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Hanan Totoh Aisha Asari Czarina Cinco

Warhidaya Jammang Fatima Lakibul

The Founding of the Katipunan
Andres Bonifacio was also a member of La Liga Filipina, although he soon lost
hope in gaining reforms though peaceful means. This feeling was especially
heightened when Jose Rizal was exiled to Dapitan. Bonifacio became convinced
that the only way the Philippines could gain independence was through a

Bonifacio then founded the “Katastaasang Kagalanggalangang Katipuanan ng

mga Anak ng Bayan” (KKK) on July 7, 1892 in a house on Azcarraga street
(now Claro M. Recto), in Tondo Manila.

The Katipunan had colorful beginnings. As a symbol of the member’s

loyalty, they performed the solemn rite of sanduguan (blood compact),
wherein each one signed his name with his own blood.

The members agreed to recruit more people using the “triangle system” of
enlistment. Each original member would recruit to new members who were
not related to each other. Each new member would do the same thing, and
so on down the line. Members were also asked to contribute one Real
(about 25 centavos) each month in order to raise funds for the association.
The KKK members agreed on the
following objectives:

The political goal was to completely separate the Philippines from Spain
after declaring the country’s independence.

The moral goal was to teach the Filipinos good manners, cleanliness,
hygiene, fine morals, and how to guard themselves against religious

The civic goal was to encourage Filipinos to help themselves and to defend
the poor oppressed.
The Leaders of
the Katipunan

Andres Bonifacio Deodato Arellano Ladislao Diwa

Controller Supremo Fiscal

Teodoro Plata Valentin Diaz

Secretary Treasurer
Jose Rizal and the Katipunan
Jose Rizal never became involved in the organization and activities

of the Katipunan; but the Katipuneros still
looked up to him as a leader. In fact, Rizal’s name was used as a password among the society’s highest-ranking
members, who were called bayani.

Andres Bonifacio had already known Rizal during his La Liga Filipina days, although Rizal did not know
Bonifacio personally Nevertheless, Bonifacio so respected Rizal’s intelligence and talent that in June 1896, he sent
Dr. Pio Valenzuela to Dapitan to seek Rizal’s advice on the planned revolution.

Rizal told Valenzuela that the timing was not right for a revolution. The people were not yet ready and they did
not have enough weapons. He suggested that the Katipunan obtain the support of wealthy and influential
Filipinos first, in order to gain financial assistance. He also recommended Antonio Luna as commander of its
armed forces, since Luna had much knowledge and expertise in military tactics.

Valenzuela returned to Manila on June 26 and relayed Rizal’s advice to Bonifacio, who admitted that it would
indeed be fatal for the Filipinos to fight without enough weapons. However, there was no stopping the
Revolution. Bonifacio ordered his men to prepare for battle. He directed them to store enough food and other
supplies. Battle plans were made with the help of Emilio Jacinto. It was suggested that the revolutionary
headquarters be located near the seas or mountains to provide for an easy retreat, if necessary.
The Katipunan is Discovered
Rumors about a secret revolutionary society had long
been in circulation, although no solid evidence could
be found to support them. The big break as far as the Spanish authorities was concerned, came on August
19, 1896 when a KKK member, Teodoro Patiño told his sister Honoria about the existence of the Katipunan.
Patiño was a worker in the printing press of Diario de Manila. Honoria was then living with nuns in a
Mandaluyong orphanage.

The information upset Honoria so much that she told the orphanage’s Mother Superior, Sor Teresa de
Jesus, what her brother had revealed. Sor Teresa suggested they seek the advice of Father Mariano Gil, the
parish priest of Tondo.

After hearing Patiño’s revelations, Father Mariano Gil-accompanied by several Guardias Civiles
immediately searched the premises of Diario de Manila and found evidence of the Katipunan’s existence.
The governor general was quickly informed. The printing press was padlocked and hundreds of suspected
KKK members were arrested.

The Cry of Pugadlawin

News about the discovery of the Katipunan spread to Manila and nearby suburbs, and Andres
Bonifacio immediately called for a general meeting. Various wings of the Katipunan gathered at the
house of Juan Ramos in Pugadlawin on August 23, 1896. Ramos was the son of Melchora Aquino,
also known as “Tandang Sora” and was later acknowledged as the Mother of the Katipunan."

