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STRICTLY for STEM 1-8 and 10 only.

Reviewer for the Finals:

Augustine’s life was a series of ups and downs and many turning points. But the
abrupt death of his mother greatly influenced his viewpoint specially on his
teachings. He also relates that he regrets most in life that he embraced the catholic
faith rather late in his life.

Among the love of his life, Adeodatus ranked closest to his heart, his own son, a
God-given gift as his name means.

He also subscribed and believe to Aristotle’s notion of Eudaimonia, which is a life of

happiness and fulfilment. He further taught that the key to happiness is a properly
ordered love.

More so, he further taught that in loving to be “ordered”, meaning right, it must
have God as its objective.

He also got involved in different heresies such as Manichaeism. A sect that believes
that there were actually two forces or “gods” that exist in the material world, the
god of goodness and the god of evil.

He composed The Rule which is a guide to living properly in a community. The most
important aspect according to him was Love of God and Love of Neighbor.

He even went on further that one of the qualities of possible being is PURE

St. Augustine taught that all knowledge lead to God.

Augustine subscribed to Aristotle in his teaching about memory.


according to St. Augustine

God bless and break a leg!

Our help is in the name of the Lord,

who made heaven and earth!

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