procedure and type of
work. These factors have been considered in suggesting the design document control system.

1 0 . 1 . 1 Turnkey Contracts

The flow of final design documents prepared by the contractor in turnkey contracts shall be as

(i) The Contractor shall submit three copies of design documents to PIU for review, using
the Request for Design Approval (RDA) Format F - 1 of Appendix C;
(ii) The PIU shall send one copy of the documents to DSC for review and comments, using
the Request for Internal Design Review (RIDR) Format F - 2 of Appendix C;
(iii) After review, the DSC shall return the documents with its comments, using the Internal
Design Review Note (IDRN) Format F - 3 of Appendix C;
(iv) Taking into account the comments of DSC, the PIU shall return the design documents
to the contractor, using the Design Transmittal Note (DTN) Format F - 4of Appendix
C. Design documents shall be marked (or stamped) ‘Approved’, ‘Approved as Noted’
or ‘Not Approved’;
(v) For design documents marked ‘Not Approved’, steps (i) to (iv) above shall berepeated.
For documents noted ‘Approved’ or ‘Approved as Noted’, the contractor shall submit
originals to PIU for affixing ‘Approved’ signatures (using a format similar to Format
F - 1);
(vi) The PIU shall have the design documents signed ‘Approved’ and return them to the
contractor (using a format similar to Format F - 4); and
(vii) The design document details are to be recorded in the contractor’s Design/Drawing
Register, using the Format F - 5 of Appendix C. (Similar registers shall also be kept
by PIU / DSC).

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10.1.2. Design Built Contracts (Wending Drawings)

The design documents are prepared by the Contractor. The flow of documents is summarized

(i) Copies of design documents prepared by Contractor shall be forwarded to PIU/ DSC for
review, using the Request for Internal Design Approval (RIDA) Format F – 1/Format
F-2 of Appendix C with copy to PMU for information;
(ii) After review, DSC shall forward to PMU the documents with its comments, using the
Internal Design Review Note (IDRN) Format F - 3 of Appendix C;
(iii) Taking into account the comments of PMU, PIU and DSC for modification, if any, the
PIU shall return the design documents to Contractor, using the Internal Design
Transmittal Note (IDTN) Format F - 9 of Appendix C. Design documents shall be
marked (or stamped) Recommended for approval as ‘ Noted’ or ‘Not Approved’;
(iv) For design documents marked Recommended for approval as noted ‘Not Approved’,
steps 1 to 3 above shall be repeated. For documents noted ‘Approved’, the Contractor
shall submit originals to PIU/DSC for affixing ‘Approved’ signatures (using aformat
similar to Format F - 8);
(v) After the design documents have been signed ‘Approved’ for construction, they shall be
transmitted to the Contractor by PIU, using the Approved Design Release Note
(ADRN) Format F - 6 of Appendix C;
(vi) The document details are to be recorded in the Contractor’s Design/Drawing Register,
using Format F - 7 of Appendix C. (Similar registers shall also be kept by PIU/ DSC);
(vii) The detailed construction drawings prepared by Contractor and approved by PIU. PIU
will send documents to DSC for review.

10.2. Test Report Controls

All the tests and field checks are to be carried out as per the applicable quality control requirements.
The tests are carried out by the Contractor who will designate an Engineer as the laboratory-in-
charge authorized to sign test reports for him. The witnessing officer will sign the reports and put
his name and designation. The flow of test report documentation shall generally be as follows:
(i) Test reports shall be submitted by the Contractor to the PIU.
(ii) The PIU shall forward a copy of the test reports to DSC for its review in Its monthly
report along with Contractor’s monthly report.
(iii) The PIU/DSC shall issue a Conformance/Non-Conformance Report (CNC Report) to
the Contractor after review of test results by the PIU/DSC, using Format F - 10 of
Appendix C. The CNC Reports will have a running serial number for each contract
(iv) The CNC Report shall be entered in the Test Report Log by the Contractor at the site,
using Format F - 11 of Appendix C. The details of input materials will be recorded
in the Material Register, using Format F - 12 of Appendix C. The Contractor shall
maintain all test records properly.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Other approvals given to the contractor will be recorded in the daily logs of the contractor, which
should form part of the contractor’s monthly report. A recommended format for Daily Work
Record/Site Order Book is illustrated in Format F - 13 of Appendix C.

Similar procedures shall be followed for the transmittal and review of test reports for tests
performed at outside laboratories, for manufacturers’ certificates, and for third party inspection

10.3. Tracking of Instructions

During the process of construction, different agencies are expected to conduct site visits and instruct
the Contractor to ensure quality and timely construction within the costs to the extent possible. The
multiplicity of agencies is a special feature of the Program. Hence, there may be some ambiguity in
the instruction flow if these are not transmitted and recorded properly.

All the instructions to the Contractor shall flow through the Employers Representative of the PIU.
The instructions are of the following types:

(i) Variation orders for variation in form, character, quantity or costs, issued by
PIU/PMUs, using Format F - 14 of Appendix C;
(ii) All instructions related to the contract administration including approval of the
contract variation orders, time extensions, notices related to rate of progress etc
(iii) Instructions issued during site visits or inspections of the DSC/PIU. which are
normally recorded in the contractor’s Site Order Book, shown in Format F - 13 of
Appendix C; and
(iv) Instructions issued during review meetings in the form of minutes, letters, etc.

All instructions noted above are to be recorded by the Contractor in the Instruction Log, using
Format F - 15 of Appendix C. Instructions also include notices of rejection of work inspected
because it was found to be non-conforming to requirements and which has to be redone or rectified.

10.4. Site Order Book

The Contractor shall be responsible to maintain a Site Order Book, at the site of the works at all
times, and this shall be opened for inspection by authorized representatives of PIU/DSC.
The Site Order Book has two primary purposes – to record the day-to-day instructions to the
Contractor and the Contractor’s compliance with these instructions, and to record the inspection and
acceptance of work completion stages along with issuing approvals to the Contractor to proceed with
the next stage of construction.
As noted above, the status of the Contractor’s compliance with instructions issued is to be
summarized in the Instruction Log (Format F - 15 of Appendix C), and reviewed monthly by the
PIU and during the periodic Squad Checks. In cases where the Contractor has failed to comply with
the instructions, the reasons therefore shall be determined and necessary remedial actions taken.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

10.5. Correspondence Control

Out-going letters (including transmittal letters and notes) originating from various organizations
involved in the Program (DSCs, PIU), Contractors, manufacturers, etc.) shall be signed only by
the designated sub project executive of that organization (for example PM-PIU, DSC Team

All letters should have a reference code and number, and should refer to a single subject only,
which shall be clearly stated on top of the letter, after the recipient’s address. All outgoing letters
should be numbered sequentially. All replies should be referred to the originator’s reference code
and number along with subject.

Incoming correspondence should be stamped and dated, and preferably given an internal reference
code and number. All incoming and outgoing correspondence should be logged chronologically,
either in computer correspondence registers or in manual correspondence logs.

Copies of outgoing correspondence and originals of incoming should be filed in chronological

files at the document center of each project organization. There should be only one chronological
file for all outgoing correspondence. Regarding incoming correspondence, there could be more
than one chronological file, based on the volume of correspondence expected to be received from
project related organizations (for example PIU / DSC can maintain separate incoming
chronological files for each contractor, etc.).

10.6. Inspection of Site Documentation

During site visits and inspections, PIU / DSC will check and follow up with the documentation
maintained on site by the contractor, as follows:

(i) Check the Design/Drawing Register and ensure that the approved designs and
drawings are being used during construction;
(ii) Check the Test Report Log and ensure that PIU/DSC (Employers Representative)
issues a Conformance Report for the materials being used;
(iii) Check the Material Register and cross-check the material test reports with inward and
consumption entries of the Material Register;
(iv) Check the Instruction Log and the Daily Work Record/Site Order Book and ensure
that the instructions, as recorded in these registers and issued through any letters or
minutes of meeting, are being implemented by the contractor;
(v) Check the Daily Logs and ensure that the standard of works and documentation is of
acceptable quality;
(vi) Deviations, if any, are to be recorded in the Site Order Book and a copy circulated by
the contractor to the PIU/DSC.
(vii) The registers that are verified by the PIU / DSC are to be signed by them.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

This chapter of the QA/QC Manual outlines the Program’s requirements for progress reporting and
suggests formats for Reports.

11.1. Types of Progress Reports

The Project provides for five main levels of reporting, as follows:

(i) Contractors’ Monthly Progress Reports;

(ii) Employers Representative (Implementing Agency) Monthly Reports;
(iii) Design & Supervision Consultant’s (DSC) Monthly Progress Reports;
(iv) Quarterly Progress Reports (prepared with assistance from DSC.

11.2. Reporting Schedule and Distribution

The timetable for submission of progress reports and distribution requirements are summarized

11.2.1. Contractor’s Progress Reports

The Contractor’s Monthly Progress Report, along with Interim Payment Certificate, shall be
submitted to the Employers Representative of the PIU on the 1st of every month (original plus 5
copies). To facilitate timely submission, joint measurements shall be taken by the Contractor and the
Employers Representative by the 20th of every month, prior to close of the reporting period.

11.2.2. Employers Representative (Implementing Agency) Reports

The Employers Representative of the PIU shall prepare a Monthly Progress Report for each contract,
consisting of (i) a "Statement of Exceptions" commentary on the contractor's progress report, and
(ii) a discussion of the major problems and actions taken or proposed to be taken. This shall be
distributed, together with a copy of the Contractor's report, by the 5th of the month, to:

(i) PMU
(ii) DSC

The Employers Representative shall also prepare a Monthly Financial Report for the works under his
jurisdiction consisting of (i) a "Summary Statement of Fund Utilization", and (ii) a "Statement of
Expenditures" report(s) in the approved ADB format and submit to PMU with supporting
documentation by 5th of every month. Copies of "Summary Statement of Fund Utilization" are to be
provided to DSC.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

11.2.3. Design & Supervision Consultant’s Progress Reports

The DSC shall prepare and issue 5 copies of a consolidated Monthly Progress Report for the Project
as a whole by the 15th of every month to the PIU.

11.2.4. Quarterly Progress Reports

Based on the Monthly Progress Reports, DSC shall assist PIU in preparing and issuing Quarterly
Progress Reports by the 20th of every month following the end of the Quarter for submittal to the
Asian Development Bank and all involved agencies.

11.3. Report Formats

Suggested formats for Contractors’, PIU/DSC Monthly Reports are presented in
Appendix D.1, D.2 and D.3 respectively.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A

Test Report Formats

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


Test Report Title Format No. Page No.
1. Test Certificate for Cement TC-M-01-01 61
2. Test Certificate for Sand TC-M-02-01 63
3. Test Certificate for Water for Construction Works TC-M-03-01 65
4. Test Certificate for Bricks TC-M-04-01 66
5. Water Absorption Test TC-M-05-01 67
6. Aggregate Impact Value Test TC-M-06-01/1 68
7. Los Angeles Abrasion Test TC-M-06-01/2 69
8. Soundness Test TC-M-06/02 70
9. Flakiness and Elongation Index Test TC-M-06-03 71
10. Gradation/Sieve Analysis TC-M-06-04 72
11. California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR) TC-M-07-01 74
12. Moisture Content Test (Field) TC-M-07-02 75
13. Free Swell Index Test for Soils TC-M-09-01 76
14. Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index (Attterberg Limits) TC-M-09-02 77
15. OMC & MDD Test TC-M-09-03 78
16. Grain Size Distribution TC-M-09-04 79
17. Penetration Test for Grading Bitumen TC-M-10-01 80
18. Ductility Test for Bitumen TC-M-10-02 81
19. Bituminous Mix Dispatch Slip TC-M-10-03 82
20. Stripping Value for Aggregates TC-M-11-01 83
21. Approval of Borrow Material Source for Soil TC-M-15-01 84
22. Concrete Compressive Strength Test TC-G-01-01 85
23. Concrete Slump Test TC-G-01-02 86
24. Daily Concrete Report TC-G-01-03 89
25. Permit for Concrete TC-G-01-03A 86
26. Consistency of Mortar Test TC-G-02-01 87
27. Rate of Spreading for Road Works TC-R-02-01 91
28. Marshal Stability Test TC-R-05-01 92
29. Field Density Test by Sand Replacement Method TC-R-06-01 94
30. Core Test for Compacted Layer for BM/DBM/BC TC-R-07-01 95
31. Surface Regularity and Control of Alignment TC-R-07-02 97
32. Hydrostatic Test for NP Pipes TC-P-04-01 98
33. Hydrostatic Test for Pressure Pipes TC-P-04-02 99
34. Leak Test for Manholes TC-P-05-01 100
35. Leak Test for Underground RCC Structures TC-P-06-01 101
36. Leak Test for Elevated RCC Structures TC-P-06-02 102

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-1 : Test Certificate For Cement

Format No.:TC-M-01-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:
Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Brand & Type of Cement : Quantity : T, Bags
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

Trial Wt. of Wt. of water added Percentage Reading of Consistency Remarks
No. cement (gms) of water (%) indicator (P)
(gms) (mm)

Setting Time recorded when Time recorded at Setting time Remarks
Time water added set
Initial Set
Final Set


Wt. of cement used Retained on 90 micron Percentage Remarks
IS Sieve retained

4. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (Check for 72, 168 & 672 hrs.)

Room Temp Date of Age of Crushing Crushing Remarks
Casting Testing specimen load (T) Strength

(Cube Size = 7.06 cm, Wt. of Cement = 200 gms, Wt. of Standard Sand = 600 gms)
Comments of Laboratory In-Charge
Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:

Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022
Permissible Limits As per IS: 8112-1289

Sl.nos Test Conducted Requirement as Per IS: 8112-1289

1 Normal Consistency Not Specified

2 Initial Setting Time Shall not be less than 30 Minutes

3 Final Setting Time Shall not be less than 600 Minutes
4 Compressive Strength
a) 72 + 1h ( average of three results) Shall not be less than 23.0 Mpa

a) 168 + 2h ( average of three results) Shall not be less than 33.0

b) 672 + 4h ( average of three results) Mpa Shall not be less than 43.0 Mpa

5 Fineness (by Blaine’s air Permeability Shall not be less than 225 m2 /kg Mpa
6 Soundness (by Le-Chatelier’s method) Shall not be more than 10 mm

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-2 : Test Certificate For Sand

Format No.:TC-M-02-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

Whether Bulking Test Carried out for this Source : YES/NO,

If yes, give Lab Ref. No.: , Date

Dry Bulk Density (Loose):


Sieve Sieve Size Retained on Cumulative Passing Grading Limits/Remarks

No. (mm) Each Sieve (% Percentage Through
Wt) Retained (%Wt)



% by Weight

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Permissible Limits as per IS: 383-1990 (Reaffirmed -1990)

Specifications as per IS: 383-1970 (Reaffirmed – 1990) for fine

IS Sieve Designation
Aggregates (Percentage Passing)
Zone-I Zone-II Zone-III
4.75mm 90-100 90-100 90-100
2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-90
600 micron 15-34 35-59 60-79
300 micron 5-20 8-30 12-40
150 micron 0-20 0-10 0-10

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-3 : Test Certificate For Water For Construction Work

Format No.:TC-M-03-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply:
No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Tested as per IS- 456-2000 , IS 3025-1983 (Part Tested :
11,15,16,17,18,22,23,24,and 32

Sl.No Color pH Value Organic Inorganic Sulphates Chlorides Suspended

Solids Solid (as SO4) (as Cl) Matter
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l)
Limits >6 <200 <3000 <500 PCC <2000 <2000
RCC <1000

Traces of Oil & Grease

Average Hardness as CaCO3

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-4 : Test Certificate For Bricks

Format No.:TC-M-04-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS-3495-1992& Tested :
IS 1077-1992 , IS 4885

Dimensional Conformance
Foreign Particles

Sl.No Frog Mark Size of Brick Crushing Crushing Crushing Remarks
LxBxH mm Surface Area Load Strength
(cm2) (T) (kg/cm2)

(When five samples tested for compressive strength average compressive strength shall not be less than 3.5
N/sqmm or specified in Contract.)


