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DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS 162D WING, (ANG) 1250 B PERIMETER WAY ‘TUCSON ARIZONA 22 March 2023 MEMORANDUM FOR 162 WG/CC HQ USAFE-AFAFRICA A589 FROM: 162 WG/IA 1660 East El Tigre Way Tucson AZ 85706 SUBJECT: Ukrainian Air Foree (UKR AF) Baseline Pilot Assessment (BPA) Report 1, Overview. The UKR AF, through US Office of Defense Cooperation, Kyiv, requested a BPA to: a, Determine UKR AF pilots” baseline ability 'b. Assist in development of potential future 4" generation fighter pilot training course syllabus, c. Event was accomplished at Mortis ANG base, Tucson, AZ from 27 Feb — 10 Mar 2023 2. Relevant Dates. The BPA was originally scheduled for Dec 2022, but was postponed due to CR funding shortfalls. It was then rescheduled and accomplished 27 Feb — 10 Mar 2023. 3. Preparation for BPA. The itinerary and travel were coordinated with assistance from the Ukraine Country Desk Officer USAFE ASIE, ODC Kyiv, and 162d Wing IMSO. BPA events were developed by 162d Wing IA with guidance from SAF/TA, 4, Personnel. The BPA was attended by two UKR AF pilots, a Captain Su-27 pilot, and a Major MiG-29 pilot. a. The following is the experience level of the 162d Instructor Pilots that observed BPA simulator events over the 2-week period: Rank Experience ‘Maj 44+Yrs FTU, 1500hrs F16 ‘Maj 10+¥rs FTU, 1900hrs F16 Maj 4#Yrs FTU, 2200hrs F16 Lt Col 6+Yrs FTU, 2300hrs F16 5. BPA Objectives. (1) Observe Ukrainian pilots to establish a baseline assessment of skills and determine feasibility of uaining on Wester 4" generation fighter aircraft (2) Observe Ukrainian pilots to aid in development of a specialized training syllabus to determine an accurate training timeline to transition to Wester fighter aircraft (3) Informally assess English language aptitude of Ukrainian pilots. 6. Execution. a, UKR AF pilots were observed conducting 9 simulator events covering 11.5 total hours. b. Simulators utilized were a mix of Weapons and Tactics Trainers (WTT) - 360° view high- {fidelity simulators — and Unit Training Devices (UID) - 180° view simulators. , Additional discussion covered operations in US/FAA airspace, Local Area Orientation, formation flying, and Low-Level operations. 7. Limitations. a, The BPA was observation only and training/instruction was not accomplished. Specific events (Simulated Flameout Landings, Overhead Patterns, Local Area Procedures, Low Altitude Navigation) were demonstrated and UKR AF pilots were observed executing those events. b. Simulator time was limited due to other formal training requirements. c. The event was conducted at an Unclassified level. d. There was no previously established precedent to host an event like this with the given limitations. 8. Conclusion for Objective 1. Instructors observing the events assessed the skill-level to be adequate for basic training on 4" generation Western fighter aircraft. a, One observing IP stated UKR AF pilots were “above a B-course level.” b, Both UKR AF pilots demonstrate above average progression on tasks given to them by the observing IPs. This information is furnished on the condition that it will not be released to another nation without 5 fic authority of the Depat int of the Air Force of the United States, that it will be Controlled by: 162 WG/A used for military purposes only, that individual or corporate rights originating in tho CUI Category(ies): Privacy, information, whether patented or not, will be respected, that the to the United States any known or suspected comprot ent will report promptly 2, and that the information will be Provisional Limited provided substantially the same degree of security afforded it by the Department of Defense Dissemination Control: Of the United States. Also, regardless of any other markings on the document, it will not be | FEDCONPOC: 162 WGIIA, downgraded or declassified without written approval of the originating U.S., agency. 520.295.6387 CUI// REL BEL, BGR, DNK, GBR, NOR, POL, PRT, ROU, NLD c. Example Observations: (2) After a single demonstration in the UTD, both pilots were able to successfully land the aircraft from an overhead simulated flameout (SFO) pattern. This is a relatively technical skill that must be continually practiced throughout an F-16 pilot's career. Every simulator event concluded with an SFO to a full-stop landing. Only once was the pilot ‘unsuccessful in stopping the aircraft (this instance was at a newly introduced airfield with shorter rmway) and only three landings required the use of arresting gear. Observing IPs agreed this was an above average demonstration considering the UKR AF pilots received xno formal training or instruction on procedures and techniques to accomplish a successful SFO, nor is this procedure applicable to their current aireratt Q) After a single demonstration of an overhead pattern, both pilots were able to successfully recover to an overhead touch-and-go pattem on each simulator. This is an above average result given the limitation on training for this event. (3) Low-level flying was above average. Both pilots quickly adapted to the increased task load in the low-level environment of Southern Atizona as demonstrated in the sims (A) Pilots were able to execute mock attacks based on parameters communicated while they were flying the sim. (S) Both pilots were not comfortable flying US standard multi-aircraft formation, positions. They currently fly different multi-aircrafi formations in country and quickly reverted to their home country formations during the simulator profiles. (© Both pilots are unfamiliar with FAA/DoD instrument procedures. 