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Name: Angel Kieth R.

Par Date: May 02, 2023

Labels & Trademarks
Early time it was first industrialized Plastics
Smith Brothers pioneered
in Egypt in 1500 B.C. Made Although discovered
Nature provided from base materials
official trademarks in 1866
in the 19th century, for their cough drops,
natural (limestone, soda, sand
which were marketed in
and silica), which were in most plastics were
materials for plentiful supply, all
large glass jars. The phrase
reserved for military "let the buyer beware"
containers. ingredients were simply
and wartime use. became popular in the
melted together and
molded while hot.

Metal Plastics
Paper The process of tin Styrene was first distilled
Paper making plating was discovered from a balsam tree in
in Bohemia in A.D. 1200 1831, but its early
technique was and cans of iron, products were brittle and
refined and coated with tin, were shattered easily.
Germany refined the
spread to Europe known in Bavaria as
process in 1933, making it
and the UK in 1310. early as the 14th available worldwide by
century. the 1950s.

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