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I. Read the following sentences aloud, and mark (u) the consonant sounds that link with
the vowel sounds.
1. All of us are spending lots of time in front of screens.
2. Be sure to pay your rent and bills on time.
3. It is a good idea to be aware of your weaknesses.
4. What are skills of an independent learner?
5. These are modes of transportation an independent teen should know.
6. Parents want to give a teen all of the tools he needs to be successful.
7. If a teen possesses all of the life skills, he will succeed in the world.
8. I think you have a lot of life skills in order to live independently.
II. Read aloud the paragraph below, and link (‿) the final consonants and initial vowels.
The final aim of any parent is to bring up an independent, responsible child. This may seem
obvious, but most of us know it takes real focus on it. Kids often become ready for the world
when they turn eighteen. They need to practise a lot in order to behave independently. It means
all of them should increase their ability to make decisions on their own. Sometimes parents allow
children to make inappropriate options, and then kids ought to move on.


I. Fill in each blank with, the correct word from the box.

plan system team issue information

focus effort work flow techniques
1. I actively look for ways to improve the _________________ of my work, and the way that I
approach tasks.
2. I can maintain _________________ on one task for a significant period of time.
3. I spend lots of time looking for _________________ or documents, or locating missing
4. I use the talents, time, and expertise of other people in my _________________ to help get
the work done.
5. I actively look for ways to avoid wasting time and _________________ - both for myself
and for my team.
6. I use _________________ like skimming and note taking to identify the key points from the
documents that I receive.
7. I have a clear _________________ for dealing with disruptions and interruptions.
8. I delay difficult or unpleasant tasks until the last minute - or until the _________________
disappears on its own.
9. I use a formal tracking _________________ to understand how I spend my time.
10. I do all of the tasks that are assigned to me, and hope that I can keep up with the volume of
II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
1. The good _________________ habits that a teen should have are to take care of any injuries
as they happen and until they are healed, and wear clean clothes.
2. As a parent, one of the most important goals is to raise children who will become
independent and _________________ in the future.
3. Part of building confidence is learning how to _________________ with all types of
4. Parents want to raise their child to be independent, and to help him make his own
5. Children should be allowed to argue with parents because this encourages open
_________________ and a friendly environment.
6. Some students have busy lives which sometimes conflict with their study plans, and they
_________________ from a lack of motivation in study.
III. Combine the sentences, using to-infinitives.
1. I recognize that I could work more effectively with my time log. I was amazed.

2. No one can focus and produce really high-quality work without giving their brains some time
to rest and recharge. It is impossible.

3. You should make a list of attainable goals that you can achieve. It is important.

4. Use an electronic calendar to write down the things you need to do, including appointments
and deadlines. It is very simple.

5. Don’t read funny emails or check Facebook first. It is neither urgent nor important.

6. You should practise time management in your daily life. It is surprisingly hard.

7. Keep a time log at times of pressure, for example, when revising for examinations. It is very

8. Think that you can work for 8-10 hours straight, especially when you are working to a
deadline. It is nice.

IV. Combine the sentences, using “adjective + for somebody + to-infinitive”.

1. Parents can help build a child’s independence by encouraging good habits. It’s very

2. Customers have to read fabric care labels and recognize which clothes require dry cleaning.
It’s necessary.

3. Parents pick their children up from school. It is both urgent and important.

4. Students learn to prioritise their tasks. It is essential.

5. All of us focus and concentrate on one thing at a time. It is reasonable.

V. Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in brackets and a to-infinitive so that the new
sentences have the closest meaning to the given ones.
1. If you don’t want to cook, invest in a microwave. (desire)
2. We should be able to take a leadership role within group situations. (ability)

3. Action Priority Matrix can help you prioritize effectively. (tool)

4. To use a time log is useful for eliminating wasted time. (way)

5. You can ask your tutor if you may submit an assignment late if necessary. (permission)

6. Managing your time is very important for you to succeed in your study. (element)

7. The school library is suitable for you to escape from distractions. (venue)

8. Do you think it is ideal for you to send that email confirming your holiday dates? (time)

I. Read the passage about full-time life skills courses, and then answer the questions.
These full-time Life Skills courses are suitable for students with a range of additional
learning needs from moderate learning difficulties to severe learning difficulties.
Our range of Life Skills courses enables learners to develop vocational skills designed to
improve opportunities for progression to employment and/or further study.
We offer a wide range of life skills courses including Cookery, Creative Skills, Workshop
Skills, Animal Care, and professional courses.
Students are taught in small groups and all courses include lessons that help them build
confidence and improve literacy, numeracy and skills for independence, employment and
progression. We can arrange an expert’s visit for potential students, and parents including a tour
to view our facilities and discuss the course options.
1. Who are the courses for?

