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To: Mr.

From: Gavril Bogdan, student
Subject: permission for a radio station
Date: November 21st, 2022

The aim of this report is to present the idea of a radio station in the
college. The information below contains details of why I believe this
idea could bring up many benefits to this institution.

A radio station would bring up our college to the year 2022. This idea
could put back this institution to the top again, showing that it can
adapt to the new requirements that where put by the modern society.
With this new idea we could put an end to the college newspaper, that
is a thing in the past, and evolve to a new, much easier way of

With a radio station being implemented to our college, the other
students and professors would learn the new information much faster. I
believe that this new way of communication will unite the college
society much stronger than it already is. The relation between student
and professor would feel more natural, one of the programme being
about this subject.
Proposed programmes
The radio station would have a lot of educational programmes, about
environmental problems, mental health issues and economics. Other
programmes would be for entertaining, where students can show up
their talents and participate in fun contests. One programme will be
destinated for the new students for meeting and communicate much
easier with the other students, in this way making their accommodation
more comfortable.

Financial support
A new radio station would not cost that much, only 1.000 pounds. The
equipment can be used for at least 15 years. The preservation for the
equipment can be made by donations from the students and

I hope my idea would be taken in consideration. A signing petition was
made and about 95% of the students and professors were delighted by
the idea.

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