Sl.No Frog Mark Wt. of Oven Wt. of Wet Wt. of Water % of Water Remarks
Dried Brick Brick Absorbed Absorbed
(gms) (gms) (gms)

(The average absorption shall not be more than 20% or specified in Contract)

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-5 : Water Absorption Test

Format No.:TC-M-05-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Material Name :

Sl.No Wt. of Oven Wt. of Wet Wt. of Water % of Remarks

Dried Material Material Absorbed Water
(gms) (gms) (gms) Absorbed

Water Absorption of Material :

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-6 : Aggregate Impact Value Test

Format No.:TC-M-06-01/1 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Material Name : No. of Std. Blows : 15 Height of Fall : 380 mm

No. Detail Unit Trial

1 2 3 4 5
1 Wt. of dry aggregate passing 12.5 Gms
mm and retained on 10 mm sieve
+ cylinder measure

2 Wt. of cylindrical measure Gms

3 Wt. of dry aggregate taken (1)-(2) Gms

4 Wt. of crushed aggregate passing Gms

2.36 mm sieve after subjecting
the test specimen to 15 blows

5 Aggregate Impact Value %


Average Value:

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-7 : Los Angeles Abrasion Test

Format No.:TC-M-06-01/2 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Material Name : No. Of Revolutions No. Of Abrasive Changes
500/100 rpm

No. Detail Unit Trial

1 2 3 4 5
1 Weight of aggregate of specified Kg

2 Weight of passing IS 1.7 mm Kg

sieve after specified revolution

3 Los Angeles Abrasion Value %


Average Value:

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-8 : Soundness Test

Format No.:TC-M-06-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Material Name : Immersion Time Type of Solution

No. Detail Unit Number of Cycle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
1 Wt. Of clean dry aggregate of Gms
specified size range

2 Wt. of dry aggregate dried in Gms

oven after each cycle

3 Loss of aggregate after 10 Gms

number of cycles subject to
immersion and oven drying after
each cycle

4 Soundness Value
=100*(3) / (1)

Average Value :
Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-9: Flakiness And Elongation Index Test

Format No.:TC-M-06-03 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Material Name :

Sieve Total Wt. Wt. Of Flakiness Wt. Of Wt. Of Elongation Index

Range of Aggregate Index Non-flaky Aggregate
(mm) Aggregate Passing Sample Passing
(gms) Thickness Elongation
Gauge Gauge









Flakiness Index

Elongation Index

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-10 : Gradation/Sieve Analysis

Format No.:TC-M-06-04 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Material Name : Immersion Time Type of solution

Sieve Sieve Size Wt. Of Retained on Cumulative Passing Grading

No. (mm) material Each Sieve (% Percentage Through Limits/Remarks
retained (g) Wt) Retained (%Wt)

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Permissible Limits as per relevant IS Code

IS Sieve Designation Specifications as per IS: 383-1970 in respect of 40 mm normal size

aggregate (% passing)

Sieve Analysis-40 mm

80 100 -
63 - 100

40 95-100 85-100

20 30-70 0-20
12.5 - -

10 10-35 0-5
4.75 0-5 -

Sieve Analysis – 20 mm

40.0 100 100

20.0 95-100 85-100
12.5 - -

10.0 25-55 0-20

4.75 0-10 0-5

Sieve Analysis – 12.5 mm and Down

20.0 100 100

12.5 95-100 85-100

10.0 40-85 0-45

4.75 0-10 0-10

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-11 : California Bearing Ratio (Cbr) Test

Format No.:TC-M-07-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:
Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No.of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Specimen Preparation Method
Type of Compaction Used
Condition of Specimen at Test

Density Determination Moisture Content Before Compaction After Compaction

Mould No.
Mould No. Cup No.
Wt. of mould+soil Wt. Of cup+wet soil
Wt. of mould Wt. Of cup+dry soil
Wt. of compacted soil Wt. Of water
Volume of mould Wt. Of cup
Bulk density (g/cc) Wt. Of dry soil
Dry density (g/cc) Moisture content %
Degree of compaction Variation
Mould No.
Penetration Proving Ring Load Proving Ring Load Proving Ring Load
(mm) Reading (kg/cm2) Reading (kg/cm2) Reading (kg/cm2)
Swell Initial Reading Final Reading Net Swell Swell Average Swell
Mould No.

CBR at 2.5 mm CBR at 5.0 mm Average CBR value at penetration mm = %

Signed and Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU
UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-12 : Moisture Content Test (Field)

Format No.:TC-M-07-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : Nos.
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected:
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

Test No. 1 2 3 4 5
Container No.

Wt. Of wet soil taken (Sw)

Wt. Of dry soil in pan (Sd)

Wt. Of water (W=Sw-Sd)

Moisture content
= 100* W/Sd

Comments of the Laboratory In-charge

Signed and Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-13 : Free Swell Index Test For Soils

Format No.:TC-M-09-01 Lab Ref. No:


Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source Of Supply: Quantity : T/M3
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :
Oven Dry Soil Passing Weight of Each Sample Glass Graduated Cylinders
Through 425-micron IS Sieve ml size

1. Volume of Soil Specimen read from the Graduated Cylinder

Containing Distilled Water (Vd) ml

2. Volume of Soil Specimen read from the Graduated Cylinder

Containing Kerosene (Vk) ml

3. Free Swell Index .. 100 x (Vd-Vk)/Vk %

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-14 : Liquid Limit And Plasticity Index (Atterberg Limits)

Format No.:TC-M-09-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source Of Supply: Quantity : T/M3
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

Sr. Particular Unit Liquid Limit Plastic limit

No. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
1. No. of blows No
2. Cup No.
3. Wt. of cup+wet soil (W1) g

4. Wt. of cup+dry soil (W2) g

5. Wt. of water = W3=(W1-W2) g

6. Wt. of cup = W4 g

7. Wt. of dry soil W5=W2-W4 g

8. Moisture content %

Liquid limit WL : %
Plastic limit, Wp : %
Plasticity index, Ip = WL - Wp = %

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-15 : Omc & Mdd Test

Format No.:TC-M-09-03 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Brand & Type of Cement : Quantity : T/M3
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

a) Bulk density
Sr. Particular Unit Test no.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Wt. of mould + compacted soil
2. Wt. of mould (W2) g
3. Wt. of compacted soil (W1 - g
4. Volume of mould (V) cc
5. Wet density (rb) (W1-W2)/V g/cc

b) Dry density
Sr. Particular Unit Test no.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Wt. of cup + wet soil (W3) g
2. Wt. of cup + dry soil (W4) g
3. Wt. of water = W5=(W3-W4) g
4. Wt. of cup (W6) g
5. Wt. of dry soil, W7=W4-W6 g
6. Moisture content %
7. Dry density = rd=rb(1+W/100) g/cc

Maximum dry density

Mean MDD : g/cc
Mean OMC : %

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-16 : Grain Size Distribution Graph

Format No.:TC-M-09-04 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source Of Supply: Quantity : T/M3
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

1. Description of soil :
2. Type of sieve analysis : day/wet
3. Total wt. of soil sample : W (g) =
IS Sieve Wt. of sieve Wt. of sieve Wt. of soil Cumulative Cumulative Remarks
opening dish (g) + dry soil (g) retained (g) wt. retained percent
(g) retained
100 mm
63 mm
22 mm
6.3 mm
4.75 mm
2.0 mm
600 micron
212 micron
75 micron
63 micron
Passing 63

Report on gradation of curve :

Uniformity coefficient =Cu = D60/D10 =

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-17 : Penetration Test For Grading Bitumen

Format No.:TC-M-10-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply : Quantity : T
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

1. Pouring temperature, 0C :
2. Period of cooling in atmosphere, minutes :
3. Room temperatures, 0C :
4. Period of cooling in water bath, minutes :
5. Actual test temperatures, 0C :

Sr. Particulars Test no.

No. 1 2 3
1. Initial Penetrometer dial reading (R1)
2. Final Penetrometer dial reading (R2)
3. Penetration value R2 - R1

Mean Penetration Value

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-18 : Ductility Test For Bitumen

Format No.:TC-M-10-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply : Quantity : T
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

1. Grade of bitumen :
2. Pouring temperatures, 0C :
3. Test temperatures, 0C :
4. Periods of coding, minutes :
a) In air :
b) In water bath before trimming :
c) In water bath after trimming :

Sr. Particulars Briquette Number

No. 1 2 3
1. Ductility (cm)

Mean Ductility (cm) :

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-19 : Bituminous Mix Dispatch Slip

Format No.:TC-M-10-03 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Location of Hot Mix Plant : Date :

1. Truck No :
2. Weight of Loaded Truck :
3. Weight of Empty Truck :
4. Net Weight :
5. Temperature of Mix :
6. Type of Mix :
7. % of Bitumen :

Signature of Hot Mix Plant Agent Signature of DSC/PIU Representative

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-20 : Stripping Value For Aggregates

Format No.:TC-M-11-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Source of Supply: Quantity : T/M3
Consignment No.: No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Stores Entry No.: Tested as per IS- Tested :

Sr. Particulars Unit Test no.

No. 1 2 3
1. Type of aggregate

2. Type of binder
3. % binder used %
4. Total wt. of aggregate Gms

5. Total wt. of binder Gms

6. Temperature of water-bath
7. Stripping value

Mean stripping value (%)

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-21: Approval Of Borrow Material Source for Soil to be Used in Embankment/
Format No.:TC-M-15-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Location of Borrow Material Source:
Inspected By No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Inspection Date Tested as per IS- Tested :

Sample Sand Wet sieve analysis Plasticity Proctor CBR % Compaction test
No content % 4.75 0.60 0.30 0.15 0.075 Index % Density MDD % OMC %

Comments of the Employers Representative


Give Source Reference No.

(This ref no. is to be quoted by the contractor whenever material
from this source is used)

Signature of the Employers Representative Signature of the Contractor

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-22 : Concrete Compressive Strength Test

Format No.:TC-G-01-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Pour Card No: Pour Card Date: Quantity : T/M3
Daily Log Ref. No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Date Tested as per IS-516-1959 Tested :

Sr. Particulars Unit Test no.

No. 1 2 3
1. Identification mark/Sample No.
2. Wt. of specimen kg
3. Length of specimen cm
4. Breadth of specimen cm
5. Height of specimen cm
6. Cross sectional area of the specimen cm2
7. Crushing load kg
8. Compressive strength kg/cm2

Average compressive strength of concrete = kg/cm2

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-23A: Permit Format for Concrete Work

Format No.: TC-G-01-03A Conc. Pour Permit No.

Date of Concreting
This Permit Format must be presented to PIU & DSC at least one day advance of proposed concreting.
Concreting can be done only if Permit Format is duly signed by authorized representative of DSC / PIU.
Package Name: Package No.:
Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Where the concrete used:
Supervised By: Quantity : T/M3
Daily Log Ref. Mix Grade: Date Sample Collected :
Date Time Start Finish Tested :

Materials Status of Testing and Approval Quantity available at site

Fine Aggregate
Equipments Status
Weight Batching M/C
Cube moulds
Cone, Alternative Power Labour
Availability of Skilled manpower
Availability of Labour

Centering & Shuttering

1. IS formwork plan submitted and approved.
2. IS formwork checked by DSC/PIU.

IS reinforcement placed as per approved drawings and design and checked by DSC/PIU.Insert

1. Is use of plasticizers approved? Yes/No
2. Name and make of plasticizer
3. Type of plasticizer

Labor Amenities
Approved for concreting

Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-23B: Moisture Correction Format

Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-23C : Concrete Slump Test

Format No.:TC-G-01-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Pour Card No: Pour Card Date: Quantity : T/M3
Daily Log Ref. No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Date Tested as per IS- Tested :

Sr. Particulars Unit Test no.

No. 1 2 3

1. Wt. of cement kg
2. Wt. of fine aggregate kg
3. Wt. of coarse aggregate kg
4. Water/cement ratio
5. Wt. of water kg
6. Slump mm

Average Slump of concrete = mm

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed and Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-24 : Daily Concrete Report

Format No.:TC-G-01-03 Pour Card No.


Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Where the concrete used:
Supervised By: Quantity : T/M3
Daily Log Ref. Mix Grade: Date Sample Collected :
Date Time Start Finish Tested :

Concrete materials per bag of cement

Fineness Specific Impact Water
Material Size TC Ref batch
module gravity value absorption
Coarse Aggregate 1
Coarse Aggregate 2
Fine Aggregate
Sieve Size Gradation % Finer No. of Concrete Cubes for Testing
mm CA1 CA2 FA
40 Cube No
4.75 Time
1.18 Cube No
0.30 Time
Slump Test Temperature Test
Sl.No Time Value Sl.No Time Value Time Air Temperature Concrete Temperature
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

Signature of Contractor Signature of Employers


Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-25 : Consistency of Mortar Test

Format No.:TC-G-02-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Pour Card No: Pour Card Date: Quantity : T/M3
Daily Log Ref. No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Date Tested as per IS- Tested :

Sr. Particulars Unit Test No.

No. 1 2

1. Wt. of cement kg
2. Wt. of sand kg
3. Water/cement ratio
4. Wt. of water kg
5. Dial gauge reading before penetration mm
6. Dial gauge reading after penetration mm
7. Consistency of mortar mm

Average Consistency of mortar = mm

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signature of Test Lab

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-26 : Rate of Spreading

Format No.:TC-R-02-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Work Type: Primer/Tack Coat/Surface Dressing/MSS/Pre-mix Quantity : T/M3
Chainage: from to
Daily Log Ref. Vehicle Speed: km/h Date Sample Collected :
Date Temperature: Tested :


Weight of empty tray (g) We

Weight of empty tray+bitumen

sprayed (g) Wb

Wt. Of bitumen sprayed on tray

Wn= Wb-We

Area of tray (m2) A

Rate of application
= 100*Wn/A

Average rate of application = kg/m2

Specification limits = kg/m2

Comments of Inspector

Signature of the Employers Representative with Date Signature of Contractor

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-27 : Marshal Stability Test

Format No.:TC-R-05-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Hot Mix Plant Data: Quantity : T/M3

Daily Log Ref. No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :

Date Tested as per IS- Tested :

Stability and flow value determinations

Type of grading of aggregates : Grade of bitumen :
Mixing temperature, 0C Compacting temperature, 0C
Number of blows on either side = Proving ring calibration factor =
Flow value dial, 1 division =

Sample No. Bitumen Maximum Stability value, kg Flow dial Flow value,
content proving ring reading 0.25/0.1
percent reading Measured Corrected mm units

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


W1 = G1 = W2 = G2 =
W3 = G3 = W4 = G4 =

Sample Bitumen Height Weight, g Bulk

No. content, of Density Vv Vb VMA VFB
percent sample in air in water , Gb
, mm

(i) Maximum stability, kg = , at bitumen content, % =
(ii) Maximum bulk density, g/cc= , at bitumen content, % =
(iii) Percent air voids = , at bitumen content, % =

Average bitumen content =

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-28 : Field Density Test by Sand Replacement Method

Format No.:TC-R-06-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Quantity : T/M3
Daily Log Ref. No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :
Date Tested as per IS- Tested :

I. Determination of Bulk Density of Sand

Sl.No Particulars Unit Trial No
1 2 3
1 Inside dia. Of calibrating container Cm
2 Inside height of calibrating container Cm
3 Volume of calibrating container CC
4 Wt. of sand + cylinder before pouring Gm
5 Wt. Of sand in the cone Gm
6 Wt. Of sand + cylinder after pouring in calibrating Gm
7 Wt. Of sand filling with calibrating container Gm
8 Bulk density of sand Gm/cc
II. Determination of Bulk Density of Soil In-situ
Sl.No Particulars Unit Trial No
1 2 3
1 Wt. Of wet soil from hole Gm
2 Wt. Of sand + cylinder after pouring into the hole Gm
3 Wt. Of sand in the soil Gm
4 Volume of the hole CC
5 Bulk density of soil in-situ Gm/cc
III. Determination of Dry Density of Soil In-situ
Sl.No Particulars Unit Trial No
1 2 3
1 Container No.
2 Wt. Of container Gm
3 Wt. Of container + wet soil Gm
4 Wt. Of container + dry soil Gm
5 Wt. Of dry soil Gm
6 Wt. Of water Gm
7 Water content % %
8 Dry density Gm/cc

Signed by Lab in-charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-29 : Core Test for Compacted Layer for Bm/Dbm/Bc

Format No.:TC-R-07-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Hot Mix Plant Data: Quantity : T/M3

Daily Log Ref. No. of Samples Tested: Date Sample Collected :

Date Tested as per IS- Tested :

Stability and flow value determinations

Type of grading of aggregates : Grade of bitumen :
Mixing temperature, 0C Compacting temperature, 0C
Number of blows on either side = Proving ring calibration factor =
Flow value dial, 1 division =

Sample Bitumen Maximum Stability value, kg Flow dial Flow value,

No. content from proving ring reading 0.25/0.1
analysis % reading Measured Corrected mm units

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


W1 = G1 = W2 = G2 =
W3 = G3 = W4 = G4 =

Sample Bitumen Height Weight, g Bulk

No. content of Density, Vv Vb VMA VFB
from sample in air in water Gb
analysis, , mm

(i) Maximum stability, kg = , at bitumen content, % =
(ii) Maximum bulk density, g/cc= , at bitumen content, % =
(iii) Percent air voids = , at bitumen content, % =

Average bitumen content =

Comments of Laboratory In-Charge

Signed & Sealed by Laboratory In-Charge

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-30: Surface Regularity and Control of Alignment

Format No.:TC-R-07-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Road Name: Total Stretch Length Inspected:
Daily Log Ref: Date Inspected
Date Inspected By

1. Horizontal Alignment(permissible limits as per Section 4)

Chainage (m) Horizontal Alignment Tolerances reckoned from center line of carriageway
From To At the edges of the carriageway At the edge of the road and lower layers

2. Tolerances in Surface Levels (permissible limits as per Section 4)

Chainage (m) Sub-grade Sub-base Base Wearing Course
From To Machine Manual Machine Manual
Laid Laid Laid Laid

3. Surface Regularity of Pavement Courses (permissible limits as per Section 4)

Chainage (m) Irregularity – 4 mm Irregularity – 7 mm
From To Length Length
300 m 75 m 300 m 75 m
No. of Irregularities No. of Irregularities

Signature of Inspecting Authority

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-31: Hydrostatic Test for Np-Pipes

Format No.:TC-P-04-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Daily Log Ref. Tested as per CPHEEO Date Tested Test Head : 2.5 m at
Date highest point
Observation: 1 hr

Water level Volume of water to restore

Sl. ID Time in Length Drop (mm) to original level (litres)
No (mm) hrs (m) 10 30 10 min 30 min
min min

Comments of the Employers Representative

Any rectification to be done by the contractor

Signature of the Employers Representative Signature of the Contractor

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-32: Hydrostatic Test for Pressure Pipes

Format No.:TC-P-04-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Daily Log Ref. Tested as per CPHEEO Date Tested

Sl. Material ID Stretch Length Applied Time in hrs) Observations

No of pipe (mm) (m) test
1 2 4

Comments of the Employers Representative

Any rectification to be done by the contractor

Signature of the Employers Representative Signature of the Contractor

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-33: Leak Test for Manhole

Format No.:TC-P-05-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Daily Log Ref. Tested as per CPHEEO Date Tested Duration of Water
Date Retention: 24 hrs

Sl. No Manhole No. Water Level (m) Sign Drop in water level Remarks
Initial Final (mm)

Comments of the Employers Representative

Any rectification to be done by the contractor

Signature of the Employers Representative Signature of the Contractor

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-34: Leak Test for Underground RCC Structures

Format No.:TC-P-06-01 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Name of Structure: Size:

Date of Filling Initial Water level (m)

Observation Date of Observation Water Level (m) Drop (mm) Remark


Comments of the Employers Representative

Any rectification to be done by the contractor

Signature of the Employers Representative Signature of the Contractor

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix A-35: Leak Test for Elevated RCC Structures

Format No.:TC-P-06-02 Lab Ref. No:

Package Name: Package No.:

Contractor Name: Contract No.:
Name of Structure: Size:

Date of Filling Initial Water level (m)

Observation Date of Observation Observation Remark




Comments of the Employers Representative

Any rectification to be done by the contractor

Signature of the Employers Representative Signature of the Contractor

Witnessed by:
Contractor DSC PIU

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix B


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


Appendix B - 1: Inspection Checklist for Concreting Works

Item Remark
Proportioning, Batching and Mixing of Concrete
The materials and proportion of concrete materials as established by the
preliminary test for mix design should be rigidly followed.
• Concrete should be produced only by weigh batching the aggregates. The
accuracy of the weigh batcher should be periodically checked and the needle
should be adjusted to zero when the hopper is empty. Only a mechanical mixer
machine with a hopper arrangement should be allowed for mixing concrete.
• The quantity of water actually entering the mixing drum should be checked with
the reading of the gauge or valve setting, when starting a job. The batch should
be charged into the mixer so that some water enters the drum in advance of
cement and aggregate. All water should be in the drum by end of the first 15
seconds of the specified mixing time. Each batch would be mixed until the
concrete is uniform in color at least for a period of two minutes after all the
materials and water are in the drum.