2. Why are the courses suitable for future workers?

3. What skills do you think you will be taught if you follow the courses?

4. What are the advantages that the courses offer to students?

5. For whom can they arrange an expert’s visit?

II. Read the text, and then do the tasks that follow.
The Ability to Get from One Place to Another
One important life skill that teenagers need to leam in order to become independent, and to
generally be able to operate without their parents is transportation, or “getting from Point A to
Point B”. While it sounds simple, many teens do not have a good grasp of this simple skill. There
is a bus to get to school and often, the family rely upon for transportation to go anywhere else.
Always leaving this important life skill to parents can lead a child to develop the bad habit of
never taking the responsibility of being where they need to be and blaming others for being late
or not showing up. That will hinder your teen's daily living and success.
Young adults have goals, dreams and responsibilities that will require them to know all they can
about different modes of transportation.
Teens need to know “how to get there from here”. Therefore, parents need to give the
responsibility of transporting themselves from one place to another to their teens as often as
possible. When parents do this, teens learn valuable transportation lessons.
Transportation lessons and experiences are taught in high school and some can be taught by
getting your teens involved with travel clubs or various youth events.
These life skills are learned best when taught by experience, but you can also use the Internet to
help when the concept of using experience as a teacher is not readily applicable. Give these
lessons your best efforts as teaching your teens how to go where they need to on their own will
boost their confidence and add to their overall sense of independence.
Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each
Answer A B
1. operate (v) A. arrive
2. grasp (n) B. make something become better
3. show up (phr. v) C. ability to get something
4. hinder (v) D. work in a particular way
5. boost (v) E. make it difficult for someone to do something
Task 2: Read the passage again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false
6. The fact that children depend on their parents for transportation to go  
anywhere may have a negative impact on them.
7. Parents should take the responsibility of transporting their teens as often  
as possible.
8. Transportation lessons can be taught at school or in community.  
9. Experiences and the Internet play an important role in learning this life  
10. Adults need to give all the responsibility of learning how to go where  
teens need to the teens to boost their confidence and their sense of
III. Read the text, and then do the tasks that follow.
Why Do We Use Time-Management Skills?
It is important that you develop effective strategies for managing your time to balance the
conflicting demands of time for study, leisure, and work. Time-management skills are valuable
not only in job-hunting, but also in many other aspects of life: from revising for examinations to
working in a vacation job.
Sometimes it may seem that there isn't enough time to do everything that you need to. This
can lead to a build-up of stress. When revising for examinations, or during your final year when
you have to combine the pressures of intensive study with finding time to apply for jobs, good
management of your time can be particularly important. Once we have identified ways in which
we can improve the management of our time, we can begin to adjust our routines and patterns of
behaviour to reduce any time-related stress in our lives.
Some of these skills include setting clear goals, breaking your goals down into several steps,
and reviewing your progress towards your goals.
Other skills involved include prioritising - focusing on urgent and important tasks rather
than those that are trivial or don't move you towards your goals; organising your work schedule;
list making to remind you of what you need to do.
Task 1. Read the text and select the statement that expresses its main idea.
A. Priority makes us have time-management skills and focus on urgent and important tasks.
B. Time-management skills help us do better in study and work and enjoy life more.
C. Good skills to deal with work may help you a lot in job-hunting after graduation.
Task 2. Read the text again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or
not given (NG).
1. Time-management skills help us to balance our time between study,   
leisure, and work.
2. Time-management skills also bring more productivity in our work.   
3. When we have good time management, we can reduce stress in our   
4. We should focus on achieving our goals, and spending time checking   
progress is wasteful.
5. Priority requires us to do trivial tasks first.   
Task 3. Answer the following questions.
1. Why are time-management skills important?

