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Match each of the principles in the left-hand column with a suitable description or comment in the
right-hand column.

1. AUTOMATICITY ( ) knowing that there will be a “reward” for task

completion will motivate students and will foster learning.
But vary the rewards…

2. TRANSFER ( ) when learning another language, students face a

new “self”. Learning a new language implies improving
one’s personality – it implies change – and if they are not
ready for that, they will resist and hinder their acquisition.

3. REWARD ( ) encourage students to take risks and show

sympathy. Not being afraid to try is essential for the
acquisition process.

4. SELF-REGULATION ( ) promote the pleasure of learning a foreign

language. Make students enjoy what they are doing.

5. IDENTITY AND INVESTMENT ( ) observe students’ learning style and teach various
learning strategies so that students can decide which
strategies best apply to their own style and use them in
and outside the classroom.

6. INTERACTION ( ) develop students’ self-confidence by showing,

affirming, and even stating you believe in their ability to
learn and accomplish any assigned task.

7. LANGUACULTURE ( ) always highlight cultural aspects of the target

language. Also, make explicit what they may take for
granted in their own culture.

8. AGENCY ( ) the native language will always influence the process

of learning a second/ foreign language.

( ) the more meaningful, the better long-term

retention. Appeal to students’ interests, academic and
career goals.

( ) the acquisition of a second language will be more

effective if students learn how to use it and use it in class
until the processing of language forms become

( ) students acquire language little by little.

Consequently, they go through a developmental process
in which they range from using the target language as if
they were using their native language to using the
foreign language in a way which is close to that of a
native user.

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