Placing of Concrete
• Before any concrete is placed the entire placing program consisting of
equipment, layout, number of labors engaged, proposed procedures and methods
should be submitted to the Employers Representative for approval. The
Employers Representative must satisfy himself that the arrangement for mixing
and conveying concrete will ensure a nearly continuous flow of concrete during
depositing; contractor’s labor force won’t be overworked affecting quality of
work, sufficient overlap isallowed between concrete placing crews working at
subsequent shifts, and sufficient lighting arrangements are made if concreting is
allowed in the night.
• The Employers Representative must also satisfy himself that the concrete mix
design is based on truly representative samples of aggregate and cement which
will be actually used during concreting. While taking representative samples
from different stacks of aggregates for checking of gradation and other tests a
scoopor shovel with sides should be used so that the larger stones won’t roll
off the side.
• Before the concrete is actually placed in position, the inside of the formwork
should be inspected to see that they have been cleaned and oiled. All
reinforcement and other items to be cast in concrete should have cleansurfaces.
All reinforcement should have sufficient cover, as specified in the contract,
which should be ensured by using proper size cement mortar spacerblocks.
The reinforcement fabrication should be finally checked ensuring proper
length and spacing between reinforcement bars, proper orientation (verticality/
horizontality) of reinforcement bars and stirrups and adequate provision of
development length.
• Concrete must be placed in its final position before the cement reaches its


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Item Remark
initial set and concrete should normally be compacted in its final position
within 30 minutes of leaving the mixer.
• Concrete should be deposited as nearly as practicable directly in its final position
and should not be re handled or caused to flow in a manner which would cause
segregation, loss of material or displacement of reinforcement. Concrete should
be placed in the shuttering by shovels or other approvedimplements and should
not be dropped for a free fall from a height more than 1.0
m. When it is necessary to use transfer chutes the Employers Representative must
satisfy himself in respect of type, length, slopes, baffles, vertical terminals and
timing ofoperations. To allow for loss of mortar against the sides of the chute,
the first mixes should have less coarse aggregates. Concrete should not be
permitted to fall free from the end of the chute by more than 1.0 m and chutes
should have slopes not flatter than 1 vertical : 3 horizontal but not steeper than 1
vertical : 2 horizontal.
• Concrete once started, should be continuous until the pour is completed and
would be placed in successive horizontal layers of uniform thickness preferably
ranging from 15 to 90 cm. Concrete should be placed as rapidly as practicable
to prevent the formation of cold joints between each succeeding layer. The top
surface of each pour and the bedding layer should be approximately horizontal.
• Concrete should be compacted during placing with approved vibrating
equipment and consolidated to maximum practicable density, free of pockets of
coarse aggregate, should fit tightly against all form surfaces, reinforcements and
embedded fixtures. Caution should be exercised not to over vibrate the concrete
to the point of segregation. Tapping or external vibration of forms by hand tool
or immersion vibrator must not be permitted and care should be taken to prevent
contact of immersion vibrators with reinforcing steel or forms of finished
• Concrete should be placed without interruption until completion of part of the
work between predetermined construction joints. If stopping of concrete
becomes unavoidable anywhere, a properly formed construction joint shall be
made where the work is stopped. Joints should be either vertical or horizontal.
For inclined or curved member the joint should be at right angles to the axis
of the member. The construction joint surface should be roughened,
thoroughly cleaned and treated with a thin layer of cement group before
resumption of concreting. Except when placing with slip forms, each
placement of concrete in multiple lift work, should be allowed to set for at
least 24 hours before the start of a subsequent placement.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Item Remark
Curing & Protection of Concrete
• During Curing of concrete, preference should be given to use of continuous
spray, or ponded water, continuously saturated covering of sacking, canvas,
hessian or other absorbent material, or approved effective curing compounds
applied with spraying equipment capable of producing a smooth even- textured
• Fresh concrete should be kept continuously wet for a minimum period of 10
days from the date of placing of concrete, following a lapse of 12-14 hours after
laying concrete. However, curing of horizontal surface exposed to dry wind
should begin immediately after the concrete has hardened. Water should be
applied to formed surfaces immediately uponremoval of forms.
• Immediately after the shuttering is removed, the Employers Representative
should very carefully go over the entire surface of the concrete. Holes left by
form bolts etc. should be filled up and made good with mortar composed of one
part of cement and one and half parts of sand passing 2.36 mm IS sieve.
Superficially honeycombed surface and rough patches should be similarly made
good immediately after removal of shuttering and superficial water and air holes
should be filled in. Themortar should be well worked into the surface with a
wooden float and the surface irregularities should be removed by grinding.
• If reinforcement is exposed or honey combing occurs at vulnerable positions
e.g. ends of beams or columns it may be necessary to cut the member partially
or completely and reconstruct. The Employers Representative decision shall
be final in this regard. If only patching is necessary, the defective concrete
should be cut till solid concrete is reached (or to a minimum depth of 25 mm)
the edges being cut perpendicular to the affected surface or with a small
undercut if possible. Anchors, tees or dovetail slots should also be provided
wherever necessary to attach the new concrete securely in place.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix B - 2: Inspection Checklist for Stone Masonry Work

Items Remarks

• The type of masonry used for structural works should be random masonry
(coursed or uncoursed) or coursed rubble masonry (first sort). For Bridge
Works generally coursed rubble masonry should be used.
• Stones should be sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent
absorption of water from mortar.
• The courses of masonry should generally be of same height. When there is
to be variation in the height of courses, the larger courses are to be placed
at lower levels, height of courses gradually decreasing to the top. The
practice of placing loose mortar on the course and then pouring water from
top must not be allowed.
• The stones used for hearting or interior fillings of the wall face should be
laid on their broadest face that gives a better opportunity to fill the spaces
between the joints.
• The bed, which is to receive the stone, should be cleaned, wetted and covered
with a layer of fresh mortar. All stones should be laid full in mortar and in
vertical joints. Clean chips and spalls should be wedged into the mortar joints
and bed wherever necessary to avoid thick beds or joints of mortar. The face
joints should not be more than 10 mm and 20 mm for coursed rubble and
random rubble respectively.
• All vertical joints should be truly vertical. Vertical joints should be
staggered as far as possible. Distance between the nearer vertical joint
between the upper layer and lower layer should not be less than half the
height of the course.
• Bond stones should be rectangular in shape and should be a through stone
extending from face to back of the wall. For sharp corners, especially in skew
bridges, through stones should also be used to avoid spalling of corners. The
quoins i.e. stones specially selected and neatly dressed for forming an
external angle in masonry work should not be less than as specified in the


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix B - 3: Inspection Checklist for Brickwork and Finishes

Items Remarks

• A representative sample of bricks to be sent for testing of compressive

strength, water absorption etc. should not be less than twenty bricks. These
bricks must be selected at random from the particular batch. For example,
if there are ten stacks of bricks, two bricks should be chosen from each stack
and these must be taken from different positions in each stack.
• All Bricks should be thoroughly soaked in a tank filled with water for a
minimum period of one hour (preferably for 24 hours) prior to being laid.
However, at the time of laying, bricks should be skin dry and clean.
• Mortar should be mixed in the specified proportion only in such quantity as
required for immediate use. Initial setting of mortar with Ordinary Portland
Cement is normally considered to have taken place in 30 minutes and mortar
unused for more than 30 minutes shall be rejected and removed from site of
• All Brickwork should be laid in English Bond and bricks should be laid with
frogs up on a full bed of mortar. Thickness of mortar joints should not exceed
10 mm.
• Before laying bricks in foundation, the foundation slab should be
thoroughly hacked, swept clean and wetted and a mortar layer not less than
12 mm thick should be spread on the surface of the foundation slab.
• When fresh masonry is to join partially/entirely set old masonry, the exposed
/ jointing surface of the set masonry should be cleaned, roughened and
wetted to effect the best possible bonding.
• Brickwork should be cured keeping constantly moist on all faces for a
minimum period of seven days and green work should be protected from
rain by suitable covering.
• The surface of brickwork, which is to be subsequently plastered or painted,
should be squarely raked out to a depth of 15 mm when the mortar is still
• Plastering should be started from top and worked down. The plastering
surface should be finished off with a plasterer’s wooden float. Metal floats
shall not be used.
• Curing for finishes should be commenced as soon as the mortar used for
finishing has been hardened sufficiently, not to be damaged during curing.
Thefinishes should be kept moist for a period of at least 7 days.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix B - 4: Inspection Checklist for Building Services and Finishes

Items Remarks

• Building services and finishes work shall be closely coordinated and be

undertaken in the appropriate sequence.
• Building service requirements including water supply pipes and fittings,
sanitary fittings and appliances, electrical installation, doors and windows
and ventilators etc. shall be inspected for conformance with applicable codes
and specifications.
• All brickwork in the building will be finished with plastering whereas all
stone masonry work will be finished with pointing, if not otherwise specified
in the contract. Where plastering work is required, as part of the finishing
work, all service lines, conduits, pipes, clamps, door and window frames and
all required inserts must be in position before the plastering begins. The
plastering shall be always started from the top and worked down. For
purpose of giving a smooth finish to the plastering work a plasterer’s
wooden float should be used and no metal float should be alowedto use. Where
pointing is required, the pointing will be done to give the surface an
acceptable architectural look. For pointing work, the joints will be raked to
a depth of 40 mm and then mortar will be placed in the joints up to a depth
of 25 mm by using a trowel.
• Painting must be carried out in conformance with specifications.
The painting materials and surface preparation must be checked prior to
• For all finishes e.g. plastering, pointing, painting or whitewashing the
contractor will first prepare a sample area and on approval of the quality of
finish in the sample area, the contractor will be allowed to apply all over the
• Flooring and roofing work shall be undertaken as required by the


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix B - 5: Inspection Checklist for Road Works

Items Remarks
• The Employers Representative must check all layout and staking
completed by the Contractor before starting roadwork and must
confirm checking at regular intervals and at completion of the work
to ensure that all work conforms to plans and specifications.
• A careful and thorough check must be made of all subgrade areas
where road materials are to be placed. No road material should be
allowed to be placed unless the Employers Representative has visibly
checked and approved the areas and has verified the quality of
subgrade preparation by testing procedures as provided in the
contract document and elsewhere in this document.
• If a question arises as to the suitability of any of the materials in
meeting the specifications, the Contractor shall be responsible to
provide further field and laboratory testing as may be required and
requested by the field engineer.
• The base on which bituminous layer is to be laid, should be
thoroughly swept clean, free from dust and foreign matter using
mechanical broom and dust removed or blown off by compressed
air. A priming coat, wherever needed, followed by a layer of tack coat
shall be applied on the base before receiving the bituminous layer. A
properly calibrated Bitumen Distributor Tanker having sprayer with
self heating arrangement should be used for laying tack coat / prime
coat. If required, the Employers Representative may ask for test trials
to ensure proper calibration of Bitumen Distributor Tankers in order
to arrive at the correct speed of vehicles, spraying temperatures etc.
• The Employers Representative must inspect Contractor’s Hot Mix
Plant, Bitumen Distributor Tanker / Sprayer, Tipper Trucks, Paver
Finisher, Rollers and other tools and plants to be employed for
bituminous work and satisfy himself with the capacity of the plants
and arrangements made for mixing, laying and rolling of bituminous
courses. The Employers Representative should receive the Job mix
formula for BM/DBM/AC at least 20 days before the start of the
work and must satisfy himself that the job mix formula is based on a
correct and truly representative sample of the materials that will be
actually used in the works.
• For bituminous construction, the temperature of binder at the time of
mixing shall be in the range of 1500C – 1630C and that of the
aggregate shall be in the range of 1550C-1630C. The difference in
temperature between the binder and the aggregate in no time shall
exceed 140C.
• For bituminous construction, mixing of aggregate and binder should
be thorough to ensure that a homogeneous mixture is obtained in
which all particles of the aggregate are coated


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Items Remarks
thoroughly and uniformly, and the discharge temperature of the mix
should be in the range of 1300C-1600C. The mix should be visually
inspected at the plant after delivery and transported to site by covered
tipper trucks.
• For bituminous construction, the temperature of the mix at the time
of laying shall be in the range of 1200C-1600C and the temperature
should be continuously monitored using a digital thermocouple based
thermometer. Mixes with a temperature of less than 1200C shall not
to be put for laying under any circumstances. While laying with Paver
Finishers, the longitudinal joints and edges shall be constructed true
to the delineating lines parallel to the centerline of the road.
Longitudinal and transverse joints should be delineated at least by
250 mm from those in the lower courses and the joint in the topmost
layer should not be allowed to fall within the wheel path.
• For bituminous construction, after spreading the mix by Paver, the
mix should be thoroughly compacted by rolling with a set of rollers
moving at a speed not more than 5 Km/hour immediately following
the Paver. For BM/ DBM / AC, the initial rolling shall be done with
8-10 T Static Weight Smooth Wheeled Roller, intermediate rolling
shall be done with 8-10 T Static Weight Vibratory Roller or 15-25 T
Pneumatic Tyred Roller and the finish rolling shall be done with 6-8
T Smooth Wheeled Tandem Roller. For Mix Seal Surfacing layer,
rolling should be done with 8-10T Smooth Wheeled Tandem Roller.
The exact pattern of rolling for all types of surfaces should be
established only after a trial compaction run. The rolling should be
completed in all respects before the temperature of the mix falls
below 1000C. The roller should not be permitted to stand on
pavement which has not been fully compacted or where the
temperature of pavement is still more than 700C.
• Traffic on bituminous layer may only be allowed after completion
of the final rolling when the mix cools down to surrounding


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix B - 6: Inspection Checklist for Pipeline Works

Item Remarks
• The Employers Representative must ensure that pipe bedding has been
prepared in the proper shape as shown in the drawing and properly
compacted. Especially for laying of pipes larger than 1200 mm
diameter, in earth and moorum foundation, the curvature of the bottom
of the trench should match the curvature of the pipe as far as possible,
subtending an angle of 120 degrees at the center of the pipe.
• Wherever a socket or collar of pipe or fitting/ special will occur a grip
should be cut at the bottom of the trench or concrete bed to a depth of
at least 75 mm below the bed of the pipe. When welding is to be
carried out with the pipes and the specials in the trench, additional
excavation of not more than 60 cm in depth and 90 cm in length should
be made at joints in order to facilitate welding.
• The trench should be kept clean and dry before lowering the pipes in
the trench. If subsoil water is met with during excavation contractor
would provide necessary equipment and laborers for dewatering the
• Over excavation in regard to depth and top width of trench shouldnot
be allowed in any case. If the depth of trench is over excavated than
required, contractor at his own cost will refill with gravel up to the
required depth and properly compact it. Additional width, if required,
would be provided only in the top portion of the ground level up to
300 mm above the crown of the pipe. If any extra width is provided in
the area below this portion, the contractor shall have to provide lime
concrete or rubble masonry or otherwise to the discretion of Employers
• The pipes should be thoroughly investigated for any defects before
lowering in the trench. The socket or spigot end of pipes should never
be allowed to be chipped and any deviation in the dimension of the
pipe should be reported by the contractor. The pipes should be
lowered in the trench with belt slings and special care should be taken
so that no metal bear against the pipe and the bearing is uniform.
• During jointing of pipe special care should be taken so that spigot and
socket of adjoining pipes fit snugly into each other. For RCC pressure
pipes, the dimension of the splayed rubber ring sitting onthe groove
and the clear distance available at the joint location should be checked
with a gauge to ensure proper jointing of pipe.
• For water distribution network projects, water pipes, fittings and
connections must be carefully inspected during placement and verified

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

as to compliance with the plans and specifications.

