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Hello class, today i will be talking about consumerism.

Nowadays, we live in a
consumer society, there are good things and bad things about it. On one hand,
there is a lot of diversity so we can choose between a large amount of products.
In addition, consumerism stimulates economic growth. When goods or services
are demanded in a society, then businesses must work harder to produce those
items. It creates a never-ending cycle of buying and selling which allows the
economy to grow. Increased production levels lead to more jobs. Additional
employment leads to better wages in local communities. Higher wages lead to
more spending. As the cycle continues to grow, the standard of living
continually rises. That process creates more homes, food, and job security for
the average families. Because there are so many products to choose from, the
companies will low the prices and that is good for the consumers. On the other
hand, the economy takes precedence over the environment. When a society
focuses on consumerism, the environment is usually the first element to see
degradation occur. When consumers focus an increased demand for goods or
services, the natural resources in the area come under pressure. Raw materials,
water, and food products may experience scarcity. Because the best price
possible is also encouraged, shortcuts happen too, such as using harmful
chemicals to encourage a better price point. By the time all is said and done,
consumerism does more harm than good from the perspective of the
environment. People don’t value the things they buy anymore. Because of the
mass-production, companies use too much natural resources and that’s not
good for the planet. The throw-away culture is another disadvantage of the
consumer society. To sum up, there are positive and negative things about the
consumer society. We should work together and make an effort to reduce the
negative effects.

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