2. Why do students revising for examinations build up stress?

3. How can we reduce any time-related stress in our lives?

4. What is the procedure to achieve our goals?

5. What does the skill of priority mostly involve?

IV. Read the text, and then do the tasks that follow.
Research from a variety of perspectives reveals that when we push our children to be
independent before they’re ready, it can often be counterproductive, making them more
dependent instead. For example, if a toddler is afraid to be alone at bedtime, and the parent
forces him to do so, the feeling of fear once the parent closes the door may amplify. The next
night, this fear and panic and dependence are even greater because, while you may have been
ready for that move toward independence, your child was not. When children are afraid and their
parents push them too hard too soon, they will often feel flooded with uncomfortable emotions
and bodily sensations.
It is demonstrated that there’s a line we must walk in terms of how far we push our kids
outside of their comfort zone in order to successfully promote independence. If parents don’t
push at all, the child will stay confined within her comfort zone and won’t overcome her
discomfort and fear about taking on new independence or a new experience.
When parents push their children gently, incrementally and with lots of support, children
learn to tolerate more, and they begin to have experiences that let them feel stronger and more
independent. For example, when a mother wanted to help his son not feel so fearful about going
to the bathroom or upstairs without her, she would sing loudly so he could hear she was close,
but not right next to him. He saw that he could feel comfortable doing these things without his
Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each
Answer A B
1. perspective (n) A. full of something
2. counterproductive (adj) B. existing only in a particular area
3. flooded (adj) C. having the opposite effect to the one which was
4. confined (adj) D. little by little
5. incrementally (adv) E. a particular thought

Task 2. Answer the following questions.

6. When does the process of making a child independent become counter-productive?

7. Why did the child’s fear and panic, dependence seem to be greater the next night?

8. What will happen if parents don’t push their child at all?

9. What is the best way to help children more independent?

10. Why could the boy in the last paragraph feel comfortable?

V. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
An important part of being an adult in the USA is becoming more independent from your
parents. First, make sure you are living somewhere rather than your parents' house. If your
parents own the property in which you live, they will have a say in how you maintain that
property. If you want to be independent and make your own decisions about how you live, you
will need to obtain your own housing that is completely separate from your parents both
physically and financially.
Second, generate your own income and be as financially self-sufficient as possible. One of
the main challenges in becoming independent as an adult is acquiring a sufficient income to
allow you to live without the financial assistance of your parents. This can be particularly
difficult if you are still a university student, but it is not impossible. Seek scholarships and part-
time jobs. If you are no longer a student, find employment that offers a salary that can cover your
expenses. It may be necessary to obtain multiple sources of income in order to become
financially self-sufficient and independent from your parents.
Next, budget your expenses carefully. When first becoming financially independent, it may
be necessary to cut back on some of your expenses and strictly stick to a budget. Determine
exactly what you can afford in terms of rent, food, clothing, transportation and entertainment
based on your own income, create a budget. While you may experience a dip in your standard of
living at first, learning how to follow a budget and be self-sufficient will help you stay
Finally, avoid relying on your parents as a first resort option for help of any kind. This, in no
way, means that you may never ask your parents for help again, it just means that as an
independent adult, there should be other sources of support within your life that you can turn to
when necessary.
1. You need to have your own accommodation so that ______.
A. your parents can’t change your lifestyles and decisions
B. you have no relationship with your parents
C. your parents will have a say in how you maintain that property
D. you will be as financially self-sufficient as possible
2. All of the following statements are true about acquiring your own income EXCEPT that
A. it allows you to become financially independent from your parents
B. you can’t earn a living when you are still a university student
C. you have to look for scholarships and part-time jobs as being a student
D. sometimes you have to do several jobs in order to earn enough money
3. An important task of becoming financially independent of your parents is that ______.
A. you learn how to set a budget that increases your standard of living
B. you have to cut back on your expenses sharply all the time
C. your salary can cover your medical and legal expenses
D. you have to plan a reasonable budget and obey it strictly
4. If you want to be entirely independent as an adult, ______.
A. you have to avoid relying on your parents whenever you are in trouble
B. you should never ask your parents for help again in any way
C. your parents should not be the first people you approach for help
D. there should be other sources of support that your parents can rely on
5. The main idea of the text is ______.
A. the importance of your own accommodation in your life
B. the steps for you to follow to become independent adults
C. the budget of your expenses and its benefits
D. the instructions to make you independent all your life
VI. For each statement, click the level in the column that best describes you. The marking
scheme is that: 1 for Not at all (N), 2 for Rarely (R), 3 for Sometimes (S), 4 for Often (O),
and 5 for Very Often (VO). Then calculate your total, and read the score interpretation.
How Good is Your Time Management?
15 Statements To Answer N R S O VO
1. The tasks I work on are the ones with the highest priority.
2. I find myself completing tasks at the last minute, or asking for
3. I set aside time for planning and scheduling.
4. I know how much time I spend on each of the various tasks I do.
5. I find myself dealing with interruptions.
6. I use goal setting to decide what tasks and activities I should work
7. I leave some time in my schedule to deal with "the unexpected".
8. I know whether the tasks I am working on are high, medium, or
low value.
9. When I am given a new assignment, I analyze it for importance
and prioritize it accordingly.
10. I am stressed about deadlines and commitments.
11. Distractions keep me from working on critical tasks.
12. I have to take work home in order to get it done.
13. I prioritize my “To Do” list or Action Program.
14. I confirm my priorities with my teacher.
15. Before I take on a task, I check that the results will be worth the
time put in.
Score Interpretation
15-30: The good news is that you have a great opportunity to improve your effectiveness at
work, and your long-term success! However, you have to improve your time-
management skills.
31-45: You’re good at these skills, but there’s room for improvement elsewhere. Focus on
the most important things, and you’ll most likely find that work becomes much less
46-75: You’re managing your time very effectively!

