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American College of Technology

A Place for Dreamers, Thinkers and Doers!!

Management Information Systems

Course: MBA531
Credit Value: 2 Credit Hours
Prerequisite Course(s): RDBMS
Instructors : Dr. Fikre Y. Wondimu

Technology of MIS – Lecture 3

Information Technologies
A review of the concepts, developments, and managerial
implications of the major Information Technologies used. The major
technologies in computer systems include computer hardware,
computer software, Telecommunication networks, and data
resource management technologies.
 Computer Hardware reviews history, trends, and
developments in computer systems.
 Computer Software reviews the basic features and trends in
the major types of application & system software.
 Data Resource Management emphasizes management of the
data resources of computer-using organizations.
 Telecommunications and Networks presents an overview of
the Internet and other telecommunication networks.
Information Technologies
Computer Hardware Evolution
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

By 3000 B.C., had developed written

symbols to represent numbers
The abacus, a simple counting aid, may
have been invented in Babylonia (now Iraq)
in the fourth century B.C.
1642 - Blaise Pascal, a French
mathematician, invented what is believed
to be the first mechanical adding machine
1674 - Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
improved Pascal’s machine so that the
machine could divide and multiply as easily
as it could add and subtract.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

Born in 1791, Charles Babbage was an

English mathematician and professor
who created a device which calculate
numbers to 20th place and print them at
4 digits per minute.
With Charles Babbage's creation of the
"Analytical Engine", (1833) computers
took the form of a general purpose
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

Born in 1791, Charles Babbage was an

English mathematician and professor who
created a device which calculate numbers
to 20th place and print them at 4 digits per
With Charles Babbage's creation of the
"Analytical Engine", (1833) computers
took the form of a general purpose
1833 Used to perform a variety of calcul.
by following a set of instructions or Charles Babbage
programs stored on punch cards Machine Id considered the
only designed but never built “Father of Computers”
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

Howard Aiken thought he could create a modern and

functioning model of Babbage's Analytical Engine and he
succeeded in securing a grant of 1 million dollars for his
proposed Automatic Sequence Calculator; the Mark I for short.
From IBM.
In 1944, the Mark I was "switched" on. Aiken's colossal machine
spanned 51 feet in length and 8 feet in height. 500 meters of
wiring were required to connect each component.
The Mark I did transform Babbage's dream into reality and did
succeed in putting IBM's name on the forefront of the
computer industry.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing


 First electronic computer built by John Atanasoff and

Clifford Berry
 Computer used binary number system of 1 and 0
 Binary system is still used today
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

Mark Eiken’s Mark I

Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

Invention of Electronic Numerical Integrator And

Computer (ENIAC)
 a machine that computed at speeds 1,000 times faster than
the Mark I was capable of only 2 years earlier.
 Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
 Using 18,00-19,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors and 5
million soldered joints this massive instrument required the
output of a small power station to operate it.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1946 - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1947 –The transistor

Invented by William Shockley
(seated) John Bardeen &
Walter Brattain at Bell Labs.
The transistor replaces bulky
vacuum tubes with a smaller,
more reliable, and power
saving solid sate circuit.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1951 – UNIVAC
 First commercial computer -
Between 1951 and 1958, 47
UNIVAC I computers were
 25 feet by 50 feet in size 5,600
tubes, 18,000 crystal diodes
300 relays
 Internal storage capacity of
1,008 fifteen bit words was
achieved using 126 mercury
delay lines
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1953 – IBM 701 EDPM

 IBM enters the market with
its first large scale electronic
 It was designed to be
incomparable with IBM's
existing punch card
processing system, so that it
would not cut into IBM's
existing profit sources.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1975 - ALTAIR

 The invention of the transistor made computers smaller,

cheaper and more reliable. Therefore, the stage was set for
the entrance of the computer into the domestic realm.
 In 1975, the age of personal computers commenced.
 Under the leadership of Ed Roberts the Micro Instrumentation
and Telemetry Company (MITS) wanted to design a computer
'kit' for the home hobbyist.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1970 John Huff

 Transistors were replaced by integrated circuits or chips, giving
computers tremendous speed to process information at a rate
of millions of calculations per second.
 In 1970 John Huff invented the microprocessor, an entire CPU
on a single chip. This allowed for the building of a
microcomputer or personal computer.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1975 - ALTAIR
 Based on the Intel 8080 processor,
capable of controlling 64 kilobyes of
memory, the MITS Altair - as the
invention was later called - was
debuted on the cover of the January
edition of Popular Electronics magazine.
 Presenting the Altair as an unassembled British PC
kit kept costs to a minimum. Therefore, ALTAIR FACTS:
the company was able to offer this  No Keyboard
model for only $395. Supply could not  No Video Display
keep up with demand.  No Storage Device
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1981 - IBM (PC)

