TP Gastronomy

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Task Performance

1) Yoshihiro Narisawa 

Narisawa is the owner of the two star Michelin restaurant Narisawa in Japan. Chiefly

devoted to baking, one of his most famous dishes is the “Bread of the Forest”, which is
placed next to your table and grows using the candlelight as you work your way through
your meal. We could highlight that the desserts in Narisawa transmit balance through such a
seemingly simple yet meticulously studied presentation. We might also note that the
desserts in Narisawa are modern, since they combine modern techniques and provide a
crafted balance in textures.

2) Heston Blumenthal

You may have seen Blumenthal as a guest chef on MasterChef, setting contestants
impossibly complicated dishes to recreate. For his innovations in cooking he has been
awarded honorary degrees from a stream of Universities and been made a Fellow of the
Royal Society of Chemistry. This particular Oak Moss dish, served at his Michelin starred
restaurant, The Fat Duck uses dry ice on moss to create a forest like scene.
3) Paco Roncero 

In 2006 Paco Roncero won the National Gastronomy Award for his contributions to
innovative cooking. He has also pioneered the world’s most expensive restaurant,
Sublimotion which The Guardian describes as “ a marriage of food and technology –
temperature, scents, projections and ultimately, trickery of the mind and palate.” This rose
dish is one of Sublimotion’s signature dishes.

4) Rene Redzepi

Redzepi reinvents and modernises traditional Nordic cuisine in his two star Michelin
restaurant Noma. Using locally sourced, organic ingredients he creates avant garde dishes.
This beautifully plated meal is one of the restaurants’ most popular items and comprises
white asparagus, green asparagus and pine nut sauce.

5) Ferran Adria 

Adria is the founder of the legendary restaurant el Bulli in Spain. While the restaurant has
closed down and reopened as a creativity center, Adria remains a stalwart in the world of
molecular gastronomy.
6) Alain Ducasse

His gastronomic style is characterized by cooking food at very low temperatures and
therefore employing long cooking times, he also uses vacuum bags (sous vide) to cook some
of the food and uses ad advanced cooking methods.

7) Jordi Cruz

He first took charge of Estany Clar (Cercs), where he got a Michelin star at the age of 26.
Then he moved on to L’Angle (1 Michelin star) in Manresa, next to the headquarters of the
Alicia Foundation, the place he still runs; for the last two years, he has been in charge of the
kitchen at the elegant Abac (2 Michelin stars) in Barcelona. His latest venture is called 10’s: a
gastro bar with tapas that fuses tradition and the avant-garde.
8) Pierre Gagnaire

Gagnaire was one of the first chefs to conceive of food as art, and like a painter, he often
marks his culinary pieces by dish and year. The constant evolution and unpredictability of his
cuisine have allowed this chef, considered among the top 10 chefs in the world by Le Chef
magazine, to remain at the forefront of the international culinary scene, and together with
chemist Hervé This, he has developed molecular gastronomy

9) Grant Achatz

Chili means Halloween to me,” Grant Achatz says. When he was growing up, his mother
would always serve it to him and his cousins before they went trick or treating as a way to
counteract the sugar buzz to come. The smoky, spicy version here is a slightly modified
version of his mother’s chili, made with ancho, pasilla and chipotle powders, plus a
homemade blend of seasonings and fresh herbs.


Martin Berasategui
In charcuterie, he delves into the hand of François Brouchican in the village of Ustariz and
the kitchen with Bernard Lacarrau in the village of Labatut. But, above all, it was with Didier
Oudil, a portentous professional, first head chef at the glamorous seaside resort of Les Prés
D’Eugénie with Michel Guerard, that he came into contact with haute cuisine. And then with
Alain Ducasse, at the Louis XV restaurant in Monaco.

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