I. Complete the conversation about how to be independent in Viet Nam, using the
responses (A-H) given.
A. Besides the money matter, we should have interpersonal skills.
B. And we need to know how to make dinner when we get home. How about transportation
C. In your opinion, what is the first skill in order to be independent?
D. Learning life skills will give us the greatest chance of being successful at living
independently the first time we live on our own.
E. Learning how to set and obtain a goal is necessary life skills a teen will need to be a
happy and successful adult.
F. The job will need to make enough money to cover their living expenses, at minimum.
G. Laundry, cleaning the room, taking out the trash - few teens enjoy these tasks, but they
need to know how to do them and get used to doing them before they are out on their
H. They will need help in learning what is reasonable for rent and, if it’s more than they can
earn, how to find and live with a roommate.
Nick: Do you think that at some point time we have to leave our parents’ home and live
independently, Minh?
Minh: In Viet Nam, we still live with our parents until we have our own family.
Nick: I think that coping with loneliness is a very important skill because every teen has needed
Minh: I agree with you. Teens who know how to recognize loneliness as the temporary feeling it
is can do just fine. In order to live independently, we will need to have a job. (2)________
Nick: Right. Today a young adult has a job that contributes to a high quality of life and not just
monetarily. By the way, we also need to know how to shop at a grocery shop, making
smart buying decisions.
Minh: (3)______________________________________________________________________
Nick: We can’t always rely on our friends who have motorbikes to take us to where we need to
go, and public transportation isn’t always there when we need it. Besides, I think we
should have general housekeeping skills.
Minh: (4)______________________________________________________________________
Nick: Doing household chores is part of being independent and responsible. Learning how to
handle money should start at a very young age, with increasing lessons and practice as
teens get older.
Minh: (5)______________________________________________________________________
Sometimes we have difficulty making and keeping friends.
Nick: That’s right. These skills also help us to get along with co-workers, and bosses. Defining
what we want is called setting a goal. We need to know how to obtain that goal and take
actions to reach it.
Minh: You’re right. (6)___________________________________________________________
Nick: Most teens live at home and don’t have a clue what it costs to have their own apartment.
Minh: (7)______________________________________________________________________
Teens also need time-management skills. Do you think so?
Nick: The time-managing skill is almost as important as money management.
Minh: (8)______________________________________________________________________
Nick: I absolutely agree with you.
II. Complete the conversation between Ms Hang and Dr. Nelson about the ways of raising
independent children, using the responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. Start her off on a quiet road, and follow a few feet behind her to see how she does. After
a couple of weeks, stand on the other side of the street, and let her come to you.
B. When a kid is 10 or more than that, she generally behaves well at home, can remember
directions, and consistently follows general safety rules, such as not opening the door to a
C. They should supervise their two-or three-year-old kid closely, even if the garden is
fenced in.
D. They can phone the friend’s parents and arrange a date, then tell the kid exactly what to
E. When a kid is two years old and more than that, the toddler is able to leave his parents’
side for short periods and is curious about exploring.
F. Map out the route together so you can choose the safest crossing spots, and review some
basic precautions, the child should know to be especially careful at intersections and
never to stop to speak to strangers, for instance.
G. By the age of 5 and up, a kid can follow simple directions and has a good sense of
distance and time.
Ms Hang: Good morning, Dr. Nelson. When do parents let their kids play in the yard?
Dr. Nelson: (1)________________________________________________________________
Ms Hang: How should parents start leaving their kid alone in the yard?
Dr. Nelson: (2)________________________________________________________________
They should watch her closely and teachers not to wander off.
Ms Hang: When is a kid able to walk to a nearby friend’s house?
Dr. Nelson: (3)________________________________________________________________
Ms Hang: What can parents do to help their kid get to her friend’s house?
Dr. Nelson: (4)________________________________________________________________
Keep the visit short, and make sure the child knows she can't leave or go to
another house.
Ms Hang: When are kids ready to stay at home alone?
Dr. Nelson: (5)________________________________________________________________
But it also depends on where you live.
I. Read the advertisement for independent living skills offered by Silicon Valley
Independent Living Center (SVILC), and answer the questions.
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC)
Independent living skills are any activity of daily living that an individual may need to
maintain or develop their independence.
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) offers various courses:
• Improving your time-management skills, such as scheduling and keeping
• Acquiring self-advocacy skills to speak out about your needs
• Gaming basic computer skills for conducting an internet search, creating an email
account, developing a resume, etc.
• Learning to use the bus and other public transportation systems
• Organizing menus and shopping lists
• Completing paperwork and forms
• And more ....
SVILC's specialist will work with you to identify the areas of your life that require these
types of skills and design a plan to achieve success.
1. What courses are advertised?