 On August 12, 1981 IBM announced its
own personal computer.
 Using the 16 bit Intel 8088
microprocessor, allowed for increased
speed and huge amounts of memory.
 Unlike the Altair that was sold as
unassembled computer kits, IBM sold its
"ready-made" machine through retailers Cost: $1,565
and by qualified salespeople.
 IBM's major competitor was a company lead by Steve Wozniak
and Steve Jobs; the Apple Computer Inc.
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

1984 - The Apple Macintosh

It features a simple, graphical

interface, uses the 8-MHz, 32-bit
Motorola 68000 CPU, and has a
built-in 9-inch B/W screen.

Cost $2,495
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing
Today’s computer systems come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and
computing capabilities.
Rapid hardware and software devel. and changing end-user needs
continue to drive the emergence of new models of computers
Categories such as mainframe, midrange , and microcomputer
systems are still used to help us express the relative processing
power and number of end users that can be supported by different
types of computers.

Mainframe Midrange
Technologies of MIS
The Historical Importance in Computing

Mainframes in our midset
 Hidden from the public eye
Who uses mainframes?
 Most Fortune 1000 companies use a mainframe
 60% of all data available on the Internet is stored
on mainframe computers
Why mainframes?
 Large-scale transaction processing (1000s Tr/Sec.)
 Support thousands of users and application
 Simultaneously accessing resources
 Terabytes of information in databases
 Large-bandwidth communications
Technologies of MIS
The History, Importance and Types of Computers

Mid-range Computers
 Have become popular as powerful network
servers to help manage large Internet Web sites,
corporate intranets and other networks.
 Today, midrange systems include servers used in
industrial process-control and manufacturing
plants for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).
 Midrange systems are primarily high-end network
servers and that can handle the large-scale
processing of many business applications such as
 They are less costly to buy, operate, and maintain
than mainframe systems .
Technologies of MIS
The History, Importance and Types of Computers

Personal Computers
Designed to be used by one person at a time (Tool for enhancing productivity,
creativity, communication)

 Desktop computer has several components:

❑ Tower (containing microprocessor and other
❑ Monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers

 Laptop computers—designed for portability

 Netbooks/Tablets are extra-small, extra-light, no-

frills computers
Technologies of MIS
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in
order to share resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange
files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on a
network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio
waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.

Two very common types of networks include:

 Local Area Network (LAN)

 Wide Area Network (WAN)
Technologies of MIS
Local Area Network
 A Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network that
spans a relatively small area. Most often, a LAN is confined
to a single room, building or group of buildings, however,
one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any
distance via telephone lines and radio waves.
 A system of LANs connected in this way is called a Wide-
Area Network (WAN). The difference between a LAN and
WAN is that the wide-area network spans a relatively large
geographical area. Typically, a WAN consists of two or
more local-area networks (LANs) and are often connected
through public networks.
Technologies of MIS
Introduction to LAN

A LAN is a collection of devices connected together in one

physical location, such as a building, office, or home. LAN can
be small or large, ranging from a home network with one user
to an enterprise network with thousands of users and devices
in an office or school.
 LAN networking requires cables, switches, routers and other
components that let users connect to internal servers,
websites and other LANs.
A variety of devices can connect to LANs, including servers,
desktop computers, laptops, printers, IoT devices, and even
game consoles.
Technologies of MIS
Introduction to LAN
Technologies of MIS
LAN Components
Computer networks share common devices, functions, and features including
servers, clients, transmission media, shared data, shared printers and other

 Servers - Servers are computers that hold shared files, programs, and the
network operating system.
 Clients - Clients are computers that access and use the network and shared
network resources.
 Transmission Media - Transmission media are the facilities used to
interconnect computers in a network, such as twisted-pair wire, coaxial
cable, and optical fiber cable.
 Shared data - Shared data are data that file servers provide to clients such
as data files, printer access programs and e-mail.
 Shared printers and other peripherals - Shared printers and peripherals
are hardware resources provided to the users of the network by servers.
 Network Interface Card - Each computer in a network has a special
expansion card called a network interface card (NIC).
Technologies of MIS
LAN Components . . .
Switch - Switch is a telecommunication device grouped as one of
computer network components.
Router - When we talk about computer network components,
the other device that used to connect a LAN with an internet
connection is called Router.
LAN Cable - Also known as data cable or Ethernet cable which is
a wired cable used to connect devices, computer, printers, etc
LAN Server – a Special server where LAN operating system
Local Operating System - Allows personal computers to access
files, printers, storage and other LAN resources.
Network Operating System - The network operating system is a
program that runs on computers and servers that allows the
computers to communicate over the network.
Technologies of MIS
Function of LAN
Share network resources & communicate one to another:
 Interconnection - A LAN can provide an interconnection to LAN
based computers
 Application Server – Specifically designed to run applications in
LAN environment
 File server - A large storage disk drive that acts as a central
storage repository.
 Print server - Provides the authorization to access a particular
printer, accept and queue print jobs, and provides a user access
to the print queue to perform administrative duties.
Technologies of MIS
Advantages of LAN