9. Conclusion for Objective 2. Given the skillset demonstrated by the UKR AF pilots, and the requirement to develop a specialized syllabus only focused on min required tasks, ~4 months is a realistic training timeline. a. The current Training Task List (TTL) that guides syllabus development lists approximately 250 tasks that must be taught and demonstrated up to a competent level upon completion of Mission Qualification Training (MQT) — when a pilot is considered a mission capable pilot. Eliminating events that would not be required for initial UKR AF training could reduce this TTL down to approximately 160 tasks. (1) Transition Phase (-8 weeks) (2) Low Altitude Step-Down Training (-2 weeks) (3) Air-to-Air Phase focused on single-ship and two-ship intercepts and basic WVR employment of a single radar missile type and infrared missile type (~3 weeks) This information is furnished on the condition that it will not be released to another nation without specific authority of the Department of the Air Force of the United States, that it will be Controlled by: 162 WGIIA used for military purposes only, that individual or corporate rights originating in the CUI Category(ies): Privacy, information, whether patented or not, will be respected, that the recipient will report promptly provisional Limited to the United States any known or suspected compromise, and that the information will be : provided substantially the same degree of security afforded it by the Department of Defense emination Controk: of the United States. Al any other markings on the document, it will not be FEDCONPOC: 162 WGIIA, «d without written approval of the originating U.S., agency. 520.295.6387 CUI// REL BEL, BGR, DNK, GBR, NOR, POL, PRT, ROU, NLD Thi information is furnished on the condi without specific authority of the Department of the Air Force of the United Stat used for military purposes only, that individual or corporate rights originatit (4)_Air-to-Surface phase focused on low-level ingress to employment of JDAM class weapons against target coordinates (~4 weeks) b. Mission sets/tasks to consider eliminating for initial training given the current threat environment include (Q)_ US instrument approach procedures (2) Basic Fighter maneuvers (BFM) @)_ Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) () Air-to-Air Refuueling (AAR) (S) Close Air Support (CAS) (6) Basic Surface Attack (BSA) . Utilizing a waterfall approach to accomplish fighter training, general language training, and specialized language training would allow for the training of 12-14 pilots in approximately 12 months. 10. Conclusion for Objective 3. Observing IPs assessed English language aptitude to be a concern and given the sample size of participating UKR AF pilots in the BPA, it is realistic to expect additional formal language training will be required. There was noted improvement of English aptitude over the two-week assessment. 11, Recommendation. Given the limitations with sample size and training restrictions, the recommendation is for a formal training event with a larger sample size and completed Defense Language Institute English Competency Level established with an objective of ranking the initial cadre and determining what if any additional language taining is requited. Suggest 10- 12 participants over a 3-week period with classroom instruction and formal graded simulator events 12, Summary. Per our conchision for Objective 1 and 2, it is feasible to train UKR AF pilots on 4 generation Wester fighters and, with a highly specialized syllabus, conducted that training between 4 and 5 months, Additional language training will be required for the majority of the initial cadre. 13. Direct questions to Lt Col Jared White at: jared white. mil. n that it will not be released to another nation that it will be Controlled by: 162 WG/IA, information, whether patented or not, will be respected, that the recipient will report promptly provisional Limited to the United States any known or suspected comprot provided substantially the same degree of security afforded it by the Department of Defense: of the United States. Also, regardless of any other markings on the document, it will not be FEDCONPOC: 162 WG/IA, and that the information will be eee ee te downgraded or declassified without written approval of the originating U.S., agency. 520-295-6387 CUI// REL BEL, BGR, DNK, GBR, NOR, POL, PRT, ROU, NLD CUI Category(ies): Privacy, WHITE JARED mersees 1071915880 SEE JARED P. WHITE, Lt Col, AZ ANG Intemational Affairs, 162d Wing Ist Ind, 162 WGICC MEMORANDUM FOR HQ USAFE-AFAFRICA A589 Concur’Nen-eoneur BUTLERJEFFRE SORE ses YL 1154525617 | messes JEFFREY L. BUTLER Brigadier General, AZ ANG Commander, 162d Wing formation is furnished on the condition that it will not be released to another nation will be Controlled by: 162 WG/IA used for military purposes only, that individual or corporate rights originating in the CUI Category(ies): Privacy, information, whether patented or not, will be respected, that the recipient will report promptly provisional Limited to the United States any known or suspected compromise, and that the information willbe ovson 8) ‘dit by the Department of Defense Dissemination Control: of the United States. Also, regardless of any other markings on the document, it will not be FEDCONPOC: 162 WG/IA, downgraded or declassified without written approval of the originating U.S., agency. 520-205-6387 CUI// REL BEL, BGR, DNK, GBR, NOR, POL, PRT, ROU, NLD

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