Capstone Update 2 1

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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

So far I have accomplished getting in touch with the C.A.R.E.S shelter, and sharing my idea for my
capstone. I ended up emailing them again more formally with my updated plan, which will now be my
documentary idea of a cats life in shelter and dealing with overpopulation. I also shared with them my
idea of interviewing other volunteers or workers in the shelter. Before I handed yet sent them the
application form I was given, which instead of going in to hand in physically, I used my notes app to scan
as a document then saved it to the files app on my phone. I included my completed application with my
capstone plan. A few days later, I heard back from the shelter and learned that they were considering
my idea and just need to talk with board members first and will hear back soon in the next week. I also
will hopefully be meeting with someone from the shelter to discuss my idea further. Unfortunately due
to the speed of the organization process, I haven’t yet started my actual documentary or gone to the
shelter. But while I have been waiting, I have also created a list of questions I plan on using for the one-
on-one interviews. This will help me be more prepared and ready to go when I am finally able to start..

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week, I am planning on coming up with another list of interview questions because I
want there to be atleast two interviews for the documentary and am probably going to be asking
different questions for both. I also am planning on setting up a time to meet the board members at
C.A.R.E.S via email to set up a time for me to start my volunteer experience and figure out when it
would be best for me to come in and start my documentary. This is all I can do for the time being, but
due to this taking longer than expected, I also want to reach out to L.A.PS animal shelter so I have a back
up plan, I will be sending them the same email I sent to C.A.R.E.S which was sharing my capstone idea.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

My needs now will be getting in touch with my mentor at C.A.R.E.S and getting a time to come in to the
shelter to meet the board members necessary to get the go-ahead to start my documentary. I will do
this by having email conversations with the shelter to figure out when meeting in person will be best.
This is necessary, as this will be my guide as to when I can plan on starting my capstone project overall.
Another need now is figuring out what camera I want to use and what will be best for my documentary,
which I am starting to believe will be an actual camera instead of my phone. I will get this from my
parents most likely, as my mom does have a professional camera.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

The newest challenge I have faced at this point is not knowing how the best way to hand in my
application form is, whether that is scanning it as a document or taking pictures and attaching them to
the email. I knew the best way was to scan it, but I wasn’t sure how. I overcame this by asking for help
from my peers who I know have scanned documents in the past for similar reasons. Another challenge
was not hearing back from C.A.R.Es for awhile regarding my completed application, and I was worried I
was no longer being considered to volunteer which would mean I couldn’t do my documentary. I
overcame this by checking in and updating them what my new plan for my capstone was, and I ended
up hearing back quickly.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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