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Topic: Learning
Date: 19/03/2023
Time: 16.15 – 17.15
Stage Content Notice
1 Introduction
Welcome everyone to TrackVocab.
Good evening, <name>, I have a question for
you: do you enjoy studying? <Answer…>
With the topic today, we also mention
learning. But it’s “E-learning”.
(Definition: Well, E-learning stands for
electronic learning; it’s like ‘learning digitally
via electronic media)
And a question today for you:
2 Quiz question
When was the term “e-learning” invented?
A. In the mid-20th century
B. In the late 20th century
C. In the early 21st century
Let’s find out the correct answer at the end of
this meeting.
3 Set of words 1
- Novel (a). /ˈnɒv.əl/ new or unusual in an
interesting way
+ novelty (n).
Ex: It’s surprised that he came up with many
novel ideas for this discussion.
- Competence (n.). /ˈkɒm.pɪ.təns/ the ability
to do something well
+ competent (a)
Ex: Thomas is competent to solve this
4 Set of words 2 Collocation:
- Fatigue (n, v). /fəˈtiːɡ/ extreme tiredness / - Feel/ Suffer from/
make sb very tired Experience + fatigue
Ex: After the whole day working on my
computer, I was suffering from fatigue. - have a likelihood of doing
- Likelihood (n). /ˈlaɪ.kli.hʊd/ the state of STH = be likely to do STH
being possible to happen - Increase/Decrease the
Ex: Healthy habit decreases the likelihood of likelihood of STH
getting fat.
5 Set of words 3
- Inevitable (a). /ɪˈnev.ɪ.tə.bəl/ certain to
happen = unavoidable
Ex: When you look at the computer too much,
it’s inevitable that your eyes are weaker and
6 Quiz question
Now, let’s come back to our quiz question in
the beginning.
When was the term “e-learning” invented?
A. In the mid-20th century
B. In the late 20th century
C. In the early 21st century
7 Ending
I think that’s enough for today.
Hey guys! If you want to revise the
vocabulary today, you could go to our Fan-
page “TrackVocab”. Many challenges are
waiting for you there.
Goodbye and see you then.

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