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Ceramic object from the Greek Period

Name: Reveling Satyrs

Shape: this object from long back the Greek Period, is a Psykster Shape wine cooler , it
is round at the base, and round at the body of the Jar, has little wide short neck and a cap.

Colour: Well most of the colour is black, the depiction of persons are creamed in colour,
and looks also kinda very dark brown reddish as I can see on the Psykster wine cooler.

Design: Painting of man-like creatures with tail and are creamed coloured , all in
different positions, and a floor their feet are upon is brown and has Greek language
Designing on it .

Analysis of the object

There are depictions of satyrs on this object, as you can see..there's a men that seems to
have a tail, and a fully grown bard and one on the right can also be seen pouring
something and the one on the left is seen holding a sack, and the third person is on the
ground in a position. Markings which can be Greek language is written across the object,
right under the depiction.There's more to be seen around the object, but This is all from
my view.

Discuss the function of the object In relation to today's Society

The reveling Satyrs is now presently being displayed at The British Musuem in London .
The object dates back to the Greek periods where there were to believed in Greek
mythology about Satyrs..Creatures that were part man , part beast . Satyrs and Sileni were
at first represented as uncouth men, each with a horse’s tail and ears and an erect phallus.
In the Hellenistic age they were represented as men having a goat’s legs and tail. The
occurrence of two different names for the creatures has been explained by two rival
theories: that Silenus was the Asian Greek and Satyr the mainland name for the same
mythical being; or that the Sileni were part horse and the Satyrs part goat.

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