2. Who are the courses for?

3. How many courses at least are offered by SVILC?

4. What skills do you think you will be taught if you take the course of time-management?

5. What can SVILC's specialist help you?

II. Mary is interested in the Life Skills courses offered by Metropolitan Center for
Independent Living (MCIL). Below is her letter asking for further information, but the
parts are jumped-up. Put them in the right order, and write the answer in each blank.
June 1st, 20
Dear Ms White,
1. A. I would like to know when each course or workshop starts, how much the tuition
fee is and how I should pay.
2. B. I hope that your answers to my questions will help me to make the right decision
about the course.
3. C. I understand it is time for me to acquire some life skills to make my own decisions
and direct my own life.
4. D. Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
5. E. I am 16 years old and I have just finished Grade 11 in May.
6. F. I have heard that you also hold workshops for people to gain knowledge of specific
resources, organizations, and for socializing and networking.
7. G. I read in your advertisement that you offer classes on easy and healthy cooking,
finding and keeping roommates, art for fun and relaxation, and interpersonal skills.
8. H. Could you also tell me how and whom I could contact for more information?
Sincerely yours,

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. decide B. decisive C. decision D. reliable
2. A. pyramid B. hygiene C. nylon D. lifestyle
3. A. enquire B. quay C. quality D. quarter
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. international B. interpersonal C. intelligently D. intellectually
5. A. determined B. examine C. reliant D. medicine
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. The courses try to get young people to feel ______ in applying new skills in order to live
A. sure B. confident C. excited D. interesting
7. Teens should have the ability to ______ loneliness.
A. deal B. cope with C. set up D. look after
8. General ______ skills are part of being independent and responsible.
A. house B. housekeeper C. housekeeping D. house-making
9. During our courses, you write an independent living plan to meet individual needs, such as
______, meal planning, and financial management.
A. self-esteem B. self-examination C. self-fulfilment D. self-expression
10. Parents can teach their teen to ______ to achieve positive outcomes.
A. affect B. succeed C. encourage D. strive
11. Effective ______ skills help you break each project down into the achievable tasks.
A. time-keeping B. time-consuming C. time-management D. time-line
12. When teens learn how to use their time ______, they not only get more tasks accomplished,
but they also feel good about themselves and their abilities.
A. wise B. wisely C. in wisdom D. of wisdom
13. Setting money aside for emergencies helps you be sure ______ your rent and bills on time.
A. to pay B. about paying C. that to pay D. to be paid
14. With a “To Do” list, you are less ______ to forget to do tasks.
A. like B. alike C. likely D. likely than
15. Messy desks and drawers take you much time ______ through piles of documents.
A. search B. on searching C. searching D. to search
IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.

independent encourage accidents haircut

routines try injuries independently
Tips on Teaching Teens How to Take Care of Their Body
In order for your teens to be happy while they live (16) _________________, they will need
to be successful at keeping their bodies healthy and clean. These life skills are taught throughout
your teens' childhood and adolescence by encouraging good hygiene (17) ________________
and healthy habits. Re-enforcing or establishing these good habits will help your teens keep them
healthy and happy as they continue to grow up and become young adults.
The good hygiene habits that your teens should have are to brush their teeth twice daily,
shower or bathe once daily, wash hair regularly, wash hands often, brush hair at least daily and
get (18) _______________ regularly, trim nails once a week, take care of any (19)
________________ as they happen and until they are healed, and wear clean clothes.
It is okay to let good hygiene and healthy habits slide in small intervals, but (20)
________________ your teens to stick to the routine as much as possible. If you allow it to slide
too long they can develop a bad habit and loose the good habits you have taught them.
V. Combine the sentences, using the to-infinitive.
21. Foreigners try and eat some homemade meals in Viet Nam. It is probably healthy.