• Connection to existing water supply mains must be scheduled under
provision of the specifications and the field engineer must actively
participate in the arrangements and in insuring that the contractor
performs the work as scheduled.
• Testing of water system must be carried out in the presence of the field
engineer and the entire testing procedure must be carefully checked
including performing leakage testing which must meet standards as
included in the specification.
• The alignment and grade of all pipe, especially the gravity flow sewer
pipes should be thoroughly checked by the Employers Representative
The Employers Representative must ensure that the pipes have been laid
as per the design gradient and should also ensure that the minimum
gradient has been achieved in all sections of sewer line.
• The trenches may be back filled after pipe laying is completed, but the
joints must be kept open. During back filling special care should be taken
to ensure that earth lying below the pipe gets properly compacted by use
of special hand tools fabricated with angled iron. The pipe main should
be constructed with the earth cover as specified in the profile drawings.
However, the earth cover should not be less than 1.0 m from the top of
the pipe except at the locations
• of drainage and pipe crossings.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix B - 7: Checklist for approval of Vendor/ QAP/ DATA sheet

Item Remarks

Following is the sequence for finalization of material/ equipment to be

use at Project and its procurement.

1. Finalization of Vendor (Manufacturer) for material to be procured

by Contractor.
2. Submission of credential of vendor including required QAP/date
sheet/drawing of material for vendor approval to DSC through PIU.
3. Credential / QAP / date sheet / drawing as submitted by Contractor
to be review by DSC and recommend for approval to PIU.
4. Approval of vendor/ QAP / date sheet / drawing to be issue by PIU.
5. Contractor will request for Excise Exemption certificate to PIU and
on request of Contractor PIU prepare draft Excise Exemption
certificate and will submit to PMU for further action.
6. On approval of document Contractor will request to vendor for
manufacturing of material for approved quantity by PIU /DSC.
7. After manufacturing of material Contractor will request for Third
Party Inspection to PIU/DSC.
8. PIU will request to Third party inspection agency for inspection of
material at factory.
9. After approval of material by Third Party inspection agency
Contractor can procure material for approve quantity.
10. On receipt of material at site Contractor representative will enter
material detail in stock register and same will certified by
The following inspection and test categories shall be applied prior to
delivery of the equipment, of various categories as indicated in the
technical specifications for each type of the equipment:
• Category A: -The drawing has to be approved by the Employer’s
Representative before manufacture and testing. The
equipment/material has to be inspected by the Employer’s
Representative or a third party inspecting agency approved by the
Employer’s Representative at the manufacturer’s premise before
packing and dispatching. The contractor shall provide the necessary
equipment and facilities for tests and the cost thereof shall be borne
by the Contractor.
• Category B: - The drawings of the equipment have to be submitted

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Item Remarks
and approved by the Employer’s Representative prior tomanufacture.
The equipment/material has to be tested by the
manufacturer/contractor and the manufacturer’s test certificates are
to be submitted and approved by the Employer’s Representative
before dispatching of the equipment. Notwithstanding the above, the
Employer’s Representative, after examination of the test certificates,
reserves the right to instruct the Contractor for retesting, if required,
in the presence of the Employer’s Representatives and Contractor’s
• Category C: - Samples of the materials and/or equipment shall be
submitted to the Employer’s Representative for pre-construction
review and approval. Following approval by the Employer’s
Representative, the material may be manufactured as per the approved
standards and delivered to the Site.
For material/equipment under Category “A” and “B”, the Employer’s
Representative will provide an authorization for packing and shipping after
The testing and approval for dispatching shall not absolve the Contractor
from his obligations for satisfactory performance of the plant.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix C

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


Format Document Type Responsibility

F-1 Request for Design Approval (for DBO/Turnkey Contracts) Issued by Contractor
Request for Internal Design Check , Review and
F-2 Issued by PIU/DSC
F-3 Internal Design Check/Review and Recommendation Note Issued by DSC/ PIU
F-4 Design Transmittal Note (for DBO/Turnkey- Contracts) Issued by PIU.
F-5 Design/Drawing Register (for DBO/Turnkey Contracts) Maintained by Contractor
Approved Design Release Note (for All Item Rate
F-6 Issued by PIU
F-7 Design/Drawing Register (for Item Rate Contracts) Maintained by Contractor
F-8 Request for Internal Design Approval Issued by Contractor)
F-9 Internal Design Transmittal Note Issued by DSC/PIU
F-9 (a) Design Approval Note Issued by DSC/PIU
F-10 Conformance/Non-Conformance Report Issued by DSC/PIU
F-11 Test Report Log Maintained by Contractor
F-12 Material Register Maintained by Contractor
F-13 Daily Work Record/Site Order Book Maintained by Contractor
F-14 Variation Order Issued by PIU
F-15 Instruction Log Maintained by Contractor
F-16 Minutes of Progress Review Meeting Prepared by PIU/DSC
F-17 Interim Evaluation of Contractor Performance Prepared by PIU
F-18 Quality Certification and Acceptance Issued by PIU/DSC
F-19 Request For Inspection (RFI) Raised By Contractor before 24 hrs
Submitted by Contractor for
F-20 Material Approval Sheet ( MAS)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 1: Request for Design Approval (RDA)-

Ref: RDA\_ Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

We are herewith enclosing the following designs/drawings for your review and approval.

Design/Drawing No. Rev Date Description

T he i mage part w it h r el at i ons hi p I D r I d43 w as not f ou n d i n t he fi l e.


Ref No.: RDA\ Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of work :

Received the above referred RDA along with enclosures.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 2: Request for Internal Design Check/Review & Recommendations (RIDCRR)

Ref: Date:

Team Leader

Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

Please review the enclosed designs/drawings and communicate your comments.

Design/Drawing No. Rev Date Description

(as applicable)
Copy to PMU for information

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development

Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan

Format F - 3: Internal Design Check /Review and Recommendation Note (IDCRRN)

Ref: Date:

[PMU ]

Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

Please find enclosed our comments and recommendations on the following designs/drawings after

Design/Drawing No. Rev Date Description Comments and


It is certified that the document has been checked reviewed and is recommended for its approval /

[PIU / DSC ]

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 4: Design Transmittal Note (DTN)

Ref: RDA\_ DTN\ Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

Your RDA No.: ; Date:

Following are our comments on the designs and drawings submitted by you under above referred

Design/Drawing No. Rev Date Description Comments

Not Approved, refer
drawing for comments
Approved as Noted

T he i mage part w it h r el at i ons hi p I D r I d44 w as not f ou n d i n t he fi l e.


Ref No.: DTN\ Date:

To [PIU]

Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of work :

Received the above referred DTN along with enclosures.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program

(UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan 4148-IND)

DBO / Turnkey Contracts

Format F - 5: Design/Drawing Register

Package No. : ; Title of Work:

Contract No. : ;

Contractor : ; Date to Complete:

Date Started:

RDA Date Date Design Rev. Description DTN Date Date Commen Used Inspecting
No. Sent Rece- No. No. Sent Recei- ts for Authority
ived ved Constn. Sign.
(Yes /


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 6: Approved Design Release Note (ADRN)

Ref: ADRN\ Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

Following are the approved drawings for commencing the construction. Please bring to our notice if
any changes are required to be incorporated additionally.

Design/Drawing No. Rev Date Description

T he i mage part w it h r el at i ons hi p I D r I d45 w as not f ou n d i n t he fi l e.


Ref No.: ADRN\ Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of work :

Received the above referred ADRN along with enclosures.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program

(UIRUDP)(Asian Development Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Item Rate Contracts

Format F - 7: Design/Drawing Register

Package No. : ; Title of Work:

Contract No. : ;

Contractor : ; Date to Complete:

Date Started:

ADRN Date Date Drawi- Rev. Description All Used for Consultant Inspecting
No. Sent Rece- ng No. Drawings Constn. Sign. Authority
ived Signed (Yes / Sign.
(Yes/No) No)


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 8: Request for Internal Design Approval (RIDA)

Ref: Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

Please check/review and recommend on the enclosed modified designs/drawings and communicate
your approval & signatures.

Design/Drawing No. Rev Date Description


Certified that the designs/drawings have been reviewed and comments have been incorporated by
Contractor if any, and signed.

Certified that the designs/drawings have been checked, reviewed and recommended for its approval
and signed.


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 9: Internal Design Transmittal Note (IDTN)

Ref: Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

Following are our comments on the enclosed designs/drawings submitted by you.

Design / Rev. Date Description Comments

Drawing No.
Not Approved ,
Refer drawing
for comments

Approved as



UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 9a: Design Approval Note


The enclosed designs/drawings are hereby approved.

Sr. No Details of Designs/Drawings


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development

Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan

Format F - 10: Conformance\Non-Conformance Report (CNC)

Ref: Date:


Package No. : ; Contract No.:

Title of Work :

Based on the review of the submitted test reports, as mentioned in the table below, our comments and
instructions are mentioned herein for your suitable action.

Test Report Date Test Laboratory Material Comments

No. (Conforms/ Does not
conform. See
instructions below)

Instructions (Actions to be taken by Contractor):


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program

(UIRUDP) (AsianDevelopment Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 11: Test Report Log

Contract Package No. : ; Title of Work:

Contract No. : _; Contractor:

Date of Lab Material Test Date CNC Date C/ Action to be Consultant Inspecting
Sample Name / Process Report of TR Report NC Taken by Sign Authority
No. No. Contractor Sign

Note: C – Conformance; NC - Non-Conformance


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program

(UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 12: Material Register

Contract Package No. : ; Title of Work:

Contract No. : _; Contractor:

Name of Material : ; Unit of Measurement: MT/Bags/Drums/M3/M2

Source Test CNC Date
Inward Inward of Quantity Report Report of Quantity PIU(P Cont.
Date No. Supply No. no. issue issued MU)

Signature of Contractor Verified by PIU/DSC

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program (UIRUDP)

(ADB Loan No.:4148-IND)

Format F-13 Daily Work Record/Site Order Book


From To


Supervisory: Skilled Labor: Labor (M): Labor (F) : Total:




Sample Date Test Report No. Quality



...continued page 2

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Format F-13
Page 2



Overall Progress of the Work : Ahead of schedule : On schedule : Behind schedule:

Sufficient Labor on Site : Yes : No
Sufficient Equipment on Site : Yes : No
Overall Quality of Materials : Good : Satisfactory : Unsatisfactory:
Overall Quality of Workmanship : Good : Satisfactory : Unsatisfactory:



[Contractor] [QA/Field Engineer] [Visiting Office (PMU/DSC/PIU]

(3 copies per set – one copy each to be sent to PIU / DSC by the contractor; one copyto be retained at

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 14: Variation Order

Ref : VO Date :
Package No. : Contract No. :
Title of Work:
From [PIU]
To [Contractor]

You are hereby instructed to make the following changes in the Contract:

Description of Change

Estimated Cost of Change

Item of Work Quantity Unit Cost Estimated Cost Change in Cost

Summary of cumulative changes including this one:

• Original contract price Rs.

• Net of cumulative changes prior to this change Rs.
• Net change in this order Rs.

Final contract price net of all changes so far Rs.

Original months
Time for Completion :
Prior to this change months

Change in this order months

Final time for completion months



UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program

(UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 15: Instruction Log

Contract Package No. : ; Title of Work:

Contract No. : _; Contractor:

Mode of Transmittal Inspectin

Date of Compliance Consultant
Action by g
Instruction Instruction issued Sign Authority
Charge Site Contractor
Order Instruction Latter Minutes Sign.

Signature of Contractor


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development

Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan

Format F - 16: Review Meetings

Meeting Conducted on: Previous Meeting on:

Contract No. :
Name of the Works :
Contract Amount :
Name of Contractor :

Notice to Proceed :
Contract Duration :
Completion Date :

Elapsed Time: mos. %

Scheduled Work Completion: % Actual Work Completed: %

Compliance with commitments made during last review meeting

Sr. Commitments by Contractor / PIU Whether If Not, Why &

No During Last Review Meeting Complied When Will Be

Sheet 1 of 3
UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Meeting Conducted on:

Contract No. :
Name of the Works :

Review of Progress, Quality and Coordination during this Period

Sr. Problems, Issues, Actions to be Taken Action By Due Date


Sheet 2 of 3

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Meeting Conducted on:

Contract No. :

Name of the Works :

Any Other Business / General Comments:

[Affix Dated Signatures]

[Contractor] [DSC] (PIU)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development

Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan

Format F - 17: Interim Evaluation of Contractor Performance

Evaluation Conducted on : ; Previous Evaluation:

Contract No. :
Name of the Works :
Contract Amount :
Name of Contractor :
Notice to Proceed : ; Work Started on:
Scheduled Completion Date :
Elapsed Time: mos. %; Work Completed: %

Factors to be considered in Evaluation : Contractor's Performance this Period

Good Satisfactory Poor

Progress of the Works this Period :

Compliance with Engineers instructions :
Quality of Contractor's supervision :
Quality of materials supplied :
Storage and handling of materials :
Quality of workmanship :
Provision of adequate and skilled labor :
Provision of adequate materials in time :
Provision of adequate construction equipment :
Provision of necessary testing equipment :
Provision of signboard : Site
conditions/maintenance of site : Site
safety and public convenience :
Cooperation for inspection and measurement :

Contractor’s Performance this Period :

The performance of the Contractor at the date of this review has IMPROVED/ REMAINED THE
SAME/ DETERIORATED [delete non-applicable sections] since the last evaluation. The above
notwithstanding, the overall performance of the Contractor is judged to be GOOD/
SATISFACTORY/ POOR [delete non-applicable sections] up to this date.

It is hereby agreed that improvements in any deficient areas indicated above and/or as detailed on the
attached list are to be immediately taken up by the Contractor, and that the Contractor’s performance
is to be brought up to an acceptable standard by [date]. A further review of the
Contractors performance will be conducted on [date], and actions will be taken as
per contract in case the deficiencies have not been satisfactorily rectified.
[Affix dated signatures]

Contractor [DSC] [PIU]

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 18: Particulars of Contract

Name of Works :

Contract No. :

Contractor :

R.A. Bill No./Date :

Period Covered : ; to:


This is to certify that we have inspected the conduct of the works in accordance with the established
Quality Control procedures and that the items included in this Interim Payment Certificate satisfy the
required quality of works and are acceptable with regard to the specifications and standards as
prescribed under the Contract.


[ DSC]


This is to certify we accept the Consultant's Quality Certificate.



Note: This Quality Certificate and Acceptance Note shall be completed and attached to each
Interim Payment Certificate before payment is made.

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban Development Program

(UIRUDP) (Asian Development Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 19: Request for Inspection (RFI)

Date and Time Required for Inspection :

Requested By : Inspected by :

On Behalf of : On Behalf of : PIU/DSC

Position : Position :

Proposed Date : Date & Time Inspected :

& Start Time for : Area / Work inspected :

Carrying out the
requested Activity
Area/ Work for

Signature of
Contractor :
Signature of
Conformation / Non Conformation of work inspected by Consultant / Client / Inspection authority
The above work was inspected as Requested and found to be Conformance / Non conformance to
requirements and hence :-
1. Approved ( tick in the block)
2. Not Approved / because
3. Rejected because
4. Carry out the following corrective action &
resubmit for re inspection and approval
Date : Signature of inspection authority

Corrective Action status report by Contractor’s site representative

The above mentioned corrective action has been carried out as per requirements and the following work is
ready for re inspection and approval
Area of work :-

Date : Time : Signature of Contractor

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Review and disposition of non conformations by Consultant / Client / Inspection authority

The corrective action carried out by Contractor was verified and found to be in conformance to
requirements and hence the work requested for inspection is approved.

Date : Time : Signature of inspection authority

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Uttarakhand Integrated & Resilient Urban

Development Program (UIRUDP) (Asian Development
Bank Loan 4148-IND)

Format F - 20: Material Approval Sheet (MAS)

FAO: …………………………………………….. Ref. No.: …………

Client: …UIRUDP………………………………. Date: ……………..
Submitted by………………………………………

Material Description

Spec. Ref.

BOQ Ref.
Drawing Ref.

Manufacturer Specified:


Supplier Specified:


Std ref. no. Specified:


Shape/Size/Duty Specified:


Additional Data


Reply/Remarks Approved A

Not Approved B

Signature: Date:
Revise and Resubmit C

Approved as Noted D

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix D


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix D – Monthly Progress Format

[Document subtitle]

[Company address]

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Contractor logo Client logo

Name of work:-----------

Insert site image

Progress Report for the Month of ……….