Resource Sharing: LAN provides resource sharing such as

computer resources like printers, scanners and hard disks.
Software Applications Sharing: Easy to share software from a
central location.
Easy and Cheap Communication: Data and messages can easily
be shared with the other computer connected to the network.
Centralized Data: The data of all network users can be stored on
a single hard disk in shared manner.
Security: Networked resources are secured (database, devices...)
Internet Sharing: LAN provides the facility to share a single
internet gateway for all the LAN users.
Technologies of MIS
Advanced LAN Design
Technologies of MIS
Wide Area Network

 A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a telecommunications network that

extends over a large geographic area for the primary purpose
of computer networking. Wide area networks are often established
with leased telecommunication circuits.
 In its simplest form, WAN is a collection of local-area
networks (LANs) or other networks that communicate with one
another. WAN is essentially a network of networks, with the
Internet the world's largest WAN.
 Today, there are several types of WANs, built for a variety of use
cases that touch virtually every aspect of modern life.
Technologies of MIS
Advantages of WAN

For companies who have branches in several locations, a wide

area network is a viable option to boost productivity and
increase internal communications.
Advantages of WANS
 Allows organizations to communicate across geographic
boundaries such as cities, states and even countries securely
and quickly.
 Bridge great distances and can be an exceptional
communication strategy for the right organizations.
 Provides dedicated traffic during communication across the
network without sharing bandwidth with millions of other
Technologies of MIS
Advantages of WAN
Technologies of MIS
Computer Software
Computer Software is a program that enables a computer to
perform a specific task. It consists of all the instructions that tell
the hardware how to perform a task.
Computer systems cab be divided two major classes:
System software: Helps to run the computer hardware and
computer system itself. System software includes operating
systems, device drivers, diagnostic tools and more.
Application software: Allows users to accomplish one or more
tasks. It includes word processing, web browsing and almost any
other task for which you might install software. (Some
application software is pre-installed on most computer systems.)
Technologies of MIS
System Software

 System Software is a set of programs that control and

manage the operations of computer hardware. It also
helps application programs to execute correctly.
 System Software are designed to control the operation
and extend the processing functionalities of a computer
system. System software makes the operation of a
computer more fast, effective, and secure. Example:
Operating system, programming language,
Communication software, etc.
Technologies of MIS
Example of System Software

 Operating Systems: It is system software that

manages computer hardware, software resources,
and provides common services for computer
programs. Some of its key examples are macOS,
Linux, Ubuntu, MS Windows, Android, etc.
 Device Drivers- Ensures communication between
an operating system & other programs. Some
good examples are USB drivers, ROM drivers,
Sound Card drivers, Printer drivers, and VGA
 Firmware- Device identification and control. Some
good examples are Embedded systems, BIOS,
and Computer peripherals & applications.
Technologies of MIS
Example of System Software

The operating system provides

several essential functions,

 Providing the user-interface

 Managing the hardware
resources of the computer.
 Providing a platform for
software developers to write
Technologies of MIS
Function of Operating System
An operating system has three main functions:
1. Manage the computer's resources, such as the central
processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers,
2. Establish a user interface
3. Execute and provide services for applications software.

Technologies of MIS
Application Software
 Software that allows users to accomplish some goal or purpose
 Categories:
➢ Productivity software to help employees complete their job

duties such as Microsoft Office

➢ Utility software allows you to fix or modify your computer.
Example, antivirus software
➢ Programming software makes more software
➢ Software used for coding, testing and converting into a
format that the computer will understand (Visual Studio)
➢ Enterprise Application Software: Enterprise Resource
Applications (ERP) were developed to provide a common
application that supports functions across the entire enterprise
Technologies of MIS
Enterprise Application Software
 Enterprise Resource Applications (ERP) were developed to
provide a common application that supports functions across
the entire enterprise. Example SAP, ORACLE, MS Dynamics
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Manages an
organization’s customers. Example Salesforce
 Supply Chain Management (SCM) manages an organization’s

 Knowledge Management (KM) manages an organization’s

Technologies of MIS
Example of Order Fulfillment
Technologies of MIS
Exams and Quiz

Quizzes and Exams:

1. Quiz-1
2. Midterm
3. Quiz-2 (optional)
4. Final Exam
End of Lecture 4

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