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Mystery flooded Shanghai after the meteorite crash on

the Huangpu river when the citizens of Shanghai

identified new magical strengths (quirks), which
drastically bent the laws of science. Eighty-five per cent
of the community used their quirks for various
intentions, and the rest of the fifteen per cent laid quirk
less. The clock ticked its time off, and soon the
supernatural became normal and Science failed to clarify
the phenomena, while nature failed to present me with a
quirk. Truly mysterious yet magical it was. A new magical
era began.

As I was trotting down the school hallway, pain surged

around my body like a bonfire advancing through a lush
green forest, and the silent noise of whispers of the word
‘Enchanter’ pierced my ears. The murmurs progressed
through my brain, captivating and paralyzing it, disabling
to permit any brain function. My brain and body went
numb as the background faded to black. Amongst the
blackness of the vision laid five neon eyes looking at me
with fascination than concern. The vision was magical.
The unusual vision brought back the crucial memories of
the week before. That night, I strolled down the
dilapidated Nanjing road while the sun rested down the
horizon and the violent winds softened their tone. The
street was hopeless yet spine-chilling as no signs of
human life seemed engrossed near or around it. My eyes
glazed around the picturesque drawings on the walls
when a stern yet shabby hand grasped my arms with
tremendous force. Where did the man appear from? No
questions were able to be ask and no questions were
answered. I dozed off.
I pondered over what happened after dozing off and they
were out of my remembrance but the sensation that the
visions and the ragged man’s connection to my pain
inhabited body, remained.

A glimpse was all it took to discharge a powerful surge of

adrenaline throughout my body. As I looked down the
hallway, the floor was coated with a thick sheet of ice.
The ice glimmered in the morning light and evaporated
to water droplets. The patch of ice discontinued near my
feet. Questions flooded inside my brain. I was meant to
be quirk less but the unknown had taken its control over

The ice looked was magical and alluring but the positive
properties were of no fascination when the sudden
whisper of the word ‘Enchanter’ penetrated my brain.

I had no time to react as the loudspeaker made its way

before I was able to process the traumatizing incident.
“Please report to the office if any students may have
shown any quirks of fire, earth, ice or air, Thank you”

The ragged old man appeared again and the neon ice
looked sternly at me from a distance, it was an
enchanter. But many questions laid unanswered as I
weekly walked down the corridor excepting the

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