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Sophia-Helene Mees de Tricht · Follow

Organizer/(Not That Kind of) Lobbyist · Mar 25

What is the point of a firing squad if they could just fire at the head
You’ve never killed someone, huh? Unless you’re an actual monster, killing a
person, knowing that you’ve killed a person, will haunt you. There are five
people on a firing squad for diffusion of responsibility.

I can’t remember which it is, but a four man firing squad either gets one blank
or one live round so no one knows who fired the fatal shot.
4.2M views · View 9,149 upvotes · View 24 shares · Answer requested by Joshua

9.1K 24 113

113 comments from Dorothea-Sofia Rossellini and more

Healthy Back

5 worst foods for arthritis and joint pain.

Avoid these foods if you have arthritis or joint pain.

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Todd Cameron Knupp · Follow

Lives in Pueblo, CO (2017–present) · 4y

What kind of children do heavy marijuana smokers have? Are there

any deformities?
Well, I am certainly qualified to answer this question… I have smoked for 40
years and I have 5 children. All of my children share 2 common deformities - A
much higher than normal IQ and a well above average work ethic. My first (more)
is …
17K 164 624

Dan · Follow
Student · Jan 9

What will help you get a big bicep?

Everyone is saying curls. Everyone is right. You should do curls if you are
specifically looking to get bigger biceps. What if you want another exercise?
Something a little more “functional,” but still hits your biceps pretty darn(more)

290 5 19

Scott Purner · Follow

Survivor · Sep 21

At what age did your son begin puberty? What was the first
My son's puberty started at 12. He woke up one morning came running out of
his room naked yelling daddy, daddy what's happening to me. There he's
standing with a few pubic hairs and a erection. He was asking me if it will(more)
49 14

Bob deWitt · Follow

Art History Professor, Utah Valley University · Sep 23

Why did the Romans use horizontal grips on their shields?

Roman shields did use horizontal grips as seen in the museum reproduction
below: At first thought, a horizontal grip might seem counter-intuitive since a
Greek shield used a vertical grip like this: However, it must be remembered…

4.8K 21 61

Roger Taylor · Follow

Former MSG/E-8 at U.S. Army (1980–2003) · Updated 2y

My husband is in the military and is cheating on me with another

military person. What will happen to him if I report it to the military?
Every time I was in charge of soldiers, I told the married soldiers that if they
chose to cheat on your spouse, and I find out, I would do whatever it took to
bring them up on charges, if it was with another soldiers spouse I would (more)
40.4K 175 1.4K

Victor - Weight Loss · Follow

Answered by Victor Zlatic  · Sep 25

What is the most effective method to lose belly fat without sports?
1. Cut Out The Sugar Every time you drink a packaged fruit juice, you take in
more calories than if just eat the fruit. Though the packaged juices are
claimed to be of real fruit juices, they contain high amounts of sugar, flavor,…

62 3

Larry Koopa · Follow

Koopaling Clan Leader (1988–present) · Jun 26

What can high IQ people do that average IQ people can't?

I’m glad you asked. As an extremely high IQ individual myself (I have an IQ of
161) I often catch myself being able to do things that the average person
could never dream of doing. Here are some of the abilities I have experience…

243 1 16

A Rosen ‫ · אריאלה רוזן‬Follow

Kindergarten Teacher · Updated Apr 18

Which historical photos creep you out?

A group of happy and carefree girls eating blueberries. Some are pretending
to cry because they finished all their blueberries They took this photo shortly
after the girls finished a shift at work as secretaries receiving trains of… (more)

6.3K 31 340

Oliver St John · Follow

Writer. Songwriter. Programmer. Soccer fan. Much more. · Mar 4

Why is Putin/Russia okay with Poland being in NATO but not Ukraine
as they are both bordering neighbors of similar size?
Okay, brace yourself for this, because it might shock you. Are you sitting
down? Good. So. Maybe… just maybe… Putin lied. It might just be that Putin is
looking at a highly resource-rich country on his western border, a country…
12.7K 43 1K

Troy Wilson-Ripsom · Follow

Consultant (2020–present) · 1y

I am 39 years old. I don't have a job, education, or skills. I know I am a

loser. What should I do now?
So, I have had periods of aimless wandering in my life and they have left me at
times feeling like a loser. When that happens, I find a way to do something to
help people. It may seem cliché but when you need to feel a sense of worth i…
5.3K 103 238

Adam Kovacs · Follow

No.1 writer in Anabolic Steroids · Updated 9mo

Will testosterone cypionate increase muscle gains? If so, how well

does it work?
Yes, cypionate will increase muscle gains by multiple fold. To tell you exact
numbers is hard, because based on genetics, you might be an under
responder (~10% of the population) or an over responder (~10% of the…(more)

172 10 7


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Srinath Nalluri · Follow

M.Sc, B. Eng in Mechanical Engineering & Minor (Technopreneurship), National
University of Singapore (Graduated 2020) · Mon

Which person in history had the most pathetic death?

This dude.

His name is Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar, founder of the Qajar Dynasty of

He ruled from 1789 to 1797.

One night, when he was resting in his tent, the king’s servant Sadegh Gorji
and the king’s attendant Khodadad-e Esfahani had a silly argument. Naturally,
they raised their voices.

Naturally, the king got irritated.

He came out of the tent, looked at both of them, and ordered them to be killed

‘Kill them for just raising the voice? Please don’t.’ the king’s chief interceded
and asked him to forgive.

The king didn’t listen.

‘Today is Friday. Islamic holy day. We shouldn’t harm anyone.’

The king listened.

He told ‘Okay. Remove their chains and free them tonight. Put them back to
their duties. Execute them tomorrow morning.’

The two guys weren’t too happy about the king excusing them only for one
night. They wanted long life. They knew that the king was notoriously famous
for keeping up his word. If he says something will happen, it will definitely

So, out of fear, unwillingly and uninterestedly, the innocent servant and the
innocent attendant, with the help of another attendant entered the royal
chamber that night with a dagger and a knife.

And they killed the king when he was peacefully sleeping.

275.2K views · View 7,367 upvotes · View 22 shares

7.3K 22 79

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Srinath Nalluri · Mon


Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar - Wikipedia

78 Reply

Anthony Griffin · Mon

That's one dumb king, having condemned two people to death and then
letting them roam his tent. Karma.
744 Reply

Meadow Gailer · Mon

For real, no sympathy for him.
231 Reply

Karam Obaid · Mon

Which is why I think it's fake. This story didn't exist before al-
Khomeini took power. It's most likely a false story, just like the story
about the US spending millions to make a pen that works in space,
while the USSR just used a pencil.
241 Reply

Ben Mustafa Except the one about the space pen is actually true, albeit not…
from the angle most people tell it. The Americans did know that they could
morewith pencils but pencils leave a trail of graphite particles which in
space end up floating. That's something you REALLY don't want, and that's
why the Americans went to all
View that comments
more length to develop an ink pen that works in
space. The Soviets of course also wanted something like that but never got
around to developing their own before they went bust.

Healthy Back

5 worst foods for arthritis and joint pain.

Avoid these foods if you have arthritis or joint pain.

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Parody Politica · Follow

Posted by Stefan Wojciechowski  · Sun

71.4K views · View 1,382 upvotes · View 5 shares · Submission accepted by

Michael Miller

1.3K 5 65

65 comments from Mitch R. and more

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Lilithism · Follow
Posted by Nahean Zaman  · Mon

27K views · View 386 upvotes · View 2 shares

386 2 39

39 comments from Oleg Volkov and more

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Informative Diaries · Follow

Answered by Presley Spenser  · Mon

What made you sad?

259 23

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