Bonifacio asked his men whether they were willing to fight to the bitter end. Everyone shouted their
approval, except for Teodoro Plata, who though that it was too soon for a revolution. Heartened by
his men’s response, Bonifacio then asked them to tear their cedulas (residence certificates) to pieces,
as a sign of their defiance and determination to rise against the Spaniards. The men immediately
tore up their cedulas, shouting, Mabuhay ang Pilipinas (long live the Philippines) -known as the Cry
of Pugadlawin.

The Katipunan in Cavite

The Katipuneros in Cavite divided into the Magdalo and Magdiwang

factions, with Baldomero Aguinaldo leading the Magdalo group and
General Mariano Alvarez leading the Magdiwang group. Emilio
Aguinaldo overran Kawit on August 31, 1896, while Alvarez attacked
Noveleta. Aguinaldo was hailed as a hero and issued a proclamation on
October 31, 1896. Camilo de Polavieja replaced Ramon Blanco as
governor general on December 13, 1896.
Andres Bonifacio's Execution
While Aguinaldo was recognized as leader by the Magdalo faction, Bonifacio was recognized as the leader of
the Katipunan by the Magdiwang faction. An assembly was held in Imus, Cavite on December 31, 1897 to settle

the leadership issue but was not successful.

Then on March 22, another assembly was held at Tejeros (known as the Tejeros Convention) to elect officers of
the revolutionary government. Aguinaldo won as president while Bonifacio was relegated as the Director of
the Interior.

Bonifacio rejected the elections and declared it void. Bonifacio later formed the Naic Military Agreement,
essentially creating a government contending Aguinaldo's. Soon after, Bonifacio was captured, stood trial, and
was sentenced to death by a War Council of Aguinaldo's government.

Aguinaldo initially commuted the sentence to deportation but later reversed the commutation upon pressure
from Pio Del Pilar and other officers. On orders from General Mariano Noriel, Andres Bonifacio was executed at
the foothills of Mt. Buntis by Major Lazaro Makapagal on May 10, 1897.

The Revolution Continues

Bonifacio’s death did not deter the Filipinos from fighting for their freedom. The
Spanish government, for its part, doubled its efforts in trying to control Cavite,
which was considered the seat of the Revolution. When Governor General Primo
de Rivera replaced Camilo Polavieja on April 27, 1897, he immediately marched to
Naic, Cavite to persuade the Filipinos to surrender. The rebels, however, stood
their ground.

Aguinaldo realized that Cavite was no longer safe for his men. They moved to
Batangas, where they temporarily set up camp in the town of Talisay. However,
Spanish soldiers were able to pursue them there. Thus, they retreated to Morong
on June 10, 1897 and proceeded to Biak-na-Bato in Bulacan.

The Biak-na Bato Republic

Emilio Aguinaldo established his headquarters
in Biak-na-Bato in Bulacan province.

General llanera, who was in Nueva Ecija, declared his support for Aguinaldo.

In July 1897, Aguinaldo established the Biak-na-Bato Republic and issued a proclamation stating the
following demands:
1. Expulsion of the friars and the return of the friar lands to the Filipinos
2. Representation of the Philippines in the Spanish Cortes
3. Freedom of the press and of religion
4. Abolition of the government's power to banish Filipinos
5. Equality for all before the law.

The Biak-na-Bato Constitution provided for the establishment of a Supreme council that would serve as
the highest governing body of the Republic.
Emilio Aguinaldo and Mariano Trias were elected Supreme Council president and vice president,

The Pact of Biak-na-Bato

Pedro Paterno, a Spaniard born in the Philippines volunteered to act as negotiator

between Aguinaldo and Gov. Primo de Rivera Pact of Biak-na-Bato with Pedro Paterno and
Emilio Aguinaldoin order to end the clashes.
Paterno's effort paid off when on, December 15, 1897, the Pact he sign the Pact as the
representative of the revolutionaries, and de Rivera as the representative of the Spanish
On December 23, 1897, Generals Celestino Tejero and Ricardo Monet of the Spanish army
arrived in Biak-na-Bato and became hostages of the rebels.
A ceasefire was declared by both camps and an agreement between Aguinaldo and the
Spanish forces was made -that the Spanish government will grant self-rule to the
Philippines in 3 years if Aguinaldo went to exile and surrender his arms.
Some Filipino generals, however, did not believe in the sincerity of the Spaniards.

The Biak-na-Bato Pact Fails

The Filipino’s and the Spaniards did not trust each other. As a result, periodic clashes between
the two groups still took place even after Aguinaldo’s departure from the country. The
Spanish did not pay the entire agreed amount.

Thank you
for listening !

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