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Bance , Aira Gayle A.


Jose Rizal as taught in schools from elementary level as the National Hero of the Philippines .
The article reflect on the arguments and the doubts that surround of him receiving the title. It shows
how the writer strongly believes that many are more worthy to be called the National Hero than Rizal.
Jose Rizal was the one who ignite the fire in the people’s heart through his writings but condemn the
use of violent actions and way of rebellion against the Spaniards. Does he really deserve to be called
National Hero?

One of the main points in the article is that Rizal received the recognition as because of the
American influence in the decision making lead by Gov. William Howard Taft. In which at that time is
not surprising , he already have that status and recognition from the Filipinos but they put the emphasis
on him. According to Apostol (2020) ompared to the other choices at that time he is the most eligible
one. At that time, the Americans have the power and control. They needed a reason to make the Filipinos
more resentful to the Spaniards as they were their enemy at that time. They saw the opportunity in Rizal
as he was killed by the Spanish Government and it struck straight into the hearts of the Filipinos.

Jose Rizal points out wanting to have a fair treatment as the Spaniards , equality instead of
having full control to our own country . That is why in the article , the writer has doubts about him
being the national hero. Rizal does not want to resort out in using violence in fighting. But Rizal uses
another form of rebellion, through it writings. There he expresses and conveys what is happening
without any filter and bringing light into the hearts and mind of every Filipino. These words are
powerful enough to encourage them to see that they don’t deserve the treatment and situation they are
in . They can and will find ways to fight for a better tomorrow . He helped in terms of spreading his
writings hoping it could reach and by opening the eyes and mind of many Filipinos. He wanted a
revolution that is planned very well and will not make many Filipinos to be killed and suffer.

I think Renato Constantino’s intention in writing is to convince people that Rizal isn’t worthy
for the title . We may have different meaning or basis on who do we call a hero , but Rizal did something.
He actually take part in the revolution just in another manner. Patriotism can be shown in many and not
limited actions. In this instance we could pick up a lesson that in resolving an issue , we could make
and think many ways to overcome it. Our options are not limited , it is up to us if we would think
critically and not be decisive . Our generations might think they could do it differently, but at that time
that was Rizal’s way to help and we cannot judge him how small or big that contribution is.
References :

Jacob Apostol ( 2020 ). Rizal : The American Sponsored Hero in Question ?

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