Prepared By Checked By Approved By Date

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

S. No. Description Page No.
1 Project Description
2 Project Progress
2.1 Engineering
2.2 Procurement
2.3 Construction
2.4 Overall Progress
3 Manpower & Material Status
4 Monthly HSE Report
5 Site Photographs
6 Any Issue pending, required
attention/direction from the client

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


1.1. Overview of Project

Project Name:

Contract Package No:

Type of Contract:

Contract Start Date:

Contractual Completion Date:

Contractual Duration:

Contract Value (Including O&M):

Funding Agency: ADB



Work Contract Value: Rs…………………

Physical progress:

Financial progress:

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


2.1.1 Activities performed in the current month…….

2.1.2 Activities planned for the next month ……….

2.1.3 Engineering Progress Curve (planned v/s actual)

(Insert Graph)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


2.2.1 Activities performed in the current month ………..

2.2.2 Activities planned for the next month ………..

2.2.3 Procurement progress curve (planned v/s actual)

(Insert Graph)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

2.3 Construction Progress

2.3.1 Civil Works:
Activities performed in the current month ……….
Activities planned for the next month ………

2.3.2 Mechanical Works:

Activities performed in the current month ……….
Activities planned for the next month ………

2.3.3 Electrical & Instrumentation Works:

Activities performed in the current month ……….
Activities planned for the next month ………

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

2.4.1 Overall Physical Progress Summary:

S.No. Activity Upto Prev. Period% This Period % Cumulative to Date % Rema
Plan Actual Varria. Plan Actual Varria. Plan Actual Varria.
(Baseline) (Baseline) (Baseline)
Design &
A 100% 100% 100%
B Ordering 100% 100% 100%
C 100% 100% 100%
& Supply
Construction 100% 100% 100%
D.1. Civil
100% 100% 100%
Mechanical 100% 100% 100%
D.3. Electrical
100% 100% 100%
E 100% 100% 100%
F As-Built 100% 100% 100%
Overall Project

2.4.3 Overall Physical Progress Curve:

(Insert Graph)

2.4.3. Overall Financial Progress

(Insert Graph)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022



UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Man Power
S. No. Description Required (Nos) Available (Nos)
1. Engineer
2. Supervisor
3. Surveyors
4. Safety Officer
Sub Total
1. Masons
2. Carpenter/Fitter
3. Unskilled Worker
4. Security
5. Drivers/Operators
Sub Total
Grand Total

Construction Materials
S. No. Description Required Available
1. Steel
2. Cement
3. Aggregate
4. Sand

Construction Equipment
S. No. Description Required Available
1. Excavator
2. Levelling Instrument
3. Dumper
4. Hydra
5. Welding equipment & machinery
6. Vibrator
7. Tractor & Trolley
8. Water Tanker

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


(Attach separate report)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

(Attach Site Photographs)

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

6. Any Issue pending, required

attention/direction from the client

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Appendix E


UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


Appendix E. 1: List of Indian Standard Specification Codes

The procurement of civil works, materials and testing has to conform to relevant Indian Standard
Specification code. The following list contains most of the relevant I.S. codes for types of civil works,
materials and testing to be implemented under the UIRUDP. Although, the list is exhaustive, but still
many of the codes may not be included in it and these have to be identified at the time of preparation
of the bid documents and during execution. The latest version of the code should be used. It will be the
primary duty of DSC and PIU to identify the relevant IS code for the nature of works, material or
testing. If, for any nature of work, there is no IS code then PIU/DSC will decide the appropriate BIS
code or international code to which the procurement should conform.

Code Description of IS Code

Quality Control on Works and Materials
IS 1702: 1967 Specification for spring Balances.
IS 1707: 1979 Specification for wood wool for general packaging purposes.
IS 1717: 1985 Method for simple torsion test for wise.
Dismantling and Demolition
IS:1200-1974 Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works.
(Part : XVIII) Demolition and Dismantling (Reaffirmed 1992) (3rd Revision).
IS:4130-1991 Demolition of Buildings - Code of Safety (2nd Revision).
Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage
IS: 783 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes.
IS: 1200 Method of Measurement of Building Works (Part I)
IS: 3764 Safety code for excavation work.
IS: 3385 Code of practice for measurement of Civil Engineering Works.
IS: 2720 Method of test of soils (All parts)
Methods of Test for Soils - Part 1 : Preparation of Dry Soil Samples for
IS 2720 : Part 1 : 1983
Various Tests
IS 2720 : Part 2 : 1973 Methods of test for soils: Part 2 Determination of water content
IS 2720 : Part 3 : Sec 1 : Methods of test for soils: Part 3 Determination of specific gravity
1980 Section 1 fine grained soils
IS 2720 : Part III : Sec 2 Test for Soils - Part III : Determination of Specific Gravity - Section 2 :
: 1980 Fine, Medium and Coarse Grained Soils
IS 2720 : Part 4 : 1985 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 4 : Grain Size Analysis

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Code Description of IS Code

IS 2720 : Part 5 : 1985 Method of Test for Soils - Part 5 : Determination of Liquid and Plastic
IS 2720 : Part 6 : 1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 6 Determination of shrinkage factors
IS 2720 : Part VII : 1980 Methods of Test for Soils - Part VII : Determination of Water Content-
Dry Density Relation Using Light Compaction
IS 2720 : Part 8 : 1983 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 8 : Determination of Water Content-
Dry Density Relation Using Heavy Compaction
IS 2720 : Part 9 : 1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 9 Determination of dry density- moisture
content relation by constant weight of soil method
IS 2720 : Part 10 : 1991 Methods of test for soils: Part 10 Determination of unconfined compressive
IS 2720 : Part 11 : 1993 Methods of test for soils: Part 11 Determination of the Shear Strength
Parameters of a specimen tested in consolidated, in drained tri axial
compression without the measurement of pore water pressure
IS 2720 : Part 12 : 1981 Methods of test for soils: Part 12 Determination of shear strength
parameters of soil from consolidated un drained tri axial compression
test with measurement of pore water pressure
IS 2720 : Part 13 : 1986 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 13 : Direct Shear Test
IS 2720 : Part 14 : 1983 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 14 : Determination of Density Index
(Relative Density) of Cohesion less Soils
IS 2720 : Part XV : 1965 Methods of Test for Soils - Part XV : Determination of Consolidation
IS 2720 : Part 16 : 1987 Methods of Test for Soil - Part 16 : Laboratory Determination of CBR
IS 2720 : Part 17 : 1986 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 17 : Laboratory Determination of
IS 2720 : Part 18 : 1992 Methods of test for Soils - Part 18 : Determination of Field Moisture
IS 2720 : Part 19 : 1992 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 19 : Determination of Centrifuge
Moisture Equivalent
IS 2720 : Part 20 : 1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 20 Determination of linear shrinkage
IS 2720 : Part 21 : 1977 Methods of Test for Soils - Part XXI : Determination of Total Soluble
IS 2720 : Part 22 : 1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 22 Determination of organic matter

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Code Description of IS Code

IS 2720 : Part 23 : 1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 23 Determination of calcium carbonate
IS 2720 : Part XXIV : Methods of Test for Soils - Part XXIV : Determination of Cation
1976 Exchange Capacity
IS 2720 : Part 25 : 1982 Methods of test for soils: Part 25 Determination silica sesquioxide ratio
IS 2720 : Part 26 : 1987 Method of Test for Soils - Part 26 : Determination of pH Value
IS 2720 : Part 27 : 1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 27 Determination of total soluble sulphates
IS 2720 : Part 28 : 1974 Methods of test for soils: Part 28 Determination of dry density of soils
in place, by the sand replacement method
IS 2720 : Part XXIX : Methods of Test for Soils - Part XXIX : Determination of Dry Density
1975 of Soils In-place by the Core-cutter Method
IS 2720 : Part 30 : 1980 Methods of test for soils: Part 30 Laboratory vane shear test
IS 2720 : Part 31 : 1990 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 31 : Field Determination of California
Bearing Ratio
IS 2720 : Part 32 : 1970 North dakota cone test
IS 2720 : Part 33 : 1971 Methods of test for soils: Part 33 Determination of the density in place
by the ring and water replacement method
IS 2720 : Part XXXIV : Methods of Test for Soils - Part XXXIV : Determination of Density of
1972 Soil In-place by Rubber-balloon Method
IS 2720 : Part 35 : 1974 Methods of test for soils: Part 35 Measurement of negative pore water
IS 2720 : Part 36 : 1987 Methods of test for soils: Part 36 Laboratory determination of
permeability of granular soils (constant head)
IS 2720 : Part 37 : 1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 37 Determination of sand equivalent
values of soils and fine aggregates
IS 2720 : Part 38 : 1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 38 Compaction control test (hilf method)
IS 2720 : Part XXXIX : Methods of Test for Soils - Part XXXIX : Direct Shear Test for Soils
Sec 1 : 1977 Containing Gravel - Section I : Laboratory Test
IS 2720 : Part XXXIX : Methods of Test for Soils - Part XXXIX : Direct Shear Test for Soils
Sec 2 : 1979 Containing Gravel - Section 2 : In-Situ Shear Test
IS 2720 : Part XL : 1977 Methods of Test for Soils - Part XL : Determination of Free Swell
Index of Soils
IS 2720 : Part XLI : Methods of Test for Soils - Part XLI : Measurement of Swelling
1977 Pressure of Soils

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Code Description of IS Code

IS: 1498 Classification and identification of soils for General Engineering purposes
IS: 2809 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to Soil Engineering
Surface and Sub-Surface Geotechnical Exploration
IS:1892: 1979 Subsurface Investigation for foundations.
IS: 4453: 1980 Code of practice for sub surface exploration by pits tranches, drifts and
Exploration For Bridge Foundations Resting On Rock
IS:7292: 1974 Code of practice for in-situ determination of rock properties by flat jack.
IS:7317: 1993 Code of practice for Univrial Jacking test for modulus of Deformation
of rock.
IS:7746: 1991 In-situ shear test on rock- code of practice.
IS 5878 : Part 5 : 1976 Code of practice for construction of tunnels conveying water: Part
5 Concrete lining
Tests For Exploration Of Shallow Foundations Of Bridges & soils
IS:1888: 1982 Method of load test on soils
IS:2131: 1981 Method for standard protection test for soils
IS:4434: 1978 Code of practice for In-situ vane shear test for soils.
IS:4968: 1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils.(Part I,II,III)
Testing Of Material For Guide Bund And High Embankment And Its Foundations
IS:2132 Code of practice for Thin-walled Tube sampling of soils.
Testing others
IS 6441 : Part 1 : 1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part I
Determination of unit weight or bulk density and moisture
IS 6441 : Part II : 1972 Methods of Test for Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Products - Part
II : Determination of Drying Shrinkage
IS 6441 : Part IV : Methods of Test for Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Products - Part
1972 IV : Corrosion Protection of Steel Reinforcement in Autoclave
Cellular Concrete
IS 6441 : Part V : Methods of Test for Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Products - Part
1972 V : Determination of Compressive Strength
IS 6441 : Part 6 : 1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part VI
Strength, deformation and cracking of flexural members subjects

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Code Description of IS Code

to bending, short duration loading test
IS 6441 : Part 7 : 1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part
VII Strength, deformation and cracking of flexural members
subject to bending sustained loading test
IS 6441 : Part VIII : Methods of Tests for Autoclave Cellular Concrete Products - Part
1973 VIII : Loading Tests for Flexural Members in Diagonal Tension
IS 6441 : Part 9 : 1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part IX
Jointing of autoclaved cellular concrete elements
IS 10079 : 1982 Specification for cylindrical metal measures for use in tests of
aggregates and concrete
IS 10086 : 1982 Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete
IS 14591 : 1999 Temperature Control of Mass Concrete for Dams – Guideline
IS 14687 : 1999 False work for Concrete Structures – Guidelines
IS 14750 : 2000 Code of Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Observation of
Seepage Measuring Devices for Concrete/Masonry and Earth /
Rock fill Dams
IS 14858 : 2000 Compression Testing Machine Used for Testing of Concrete and
Mortar – Requirements
IS 14959 : Part 1 : Determination of Water Soluble and Acid Soluble Chlorides in
2001 Mortar and Concrete - Method of Test : Part 1 Fresh Mortar and
IS 14959 : Part 2 : Determination of Water Soluble and Acid Soluble Chlorides in
2001 Mortar and Concrete - Method of Test - Part 2 : Hardened Mortar
and Concrete
IS 15058 : 2002 PVC Water-Stops at Transverse Contraction Joints for Use in
Masonry and Concrete Dams – Specification
ISO: 1167 Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of fluids - Resistance to
internal pressure - Test method and basic specification
ISO 3451-5 Determination of Ash: Part-5 - Poly vinyl chloride
BS: 4772 Specification for DI fittings
IS: 779 Water meters
IS 460 : Part 1 : 1985 Specification for test sieves: Part I Wire cloth test sieves
IS 460 : Part 2 : 1985 Specification for test sieves: Part II Perforated plate test sieves

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022

Code Description of IS Code

IS 460 : Part 3 : 1985 Specification for test sieves: Part III Methods of examination of
apertures of test sieves
IS 13030 : 1991 Method of test for laboratory determination of water content, porosity,
density and related properties of rock material
IS 2270 : 1965 Method for assaying of platinum and platinum alloys
IS 6935 : 1973 Method for determination of water level in a bore hole
IS 1514 : 1990 Methods of sampling and test for quick lime and hydrated lime
IS:269 Ordinary Portland Cement, 33 Grade
IS:8041 Rapid Hardening Portland Cement
IS:8112 Ordinary Portland Cement, 43 Grade
IS:12269 Ordinary Portland Cement, 53 Grade
IS:12269 Sulphate Resistant Portland Cement
IS:12330 Sulphate resisting Portland cement
IS 9459 : 1980 Specification for apparatus for use in measurement of length
change of hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete
IS 6909 Super sulphated cement
IS 12600 Low heat Portland Cement Electrical
IS:712-1984 Specification for Building Line
Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
IS:383 :1970
IS 2541 : 1991 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete
IS 2686 : 1977 Specification for Cinder as Fine Aggregates for use in Lime
IS 3068 : 1986 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggregates for
use in lime concrete
IS 5817 : 1992 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime-pozzolana
mixture concrete in buildings and roads
IS 7873 : 1975 Code of practice for lime concrete lining for canals
IS 6932 : Part 1 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Part 1 Determination of insoluble
residue, loss on ignition, insoluble matter, silicone dioxide, ferric and
aluminum oxide, calcium oxide and magnesium oxide
IS 6932 : Part 2 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of carbon dioxide

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 6932 : Part 3 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of residue on slaking
of quicklime
IS 6932 : Part 4 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of fineness of hydrated
IS 6932 : Part 5 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of un hydrated oxide
IS 6932 : Part 6 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of volume yield of
IS 6932 : Part 7 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of compressive and
transverse strength
IS 6932 : Part 8 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of workability
IS 6932 : Part 9 : 1973 Method of test for building limes Determination of soundness
IS 6932 : Part 10 : 1973 Methods of Tests for Building Limes - Part X : Determination of
Popping and Pitting of Hydrated Lime
IS 6932 : Part 11 : 1983 Methods of Tests for Building Limes - Part 11 : Determination of
Insoluble Setting Time of Hydrated Lime
Sand and Fine Aggregates
IS:2116: 1980 Specification for sand for masonry mortars.
IS 2430 : 1986 Methods for Sampling of Aggregates for Concrete
IS 9142 : 1979 Specification for Artificial Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete
Masonry Units
IS: 1030: 1998 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes.
IS:1785 (Part I) Specification for Plain Hard-drawn Steel Wire for pre stressed
Concrete - Part I : Cold Drawn Stress-relieved Wire
IS:1785 (Part II) Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for pre stressed
concrete: Part 2 As drawn wire
IS:6003 Cold drawn indented wire
IS:2090 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in pre-stressed concrete
IS:6006: 1983 Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for pre stressed
IS:226 Structural Steel (Standard Quality)
IS:961 Structural Steel (High Tensile)

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:2062 Weldable Structural Steel
IS:8500 Weldable Structural Steel (medium & high strength qualities)
IS:1148 Hot rolled rivet bars (upto 40mm dia) for structural purposes
IS:1149 High tensile rivet bars for structural purposes
IS:1161 Steel tubes for structural purposes
IS:4923 Hollow Steel sections for structural use
IS:11587 Structural weather resistant steel
IS:808 Specifications for Rolled Steel Beam, Channel and Angle Sections
IS:1239 Mild Steel Tubes
IS:1730 Dimension for Steel Plate, sheet and strip for structural and general
engineering purposes
IS:1731 Dimension for Steel flats for structural and general engineering purposes
IS:1732 Dimension for round and square steel bars for structural and general
engineering purposes
IS:1852 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel products
IS 10790 : Part 1 : Methods of sampling of steel for pre stressed and reinforced
1984 concrete part 1 Pre stressing steel
IS 10790 : Part 2 : Methods of sampling of steel for pre stressed and reinforced
1984 concrete Part 2 Reinforcing steel
Concrete Admixtures
IS 9103 : 1999 Concrete Admixtures – Specification
IS 6925 : 1973 Methods of Test for Determination of Water Soluble Chlorides in
Concrete Admixtures
IS 5891 : 1970 Specification for hand-operated concrete mixer
IS 5892 : 2004 Concrete Transit Mixers – Specification
IS 6461 : Part 1 : 1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part I Concrete
IS 6461 : Part 2 : 1972 Glossary of Terms Relating to Cement Concrete - Part II :
Materials (Other than Cement and Aggregate)
IS 6461 : Part 3 : 1972 Glossary of Terms Relating to Cement Concrete - Part III :
Concrete Reinforcement
IS 6461 : Part 4 : 1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part IV Types of

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 6461 : Part 5 : 1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part V Formwork
for concrete
IS 6461 : Part 6 : 1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part VI
Equipment, tools and plant
IS 6461 : Part 7 : 1973 Glossary of Terms Relating to Cement Concrete - Part VII :
Mixing, Laying, Compaction, Curing and Other Construction
IS 6461 : Part 8 : 1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part VIII
Properties of concrete
IS 6461 : Part 9 : 1973 Glossary of terms relating of cement concrete: Part 9 Structural
IS 6461 : Part 10 : Glossary of Terms Relating to Cement Concrete - Part X : Tests
1973 and Testing Apparatus
IS 6461 : Part 11 : Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 11 Prestressed
1973 concrete
IS 6461 : Part 12 :
Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 12 Miscellaneous
IS 11386 : 1985 Glossary of terms relating to concrete mixers
Structural Steel
IS 226 Structural Steel (Standard Quality)
IS:800 Code Of Practice For Use Of Structural Steel In General Building
IS:814 Covered Electrodes For Metal Are Welding Of Structural Steel (Part I
& II).
IS:815 Classification And Coding Of Covered Electrodes For Metal Are
Welding Of Structural Steel.
IS:816 Code Of Practice For Use Of Metal Are Welding For General
Construction In Mild Steel.
IS:817 Code Of Practice For Training And Testing Of Metal Are Welders.
IS:822 Code Of Procedures For Inspection Of Welds.
IS:823 Code Of Procedure For Manual Metal Are Welding Of Mild Steel.
IS:1024 Code Of Practice For Use Of Welding In Bridges.
IS:1148 Hot Rolled Steel Rivet Bars (Upto 40 Mm Diameters) For Structural