22. You should go out of your comfort zone and meet other people. It is important to do so.

23. You should use Action Plans to break large projects down into manageable steps. It is very

24. We should focus on one task at a time to produce higher quality work. It is reasonable to do

25. We shouldn’t do too many tasks at the same time. It is very stressful.

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Coping with loneliness is a very important skill of needed independent living skills for teens
(26) ______ every teen has needed it. It doesn't matter (27) ______ they are going to college,
starting a new (28) ______ and moving into an apartment or getting married. Leaving your
childhood home and being on your own for the first time will cause some (29) ______ of
loneliness. Teens who know how to recognize loneliness as the temporary feeling it is, use their
support system and work through their loneliness have learned a valuable life skill and they do
just fine.
Those who cannot get over their loneliness may make wrong (30) ______ about where and
how to live or (31) ______ to live with.
We should recognize that being alone does not mean being lonely. Being (32) ______ with
ourselves is part of having a healthy (33) ______. Reading, drawing, crafting and listening to
music are activities that we can enjoy by ourselves without feeling lonely.
We should get involved in activities with our friends and activities we can help others. There
are so many (34) ______ for us to connect with our family and friends, such as email, letter
writing, online social networking, texting and (35) ______ phone calls.
26. A. because B. so C. although D. but
27. A. how B. what C. if D. unless
28. A. work B. job C. employment D. problem
29. A. position B. situation C. amount D. level
30. A. decisions B. efforts C. differences D. fun
31. A. when B. what C. who D. that
32. A. comfort B. comfortable C. comfortably D. uncomfortable
33. A. opinion B. position C. way D. attitude
34. A. ways B. designs C. streets D. things
35. A. doing B. bringing C. making D. taking
VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Learning The Basics of Essential Life skills
Living on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the
same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the
survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you.
This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live
First, create a support network. We need people to be there for us and to also be honest with
us and tell us how we can improve ourselves. Preferably, this network will extend beyond family
members and include at least one close friend that you trust. Ultimately, when you are living on
your own, you might encounter many obstacles you have never thought of and you will want
someone there to be supportive of you and to help you as you navigate a life of independence.
Second, master your weaknesses. It is a good idea to try and be aware of your weaknesses. If
possible, have your close friend tell you what they feel are your biggest weaknesses. It is also
good to know your strengths, but it is your weaknesses that you need to work on. For instance,
you might get very focused on playing video games for hours, maybe days at a time. While it is
okay to play video games, playing them for days at a time when trying to live on your own can
lead to you losing your job and also your house. So, it is important that you recognize your
weaknesses and do your best to work with them.
Next, leam to balance your schedule. It is important to learn how to do multiple things in a
day. You need to be flexible and willing to schedule time for activities, work, and social
Then, live a healthy lifestyle. You should exercise and try to eat healthy. You also have to
maintain your hygiene or you might find yourself out of a job.
Last but not least, follow your dreams and make them come true. Look through the
newspapers and online and find that apartment or house that you desire to live in. Decide that
you are going to move out and make it happen. Ultimately, living on your own is something that
you have to make happen for yourself. So, decide that is what you want and don’t allow anything
to deter you from your goal.
36. In order to live independently, you should _________.
A. dream of achieving some day
B. need someone to support you in case of emergency
C. not have the scary thought without anyone there to support you
D. have a job and the necessary life skills
37. The support network is very important because _________.
A. we don’t have any family member to trust or rely on
B. it helps us to improve ourselves and get over obstacles
C. we may think of obstacles and we want someone to be supportive of us
D. it can help us navigate a life of independence
38. All of the following are correct about mastering your weaknesses EXCEPT that _________.
A. you should know both your strengths and weaknesses
B. being aware of your weaknesses helps you avoid big mistakes
C. your friends can’t recognize your weaknesses for you
D. you should recognize your weaknesses and get rid of them
39. Learning to balance your schedule helps you _________.
A. complete your tasks at work, home and in society
B. play video games for hours without worrying losing your job
C. be flexible and willing to recognize your weaknesses
D. learn how to do multiple things at work
40. In order to make your dream of living independently come true, you have to _________.
A. find an apartment online for your parents to move out
B. live by yourself instead of living with your parents
C. find yourself out of a job because of maintaining your hygiene
D. never allow anything to deter you from your healthy lifestyle
VIII. Complete the conversation about becoming independent, using the responses (A-F)
given. There is one extra.
A. Parents should take the time to teach us how to deal with a fire or an electric shock at
B. When teens learn how to use their time wisely, they not only get more tasks finished, they
also feel good about themselves and their abilities as well.
C. In order to live independently, a teen will need to have a job.
D. It’s the life skill that teens need to learn to become independent, and they don’t depend on
their parents to go to places.
E. Yeah, we should keep our bodies healthy and clean so that we will be happy while living
F. I think we should identify what you want or set a goal first.
Lan: Nick, in your opinion, what should we do first to become independent?
Nick: (41)_____________________________________________________________________
Lan: I agree with you, Nick. But in order to take actions to get the goals, you should learn how
to get life skills. I think necessary life skills will need to be acquired in order to become a
happy and successful adult. What’s next?
Nick: Next, it’s time-management skill. (42)__________________________________________
Lan: And I think adults such as our teachers or parents learn how to teach us personal time-
management skills. And then, transportation skills?
Nick: That’s right - the ability to get from one place to another. (43)_______________________
Lan: And they take responsibility for being late. How about the ability to deal with
Nick: You’re right, Lan. (44)______________________________________________________
. If so, I would just call
Lan: I agree with you. Security is very important when you’re at home alone. We should also
have healthy lifestyles to enjoy our lives.
Nick: (45)_____________________________________________________________________
IX. Mary is interested in Life Skills courses. Write a letter requesting information about
the courses, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some
more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
Dear Ms Brown,
46. I/ be/ trainee employee/ ABC Company/ one year.

