Relation 1 FQC Spss

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Relation 1 FQc

Y: RIc
X: FQc
M: CSc
Food Quality on Customer satisfaction
The coefficients, with effect of Food Quality on Customer satisfaction. Food Quality has
major impact on Customer Satisfaction because p-value < .05, the Confidence interval among
LLCI&ULCI doesn’t include zero and t-value = 22.1738 which is greater than 1.96.

Food Quality (FQc) has a significant impact on Revisit Intention (RIc)

The p-value is < 0.05 and coefficient beta is .1075

Direct effect of FQc on RIc

Customer Satisfaction has an impact on RIc.

The p-value is < 0.05.

The beta is .9430

Direct and indirect effect

Direct effect

Direct effect of FQc on RIc .1075

Indirect Effect of FQc on RIc:

The indirect effect (a*b), (1.4272 * 0.9430= 1.3458)

There is no exist 0 zero in between Boot Strap LLCI and ULCI

Relation 2

Y: RIc  DV
X: RSQc  IV
M: CSc  Mediator

RSQ effect on CSc
The coefficients, with influence of Restaurant Service Quality on Customer satisfaction.
Restaurant Service Quality has effect on Customer Satisfaction because p-value < .05, the
bootstrap Confidence interval doesn’t include zero and t-value = 87.4698 which is more than

Coefficient RSQc = .9651

(RSQc) has an effect (RIc)

(RSQc) has impact on (RIc), because ( p-value is < 0.05 , The coefficient =.6824 & t=

Customer Satisfaction effect on RIc.

Customer Satisfaction has impact on RIc because t= 10.6265 The p-value is < 0.05. The beta
is .3074 & t= 10.6265

Direct and Indirect effect of RSQc on RIc:

Direct impact
Direct effect of FQc on RIc because the subsequent causes

The p-value is < 0.05 and the coefficient is .6824

Indirect effect
The indirect effect (a*b), (0.9651 * 0.3074= .2966)

There is no exist 0 zero in between Boot Strap LLCI and ULCI

Relation 3

Y: RIc  DV
X: PEQc  IV
M: CSc  Mediator

PEQc effect on CSc

Mediation (PEQc CSc). The co-efficient, with effect of Physical Environment Quality on
Customer satisfaction. because p-value < .05, the bootstrap Confidence interval doesn’t include
zero and t-value = 100.7483 which is greater than 1.96.

Coefficient of PEQc =.9751

(PEQc) has impact on (RIc)

The p-value is < 0.05, coefficient beta is .8394 & The t= 32.7992

CSc effect on RIc

1. The p-value is < 0.05, The beta is .1523 and t= 5.8601

Direct and Indirect effect of PEQc on RIc:

Direct Effect of PEQc on RIc:

The p-value is < 0.05.

The beta is .8393
The t= 32.7992

Indirect Effect of PEQc on RIc:

The indirect effect (a*b), (0.9751 * 0.1523= .2966)

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