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:1387 General Requirements For The Supply Of Metallurgical Material.
IS:1477 Part I, Code Of Practice For Painting Of Ferrous Metals In Buildings -
IS:1599 Method For Bend Test For Steel Products Other Than Sheets, Strip.,
Wire And Tube.
IS:1608 Method For Tensile Testing Of Steel Products.
IS:1731 Dimensions For Steel Flats For Structural And General Engineering
IS:1852 Rolling And Cutting Tolerances For Hot-Rolled Steel Products.
IS:1915 Code Of Practice For Steel Bridges.
IS:2101 Allowable Deviations For Dimensions Without Specified Tolerances.
IS:7318 Part I Fusion For Assembly Of Structural Joints Using High Tensile
Friction Grip Fasteners.
IS:7318 Part I Fusion Welding Of Steel.
IS 11384 : 1985 Code of Practice for Composite Construction in Structural Steel
and Concrete
IS:1030 Carbon Steel Castings For General Engineering Purposes
IS:1875 Carbon Steel Billets, Blooms, Slabs, Bars For Forgings
IS:2004 Carbon Steel Forgings For General Engineering Purposes
IS:2644 High Tensile Steel Castings
IS:4367 Alloy & Tool Steel Forgings For General Industrial Use
IS 12594 : 1988 Hot-dip Zinc Coating on Structural Steel Bars for Concrete
Reinforcement – Specification
Fasteners : Bolts, nuts, washers and rivets shall comply with following or relevant IS standards as
appropriate :
IS:1929 Hot Forges Steel Rivets For Hot Closing (12-36 Mm Dia)
IS:2155 Cold Forged Steel Rivets For Hot Closing (6-16 Mm Dia)
IS:1363 Hexagon Head Bolts, Screw And Nuts Product Grade C
IS:1364 Hexagon Head Bolts, Screw & Nuts Product Grade A & B
IS:1367 Technical Supply Conditions For Threaded Steel Fastener (Parts 1 To 18)
IS:3640 Hexagon Fit Bolts
IS:3757 High Tensile Friction Grip Bolts
IS:6623 High Strength Structural Nuts

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:6639 Hexagon Bolts For Steel Structure
IS:5624 Foundation Bolts
IS:7002 Prevailing Torque Type Steel Hexagon Lock Nuts
IS:5369 Plain Washers And Lock Washers - General Requirements
IS:5370 Plain Washers With Outside Dia = 3 X Inside Dia
IS:5372 Taper Washers For Channels (ISMC)
IS:5374 Taper Washers For I Beams (ISMB)
IS:6610 Heavy Washers For Steel Structures
Hardened And Tempered Washers For High Strength Structural Bolts And
IS:6649 Nuts
Welding consumable: Welding consumable shall comply with the following Indian Standards as
IS:814 (Part I) Covered Electrodes For Metal Arc Welding Of Structural (Part 1) Steel
For Welding Other Than Sheets.
IS:814 (Part II) For Welding Sheets
IS:1278 Filler Rods And Wires For Gas Welding
IS:1395 Low And Medium Alloy Steel Covered Electrodes For Manual Metal
Arc Welding
IS:3613 Acceptance Test For Wire Flux Combinations For Submerged Arc
Welding Of Structural Steel
IS:7280 Bare Wire Electrodes For Gas Shielded Arc Welding Of Structural Steel
IS:6419 Welding Rods And Bare Electrodes For Gas Shielded Arc Welding Of
Structural Steel
IS:6560 Molybdenum And Chromium-Molybdenum Low Alloy Steel Welding
Rods And Bare Electrodes For Gas Shielded Arc Welding
IS:8613: 1977 Stub milling arbors with morse taper and positive duve.
IS:1966: 1975 Methods for determination of bursting strength and building distention
of fabrics- Diaphragm method.
IS:1393: 1961 Code of practice for training and testing of any acetylene welders.
IS:7307 (part I): 1974 Approval tests for welding procedures Part I fusion welding of steel.
IS:7310 (Part I): 1974 Approval tests for welders working to approved welding procedures- Part I
IS 9417 : 1989 Recommendations for welding cold worked bars for reinforced
concrete construction
IS 812 : 1957 Glossary of terms relating to welding and cutting of metals

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:7205: 1974 Safety code for erection of structural steel work.
IS:7273: 1974 Method of testing fusion welded joints in aluminum and aluminum alloys.
IS:7293: 1974 Safety code for working with contraction machinery.
IS:7969: 1975 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials.
IS:1977: 1996 Low tensile structural steels- specifications.
IS:9595: 1996 Metal are welding of carbon manganese steels- Recommendations.
IS:887: 1977 Specification for Animal Tallow.
IS:2074: 1992 Ready mixed paint, Air drying, Red oxide Zinc chrome, Printing
Structural Concrete And Mortar
IS:269 Specification For Ordinary, Rapid-Hardening And Low Heat Portland
IS:455 Specification For Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement.
IS:1489 Specification For Portland-Pozzolana Cement.
IS:4031 Methods Of Physical Tests For Hydraulic Cement.
IS 4031 : Part 1 : 1996 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 1 Determination of
fineness by dry sieving
IS 4031 : Part 2 : 1999 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 2 Determination of
fineness by specific surface by Blaine air permeability method
IS 4031 : Part 3 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 3 Determination of
IS 4031 : Part 4 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 4 Determination of
consistency of standard cement paste
IS 4031 : Part 5 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 5 Determination of
initial and final setting times
IS 4031 : Part 6 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 6 Determination of
compressive strength of hydraulic cement (other than masonry cement)
IS 4031 : Part 7 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 7 Determination of
compressive strength of masonry cement
IS 4031 : Part 8 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 8 Determination of

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Code Description of IS Code

transverse and compressive strength of plastic mortar using prism
IS 4031 : Part 9 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 9 Determination of
heat of hydration
IS 4031 : Part 10 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 10 Determination
of drying shrinkage
IS 4031 : Part 11 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 11 Determination
of density
IS 4031 : Part 12 : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 12 Determination
of air content of hydraulic cement mortar
IS 4031 : Part 13 : 1988 Methods of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement - Part 13 :
Measurement of Water Retentively of Masonry Cement
IS 4031 : Part 14 : 1989 Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement Part 14 Determination of
false set
IS 4031 : Part 15 : 1991 Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement Part 15 Determination of
fineness by wet sieving
IS:650 Specification For Standard Sand For Testing Of Cement.
IS:383 Specification For Coarse And Fine Aggregates From Natural Sources
For Concrete.
IS:2386 Methods Of Test For Aggregates For Concrete. (Part I To VIII)
IS 2386 : Part I : 1963 Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part I : Particle Size and
IS 2386 : Part 2 : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete Part 2 Estimation of
deleterious materials and organic impurities
IS 2386 : Part 3 : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete Part 3 Specific gravity,
density, voids, absorption and bulking
IS 2386 : Part 4 : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete Part 4 Mechanical
IS 2386 : Part 5 : 1963 Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part V : Soundness
IS 2386 : Part 6 : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 6 Measuring mortar
making properties of fine aggregates
IS 2386 : Part 7 : 1963 Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part VII : Alkali
Aggregate Reactivity
IS 2386 : Part 8 : 1963 Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part VIII : Petrographic

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:516 Method Of Test For Strength Of Concrete.
IS:1199 Method Of Sampling And Analysis Of Concrete.
IS:3025 Method Of Sampling And Test (Physical And Chemical) Water Used
In Industry.
IS:432 Specification For Mild Steel And Medium Tensile Steel Bars And Hard
Drawn Steel Wire For Concrete Reinforcement. (Part I & II )
IS:1139 Specification For Hot Rolled Mild Steel And Medium Tensile Steel
Deformed Bar For Concrete Reinforcement.
IS:1566 Specification For Plain Hard Drawn Steel Wire Fabric For Concrete
(Part I) Reinforcement.
IS:1785 Specification For Plain Hard Drawn Steel Wire For Pre stressed
IS:1786 Specification For Cold Twisted Steel Bars For Concrete Reinforcement.
IS:2090 Specification For High Tensile Steel Bars Used In Pre stressed Concrete.

IS:4990 Specification For Plywood For Concrete Shuttering Work.

IS:2645 Specification For Integral Cement Water-Proofing Compounds.
BS4461 Cold Worked Steel Bars For The Reinforcement Of Concrete.
IS:4098 Lime Pozzolana Mixture (1st Revision) (Amendment 2)
IS 515 : 1959 Natural and manufactured aggregates for use in mass concrete
IS 785 : 1998 Reinforced Concrete Poles for Overhead Power and
Telecommunication Lines – Specification
IS 1678 : 1998 Specification for prestressed concrete poles for overhead power,
traction and telecommunication lines
IS 1834 : 1984 Specification for Hot Applied Sealing Compounds for Joints in
IS 2174 : 1962 Specification for reinforced concrete dust bins
IS 2770 : Part 1 : 1967 Methods of testing bond in reinforced concrete Part 1 Pull-out
IS 3085 : 1965 Method of Test for Permeability of Cement Mortar and Concrete
IS 3453 : 1966 Code of practice for construction of hexagonal type concrete-
cum-masonry bins for bulk storage of food grains

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 3812 : PART 1 : Pulverized Fuel Ash - Specification - Part 1 : For Use as
2003 Pozzolana in Cement, Cement Mortar and Concrete
IS 3812 : PART 2 : Pulverized Fuel Ash - Specification - Part 2 : For Use as
2003 Admixture in Cement Mortar and Concrete
IS 4350 : 1967 Specification for concrete porous pipes for under-drainage
IS 4634 : 1991 Methods for testing performance of batch-type concrete mixers
IS 4851 : 1987 Proforma for Estimating Unit Rate of Concrete Used in
Mechanized Construction of River Valley Projects
IS 4880 : Part 4 : 1971 Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water: Part 4
Structural design of concrete lining in rock
IS 4880 : Part V : Code of Practice for Design of Tunnels Conveying Water - Part V
1972 : Structural Design of Concrete Lining in Soft Strata and Soils
IS 5256 : 1992 Sealing Expansion Joints in Concrete Lining of Canals - Code of
IS 6598 : 1972 Cellular concrete for thermal insulation
IS 7436 : Part 2 : 1997 Guide for types of measurements for structures in river valley
projects and criteria for choice and location of measuring
instruments: Part 2 Concrete and masonry dams
IS 7563 : 1985 Code of practice for structural design of cut and cover concrete
IS 8142 : 1976 Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by
penetration resistance
IS 9013 : 1978 Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength
of accelerated cured concrete test specimens
IS 9284 : 1979 Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete
IS 11150 : 1993 Construction of concrete barrages - Code of practice
SP 23 : 1982 Handbook on Concrete Mixes
IS:1791 Specification For Batch Type Concrete Mixers.
IS:2438 Specification For Roller Pan Mixer.
IS:2505 Specification For Concrete Vibrators, Immersion Type.
IS:2506 Specification For Screen Board Concrete Vibrators.
IS:2514 Specification For Concrete Vibrating Tables.

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:3366 Specification For Pan Vibrators.
IS:4656 Specification For Form Vibrators For Concrete.
IS:2722 Specification For Portable Swing Weigh Batchers For Concrete (Single
And Double Bucket Type).
IS:2750 Specification For Steel Scaffoldings.
IS:2438 Roller Fan Mixer (Reaffirmed 1990)
IS 4925 : 2004 Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant – Specification
IS 4926 : 2003 Ready-Mixed Concrete - Code of Practice
IS 4969 : 1968 Method of Test for Determining Flexural Strength of Precast
Cement Concrete Slabs for Canal Lining
IS 5820 : 1970 Specification for precast concrete cable cover
IS 6276 : 1971 Specification for Flexible Shafts Used in
IS 6923 : 1973 Methods of test for performance of screed board concrete
IS 7995 : 1994 Pneumatic concrete breaker shanks – Dimensions
IS: 3624 Pressure and vacuum gauges
IS: 7328 High density polyethylene materials for molding and extrusion
IS: 4984 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable
water supplies; sewage and industrial effluents
IS: 4988 Glossary of terms and classifications of earth moving machinery (All
IS :4081 Safety code for blasting and related drilling operations
Codes of Practice
IS:456 Code Of Practice For Plain And Reinforced Concrete.
IS:1343 Code Of Practice For Prestressed Concrete.
IS:457 Code Of Practice For General Construction Of Plain and Reinforced
Concrete For Dams And Other Massive Structures.
IS:3370 Code Of Practice For Concrete Structures For Storage Of Liquids (Part
I to IV)
IS:3955 Code Of Practice For Composite Construction.
IS:3201 Criteria For Design And Construction Of Precast Concrete Trusses.
IS:2204 Code Of Practice For Construction Of Reinforced Concrete Shell Roof.
IS:2210 Criteria For The Design Of R.C. Shell Structures And Folded Plates.

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:2751 Code Of Practice For Welding Of Mild Steel Bars Used For Reinforced
Concrete Construction.
IS:2502 Code Of Practice For Bending And Fixing Vibrators For Consolidating
IS:3558 Code Of Practice For Use Of Immersion Vibrators For Consolidating
IS 3559 : 1966 Specification for pneumatic concrete breakers
IS:3414 Code Of Practice For Design And Installation Of Joints In Buildings.
IS:4014 Code Of Practice For Steel Tubular Scaffolding. (Part I & II)
IS:2571 Code Of Practice For Laying Inside Cement Concrete Flooring.
IS:2250 Code Of Practice For Preparation and Use of Masonry Mortar (1st
IS 2542 : (Part 1 to 12) Methods of Test for Gypsum Plaster, Concrete and Products -
1978 Part I : Plaster and Concrete
IS 2542 : Part 2 : Sec Methods of Test for Gypsum Plaster, Concrete and Products -
1 to 8 : 1981 Part II : Gypsum Products
IS 3873 : 1993 Laying cement concrete/stone slab lining on canals
IS 4101 : Part 2 : 1967 Code of Practice for External Facings and Veneers - Part II :
Cement Concrete Facing
IS 4996 : 1984 Specification for reinforced concrete fence posts
IS 5491 : 1969 Code of practice for laying of in-situ granolithic concrete flooring
IS 5525 : 1969 Recommendations for Detailing of Reinforcement in Reinforced
Concrete Works
IS 5816 : 1999 Splitting Tensile Strength of Concrete Method of Test
IS 6072 : 1971 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete wall slabs
IS 6073 : 1971 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete floor and
roof slabs
IS 7242 : 1974 Specification for concrete spreaders
IS 7245 : 1974 Specification for concrete pavers
IS 7246 : 1974 Recommendations for use of table vibrators for consolidating concrete
IS 7251 : 1974 Specification for concrete finishers
IS 7320 : 1974 Specification for concrete slump test apparatus

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 7325 : 1974 Specification for apparatus for determining constituents of fresh
IS 8989 : 1978 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures
IS 9375 : 1979 Specification for precast reinforced concrete plant guards
IS 9399 : 1979 Specification for apparatus for flexural testing of concrete
IS 9401 : Part 4 : 1980 Method of measurement of works in river valley projects (dams
and appurtenant structures): Part 4 Concrete work
IS 9799 : 1981 Specification for pressure meter for determination of air content
of mixed concrete
IS 9872 : 1981 Specification for precast concrete septic tanks
IS 12727 : 1989 Code of practice for no fines cast in situ cement concrete
IS 14278 : 1995 Stress measuring devices in concrete and masonry dams -
Installation, commissioning and observations - Code of practice
SP 16 : 1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456 : 1978
SP 24 (S and T) : 1983 Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice for

Plain and Reinforced Concrete

Construction Safety
IS:3696 Safety Code For Scaffolds And Ladders. (Part I& II)
IS:3385 Code Of Practice For Measurement Of Civil Engineering Works.
IS: 1200-1974 (Part: Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering
XVIII) Works. Demolition and Dismantling (Reaffirmed 1992) (3rd
IS:3385 Code Of Practice For Measurement Of Civil Engineering Works.
Brick Masonry
IS - 1077 Specifications for common burnt clay building bricks
IS - 1725 Specifications for solid cement blocks used in general building
IS - 1905 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings : Masonry walls.
IS - 2116 Sand for masonry mortars
IS - 2180 Specification for heavy duty burnt clay building bricks
IS - 2185 Specification for concrete masonry units: Hollow and solid concrete