47. I/ writing/ this letter/ enquire/ training course/ management/ your time/ interaction/ co-

48. I/ like/ know how/ have/ enjoyable social life/ make friends/ access social activities.

49. I/ hope/ you/ allow/ me/ apply/ training course.

50. Please contact me/ this address/ if/ you/ any questions. I/ hope/ your kind consideration.
Sincerely yours,

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. prioritise B. privacy C. determined D. strive
2. A. wisely B. width C. wisdom D. confident
3. A. possession B. discussion C. profession D. decision
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. loneliness B. management C. confident D. protective
5. A. difficulty B. community C. ability D. effectively
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Parents should leam how to teach their children personal ________.
A. time-management B. time management C. timeline D. timekeeping
7. ________ independence thinking skills at an early age will help your children build
confidence and self-esteem.
A. Enquiring B. Inquiring C. Acquiring D. Requiring
8. It is important for children to learn self-sufficiency, develop high self-esteem and be ______
from early on in life.
A. motivated B. motivational C. motive D. motivating
9. Independent learners become ______ adults who have faith in their abilities to succeed,
achieve and overcome challenges.
A. confident B. over-confident C. confidential D. reluctant
10. Parents and teachers play a ______ role in helping children become independent.
A. final B. quick C. deciding D. decisive
11. When independence becomes your ______, it leads to the 4C’s: confidence, competence,
creativity, and character.
A. priority B. variety C. importance D. action
12. The natural desire to protect children can make parents ______.
A. over-protecting B. over-protective C. protectively D. protectiveness
13. A ______ skilled person can work, learn and recreate collaboratively with others.
A. sociable B. social C. socially D. society
14. I was ______ to recognize that I could work more effectively with my time log.
A. willing B. fond C. determined D. amazed
15. Breaks provide valuable rest ______ you to think creatively and work effectively.
A. able B. enable C. enabling D. to enable
IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from, the box. There are some
extra words.

organize dedicate enquire requires

find function achieves lead
It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours,
why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The answer lies in
good time management.
The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. By using the time- management
techniques in this section, you can improve your ability to (16) _______________ more
effectively - even when time is tight and pressures are high.
Good time management (17) _______________ an important shift in focus from activities to
results: being busy isn’t the same as being effective. Spending your day in a frenzy of activity
often (18) _______________ less, because you’re dividing your attention between so many
different tasks. Good time management lets you work more smartly - not harder - so you get
more done in less time.
Time management refers to the way that you (19) _______________ and plan how long you
spend on specific activities. It may seem wasteful to (20) _______________ precious time to
learning about time management, instead of using it to get on with your work, but the benefits
are enormous: greater productivity and efficiency, but less stress.
V. Combine the sentences, using the noun followed by the to-infinitive. Maybe you have to
do some minor changes if necessary.
21. A teen learns how to cover monthly expenses. A teen with a job has this responsibility.

