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AcademicYear : 2016-17 --``....---r.i..-.i.

Program B.Com. urons.) Year: I Semester: 11

Subject: India Socio Political & Economic Systems & Currentr Batch: 2016-2019
Time: 2 Hrs. (10.00am to 12.00noon)
Date : 24/04/2017 ,

Marks: 60 No. of pages:i

Section I

Q 1 Attempt any two of the following: - (5+5= 10)

a. In one of the advert.isements by Ola Cabs, the imedel is seen saying, "Meri girlfriend chal[i hai
Rs. 525 per kin, but Ola Micro chalti hai sirf Rs. 6 per kin," (It costs me Rs. 525 per lrm when
my girlfriend walks but Ola Micro runs at just Rs. 6 per kin). In this context write a note on

gender bias/prejudice reinstated by media in our society.

b. Write a note on Government Measures to ensure Healthy Working Conditions.

c. Prepare a comment on privatization in Education.

Q 2 Answer in detail any one: - 10

a. Read the article given below and discuss issues like patriarchal nature, lack of ideological
commitment, socio-economic background of politicians in the Indian Political system that
hinders democratic functioning of political parties in India.

The electorate was happy to give a huge majority to criminals and strongmen in the fray but the
face of a poet whose eyes were moist and whose nose had a tube inserted inside left them
unmoved-reported by news channels after Iron Sharmila's defeat in Manipur elections.
Even after Narendra Modi promised on the campaign trail in 2014 to "do away with the criminalization
of politics", money and muscle still dominate the electoral scene in India, Milan Vaishnav writes in
his forthcoming book "When Crime Pays". There is a very clear nexus between crime and politics in
India that is being fueled by two sets of factors. First, as elections have grown costlier, parties are
desperate to identify candidates with deep pockets. This has led them to embrace^+wealthy individuals
with often dubious reputations.
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Second, voters bave their own reasons to support candidates with questionable pasts. Where

in strongmen who can deliver what the state cannot. This nexus is not necessarily unique to India; it
shows up in democracies across the globe, from the Philippines to Pakistan. What makes India stand
"criminal." As one senior official from a national party I interviewed once quipped, "criminals have

currency with the masses." That is, they have access to financial resources - currency in a literal
sense -that allow them to buy their way into the political system and instantly become competitive.
Furthermore, they are able to use their criminality and a sign of their credibility to do whatever it
takes-saam daam dhand bhed [by hook or by crook], as it is often referred to-to protect the status
of the comm`drrities they claim to i.epresent. So they 'fiave metaphorical "currency" -with ordinary

Modi's heated anti-corruption rhetoric in advance of the 2014 general election, 35 percent of his
way into Modi's first cabinet. Even Amit Shah, Modi's long-time number two in Gujarat, was

party president after coming to power in Delhi. The BJP is by no means alone when it comes to
embracing candidates implicated in serious criminal cases, but it is also far from a paragon of virtue.

b. Write a detailed note on the salient features of the Indian Constitution.

Q 3 Do as directed: - (Any one)

a. On your recent visit to Gir Wildlife Sanctuary, your guide makes a candid comment on the
illegal mining going on in and around the vicinity of the Sanctuary. Draft an RTI application
letter in relation to the above context.
4 days later you get a call from the same friend who confirms receipt of your gifted book, but
also states that the book is in a tattered condition. You face a lot of embarrassment and make
an angry call to over this debacle. After failed attempts to get redressal from
//. Section 11
A ` `Q.4. Article:

Finance nrinister Arun Jaitley signaled a reset of India's fiscal policy by focusing more on the

parameter of debt-to-GDP ratio than fiscal deficit in coming years as recommended by an expert
panel. The panel on reviewing India's performance on fiscal discipline and suggesting a future
road map headed by former revenue secretary N.K. Singh has suggested a Sustainable debt path
must be the principal macroeconomic anchor of India's fiscal policy. The committee has
favoured combined debt-to-GDP of 60% by 2023, 40% for the central government and 20% for
state governments. The committee has also recommended 3% fiscal deficit for the next three

years and has also provided for `escape clauses', for deviations up to 0.5% of GDP, from the
stipulated fiscal deficit target.

Jaitley marginally deviated from his earlier fiscal consolidation road map by pegging fiscal

a year. In the medium-term fiscal policy statement presented along with the budget, the finance
ministry said the goverrment on a reassessment of the macroeconomic needs of higher public
expenditure in a scenario when private investment is not picking up has tilted in favour of the

gradual reduction of fiscal deficit. The government has also reduced revenue deficit to 2.1% of
GDP in 2016-17 from the budget estimate of 2.3% of GDP and has pegged it at 1.9% of GDP

for 2017-18 from 2°/o of GDP as mandated by the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management

"It will be our endeavor to improve upon these fiscal numbers, especially the fiscal deficit, in the

next year, through greater focus on quality of expenditure and higher tax realization from the
huge cash deposits in banks, triggered by demonetization," Jaitley said in his budget speech.
Bhanunurthy said the tax revenue buoyancy assumed for 2017-18 also looks over-optimistic.
Government has assumed 12.7% gro\wh in net tax revenue in 2017-18 which may be difficult
in the first year.

Government has also set an ambitious Rs72,500 crore target for disinvestment for 2017-18
Rs27,917 crore through stake sales in public sector units in 2016-17, implying goverrment
tangets +aims to, sell stakes (in,mpanies) worth around RE17,583.Crone. in.the nQxtL .A~ .._ife _. t ,,Sr3

two months. Jaitley said in his budget speech that the government will put in place a revised
mechanism and procedure to ensure time-bound listing of identified state-o+wned companies on
stock exchanges. The finance minister identified Railways-owned state-owned firms and general
insurance firms as probable candidates for listing in the stock market.


1. Which fiscal parameters does the government need to focus upon as recommended by an
expert panel? 2

2. Proceeds from Disinvestment is revenue or capital receipt? Justify. 2

3. Which psus are identified by the government for stake sale?
4. How does our Finance minister plan to improve the fiscal numbers?
5. Discuss the implications ofa high revenue deficit on the economy. 2

Q.5. Answer Briefly: (Any six)

1. Write a note on Foreign Direct Investment.

2. Discuss the role ofsEBI as a market regulator.
3. What is inflation targeting?
4. Describe Indian corrmercial banking structure with the help ofa diagram.
5. Which government agencies are excluded from RTI?
6. What do you mean by economic reforms?
7. What is aFinance commission?
8. What are the indicators of an economy being into a sovereign debt crisis?

Q. 6. A. Distinguish between the following: (Any three)


1. Repo rate andReverse repo rate

2. Communism and Mixed economy
3. Internal debt and Extemal debt
4. Monetary policy and Fiscal policy
8. True or False: Write correct statements if false: (Any four)

1. PIL is filed to protect one's own interest.

2. A universal Banking is a superstore for financial products under one roof.

3. Deflation refers to bringing down prices to a moderate level through ticht monetary policy.
4. WMA scheme was designed to meet long term liquidity needs of the government.

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