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Code Description of IS Code

IS - 2185 Part 2 Specification for concrete masonry units: Part 2 Hollow and solid
light weight concrete blocks
IS - 2185 Part 3 Specification for concrete masonry units Part 3 Autoclaved
cellular Aerated concrete blocks
IS - 2212 Code of practice for brick work
IS - 2222 Specification for burnt clay perforated building bricks
IS - 2691 Specification for burnt clay facing bricks
IS - 3115 Specification for lime based blocks
IS - 3414 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings
IS - 3466 Specification for masonry cement
IS - 3861 Method of measurement of plinth, carpet and rentable areas of
IS - 3952 Specification for burnt clay hollow blocks for walls and partitions
IS - 4098 Specification for lime-pozzolana mixture
IS - 4139 Specification for sand lime bricks
IS - 4441 Code of practice for use of silicate type chemical resistant mortars.
IS - 4442 Code of practice for use of sulphur type chemical resistant mortars
IS 2119 : 1980 Code of practice for construction of brick-cum-concrete
composite (madras terrace) floor and roof
IS 3495 Part 1 to 4 : Methods of Tests of Burnt Clay Building Bricks - Part 1 :
1992 Determination of Compressive Strength - Part 2 : Determination
of Water Absorption - Part 3 : Determination of Efflorescence -
Part 4 : Determination of Warpage
Stone Masonry
IS:1129: 1972 Recommendation of Dressing of Natural building stones.
IS 12440 : 1988 Specification for precast concrete stone masonry blocks
IS:16-1991 Shellac: Part:I-Hand Made Shellac (3rd Revision).
IS:16-1991 (Part :II) Shellac: Part: II-Machine Made Shellac (3rd Revision)
IS:75-1973 Linseed Oil, Raw and Refined (Reaffirmed 1990) (2nd Revision)
IS:77-1976 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Red Lead, Non setting, Priming

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Code Description of IS Code

(Reaffirmed 1991)(Revised)
IS:102-1962 Specification For Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Zinc Chrome, Priming
(Reaffirmed 1993) (2nd Revision)
IS:104-1979 Ready Mixed Paint, brushing, priming Plaster to Indian Standard Color
No. 361, 631 White and off White (Reaffirmed 1993) (1st Revision)
IS:109-1968 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, priming Plaster to Indian Standard Color
No. 361, 631 White and off White (Reaffirmed 1993) (1st Revision)
IS:117-1964 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Finishing Exterior, Semigloss For
General Purposes to Indian Standards Colors (Reaffirmed 1988)
IS:133-1993 Enamel, Interior (a) Under Coating (b) Finishing (3rd Revision)
IS:137-1965 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Matt Or Egg Shell Flat, Finishing
Interior to Indian Standard Color as required (Revised 1993)
IS:158-1981 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Bituminous Black, Lead Free, Acid,
Alkali and Heat Resisting (Reaffirmed 1988) (3rd Revision)
IS:217-1988 Specification For Cut Back Bitumen (2nd Revision)
IS:218-1983 Specification For Creosote and Anthracene Oil For Use As Wood
Preservatives (Reaffirmed 1990) (2nd Revision)
IS:290-1961 Coal Tar Black Paint (Reaffirmed 1991) (1st Revision)
IS:337-1975 Varnish, Finishing Interior (Reaffirmed 1991) (1st Revision)
IS:341-1973 Black Japan, Types ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ (Reaffirmed 1991) (1st Revision)
IS:345-1952 Wood Filter, Transparent - Liquid (withdrawn)
IS:347-1975 Varnish, Shellac For General Purposes (Reaffirmed 1991) (1st Revision)
IS:348-1968 French Polish (Reaffirmed 1991) (1st Revision)
IS:419-1967 Putty For Use On Window Frames (Reaffirmed 1992) (1st Revision)
IS:427-1965 Distemper, Dry Color as Required (Reaffirmed 1993) (Revised)
IS:428-1969 Distemper, Oil Emulsion, Color as Required (Reaffirmed 1993) (1st
IS:524-1983 Varnish, Finishing, Exterior, Synthetic Air Drying (Reaffirmed 1990)
(2nd Edition)
IS:533-1973 Gum Spirit of Turpentine (Oil of Turpentine) (Reaffirmed 1990) (1st
IS:712-1984 Specification For Building Limes (Reaffirmed 1991) (3rd Revision)

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:1200-1976 Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works:
(Part:XII) Part:XII-Plastering and Pointing (Reaffirmed 1992) (3rd Revision)
IS:1200-1987 Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works:
IS:1200-1994 Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works:
(Part:XIII) Part 13 White Washing, Color Washing Distempering and Painting of
Building surfaces. (5th Revision)
IS:1200-1987 Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works:
(Part:XV) Part:XV-Painting Polishing, Varnishing etc. (Reaffirmed 1992) (4th
IS:2339-1963 Aluminum Paint For General Purposes, In Dual Container (Reaffirmed
IS:2932-1994 Enamel, Synthetic, Exterior (a) Undercoating, (b) Finishing (2nd
IS:2933-1975 Enamel, Exterior (a) Undercoating (b) Finishing (Reaffirmed 1991)
(1st Revision)
IS:5410-1992 Cement Paint (1st Revision)
IS:5411-1974 (Part:I) Plastic Emulsion : Paint Part I For Interior Use (Reaffirmed 1991) (1st
IS:6278-1971 Code of Practice For White Washing and Color Washing
(Reaffirmed 1991).
IS 2395 : Part 1 1994 Painting of Concrete, Masonry and Plaster Surfaces - Code of
Practice - Part 1 : Operations and Workmanship
IS 2395 : Part 2 : 1994 Code of practice for painting concrete, masonry and plaster
surfaces: Part 2 Schedule
Roads and Pavements
IS:2386 (Part 1) Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part I : Particle
Size and Shape
IS:2386 (Part 2) Methods of test for aggreegates for concrete Part 2 Estimation of
deleterious materials and organic impurities
IS:2386 (Part 3) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete Part 3 Specific
gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking
IS:2386 (Part 4) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete Part 4 Mechanical

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:2386 (Part 5) Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part V :
IS:2386 (Part 6) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 6 Measuring
mortar making properties of fine aggregates
IS:2386 (Part 7) Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part VII : Alkali
Aggregate Reactivity
IS:2386 (Part 8) Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part VIII :
Petrographic Examination
IS 6509 : 1985 Code of practice for installation of joints in concrete pavements
IS 10360 : 1982 Specification for lime-pozzolana concrete blocks for paving
Manufacturing / Supplying Laying and Jointing of Pipes
IS:458 Specification For Concrete Pipes (With And Without Reinforcement).
IS:3597 Method Of Tests For Concrete Pipes.
IS:5382 Specification For Rubber Sealing Rings For Gas Mains, Water Mains
And Sewers.
IS:456 Code Of Practice For Plain And Reinforced Concrete.
IS: 783 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Concrete Pipes.
IS:454 Design of RCC pipes shall be in accordance with the relevant clauses
IS:458 The details of reinforcement shall be as per Clause 5.2
IS:458 The ends of pipes shall be in accordance with relevant clauses
IS 4090 : 1967 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete arches
IS 4995 : Part 1 : 1974 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of
granular and powdery materials: Part 1 General requirements and
assessment of bin loads
IS 4995 : Part 2 : 1974 Criteria for Design of Reinforced Concrete Bins for Storage of
Granular and Powdery Materials - Part II : Design Criteria
IS 4998 : Part 1 : 1992 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys: Part 1
Assessment of loads
IS 7418 : 1991 Criteria for design of spiral casing (concrete and steel)
IS 10262 : 1982 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design
IS 10297 : 1982 Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs
using precast reinforced/prestressed concrete ribbed or cored slab unit

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 10334 : 1982 Code of practice for selection, splicing, installation and providing
protection to the open ends of cables used for connecting
resistance type measuring devices in concrete and masonry dams
IS 10359 : 1982 Code of practice for manufacture and use of lime-pozzolana
concrete blocks for paving
IS 10421 : 1983 Performa for analysis of unit rate of shuttering/formwork for
concrete items
IS 10434 : Part 1 : Installation, Maintenance and Observation of Deformation
2003 Measuring Devices in Concrete and Masonry Dams - Guidelines -
Part 1 : Resistance Type Joint meters
IS 10434 : Part 2 : Guidelines for installation, maintenance and observation of
1996 deformation measuring devices in concrete and masonry dams:
Part 2 Vibrating wire type joint meter
IS 11293 : Part 2 : Guidelines for the Design of Grout Curtains - Part 2 : Masonry
1993 and Concrete Gravity Dams
IS 11389 : 1986 Methods of test for performance of concrete vibrators; Immersion
IS 11485 : 1985 Criteria for hydraulic design of sluices in concrete and masonry dams
IS 11504 : 1985 Criteria for structural design of reinforced concrete natural
draught cooling towers
IS 11993 : 1987 Code of practice for use of screed board concrete vibrators
IS 12119 : 1987 General requirements for pan mixers for concrete
IS 12200 : 2001 Provision of Water-Stops at Transverse Contraction Joints in
Masonry and Concrete Dams - Code of Practice
IS 13073 : Part 1 : Installation, Maintenance and Observation of Displacement
2002 Measuring Devices in Concrete and Masonry Dams - Code of
Practice - Part 1 : Deflection Measurement Using Plumb Lines
IS 13073 : Part 2 : Code of Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Observation of
2000 Displacement Measuring Devices for Concrete and Masonry
Dams - Part 2 : Geodetic Observation - Crest Collimation
IS 13143 : 1991 Joints in concrete lining of canals - sealing compound – specification
IS 13311 : Part 2 : Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete: Part 2 Rebound
1992 hammer

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 13920 : 1993 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to
seismic forces - Code of practice
SP 34 : 1987 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing
SP 43 (S and T) : 1987 Handbook on Structures with Reinforced Concrete Portal Frames
(Without Cranes)
IS:651 and IS:4127 Specification For GSW Pipes.
IS:651 and IS:4127 Method Of Tests For GSW Pipes.
IS: 5531 CI specials for Asbestos cement pressure pipes for water gas & sewage
IS: 780 Sluice valve for water works purposes
IS: 2906 Specifications for sluice valves for water works purposes
IS: 8543 Methods of testing plastics: Determination of density of solid plastics
IS: 7181 Horizontally cast iron double flanged pipes for water, gas and sewage
IS: 8794 CI detachable joints for use with Asbestos cement pressure pipes
Centrifugally Cast Iron Pipes
IS:1536 Specification For Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Iron Pressure Pipes For
Water, Gas And Sewage
IS: 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipe for water, gas and sewage
IS:1538 Specification For Cast Iron Fittings For Pressure Pipes For Water, Gas
And Sewage
IS:11606 Methods For Sampling Of Cast Iron Pipes And Fittings
IS:3114 Code Of Practice For Laying Of CI Pipes
Galvanised Iron Pipes
IS:1239 (Part-I) Specification For Medium Grade GI Pipes
IS:1239 (Part-II) MS Tubular Or Wrought Steel Fittings For GI Pipes
IS:4736 Specification For Galvanizing
IS:554. Specifications For Pipe Threads Of Screwed Tubes And Sockets
Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes
IS:8329 Specifications For Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure
Pipes For Water, Gas And Sewage
IS:9523 Specifications For Ductile Iron Fittings For Pressure Pipes For Water,
Gas And Sewage
IS:12288 Code Of Practice For Laying Of DI Pipes

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Code Description of IS Code

IS: 1387 General requirements for the supply of metallurgical material
IS:11606 Methods For Sampling Of Cast Iron Pipes And Fittings
Un-plasticized PVC (u PVC) Pipes
IS: 4985 Specifications for un-plasticized PVC Pipes for potable water supplies
(Third revision)
IS: 7634 Code of practice for plastics work for potable water supplies
IS: 7634 Part I Choice of materials and general recommendations
IS: 7634 Part III Laying and Jointing if un-plasticized PVC pipes
IS:12235 (Part 1 to Part Methods of test for un-plasticized PVC pipes for potable water supplies
IS: 7834 (Part 1 to Part Specifications for injection molded PVC rocket fittings with solvent cement
8) joints for water supplies
IS 694 PVC insulated cables for working Voltages upto and including 1100 V
IS: 10151 PVC and its copolymers for its safe use in contact with
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water
IS: 10500 Drinking water specification
IS: 12818 Unplasticized PVC screen and casing pipes for bore/tube well
IS: 1592 Asbestos cement pressure pipes – Specifications
ISO: 2045 Single socket for uPVC and uPVC pressure pipes with elastic
sealing ring type joints - Minimum depth of engagement
ISO: 2507 PVC pipes and fittings- Vicat softening temperature - Test
method and specification
ISO: 3603 Fittings for PVC pipe with elastic sealing ring joints pressure test
for leak proof -ness
Electrically Welded Steel Pipes
IS:3589 Seamless/Electrically Welded Steel Pipes for Water, Gas , Sewage-
IS:5822 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Electrically Welded Steel Pipes For
Water Supply-
IS:7322 Specification For Specials For Steel Cylinder Reinforced Concrete Pipes
IS:432 Part I Mild Steel And Medium Tensile Bars Reinforcement
IS:432 Part II Specifications For Mild Steel And Medium Tensile Bars And Hard
Drawn Steel Wire (Third Revision)
IS:2328 Flattening Test For Seamless Pipes

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:12269 Specification For 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
IS:6452 Specification For High Alumina Cement For Structural Use (I Revision)
IS:8112 Specifications For Curing Of High Strength OPC
IS:8041 Specifications For Curing Of Rapid Hardening Cement
IS:269 Specification For Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
IS:455 Specification For Portland Slag Cement
IS 1489(Pt1 & Pt2) Portland pozzolana cement - Part 1 Fly Ash based and Part 2
Calcined Clay based
IS:8043 Specification For Hydrophobic Portland Cement
IS:4853 Recommended Practice For Radiographic Inspection Of Fusion Welded
Butt Joints In Steel Pipes (First Revision)
IS:4260 Recommended Practice For Ultrasonic Butt Welds In Ferritic Steel
IS:3600 Methods Of Testing Fusion Welded Joints And Weld Metal In Steel :
(Part I) Part I Cruciform Fillet Weld Tensile Test
IS 8282 : Part 1 : 1976 Code of practice for installation, maintenance and observation of
pore pressure measuring devices in concrete and masonry dams:
Part 1 Electrical resistance type cell
IS 8282 : Part 2 : 1996 Installation, Maintenance and Observations of Pore Pressure
Measuring Devices in Concrete and Masonry Dams - Code of
Practice - Part 2 : Vibrating Wire Type Cell
IS 13232 : 1992 Code of practice for installation, maintenance and observation of
electrical strain measuring devices in concrete dams
IS 3854 Switches for domestic and similar purposes
IS 8828 Electrical Accessories - Circuit Breakers for over current
protection for household and similar installations
IS 9968 (Pt.1) Elastomer insulated cables (Pt.1): For working voltages upto and
including 1100 V
IS 12640 (Pt.1) Residual current operated circuit breakers for household and
similar uses - (Pt.1) : Circuit breakers without integral over
current protection (RCCBs)
IS 12640(pt.2) Residual current operated circuit breakers for household and
similar uses - (Pt.2) : Circuit breakers with integral over current
protection (RCVOs)

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 13010 AC Watt-hour meters, class 0.5, 1 & 2
IS 13779 ac static watt-hour meters, class 1 & 2
IS 14697 ac static transformer operated watt-hour and VAR- hour meters,
class 0.2S & 0.5S Structural Steel
IS:813 Scheme For Symbols For Welding.
Prestressed Concrete (PSC) Pipes
IS:784 : 2001 Specifications For Prestressed Concrete Pipes (Including Fittings)
IS:783 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Concrete Pipes
IS:1343 Code Of Practice For Prestressed Concrete
IS:7322 Specifications For Specials For Steel Cylinder Reinforced Concrete Pipes
IS:3597 Methods Of Test For Concrete Pipes
IS:5382 Specifications For Rubber Sealing Rings For Gas Mains, Water Mains
And Sewers
IS:226 Specifications For Structural Steel (Standard Quality)
IS 1332 : 1986 Specification for precast reinforced concrete street lighting poles
IS 2193 : 1986 Specification for Precast Pre-stressed Concrete Street Lighting Poles
IS 6003 : 1983 Specification for indented wire for prestressed concrete
IS 7319 : 1974 Specification for perforated concrete pipes
IS 7321 : 1974 Code of practice for selection, handling and erection of concrete
poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
IS 7322 : 1985 Specification for specials for steel cylinder reinforced concrete
IS 13158 : 1991 Specification for prestressed concrete circular spun poles for
overhead power, traction and telecommunication lines
IS 14268 : 1995 Specification for uncoated stress relieved low relaxation seven
ply strand for prestressed concrete
Laying of Pipes and Fittings / Specials
IS:783 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Concrete Pipes.
IS:311 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Cast Iron Pipes.
IS:376 Safety Code For Excavation Work.
IS:127 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Glazed Stoneware Pipes.
IS:12288 Centrifugally cast (spun) ductile iron pressure pipes for water, gas
and sewage

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Code Description of IS Code

IS: 7634 Code Of Practice For Laying Of uPVC Pipes.
IS:5822 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Welded Steel Pipes For Water Supply.
IS:6530 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes.
Manholes and Vent Shafts
IS:111 Code Of Practice For Ancillary Structures (Part I) - Manholes.
IS:555 Cast Iron Steps For Manhole.
IS:1077 Common Burnt Clay Building Bricks
IS:3102 Classification Of Burnt Clay Bricks.
IS:395 Method Of Sampling And Testing Clay Building Bricks.
IS:2212 Code Of Practice For Brick Work.
IS 12592 : 2002 Precast Concrete Manhole Cover and Frame – Specification
Wood Work and Joinery
IS: 205 Specifications for non-ferrous metal butt hinges
IS: 287 Recommendation for maximum permissible moisture content of timber
used for different purposes.
IS: 303 Specification for plywood for general purpose
IS: 362 Specification for parliament hinges
IS: 419 Specification for putty for the use on window frames
IS: 883 Code of practice for design of structural timber in building.
IS: 1003 Specification for Timber paneled and glazed shutters Part II - Window
and ventilator shutters
IS: 1200 Method of measurement of building and Civil Engineering Works -
Wood Work and Joinery
IS: 1341 Specification for steel butt hinges
IS: 1658 Specification for Fiber Hard Boards
IS: 1761 Specification for transparent sheet glass for glazing and framing purposes.
IS: 3087 Specification for wood particle boards (medium density for structural
timber building)
Hollow Concrete Blocks
IS : 269 Specifications for ordinary rapid hardening and low heat Portland cement.
IS: 2116 Specifications for sand for masonry mortar
IS: 2250 Code of Practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars
IS: 2185 (Part - 1) Specifications for concrete masonry units

