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Név: ____________________________ Elérhető pontszám: 50

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HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
Our Childhood
1. Members of the Family
Who said that? Look at the family tree and write the correct name to
the sentences.

1. Michael is my husband. ……………………

2. I have two sisters, Hannah and Rachel. ……………………
3. My sister’s name’s Sue. ……………………
4. My wife is Laura. ……………………
5. My parents are George and Mary, I have two brothers. ……………………
6. I’m single but not lonely. ………..................
7. I have three cousins and one brother. ……….…………..
8. I have five grandchildren and my husband is George ….………………..
9. I’m a man who has two sons and a daughter. ……………………
10. I and my wife have two daughters and a son. ……………………

Points 5

HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
2. Baby Things

a. Do you remember being a baby? What were the things that you
needed? Add one extra letter to the letters of each word and
rearrange them to find a baby thing.

1. MENTION  a special O
kind of cream
2. ARMFUL liquid baby U
3. PIES disposable wet P
things for cleaning
4. RAPID nappy I
5. LISTEN a sleeveless T
piece of clothes
6. MAP a four wheeled P
carriage for a baby
7. LATEST baby toys S
making a special sound
8. TO  a small bed with T
barred sides

HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
b, What other baby things can you think of? Look at the picture and
list 10 things that were not mentioned in exercise ’a’.


Points 9

HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
3. Childhood Games
a. What games did you play as a child? Look at the pictures and
solve the crossword puzzle. The pictures are not in order. Some
phrases contain more than one word divided by darker squares.

HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
b, Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory created a new version of one
of the games from exercise “a”, by adding two other elements:
Lizard and Spock. Watch the video:
What are the names of the hand signs?

Which would win in a match according to Sheldon? Circle the


HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
4. Childhood Memories Points 11

How do you store your photos, theatre tickets and memories of travels?
Do you keep them in boxes? Or do you have a special container for
Watch the video about how to make a memory scrapbook and circle
the correct answers.

This is a _______________.
a) box opening video b) tutorial c) Q&A video

You need ___________ cardstock to make the cover.

a) white b) red c) blue

You use ______________ envelopes.

a) open b) closed c) folded

Use _______________ for the envelopes.

a) cellotape b) white glue c) superglue

To cut off the side of the envelopes you should use a _____________.
a) pair of scissors b) craft knife c) pocket knife

You should fold the white paper ____________-style.

a) accordion b) organ piano

You should punch the ____________ side of the cardboard to make the
a) long b) opposite c) short

HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
The envelopes should be put into the pleats ______________.
a) the face side up b) the face side down c) the face side

You tie knots on the ___________ band.

a) rock b) wrist c) elastic

To emphasize the pocket edge you can use _____________.

a) ornamented strips b) stickers c) buttons
Points 10
5. My Childhood Memories

a. Complete the text with the missing words.

Hello my name is Alice. When I ____________ a child, I was a very shy girl. My family and
I lived in a small ______________ in Mexico. I remember my ___________ friend at school
_________ Manuel. When we met he was 8 years __________, and I _______ 9. We
were in the same ___________ at school. We sat together and always played in the break.
__________ family was very nice and they ____________ near my house, so we spent a
lot of ___________ together. We _______________ cartoons on TV, _____________
games and did our ________________ together. In summer, we ___________ together
too, we ___________ swimming in the river, when the __________ was hot,
____________ with our toys and played video games a lot. When his __________ moved
to another city, I _________ very sad. I will never ___________the time we spent together.

b. Answer the questions. Points 15

1. What was Alice like when she was young?
2. Where is Alice from?
3. How old was Alice when she met her best friend?
4. What did Alice and Manuel do during the breaks?
5. How did Alice feel when Manuel moved to another city?

HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.
Spring in the English-Speaking Countries egyfordulós csapatverseny

Ebben a tanévben is megrendezzük tavaszi angol országismereti versenyünket,

melyre 2-4 fős csapatok jelentkezését várjuk!

Nevezési díj: 4600 Ft/csapat

Várjuk jelentkezéseteket!

HEBE+ ANGOL A2 (egyéni)

Postára adási határidő: 2020. április 8.

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