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3AC for Programming Constructs

If (E) Stmt1 else Stmt2 while (E) do Stmt
Equivalent 3AC/IR Equivalent 3AC/IR
if E goto L1 L: if E goto L2
code for Stmt2 goto L2
L1: code for Stmt
goto L2
goto L
L1: code for Stmt1
3AC for Programming Constructs
for(E1;E2;E3) Stmt
Equivalent 3AC/IR
code for E1
L: if E2 goto L1
goto L2
L1: code for Stmt
code for E3
goto L
Translate the following statement into 3AC

a. if (E1) { if (E2) A1; else A2; } else A3; A4;

b. while (E1) {if (E2) then A1; else A2;} A3;

c. switch (E) { case V1: S1; break; default: S2;}

d. if (a<b or c<d or e<f) 0; else 1;

3AC for 2D array or arr[i][j]
• The requirements are,

• Size of 2D array

• Data type of array/size of each element

• Storage type (Row Major Order/Column Major Order)

• Need to find the number of bytes need to be crossed to reach to the
given element and using the base address we can get the element.

• Suppose a 2d array arr is given having dimension r x c where r is

number of rows, c is number of columns and w is size of each

• For RMO, address of arr[i,j] element = arr + (i x c + j) x w

• For CMO, address of arr[i,j] element = arr + (j x r + i) x w

• Let storage be RMO, data type is integer (4 bytes) and size of
array 3 x 4, find the 3AC of c = arr[i][j] + b.

t1 = i x 16
t2 = j x 4
t3 = t1 + t2
t4 = arr[t3]
c = t4 + b

• Assignment: Solve Example 6.4.3 a, b, and c from text book.

Static Single Assignment (SSA) Form
• Static single-assignment form (SSA) is an intermediate
representation that facilitates certain code optimizations.

• Two distinctive aspects distinguish SSA from three-address


• The first is that all assignments in SSA are to variables with

distinct names; hence the term static single-assigment.
Example of SSA
Static Single Assignment (SSA) Form...
• In some cases, The same variable may be defined in two
different control-flow paths in a program.

• For example, the source program

Static Single Assignment (SSA) Form...
• Here is where the second distinctive aspect of SSA comes into
• SSA uses a notational convention called the Φ-function to
combine the two definitions of x.
Home Work: Find SSA for Following Code

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