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Code Description of IS Code

IS: 2572 Code of Practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry
IS: 1905 Code of Practice for structural safety of buildings - masonry walls
IS 2905 : 1989 Methods of test for concrete poles for overhead power and
telecommunication lines
IS 2911 : Part 1 : Sec Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations:
1 : 1979 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 1 Driven cast in-situ concrete piles
IS 2911 : Part 1 : Sec Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations:
2 : 1979 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 2 Bored cast-in-situ piles
IS 2911 : Part 1 : Sec Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations:
3 : 1979 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 3 Driven precast concrete piles
IS 2911 : Part 1 : Sec Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations:
4 : 1984 Part 1 concrete piles, Section 4 Bored precast concrete piles
IS 3590 : 1966 Specification for load bearing lightweight concrete blocks
IS 5482 : 1969 Autoclaved cellular concrete blocks
IS 5498 : 1969 Lime-cement-cinder hollow concrete blocks
IS 5751 : 1984 Specification for Precast Concrete Coping Blocks
IS 5758 : 1984 Specification for Precast Concrete Kerbs, Channels, Edgings,
Quadrants and Gutter Aprons
IS 6041 : 1985 Code of practice for construction of autoclaved cellular concrete
block masonry
IS 6042 : 1969 Code of practice for construction of lightweight concrete block
IS 6061 : Part I : 1971 Code of Practice for Construction of Floor and Roof with Joists
and Filler Blocks - Part 1 : With Hollow Concrete Filler Blocks
IS 9527 : Part 1 : 1981 Code of practice for design and construction of port and harbor
structures: Part 1 Concrete monoliths
IS 9893 : 1981 Specification for precast concrete blocks for lintels and sills
IS 13291 : 1992 Concrete block making machine - General requirements
IS 14213 : 1994 Code of practice for construction of walls using precast concrete
stone masonry blocks
IS 15658 : 2006 Precast Concrete Blocks for Paving – Specification
Metal Doors, Windows And Ventilators
IS : 1956 Glossary of terms relating to iron and steel

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Code Description of IS Code

IS : 814 Specifications for covered electrodes for metal are welding of structural
(Part I) steel.
1. For welding products other than sheets, Specifications for covered
IS : 814 (Part II)
electrodes for metal are welding of structural steel.
2. For welding sheets Classification and coding of covered electrodes for metal
are welding
Classification and coding of covered electrodes for metal are welding and
IS : 815
cutting operation.
IS : 1948 Aluminium doors, windows & ventilators.
IS : 6227 Code of Practice for use of metal are welding in tubular structure
IS : 6248 Specifications for metal rolling shutters and rolling grill
IS : 1081 Code of Practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and aluminium)
doors, windows and ventilators.
IS : 2062 Weld able Structural Steel
IS : 1361 Specifications for steel windows for Industrial Buildings
IS: : 1200 (Part VIII) Measurements for steel work and iron work
IS : 1038 Specifications for steel doors, windows, and ventilators.
IS : 226 Specifications for structural steel (Standard quality)
IS : 823 Code of procedure for manual metal arc welding of metal steel
IS : 102 Ready mixed paint, brushing, red lead non sitting, priming.
IS : 1363 For black hexagon bolts, nut and lock nuts (dia 6 to 39 mm) and black
hexagon screws (dia 6 to 24 mm)
IS : 813 Scheme of symbols for welding.
IS 6523 : 1983 Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Door and Window
IS:210-1978 (210-1993*) Grey Iron Castings (4th Revision)
IS:269-1989 Specification For 33 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement (4th Revision)
(Amendments 3)
IS:401-1982 Code Of Practice For Preservation Of Timber (3rd Revision)
(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:451-1972 Technical Supply Conditions For Wood Screws (2nd Revision)
(Amendments 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:455-1989 Specification For Portland Slag Cement (4th Revision) (Amendments 3)
IS:653-1992 Specification For Linoleum Sheets And Tiles (3rd Revision)

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:661-1972 (661- Code Of Practice For Thermal Insulation Of Cold Storage's (2nd
1974)* Revision) (Amendments 2)
IS:702-1988 Specification For Industrial Bitumen (2nd Revision)(Amendment 1)
IS:777-1988 Specification For Glazed Earthenware Wall Tiles (2nd Revision)
(Superseded By IS:13753, 13754, 13755, 13756)
IS:809-1992 Specification For Rubber Flooring Materials For General Purposes (2nd
IS:1124-1974 Method Of Test Of Determination Of Water Absorption, Apparent
Specific Gravity And Porosity Of Natural Building Stones (1st
Revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:1130-1969 Specification For Marble (Blocks, Slabs And Tiles) (Reaffirmed 1993)
IS:1141-1973 (1141- Code Of Practice - Seasoning Of Timber (2nd Revision)
IS:1197-1970 Code Of Practice For Laying Rubber Floors (1st Revision(Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:1198-1982 Code Of Practice For Laying, Fixing Ad Maintenance Of Linoleum
Floor (1st Revision)(Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:1200 (Part XI) 1977 Method Of Measurement Of Building And Civil Engineering Work
(Part XI) Paving, Floor Finishes, Dado And Skirting)(3rd Revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1992)
IS:1237-1980 Specification For Cement Concrete Flooring Tiles (1st
Revision)(Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:1322-1982 (1322- Specification For Bitumen Felts For Water Proofing And Damp-
1993) Proofing (4th Revision)
IS:1443-1972 Code Or Practice For Laying And Finishing Of Cement Concrete
Flooring Tiles (1st Revision)(Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:1489 Specification For Portland Pozzolana Cement (Part - 1) Flyash Based
(Part-1) 1991 (3rd Revision)
IS:1489- (Part II) 1991 Specification For Portland Pozzolana Cement (Part II) Calcined Clay
Based (3rd Revision )( Amendment 1)
IS:1580-1991 Specification For Bituminous Compounds Of Water Proofing And
Caulking Purpose (3rd Revision)
IS:2078-1979 Method Of Tensile Testing Of Grey Cast Iron (1st
Revision)(Reaffirmed 1991)

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:2114-1984 Code Of Practice For Laying In-Situ Terrazzo Floor Finish (2nd
Revision)(Amendment 1)(Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:2571-1970 Code Of Practice For Laying In-Situ Cement Concrete Flooring (1st
Revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:3400 (Part.1 to 22) Method Of Test For Vulcanized Rubbers
IS:3400-(Part III) 1980 Methods Of Test For Vulcanized Rubbers (Part Iii) Hardness (1st
Revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:3400 - (Part X) 1977 Method Of Test For Vulcanized Rubbers (Part X) Compression Set At
Constant Strain (1st Revision)( Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:3461-1980 Specification For PVC-Asbestos Floor Tiles (1st
Revision)(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:3462-1986 Specification For Unbaked Flexible PVC Flooring (2nd
Revision)(Amendment 1)(Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:3622-1977 Specification For Sand Stone (Slab & Tiles)(1st Revision)(Reaffirmed
IS:3670-1989 Code Of Practice For Construction Of Timber Floors (1st Revision)
IS:5318-1969 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Flexible PVC Sheet And Tile Flooring
(Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:5766-1970 Code Of Practice For Laying Of Burnt Clay Brick Flooring
(Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:8041-1990 Specification Rapid Hardening Portland Cement (2nd
Revision)(Amendments 2)
IS:8042-1989 Specification For White Portland Cement (2nd Revision)(Amendments 4)
IS:8043-1991 Specification For Hydrophobic Portland Cement (2nd Revision)
(Amendment 2)
IS:8112-1989 Specification For 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement (1st
Revision(Amendments 3)
IS:12330-1988 Specification For Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement. (Amendments 3)
IS:1195 Bitumen Mastic For Flooring
IS:3384 Bitumen Primer For Use In Waterproofing And Damp Proofing
IS:4832 (Part - 1) Acid Resistant Mortars - Silicate Type
IS:4832 (Part - 2) Acid Resistant Mortars - Resin Type
IS:4457 Ceramic Unglazed Vitreous Acid Resisting Tiles

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Code Description of IS Code

IS 8968 : 1978 Farm drainage concrete tiles
IS 10646 : 1991 Canal linings - Cement concrete tiles – Specification
IS 13801 : 1993 Chequered cement concrete tiles – Specification
IS 13990 : 1994 Specification for precast reinforced concrete planks and joist for
flooring and roofing
IS 13994 : 1994 Design and Construction of Floor and Roof with Precast
Reinforced Concrete Planks and Joists - Code of Practice
IS 14143 : 1994 Specification for prefabricated brick panel and partially precast
concrete joist for flooring and roofing
IS 14201 : 1994 Specification for precast reinforced concrete channel unit for
construction of floors and roofs
IS 14215 : 1994 Design and Construction of Floors and Roofs with Precast
Reinforced Concrete Channel Units - Code of Practice
IS 8229 Oil well cement
IS:73-1992 Specification For Paving Bitumen (2nd Revision)
IS:277-1992 Galvanised Steel Sheets (Plain and Corrugated) (5th Revision)
IS:458-1988 Specification For Precast Concrete Pipes (with and Without
Reinforcement) (3rd Revision)
IS:459-1992 Corrugated and Semi Corrugated Asbestos Cement Sheets (3rd Revision)
IS:651-1992 Salt Glazed Stone Ware Pipes and Fittings (5th Revision)
IS:702-1988 Specification For Industrial Bitumen (2nd Revision)
IS:1199-1959 Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete (Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:1200-1973 (Part:II & Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works
IX) Part IX: Roof Covering (including Cladding) (Reaffirmed 1992) (2nd
IS:1200-1973 (Part:X) Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works
Part 2 &10 Ceiling and Lining (Reaffirmed 1992) (2nd Revision)
IS:1202-1978 Determination of Specific Gravity (Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:1203-1978 Determination of Penetration (Reaffirmed 1990)
IS:1205-1978 Determination of Softening Point (Reaffirmed 1988)
IS:1208-1978 Determination of Ductility (Reaffirmed 1988)
IS:1209-1978 Determination of Flash Point and Free Point (Reaffirmed 1988)

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:1211-1978 Determination of Water Content (Dean and Stark Method) (Reaffirmed
IS:1212-1978 Determination of Loss On Heating (Reaffirmed 1988)
IS:1230-1979 Cast Iron Rain Water Pipes and Fitting (Reaffirmed 1991) (2nd
IS:1322-1982 (1322- Specifications For Bitumen Felts For Water Proofing and Damp
1993) Proofing (4th Revision)
IS:1367-1983 (Part:XIII) Technical Supply Conditions For Threaded Steel Fasteners Part : XIII :
Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings On Threaded Fasteners (Reaffirmed
1991) (2nd Revision)
IS:1609-1991 Code of Practice For Laying Damp Proofing Treatment Using Bitumen
Felts (2nd Revision)
IS:1626-1994 (Part:I) Specification For Asbestos Cement Building Pipes and Pipe Fittings,
gutters and Gutter Fittings and Roofing Fittings : Part : I : Pipe and Pipe
Fittings (2nd Revision)
IS:1626-1994 (Part:II) Specification For Asbestos Cement Building Pipes and Pipe Fittings,
gutters and Gutter Fittings and Roofing Fittings : Part : II : Gutter and
Gutter Fittings (2nd Revision)
IS:1626-1994 (Part:III) Specification For Asbestos Cement Building Pipes and Pipe Fittings,
gutters and Gutter Fittings and Roofing Fittings : Part : III : Roofing
Accessories (2nd Revision)
IS:2115-1980 Code of Practice For Flat Roof Finish : Mud Phuska (Reaffirmed 1992)
(2nd Revision)
IS:2633-1986 Methods of Testing Uniformity of Coating on Zinc Coating Articles
(Reaffirmed 1992) (2nd Revision)
IS:2645-1975 Specifications For Integral Cement Water Proofing Compounds
(Reaffirmed 1992) (1st Revision)
IS:3007-1964 (Part:I) Code of Practice For Laying of Asbestos Cement Sheets : Part-I :
Corrugated Sheets (Reaffirmed 1991)
IS:3007-1965 (Part:II) Code of Practice For Laying of Asbestos Cement Sheets : Part-II :
Semi-corrugated Sheets (Reaffirmed 1991)
IS: 3384-1986 Specifications For Bitumen Primer For Water Proofing and Damp
Proofing (Reaffirmed 1990) (1st Revision)

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Code Description of IS Code

IS: 7193-1974 Specifications For Glass Fibre Base Coal Tar Pitch & Bitumen Felts
IS: 7193-1994 (1st Revision)
IS 3036 : 1992 Code of practice for laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof
IS 10505 : 1983 Code of practice for construction of floors and roofs using precast
concrete waffle units
IS 14241 : 1995 Precast Reinforced Concrete L-panel for Roofing – Specification
General Building Service
IS:458 Concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement)
IS:651 Salt Glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
IS:771 (Part I to IV) Glazed fireclay Sanitary appliances
IS:772 CI Sanitary Appliances
IS:774 Flushing Cisterns For W/C And Urinals
IS:775 CI Brackets And Supports For Wash Basins And Sinks
IS:778 Gunmetal Gate, Globe and Check valves for general purposes
IS:779 Water Meters (Domestic Type)
IS:781 Sand-cast brass screw down bib and stop taps for water services
IS:782 Caulking lead
IS:783 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes
IS:784 Prestressed concrete pipes
IS:804 Rectangular prestressed steel tanks
IS:1200 (Part XVI) Method of measurement for Building and Civil Engineering works -
Laying of water, sewer lines including appurtenant items
IS:1239 Mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steel fittings
IS:1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
IS:1538 (Part I to XIII) Cast Iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
IS:1545 Solid drawn copper alloy tubes
IS:1700 Drinking fountains
Ball valves (horizontal plunzer type) including floats for water supply
IS:1711 Method for simple torsion testing of steel wire
IS:1729 Nahani Trap
IS:1742 Code of practice for building drainage
IS:1795 Pillar Taps

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Code Description of IS Code

IS:1916 Specification for steel cylinder pipe with concrete lining and coating
IS:2064 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of sanitary
IS:2065 Code of Practice for Water Supply in buildings
IS:2104 Water meter boxes (domestic type)
IS:2326 Automatic Flushing Cisterns For Urinals
IS:2379 Color code for identification of pipe lines
IS:2401 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of domestic
water meters
IS:2470 Code of practice for design and construction of septic tanks
IS:2548 Plastic water closet seats and covers
IS:2556 (Part I to XV) Vitreous sanitary appliances
IS:2692 Ferrules for water services
IS:3076 LDPE pipes for Potable Water Supplies
IS:3114 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes
IS:3438 Silvered glass mirror for general purpose
IS:3589 Electrically welded steel pipes for water, gas and sewage (200 to 2000
mm nominal diameter)
IS:3950 Surface boxes for sluice valves
IS:4111 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system
IS:4127 Code of practice for laying of Glazed stoneware pipes
IS:4827 Tower Rail
IS:5329 Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings
IS:5455 Cast Iron steps for manholes
IS:5822 Code of practice for laying of welded steel pipes for water supply
IS:6295 Code of practice for water supply and drainage in high altitudes and or
sub-zero temperature regions
IS:7231 Plastic Flushing Cisterns For W/C And Urinals
IS:10067 Material constants in building works

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Appendix F
Conversion Factors

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APPENDIX F: Conversion Factors

Metric to British units British to metric units

1 m = 3.280 84 ft 1 in = 25.400 00 mm
1 m = 1.093 61 yd 1 ft = 304.800 00mm
1 km = 0.621 37 mile 1 yd = 0.914 40 m
1 mile = 1.609 34 km

1 m² = 1.195 99 yd² 1 ft² = 0.092 m²

1 ha = 2.471 05 acre 1 yd² = 0.836 13 m²
1 km² = 0.386 10 sq. mile 1 acre = 0. 404 69 ha
(1km² = 100 ha) 1 sq. mile = 2.589 99 km²
(1 ha = 10 000 m²) (1 sq. mile = 640 acre)
(1 acre = 4840 sq. yd.)

0.01 m² = 0. 353 15 ft³ 1ft³ 0.028 32 m³

1 m² = 1.307 95 yd³ 1yd³ = 0.764 56m³
I litre = 0. 219 97 gallon 1 gallon = 4. 546 07 litre
1 m³ = 219. 969 gallon 1 gallon = 0.004 55 m³


1kg = 2.204 62 1b 1 lb = 0.453 59 kg

50 kg = 0. 984 20 cwt 1 cwt = 50.802 kg
1Mg = 19.684 10 cwt 1 ton = 1. 016 05 Mg
(1 tonne = 0.984 20 ton)


1 kgf/cm² = 14.223 lb/in² 1 lb/in² = 0.070 31 kgf/cm²

1 N/mm² = 145.038 lb/in² 1 lb/in² = 0.006 89 N/mm²
(1 N/mm² = 9. 807 kgf/cm²)

1 lb/ft³ = 16.018 5 kg/m³

Density: 1 ton/yd³ = 1.328 94 Mg/m³
1 kg/rn³ = 0.062 43 lb/ft³
1 Mg/rn³ = 0.48 ton/yd³

UIRUDP – QA / QC Manual 2022


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