Customer Script

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JK Cement Panna have the requirement of vibration analyser for their newly commissioned plant...

The technical head who has a long career in cement industry and working with ultratech
cement...suggested to go for Emerson CSI2140...also recently they have bought a instrument of Emerson
in some part of India...

One of our existing customer joins as mechanical head who will have the decision making power...

Sales Engineer: Hello Sir, thank you for your time and allowing me during this time when you are so busy
with plant erection work. hope you had a great experience with the use of our vibration analyser

Customer: Yes, it has been good all these years till I came here....but our management is insisting on to
Emerson system and clear about to buy the instrument as they recently bought for muddapur unit and
budget has been taken accordingly.

Sales Engineer:

May I know the support you need from my side to convenience the management.

Customer: Yes you give a demonstration in presence of our team and report and feedback will be shared
with Technical Head.

Sales Engineer: Sure sir, pls let me know the dates.

Customer: Ok, thanks, you plan to submit the quote also for 2 channel and 4 channel system.

Sales Engineer reports to Product Manager and Sales Manager

Product Manager: Hello Sir,

Thank you for having me to demonstrate our vibration analyzer.

Customer: thanks, while your demonstration pls explain each features and benefits.

After the demonstration:

Sir, as you have seen our instrument is fast and convenient to use...with all latest features and tools to
support your condition monitoring program.

The instrument come with triaxia sensor for fast and efficient measurement.

The Accurex will help you to find out the faults on click of button for standard machines...

The handy inbuilt functions like , pyrometer and stroboscope will help you with regular activities to
monitor the parameters along with the vibration.

Customer: Thank you for the demonstration, our team liked the instrument, may we meet the technical
head and explain your system.

Product Manager: Good Afternoon sir,We EarthTekniks have reputed and proven track record in
condition monitoring products.

We brought to you our most Advanced Instrument, OneProd Falcon, and demonstration of same is give
to your team and I believe they liked the system based on their queries and feedback.

Technical Head: Thank, Pls can you let me know more about the instrument, it origin and service
Product Manager: Yes sir, the manufacturer is OneProd under the ACOEM group in Lyon, France.

We have a full fledged service repair and calibration centre in Vadodara.

Technical Head: What is the recommended calibration duration.

Product Manager: 1 year

Technical Head: What is the lead time.

Product Manager: The calibration need a complete one day, rest the time is for transit, if you can hand
Cary instrument we can prvide the schedule and same day instrument can be taken back.

Technical Head: You have touch screen, no buttons, and also what about if wireless sensor stop working.

Product Manager; Yes sir, The touch screen is reliable, as it is resistive touch to be used with gloves or
bare hands, and to mention, the instrument comes with 1.2 meter of drop test so the durability is at top.

Sensor is also has been taken to work at same standard as instrument. If rarest of case it doesn't work
properly, you have wired sensor to take measurements to avoid any gap...the sensor than can be taken
care at service centre.

Technical Head: What about the diagnosis features, is it really better than Emerson csi2140

Product Manager: Yes, sir it has features, like bearing defect factor, hmx and SFX which will be easy
interpreted as are in numerical form with stage wise values indication.

Emerson is good with early monitoring but with measurement intervals , our instrument have advantage
to detect fault at any stage .
Technical Head: Thanks for clarifying. Our team may take more detail and if you can share the report of
demo and detailed comparison so our team can take decision.

Product Manager: Sure sir, we will share the same.

Customer: Thanks, pls share all the technical details and bill of material along with the comparison.

Product Manager: Okay, thanks.

Product Manager reports to Sales head about the case.

Sales Manager: Please send the details and arrange for the virtual meeting, with the team.

Sales Engineer: Okay

In the virtual meeting

Sales Head: Sir, thank you for having us, as per the demonstration, we see the instrument is explained in
detail with all its advantages.

May I know , what we can do to place order onto us.

Customer: Yes, we nee to have the dual channel system with all features product manager has
explained, we nee to have site training. You need place the bid at best prices

Sales Head: We assure to support you in same

Can we expect you to send our technical preferences to purchase.

Customer: Sure, let me talk to Plant head and come back to you.
After several followups.

In purchase:

Purchase: Your submitted proposal is in consideration.

Sales Engineer: okay sir, thanks for your information.

Few days later:

Purchase: sends mail for technical clarification.

Sales Engineer: Revised quote submitted after clarification.

Purchase: Your offered prices are higher and need to reconsideration on prices.

Sales Head: Our offered prices are appropriate, but since you have requested so we will workout and let
you know.

Revised prices submission after some discount.

Purchase: The prices are still higher.

Sales Head to Sales Engineer: to Find out the our technical preferences.

Sales Engineer to Customer: Hi sir, We have submitted our commercial proposal to purchase.

We just wanted to know that you are confident and will let know the same to purchase.
Customer: Yes, we have sent our preference to go with your instrument, now it’s upto them based on

Sales Engineer reports to Sales head.

Sales Head to Purchase: sir, we assure to support you for next requirements of alignment and vibration
meters but we have constraints to go below this price.

Purchase: Ok share the final prices over mail.

Sales Engineer: Good morning, wanted to know the status for our proposal.

Purchase; it has been sent for PO approval, once approval comes we will send you the PO.

Later the PO is received after approval.

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