Water Case Study Assignment

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For this assignment you will be describing and evaluating the sustainability of a freshwater resource usage
through a case study. With your case study you will identify whether or not the case study represents
sustainable or unsustainable water usage. You will then detail out the evidence that you found that told
you whether it was sustainable or unsustainable.

You will select one of the Case Studies from the list below. You may not choose the same case as another
student. Read through your case study before you begin:

● Colorado River
● Dead Sea
● Jordan River
● The Aral Sea
● Tigris and Euphrates River
● Yangtze River/China’s Three Gorges Dam
● Ganges River
● Zambezi River
● Amazon River
● River Congo
● Murray-Darling Basin
● Ogallala Aquifer
● Great Lakes
● Kai Usher
● Cochabamba
● Or another source that has been approved by the teacher

Name of Water Source:

Scale: (local/global)

Maps of location ● Create a map showing the location(s) of your

water source
● Show graphics showing issues sources
● Climatograph of region and identify the biome

What? Facts & Figures

How? ● Develop a written description of the river,

include the states or countries the water
source flows through
● Typical biotic species found in the location
● Identify the most important facts surrounding
the water source
● Identify the associated inputs, outputs and
storages surrounding your water source
What are the causes? ● Identify the specific threats surrounding the
water source
What are the processes ● Explain effects on the ecosystem and local
involved? communities
● State how these threats have changed over
● Identify the human contributions to the

● Identify any conflicts between countries?

What are the responses? ● List strategies the government has

How is it being managed? implemented to protect the water source.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the laws or
Could altering human activities ● Evaluate the government water strategies.
reduce or solve the problem? Identify the strengths and limitations of the
How? strategy. Is it sustainable or unsustainable?
What evidence did you find to determine if it
was sustainable or unsustainable?
● Specify alternative courses of action. Evaluate
each course of action.
Link to EVS Links to ToK

Include the following images:

Systems Diagram

Sketches or images of the impacts

Exam Questions:
Create 2 IB Style Exam Questions linked to your case study, using the command term listed below. Include the
syllabus number that links to the question and point value that is fitting of the command term and expected
answer. Example: “Define Speciation (topic 3.2). [1 mark]”
● A 'describe' question
● An ‘outline’ OR 'identify' question
● A 'calculate' question
● An ‘evaluate’ question
● An 'explain' questions

Your oral presentation will be 5-10 minutes. Your written report will be the Case Study document excluding
the bibliography.

Criteria 7 6-5 4-3 2-1

Identification of Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and

Main demonstrates a demonstrates an demonstrates demonstrates a
Issue/Problem sophisticated accomplished acceptable week
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the main most of the some of the some of the
issues/problems in issues/problems issues/problems in issues/problems in
the case study the case study the case study

Analysis and Presents an Presents a Presents a Presents an

Evaluation of insightful and thorough analysis superficial analysis incomplete
Issues/problems thorough analysis of most of the of some of the analysis of some
and assess the issues identified identified issues of the identified
implications and and assess some issues
limitations of all of the implications
identified and limitations

Recommendations Supports diagnosis Supports diagnosis Little action No action

on Effective and opinions with and opinions with suggested and/or suggested and
Solutions/Strategies strong arguments limited reasoning inappropriate inappropriate
and well and evidence; solutions solutions
documented presents a proposed to the proposed to the
evidence somewhat one- issues in the case issues in the case
sided argument; study study.
demonstrates little
engagement with
ideas presented

Links to Course Excellent research Good research and Limited research Incomplete
Reading and into the issues documented links and documented research and links
Additional Research with clearly to the material links to any to any reading.
documented links read reading
to class (and/or
outside) reading

Writing Mechanics Uses proper Moderate uses Inconsistent us of Does not use
grammar, proper grammar, grammar, proper grammar,
punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, or punctuation, or
spelling and writes spelling and writes spelling spelling
effective reasonably throughout the throughout the
sentences that effective paper. Some of paper. Many of
make logical sentences that the sentences are the sentences are
sense. Has a generally make ineffective and do ineffective and do
proper academic logical sense. Has not make logical not make logical
style that is void of a proper academic sense. Does not sense. Does not
clichés and style that have a proper have a proper
informal colloquial generally avoids academic style academic style
phrases and clichés and and often uses and often uses
language. Writing informal, clichés or overly clichés or overly
is well organized colloquial phrases informal or informal or
and logically and language. colloquial colloquial
coherent Writing is well language. Writing language. Writing
organized and is not well is not well
generally logically organized and not organized and not
consistent. logically logically
consistent. consistent. Writing
is rambling and
often does not
make sense.

Case Study All paper Missing 1-2 paper Missing 3-4 paper Missing 5+ paper
Requirements requirements are requirements requirements requirements
correctly met

Very clear and Clear flow of ideas Most ideas flow Hard to follow the
concise flow of but focus is lost at
Delivery and ideas times flow of the ideas
interest in topic
Demonstrates Limited evidence Lack of
and engagement
passionate of interest in and enthusiasm and
with the class
interest in the engagement with interest.
topic and the topic
engagement with

Visuals Visuals augmented Use of visuals Limited use of No use of visuals

and extend related to the visuals loosely
comprehension of material related to the
the issues in material
unique ways

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