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How a Heart Loop Recorder works

A heart loop recorder monitors the heart irregular rhythm. It automatically records abnormal
electrical rhythms. Then send it to a memory bank. The data collected will be sent to your
cardiologist multiple times throughout the day. You can also direct the loop to record.

How is the recorded installed

It’s classified under a procedure so will not be given general anesthesia. THey will give you a
mild sedative and local anesthetic which makes it where you don't feel the pain.
Electrophysiologist will cut a quarter of an inch on the left of the chest. Which creates a small
pocket in the chest. places the devices into the pocket. Stitches up the opening. To activate the
record electrophysiologist will move a magnet over it.
-To find the causes of fainting patterns
-Asses unexplained heart palpitations
-Supervisors the heart after heart attack

Heart Rhythm Disorders

Heart arrhythmias is when the heart has irregular heartbeats. Arrhythmias are classified under the
speed of the heart rate.
- Tachycardia faster above 100 beats per minute
● Afib
● Atrial flutter
- Bradycardia slower below 60 beats per minute
● Sick sinus syndrome
● Conduction block
Electric System of The Heart
- Sinus Node keeps the heartbeat at its regular rhythm
- Atrioventricular Node
- Bundle of His collection of cells carry electrical signals to AV node to the Bundle
- Bundle Branches there are two branches. Left branch conducts pulses to left ventricle.
Right branch conducts a pulse to the right ventricle.
- Purkinje Fibers cardiac muscle cells that send electrical pulses to coordinate
contractions from cardiac muscle found in the inner of the ventricular walls.
- Ventricular they are the two lower chambers of the heart. One is on the right side and the
other is on the left. The ventricles take blood from the atria which are the two upper
chambers. Then pump it to different parts of the body.

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