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Project By Emma Burnett

Is there a difference between skiers and

snowboarders in respect to screen time?

Null: There is no difference between

skiers and snowboarders in respect to
screen time. Alternative: Snowboarders on average

have a higher screentime amount than

In total, nearly 30% of

the AHS students
surveyed snowboard,
while the other 70%.

Using google sheets, I organized the information that was gathered into categories -
Screen time and Skiing vs Snowboaring. I was able to use a table to create a table with
all of the information. You can see how many skiers Snowboarders are in each screen
time category.

Next, after receiving the previous information, I was able to calculate the expected
amount of each skier/snowboarder to each specific time spent on screens. You can
see that the numbers from the previous table are very similar or close to the numbers
calculated here.

Now I needed to find the Chi-Squared for each category, and that left me with the
tools to find the total Chi-Squared (in table below). After I did that, I knew I had 2
columns, and 5 rows - subtract one from each and I get 1*4. This gives me my Degree
of Freedom - 4, and using the Critcal Value Table, I was able to find my Critical and P

This small table to the left shows all of

my final numbers after my calculations. I
further use this to find my conclusion...


What is the difference in screentime for snowboarders and skiers?

Well after much research and calculations, we had a Chi-Squared
value of 3.212, with the degree of freedom being 4. This would leave
us with a critical value of 9.488. But there’s a problem, we don’t
have enough evidence to reject our Null Hypothesi because out Chi-
Squared is way smaller than the Critial Value. This leaves us with the
conclusion that there is no difference in how much skiers are on
screens versus how much snowboarders are on screens. Therefore,
we accept our Null.

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