22. You have to use an iron safely. It’s a basic skill.

23. Coping with loneliness is a very important skill. Teens should have this skill.

24. We should have interpersonal skills. We persuade other people to tell us the ways to do

25. We should have a good public transportation system to rely on. It is very useful.

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Building Confidence in Teens
Confidence is one's belief in their own ability. Confident people rationally believe they are
(26) ______ of doing things well and therefore aren't afraid to do those things or even (27)
______ new things. Teens who are confident to grow up have a good (28) ______ of self and
become happy adults. Parents can help teens (29) ______ their confidence throughout their
adolescence by following these tips:
Be trustworthy. Be there when your teen needs you. Provide a safe home environment and
firm but fair discipline. This is a (30) ______ that your teen's confidence can stand on.
Give your teen choices. One of the things that confidence helps teens do is making a
decision. You can help teens make decision by (31) ______ them choices as often as possible.
(32) ______ your teen to try new things. Be available to take them where they need to go
and do so without complaining.
Become your teen’s biggest fan, (33) ______ it is in sports, or in school.
Allow your teen to fail, do not fix their problems for them. If they need you to help talk the
problem through, ask open ended questions so that they (34) ______ to their own conclusions.
Praise your teen when praise is suitable. We know that too much praise is not good (35)
______, but suitable praise is necessary for your teen's self-confidence.
26. A. able B. capable C. suitable D. aware
27. A. try B. examine C. decide D. use
28. A. feeling B. state C. sense D. ability
29. A. create B. make C. lose D. build
30. A. foundation B. establishment C. layer D. basic
31. A. saying B. offering C. explaining D. making
32. A. Believe B. Prefer C. Like D. Encourage
33. A. either B. or C. whether D. but
34. A. come B. reach C. draw D. bring
35. A. neither B. together C. either D. whether
VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Improve Your Time-Managing Skills
It is common for all of us to take more tasks than our desired potential. This can often result
in stress and tiredness. Learn the art of sharing work with your partners based on their skills and
Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention as
unimportant tasks can consume much of your precious time. Some tasks need to be completed on
that day only while other unimportant tasks could be carried forward to next day. In short,
prioritize your tasks to focus on those that are more important.
Carry a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Make a
simple “To Do” list before the start of the day, prioritize the tasks, and make sure that they are
attainable. To better manage your time-management skills, you may think of making 3 lists:
work, home, and personal.
Stress often occurs when we accept more work than our ability. The result is that our body
starts feeling tired which can affect our productivity. Instead, share tasks with your partners and
make sure to leave some time for relaxation.
Most of the successful men and women have one thing in common. They start their day
early as it gives them time to sit, think, and plan their day. When you get up early, you are more
calm, creative, and clear-headed. As the day progresses, your energy levels start going down,
which affects your productivity and your performance as well.
36. Making a list of important tasks can help us ________.
A. take more tasks than our potential B. share work with our partners
C. prioritize important tasks D. complete all the tasks on that day
37. In order to improve your time-management skills, you should ________.
A. carry a planer with you all the time
B. have separate lists for different categories
C. make the “To Do” list simple to do
D. prioritize the tasks of time management
38. All of the following are true about the effects of stress EXCEPT that ________.
A. our body starts feeling tired B. it can affect our productivity
C. we don’t have enough time for relaxation D. we accept more work than our ability
39. Starting the day early can help you ________.
A. complete the tasks much better B. slow down your energy levels
C. perform as well as before D. make the day progress
40. The word “attainable” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “________”.
A. being able to attend B. possible to achieve
C. impossible to achieve D. succeeding in managing something
VIII. Complete the conversation about living independently, using the responses (A-F)
given. There is one extra.
A. I understand the importance of good nutrition, including making healthy food choices.
B. I take responsibility for contacting services, such as electric, gas and Internet suppliers.
C. Well, besides safety, it’s important to practise good personal hygiene, such as taking a
shower and brushing teeth regularly.
D. First, I learn how to manage basic household chores such as cooking, laundry and
E. Tn our house, we use and maintain a fire extinguisher and smoke detector.
F. I know how to use household cleaners to avoid damaging clothes or furniture.
Ann: You live with your old grandparents. I think you have a lot of life skills in order to live
Minh: My parents work abroad, so I have to learn many things. (41)______________________
My grandparents are not very well all the time.
Ann: A good boy! You do a lot of cleaning, don’t you?
Minh: Right, Ann. (42)__________________________________________________________
Ann: Besides household chores, you should contact services when necessary.
Minh: (43)____________________________________________________________________
Ann: You also try to get help for basic household emergencies, such as calling a plumber to
fix a burst pipe. How about the safety?
Minh: (44)____________________________________________________________________
Ann: It’s important to keep our home safe and sound. Anything else?
Minh: (45)____________________________________________________________________
IX. Nick, a first-year student, is interested in learning independent living skills. Use the
words/phrases given to make complete sentences to enquire about the courses. You can
add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
Dear Sir/Madam,
46. I/ first-year student/ and/ I/ like/ learn independent living skills/ and/ I/ like/ taught/ these
new skills/ practical instructions.

47. I/ also like/ know how/ write/ independent living plan/ meet/ individual needs/ such as/ meal
planning/ financial management/ obtaining housing and transportation/ much more.

48. I/ like/ join/ classes/ evening/ because/ I/ go/ college/ daytime.

49. I/ hope/ your answers/ my questions/ help me/ make/ right decision/ course.

50. Thank/ very much/ your time. I/ looking forward/ hear/ you.

Faithfully yours,

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