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Additives - Any substance that the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to

result in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food intended for
use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting or
holding food; and including any source of radiation intended for any such use.

Curing may be defined as the methods of preserving fish by means of salting, drying, smoking, and
E. coli- indicator of contamination; indicates a hazard that one or more enteric pathogens may have
gained entry to the food

Emulsifiers are added to foods to ensure that oil and water mixtures do not
separate into layers

Extended processing- refers to the operation where the sterilizing process is

continued beyond the usual period of heating to achieve commercial sterility.

Fecal coliforms bacteria- indicator of contamination; show higher probability to include organisms of fecal
origin and consequently indicate fecal contamination

Fermentation - The breakdown of organic compounds into its simpler components mainly by
action of
enzymes aided by microorganisms.
Fish Preservation – method introduced with the purpose of preventing spoilage without altering
its form and/quality.
Humectants – these are used to prevent foods from drying out.
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) - is a naturally occurring marine biotoxin that is produced by
some species of microscopic algae. Shellfish eat these algae and can retain the toxin.
People can become ill from eating shellfish contaminated with Paralytic Shellfish Poison.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)- omega 3 type which have been linked to low incidence
of coronary heart diseases
Recycling- refers to the operations where heat sterilized produce is removed
from cans and mixed with fresh products at an earlier stage of production

Reprocessing- refers to the operation where processed product is subjected to

a second full heat sterilization process.

Reworking- refers to the operation where product is removed from cans which
have not been subjected to any heat sterilization process and either filled into
new cans or mixed with another batch at an earlier stage in the production
Stabilizers make possible the maintenance of uniform dispersions of two or
more substances in a food which are incapable of being mixed.

Spoilage – is a result of a series of complicated changes brought about mainly by enzymatic

and bacterial action.
Surimi - Or minced fish paste is a Japanese term for a semi-processed frozen minced fish
protein, where the minced meat has undergone leaching by water, and additives
such as sugars and polyphosphate have been added.

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